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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 377 KB, 1200x1600, evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11682117 No.11682117 [Reply] [Original]

>Evola also advocated rape (among other forms of male domination of women) because he saw it "as a natural expression of male desire".
yikes. He was an incel before they were a thing.

>> No.11682122


>> No.11682132

Evola truly was one of history's first conscious edgelords.

>> No.11682139
File: 500 KB, 1440x2560, rape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you haven't even raped a women yet? How can you complain without even trying it? You should keep an open mind and experience new things, this is /lit/ not Reddit.

>> No.11682141

Based and redpilled and high IQ (over 150)

>> No.11682153

>your screenshot

>> No.11682157

Raped woman detected.

>> No.11682162

How can one man be so based ?

>> No.11682193
File: 226 KB, 400x386, 1533872330790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11682194

This.. This is why I come to this board. Proud to be browsing with you fine gentlemen. Keep up the good fight, brethren

>> No.11682219

> every repulsive man ever is an incel

>> No.11682245

you wish you were this Chad

>> No.11682272

ya he was a stupid faggot. big whoop. just like every other traditionalist.

>> No.11682505


>> No.11682523

Men have a sovereign natural right to rape women.

>> No.11682539

Don't teach men not to rape. Teach men how to rape correctly.

>> No.11682554
File: 90 KB, 1080x623, 32e4c1cc1980cb3878f64f09c27e8c3f0a92cc3b103fe7ac52c60245ef414c01_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Citation needed. You cant just make claims.

>> No.11682560

rape is pretty based i must agree

>> No.11682694
File: 304 KB, 900x1200, 1527983426018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evolita also advocated castration (among other forms of female domination of men) because she saw it "as a natural expression of female desire"

makes you think huh

>> No.11682726

says the ugly roastie

>> No.11682738

What females want is completly irrelevant dumb roastie

>> No.11682747

So is what men want, ultimately.

>> No.11682752

you were today years old when you realized women can and have raped men in past and present tribal societies

>> No.11682754

Yes in a healthy solar society what men want is what matters and women subordinate themselves appropriatly

>> No.11682764

>a healthy solar society
I guess that's one way to say "African shithole".

>> No.11682784
File: 84 KB, 768x550, 1528777581121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me deliver the rest of the quote for you:
>"If man in general finds pleasure in defloration and rape, everything that in that pleasure can be related to the instinct or pride of first possession is only a surface element; the deepest factor is the feeling, even if only illusory, that the physical act gives him of violating the inviolable and of possessing her whom, in her ultimate root, in her "nakedness," will never be possessed by the lusts of the flesh; it is the desire to possess this "virgin" that acts obscurely in the desire to possess the physically intact woman or the woman who resists. . . There is a wish to "kill" the hidden and absolute woman contained in every female being, and a futile sadistic desire for "possession." It is for this reason, too, that, as a rule, nothing stirs a man more than feeling the woman utterly exhausted beneath his own hostile rapture in coitus." (Metaphysics of Sex 164)

This alone shows how ridiculous and trimmed the quote on online sources is. Others to pin down the point:

>"Woman always and decisively has the upper hand over any man who desires, that is, over mere masculine sexual need. . . Thus priapic man is quite deluded when he assumes and boasts that he has "possessed" a woman just because he has been lying with her . . . Man knows it, and often owing to a neurotic unconscious overcompensation for his inferiority complex, he flaunts before woman an ostentatious manliness, indifference, or even brutality and disdain . . . passivity of man increases the more the material aspects of the "male" and the instinctive violent and sensual traits of manhood are predominant in him. As a rule, the man poorest in inner manliness is the very type that the Western world has adopted as the ideal of manhood." (166-7)

>"Only when eros is used for sacred purposes are the relationships between activity and passivity changed so fundamentally that they reflect the proper metaphysical status, whereby the man truly becomes active with respect to the woman." (167)

In Revolt Against the Modern World, he compares this "priapic" or "phallic" man with a "telluric" demon and seeks to draw a connection between emasculated, fallen man on the one hand, and an obsession with action and trauma-inducing behavior like drugs and sex on the other.

>> No.11682789

That's retarded and cringe on so many levels but since this is /lit/ here's the relevant bible passage:

Mary answered, “I am the Lord’s servant. Let everything you’ve said happen to me.”

>> No.11682807

This is very helpful thanks

>> No.11682834

What's even more bizarre are the people who haven't read Evola, yet because they are so-called alt-right seek to defend such an egregious belief. They fall right into the hands of these pompous journalists writing these shameless articles

>> No.11682845

This thread is embarrassing

You're doing God's work anon.

>> No.11682853

It's possible they are just taking the matter further by choice. Would it bother you especially if it was a woman making the argument. Like, what about Ayn Rand's open rape fetish? Is she not allowed to have that? How do we account for the same desire from the other side?

>> No.11682859

>Man knows it, and often owing to a neurotic unconscious overcompensation for his inferiority complex, he flaunts before woman an ostentatious manliness, indifference, or even brutality and disdain . . . passivity of man increases the more the material aspects of the "male" and the instinctive violent and sensual traits of manhood are predominant in him. As a rule, the man poorest in inner manliness is the very type that the Western world has adopted as the ideal of manhood." (166-7)
Woah, back the fuck up. Are you saying Evola and SJW's actually agree on Toxic Masculinity™?

>> No.11682865

Not really, since sjws don't so much have a problem with hyper-sexualized males as they do displays of dominance, which aggravates their inferiority complex

>> No.11682882

Yeah, I don't believe any well-adapted woman genuinely has a rape fetish. Extravagant fantasies are one thing and advocating the plundering of wives and daughters is unlawful; the former is the seed of the latter.


>> No.11682900

Rape fetishes aren't rape fetishes, dude, women don't desire being forced to suck dick at gunpoint, they desire the other's desire, the fact that they provoke an irresistible desire in someone they (surprise, surprise) find attractive to begin with.

Stop perpetuating this stupid meme.

>> No.11682903

"If a woman is interested in philosophy, there must be something wrong with her sexuality". Yet women philosophers are important, if often only in a lunar sense.

>> No.11682906


>> No.11682907

I think some of them desire being forced to suck dick at gunpoint, provided it is the right dick. You're right that their attraction towards the rapist is a necessary and often missing component for the equation to work, though.

>> No.11682916

Ayn Rand wrote a tremendous love letter to everything she found valuable in western society, including western philosophy and reason. This is very lunar; it's a reflection of a greater luminosity. It's also clearly a form of flirtation.

>> No.11682921

Dugin pls go and stay go

>> No.11682927


>> No.11682929

I don't know anything about Ayn Rand. That's not an Evolian use of the word lunar if that's what you're getting at.

>> No.11682934

t. roastie

>> No.11683168

Proto /r9k/

>> No.11684185

Actually reading Evola is quite enlightening to the extreme mischaracterization from both sides, who seem to want to turn him into a fascist heresiarch.

>> No.11684335

It was amazing to see how Evola's page on wiki completely changed during the american 2016 presidential campaign.
NEVER, FOR ANY REASONS trust secondary sources on controversial matters.
I literally can't count the amount of times that secondary sources will say "X said A" and then I actually checked that and X said the very opposite of A.