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File: 19 KB, 219x298, 220px-Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11681052 No.11681052 [Reply] [Original]

>no wife, family, children
>not one single girlfriend in his life
>disaapointed by his favorite artist
>publicly dismissed by all his contemporaries
>chronic pain
>almost blind
What kept him going?

>> No.11681123

will to power

>> No.11681155

true will

>> No.11681165

Listen to Black Metal to grasp the essence. He was just a manifestation of the eseence which is unfathomable for blindfolded sheep. Why did Tom Warrior keep fighting after years of bullying and abuse by peers? Will to power as the previous posters say, but a fight against oneself in the utmost. A fight against his bad image of self other have carved deep inside his brain. This is why Hellhammer came into play and ushered in another genre, and why there was no trite rock'n'roll band instead.

>> No.11681167


Moustache wax and the will. Also the Greeks. You can just tell by the way he lyricises about Dionysus and Apollo in TBoT that he lay awake in bed imagining being a Hellenic scholar walking around the streets of Athens.

>> No.11681211

Because to stop would mean death? When the only person you have to answer to is yourself giving up mean losing all hope and trading any future you might have for permanent despair.

>> No.11681237


>> No.11681258

I have always wondered if N would dismiss all forms of popular music

>> No.11681269

>the pinnacle of of will are gay satanic poser boomers

>> No.11681278

true power

>> No.11681283
File: 20 KB, 300x399, 1373986876_494741_1373988688_noticia_normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He cute tho
And I think N would appreciate his lifestyle, youtube autism aside, of course

>> No.11681287

>What kept him going?
the quest for immortality
few have achieved

>> No.11681300

cringe and brownpilled

Neechee literally thought he was the reincarnation of dionysus. look it up. can't imagine a better reason to live and write and sperg out like he did

>> No.11681316

>hates alcohol
>thinks he is the God of wine

>> No.11681336
File: 71 KB, 1000x708, zarathustra-motivator4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He knew he was not writing for his generation.

>> No.11681338

truly ubermensch

>> No.11681339
File: 431 KB, 2000x1500, zarathustra-motivator4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11681360

time war

>> No.11681400

Dude affirmed his own life.

>> No.11681412

>Listen to Black Metal to grasp the essence of Nietzsche
the absolute state

>> No.11681444

The idea that he'll have to live that life over and over again!

>> No.11681453


>> No.11681455

the fire in his belly

>> No.11681471

N was a proponent of elitist culture. Black Metal is just another strand of popular music.

>> No.11681488

unadulterated incel rage

>> No.11681591


The jokes write themselves.

>> No.11681615

Cursed post

>> No.11681667

>What kept him going?
didn't he lose his mind at like 30?

>> No.11681786

I wish there's a book written just to analyze his post-breakdown insanity.

>> No.11681817

Wasn't a man, was dynamite

>> No.11681832

His writing

>> No.11681834

How do you know he never had a girlfriend? Also, >>11681123

No, 45

>> No.11681837

45, if i still remember how to do math

>> No.11682327

>What kept him going?
The life affirming power that is present in all men from the beginning of their lives. When you become mentally ill from growing up in an unsuitable environment, this power diminishes. What you see in this board is the last spurts of life of 20somethings.
You can't sustain a self that way for long. You either change or perish like Nietzsche or the countless noname homeless addicts

>> No.11682345

>When you become mentally ill from growing up in an unsuitable environment, this power diminishes
How to fix this

>> No.11682356


>> No.11682365

Er no, he thought he was Jesus reincarnated.

>> No.11682390

>mushroom induced revelation
>a life affirming religious experience
>surround yourself only with good men, insulate from the others
The chance of success if you are really fucked up are very small

>> No.11682391

Though his life was dark, his soul burned bright

>> No.11682419

you've clearly never read his late letters (untranslated). It's ok kid, you'll get there. *teleports beyond the abyss*

>> No.11682427

Erm, no sorry blighted one,
He was to afraid to admit it.

Look into his religious life, it's very telling.

>> No.11683061

Unironically, Deadlifts against the modern world.