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11675793 No.11675793[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"There's no point dating someone who you don't think will eventually be your wife and mother of your children."

>> No.11675799

Whats the point of having children?

>> No.11675809

So there is no point dating if you're infertile?

>> No.11675997

This is good advice, assuming you're interested in settling down at somepoint and you're not a normie who does meme shit on his days off.

>> No.11676005

>what don't kill me make me stronger :')

>> No.11676048

Making authoritative statements on "the point" of something presumes a shared eschatology and goal.

>> No.11676100

What book is that line from?

>> No.11676119


To achieve some measure of immortality. The path of glorious deeds offers an alternative for those who would take it. Of course, nothing prevents you from attempting both.

>> No.11676122

hes right you know

>> No.11676126


Are we not all humans?

>> No.11676134

>i want to have children to live forever
Wew, and they say childfree people are selfish

>> No.11676135

Yes. Sterile people are defective abominations and should all kill themselves.

>> No.11676166

I never understood this stupid argument. I get that in some sense your genes live on but you don’t. You can wrap it up in as much pretty imagery as you want but you do not live vicariously through your offspring. You will die and your face and name will be forgotten. So it has been and so it is.

>> No.11676184

I never realized that all I need is a wife, just one single woman who I can talk to and share my life with.

>> No.11676239


Ever feel good after imparting knowledge? It's because your hard-won discoveries will live on. I was a janitor for many years. My greatest regret is that I could not train my successor. All those little tricks I learned went to waste. The child is more than just a biological continuation, though it is that too. Everything you impart on this other you becomes a bit more permanent.

>> No.11676253

Even if we were, what would that imply?
That all arrangements of matter in the rough shape of 2 arms and 2 legs must act as one collective ego?

>> No.11676424

>To achieve some measure of immortality.

What makes you think you're not immortal already?

>> No.11676436

He is
Nothing wrong with this.
"Be fruitful and multiply"

>> No.11676608
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Luther's quote but unironically

>> No.11676628

he's right, dating is a poor investment otherwise

>> No.11676709

Kinda homophobic.

>> No.11676726

How can you decide whether someone will eventually be your wife if you don't date her? Or should you be able to decide that after only 1 date?

>> No.11677275

There is a theory that reincarnation exists but is limited to emerging in future progeny. You don't procreate, you're dead forever.
You really want to take that risk?

>> No.11677289

Oh God, yes.

>> No.11677293

Martin Luther King is, might I say, looking very pale these days.

>> No.11677317

I am like this, is this a problem?

>> No.11677361

Have some standards. Date women that don't come across, in any way, as whores.

>> No.11678145

People that don't want children tend to be liberals, and I'm glad for them not to reproduce.

>> No.11678151

he also wrote a 65,000 word treatise titled "On the Jews and their Lies". It's safe to say Luther was based and redpilled.

>> No.11678160

don't date women who have posted ass pictures on social media or pictures with their tongue or wearing a choker or revealing clothing, don't date women who take tons of selfies, don't date ugly women who will give you ugly children

good luck anon, :)

>> No.11678163

Why you so scared of death?

>> No.11678180

didn't think I'd agree with this guy on anything just from his rep, but I was pleasantly surprised. That's a pretty valid statement OP

>> No.11678181

no, but it does imply that "all arrangements of matter in the rough shape of 2 arms and 2 legs," aka humans, are the same thing and have the same essence, and therefor the same purpose. he obviously is trying to say that the only "right" point of dating is towards marriage. sure, you could date just to fug some bitch, but you're just perverting what dating is supposed to be, a tool of humans used for reproduction.

>> No.11678182

I don't know any whores. How do they come across?

>> No.11678184
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Okay, this is epic! It's like he read either of Darwin's two major works, published well over a century ago.

>> No.11678186
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I have followed that line of thinking OP for most of my life and I dont know anymore

When I was a teenager and I didnt realize what I wanted in a partner and would date seemingly randomly only to realize a few days or weeks later that I didnt like them at all and that it was just novelty I felt

This kept happening and I realized I should just stop doing this because I was hurting these people. Either this was what it would always be like and I had to fix myself so that I actually would love someone, I wasnt dating the right people and needed to stop myself and wait, or there was no hope either way. I went with the second line of thinking which is your OP roughly

Now im sitting here wondering if I did it all wrong. Sometimes I wish I was younger, like 13, so that I didnt have to consider any of this and could grow up differently, thinking that would fix it. I think thats why I like anime and why I come here, not just /lit/, but 4chan. Anime makes me think that things like this could happen to people

Then I just remember what 13 year old girls were like, and, I just dont know


>> No.11678193

any woman who detaches her sexuality (eros) from emotion. Just like any man who serves logos for money alone is a manwhore (kike)

>> No.11678199

>any woman who detaches her sexuality (eros) from emotion
so literally no woman ever?

>> No.11678214

what? There are billions of women who have sex for the sole purpose of securing financial resources. Just like there are billions of men who go into a career and earn PhD's for the sole purpose of making money.

>> No.11678224

I guess greed counts as an emotion, but I was moreso talking about pure passion (rooted as it may be in evolutionary survival and resource acquisition) apart from conscious calculation

>> No.11678239

she breathe, she a thot

>> No.11678259

Unironcally based and redpilled

>> No.11678261

nah there are some girls who have sex out of pure emotion. Ironically many of them are what people here would call sluts. True whores are best exemplified by girls in engineering majors who basically choose their bf by crossing off items on an earnings potential checklist. The kindest girl I've ever met was pretty much a used up roastie.

>> No.11678280

>nah there are some girls who have sex out of pure emotion.
wait, so are you saying that this is a good thing, or just less of a bad thing than being rational about who to fuck based on material gain?

>> No.11678293

One is human even if flawed and possibly degenerate, the other is evil and an affront to dignity

>> No.11678304

so what does a decent girl do?

>> No.11678309

Probably has great articulation and develops sociability at pubs

>> No.11678312

the male reprodutive strategy is to impregnate as many women as possible and not raise the children

so it is basically oppression against men that they have to pay child support

>> No.11678352

the first one, we're all flawed m8. Ideally she should have sex based on emotion with one man who she marries and has kids with but I don't hold it against a girl if that didn't happen as long as she wasn't using men for money

>> No.11678355

Not getting laid is code for white genocide

>> No.11678360

>he doesn't know about PRACTICE GIRLFRIENDS

>> No.11678364

I was exaggerating. I meant moreso girls that are also looking to get married and won't participate in sexual activities before marriage should be the ones you look out for and try to date.

>> No.11678370

this whole argument breaks down when you realize that asians get laid even less than white NEETS

>> No.11678373

I think there are more than two kinds of women, anon

>> No.11678375

Sounds absolutely degenerate, unless it's holding hands and appropriate dates or something

>> No.11678384

I can see that partially, but I made the statement and I'm sticking with it.

>> No.11678389

I see. What do you think of women who marry to have a secure family and future but stays loyal and makes the marriage work as best as she could, like in a succussful arranged marriage?

>> No.11678409

there is only one kind of woman, she just varies in how intensely she is like that, for a given number of qualities.

The absolute most feminine women are simply borderline personality girls, which is basically femininity as pathology. If you act commanding around these girls they turn into the softest things the universe is capable of creating. The opposite end of the spectrum is the manjawed careerist woman, who is basically just a guy except solipsistic.

Both those types of women are huge sluts. Most women are sluts, being slutty is a different spectrum, and has to do with things like IQ, impulse control, levels of affect and libido.

All women have the impulse to cheat on their husband with a superior man for his superior genetics, that is just what being a woman entails, same way being a man entails wnating to fuck a bunch of random girls but not stick around raising the baby.

being mad at women for being sluts is simply irrational, that is how they were built, and it is totally logical. I dont get mad at men for fucking around, so i don't see why i should get mad at women either. It's all just a game anyway

>> No.11678424

I don't quite believe you, anon. And you can say that all humans are the same essentially, but vary in intensity or degree of those human qualities. That just means there's plenty different kinds of people. I just don't buy that all women are sluts.

>> No.11678432

>putting your "skin" in the (((game)))

>> No.11678438

they are man, except a small minority who wnat to be nuns, or are just intensely monogamous, but th it a small proportion of them

it's not even a bad thing, it conflcits witht he male strategy of course, but well neither is better than the other, its just the way things are

>> No.11678446

notice that women have developed the idea of 'slutshaming' which is meant to be a bad thing

what does that tell you about how they view this stuff, it;s not like they hide these things these days

which is honestly nice, this might be the first time in human history the sexes can actually understand each other, if they put in the effort, and get over their anger about the conflict between them, which will alwyas be there

>> No.11678449

>And you can say that all humans are the same essentially, but vary in intensity or degree of those human qualities.
also yes, absolutely this is true

men and women are extremely different on average though, the level of genetic difference is around the same as that between a male chimpanzee and a male human

sexes are almost like two species mingling in one genetic pool

>> No.11678451

i don't think all women are sluts, but i do think that a woman needs to be raised very carefully by her parents in a very strict environment in order to not become a slut. this almost never happens anymore thanks to the prevalent liberal sentiment of "figuring life out for yourself." i think there are very very few men who can sustain the soul crushing upbringing that modernity and liberalism provide when parents take a backseat without becoming a complete degenerate, and i think the number of women who can do it is probably zero. so basically there are unicorns out there, but they were all homeschooled or went to an all girls school and are incredibly hard to find, or are already taken anyway.

>> No.11678456

im an anti-natalist, I also dont live my life by what strangers say, especially by what some sandnigger "intellectual" says

>> No.11678459

so you be sayin we should be fuckin male monkeys n shit instead?

>> No.11678462

Idk about you but I can think of one

>> No.11678465

you may fuck monkeys

It is a varied world out there my friend, and there are doubtless some monkey-fucking compadres for you to feel accepted by

>> No.11678466
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Sounds like good advice if you want to actually date decent people, if not a bit strict.

Not that I would know, because I've never been apart of the 'singles dating' scene. I was lucky enough to just jump right in to the good shit.

>both lost virginity to one another
>now married for a few years
>sex is still amazing and continually gets better and better as time goes on
Feels good

>> No.11678467

after failing to convert them to his pleb faith, kek

>> No.11678470

Sounds like you are in the wrong environments. I'm fairly religious and there are still quite a few sluts in my religious denomination, but I think there's plenty of them that aren't. Don't most non-religious people not care about virgin marriage and want to marry and have kids way late in life?

>> No.11678485

>but I think there's plenty of them that aren't.
you would be wrong though

for example read this

Again it is unreasonable to expect of women that they do not follow their basic evolutionary imperatives, it will just make you deluded and used, or bitter and hateful

Just see thigns as they are, and accept them, and act accordingly, even when they conflict with what you want, well that is life

>> No.11678496


>> No.11678505

i dont even care about that particular guy, that is just the first example that sprang to mind, about 'pure' girls being actually reformed(or just hidden) sluts

If you think for even a second about women's evolutionary pressures you will understand that cuckolding their provider husband is a basic instinct that transcends their entire awareness of morality, in the same way that a man can't help but stare at some hot girl and want her while with his wife.

The fact that these ideas are considered ludicrous is an indictment of our entire cultural climate

>> No.11678507


>> No.11678517

i'm catholic and i've only ever seen 2 girls my age alone at mass and i'm pretty sure one of them was because she was doing readings and had to do them at each mass and this was the late one so her family probably went to the early one only. pretty much every girl that goes is there with her family, with two parents. of those, most look like they're still in high school. and even the ones that do go, you never know if they're just some lukewarm who only goes because their parents make them, which is why them going alone would be a good indicator of strong faith. i don't know, i'm just blackpilled on women. sure there are some good ones, but finding one is all based on luck and i'm a shitty person anyway, so it is what it is, i'm not even bitter about it anymore

>> No.11678518

prove it

>> No.11678520

>If you think for even a second about women's evolutionary pressures you will understand that cuckolding their provider husband is a basic instinct that transcends their entire awareness of morality
I'm no evolutionary biologist but this sounds pretty uncharitable my friend

>> No.11678529

There is also a theory that reincarnation exists but is limited only to those who don't mate.

>> No.11678548

You being funny or what bro? It’s actually true though it also applies yo men. It’s a zero sum game between the genders and there’s an inverse relationship. Either women are getting cucked or men are getting cucked. Right now it’s men. Whores are held in as high esteem as players were 20 years ago. It’s why the West is so fucked. Why families are falling apart and men prefer video games over having children. It’s why spics and niggers are fucking white women and poisoning our genes. Until these cum dumpsters get put in their place the white race is going to remain fucked. Fuck the wall. It’s not about the wall. It’s about white bitches not having discipline and white men letting their women run around aucking every dick they want. There’s no greater proof of this that tge prevailing thoughts on pedophilia. Men are hardwired to fuck twelve year olds but doing so will get them imprisoned. Women are hardwired to fuck big dicks and soing so gets cheers from white cucks all over the country. It used to be that cunts got stoned, which was better than prison. Now men get stoned and bitches run wild. Take the red pill bro.

>> No.11678549

it's just how it works man

a woman wants the best possible genetics for her baby right? That guy will probably not stick around with her, but he will fuck her because guys will fuck any number of women because they win evolutionarily when they fuck as many women as possible, insuring more children.

So what does the woman want? She wants the best possible guy's genetics, and the best guy she can get to stick around and raise babies.

I think usually it works out to her actually raising some of the provider husband's kids and maybe one or two children from a superior guy, but it vares massively from culture to culture, and race to race.

You have entire harems, you have actual enforced monogamy, you have mixtures involving various amounts of cuckolding and male infedeility.

It is simply obvious

>> No.11678554

you have an incredibly retarded view of this subject and have read none of the literature

It is not zero sum at all, there is a lot of harmony between the sexes, men and women raising their children together.
There is just also conflict

also re: pedophilia and big dicks, you don't even vaguely understand the dynamics at play, you have a childish understanding of what is going on

>> No.11678556

Extra hands on the farm.

>> No.11678561

also women can't be cucked, and spics and niggers have nothing to do with the question, racemixing is a insignificant demographically

I question if you are not actually just trolling, because almost everything you said is wrong, and i don't want to have to explain why each sentence is stupid

>> No.11678562

if the farm is my cock, then yes

>> No.11678590
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I dont understand a lot of you anons and I'd like to. What is it, specifically, that you dislike about women, or what is the differentiation between men and women that you think needs to be understood by men and overcome?

I dont understand this fear of women having sex. You guys seem to be afraid of women for doing what men do normally, but you dont chide men for doing it? Or is that the chad thing? Youre insecure about men as well just like youre insecure about women, but only specific men which people I think jokingly now call chads. Are there actual statistics backing up this feeling of a few men fucking all of women?

Is this just insecurity? Why do you hate yourself so much if thats the case?

>> No.11678595

>That all arrangements of matter in the rough shape of 2 arms and 2 legs
Humans are not merely this though. Even our higher cognitive functions are restricted to a certain bound. It's like claiming a wooden spoon is actually just a formless blob of immateriality.

>> No.11678598

here man read this book

Go to the chapter battle of the sexes if you just want the woman-mna thing

The guys on here who hate women hate them because they saw certain things about them, but don't understand that that is how women and men have to be.

It is very illuminating honestly

>> No.11678676

I'm orthodox and I see a fair number of girls in church even on Saturday evening, so better than your situation I suppose. The thing is you can't just walk up and talk to them at or after church so that doesn't help much.

>> No.11678691

It doesn't matter whether a man or woman does it, premarital sex is wrong. Despite the image of the chad, I suspect there are more women than men right now who cheat and/or have sex with multiple partners before marriage. I don't hate women or anything tho, not one of the anons itt that are saying that dichotomous shit

>> No.11678728

You could run though many reasons but for me, I'm 19 right now, and the primary 'reason' would be: I feel the need to. Not just animalistic conception but the whole process. There is a certain continued existence in it, both in genetics and in nurture, you shape an individual with blood and words. I'm a bit disgruntled with the world I was born into, the way I was raised by family and society alike. The way things were when I was growing up. It sometimes seems like everyone is a manchild and civilisation is a failure. So, there is a desire for repentance, to give to another and satisfy myself. I don't know, but having a family and living as a father seems like the best thing ever. Giving one's effort, attention, and love to a significant other and offspring is appealing, I suppose.

You become intimate with the people you know, perhaps eventually becoming so intimate that you are a couple and may marry/procreate. That's moreorless how it works in many countries. My own doesn't have American-style dating, though it isn't as strict as depicted in the above either. In this way, a woman you couple with is likely to be good for you and you good for her. This may not work given the contemporary social climate of many countries, however, increasingly socialising just sort of doesn't exist in a complete form.

>> No.11678732

>you're dead forever
sounds peaceful

>> No.11678736
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Im going through it right now

What are some of the best criticisms against this line of thinking, that women and merely devolve into what is being talked about?

Im only asking so that I can give each side some thought

>> No.11678773

>Why do you hate yourself so much if thats the case?
I have never found a reason not to hate myself

>> No.11678777

Try becoming better, by your own standard

>> No.11678796

I will never even approximate anything close to okay, let alone good

>> No.11678798

By your own power?

>> No.11678816


>> No.11678834 [DELETED] 

i totally agree but i wish i didn't cuz it means i know longer have any interest in sexy thots, it's an oldman mindset, but then again i'm over 30 so at least i'm acting my age

>> No.11678842

there are none

i fyou get how evolution works it it just kind of obvious

nobody has ever mounted a convincing argument against that book

>> No.11678857

Is it because you don't have the will to be better?

>> No.11678889
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Well it seems that he offers his own counter argument to this interpretation you are going with through memes

Socrates genes might be successful, but his memes are far more successful, and it seems the rest of culture would follow like this to a point

So a counter argument would be that because of memes, women dont devolve merely to what their genes tell them, since memes may go directly against that

Then the burden is put back on those saying women do do this to a point, since they must show that women still do this or that because of genes up to some point

>> No.11678922

Funny how "progressives" want deadweight individuals eliminated for impeding "progress" but have overwhelming support for the gays. Their very lifestyle gives society nothing but they're not impeding "progress?"

>> No.11678954

>heaven is filled with autistic virgins, babies and children, childfree liberals, caveman genetic trash, and wine aunts
I'll see you in hell anon

>> No.11678964
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>> No.11678990

>participate in sexual activities

God almighty.

>> No.11679048
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Long term social bonds. The thrill of replicating yourself.

>> No.11679368

Standing by that retarded theory, murderers, rapers, bad violent men also get to heaven because they managed somehow to procreate? I remember you that procreating doesn't mean inherently be a "good person" and also the evil, who should not, equally spreads instead in this world.

>> No.11679383

I have to call myself a "secular social conservative" because I subscribe to this thought. Hate how degenerate western society has become.
Also hate feeling like an outcast. I'm not really conservative. I'm just not degenerate. I don't fit in with conservatives but I also don't fit in with liberals nor any other group/ideology.

>> No.11679436

You can know a person without "dating".
This culture of dating, followed by perhaps have the girl becoming a girlfriend, then perhaps become a serious girlfriend, then perhaps a wife, is utterly cancerous. I get that it has become the norm and even before meeting my wife I had to go through the whole girlfriend experience thing, but it would be better not to do things this way.

>> No.11679459

White Europeans are the best race on this planet. It's for the future of humanity.

>> No.11679486

>B-but what is the point of caring about the future of humanity
Talking to a dead wall anon.

>> No.11679642

White European Males and East Asian Females are the best duo

>> No.11679643

t. r/hapa

>> No.11679648

wrong and never reply to someone that quickly on a slow board again. put some thought into your post.

>> No.11679652
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>> No.11679653

Because relationships make people happy.

>> No.11679883

follows an individualistic path which respects her past, present and future. Not neccessarily built around morals of systems but of learned grace and healthy presentations of her aspirations.

>> No.11679891

living the fucking life bro, godspeed.
Cherish what you have.

>> No.11679900

>Funny how "progressives" want deadweight individuals eliminated for impeding "progress"
What gave you this impression? Propping up "deadweight individuals" is the crux of progressivism.

>> No.11679983

Depends on how wide a stretch you make of the word "date". Being conservative in matters of diction as I'm liberal in conduct, wherever biblical traps of language or expectation are set, I'm quite sure the cage's gilding will do nothing for my prevailing mood. If it does for you, so be it: In the long run, we're all slaves to something, and while you can't pick your poison, there are always antidotes to select among and test for efficacy.

>> No.11680135

It is because it is impossible

>> No.11680161
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Boipussy don't have this problem