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/lit/ - Literature

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11674760 No.11674760[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your excuse for not being in shape, mentally and physically?
>What's your routine?
>Goals (both literary and physically)?

>> No.11674797

I have depression so I have to exercise in order to stay alive mentally and physically.

>> No.11674849

Can I watch the Mishima film before reading any of his books? I just want the rundown on his life before reading.

>> No.11674859

As for my lifting and diet, im on a dirty bulk right now and do mainly compound movements

As for reading its Guenon right now

>> No.11674864

Serious question:
Can I get (SWOLE) while doing a bunch of exercises in my home like picking up giant stacks of books instead of weights, doing pushups/curl ups, lumber jacks with stacks of books, etc.?

I want to be ripped. But I'm poor and don't feel like going to the gym. What did the Ancient Greeks do? Why was Plato so (RIPPED)? What do I do? I'm still young, how do I take advantage of this?

>> No.11674881

Yes. Make sure you eat right.

See if you can work up to doing 1000 pushups a day and like 200 pull ups. Going to uni soon and I don't want to pay for the gym, going to be doing this.

>> No.11674889

Also the Greeks used to row a lot which is why they had thick backs.

>> No.11674890

Swole and ripped are two different physiques. If you want to get swole you will need to lift big weights and I dont think you have such at home, to get ripped is easy though, just starve yourself and do some minor calisthenics exercises

>> No.11674891

Neet here. Do all my lifting from home as well as reading about 80-120 pages a day. It is possible, but u bought a barbell and weights off Amazon as well as built my own stands for squating and a bench.

Just channel the autism you use to read into lifting. They go hand in hand.

>> No.11674897

No, you’ll just turn out ‘athletic’. Just join a commercial gym, they aren’t expensive. You need to eat a lot of good food too, don’t worry about being ripped when you’re young or you won’t get as good muscle development or grow as tall (height is 20% enviromental factors).

>> No.11674901

>implying I read

>> No.11674929

Closest to me is an "Anytime Fitness" with premium prices.
I'm also only a senior in high school, so what I can and cannot do is limiting.
Where'd you hear this?
No can do.
I lurked /fit/ for a while but the nutrition/routine is really tripping me. I can't find any good source to plan around, especially since half of them expect me to "look for yourself" even though that's what I'm trying to do

Any 18 year old fitness stories, lads?

>> No.11674990


>> No.11675194

Get a kettlebell, it's cheap and while you can't get super stronk, you can get a good athletic build. You will not get big without heavy ass weights though. It's simply not possible.

>> No.11675444

Are you talking about the Mishima: Life in 4 chapters? If so yea you can watch it but some books will be spoiled and there are some inaccurate statements about him in it.

>> No.11675473


Google the 5BX Canadian Airforce bodyweight program. It was put together to get results, has worked for many, and has a track record in medical studies. It'll get you lean and limber like a boxer, and genuinely athletic.

>> No.11675489


I'm an OG Mishima fan who read my first book by him before 4chan existed and I have to say the film is shit. (Schrader's other films are great though.)

Read the Stokes or Nathan bios if you want a primer.

>> No.11675559

I follow routines from Barbell Medicine. Everyone should watch their videos on the principles of programming.

I eat around 4000 calories a day, but I need to up it to ~4250. I'm 6'8, 100 kg / 220 lbs.

I want to bench 100kg within the next month - I may be ready next week. I'm planning on gaining another 10kg by Christmas while hopefully adding 10-20kg to my bench. 5 pl8 deadlift should be doable by Christmas also.

/lit/-wise, I've decided to start with the Greeks. I've read a lot of contemporary philosophy, but I want a broad overview of the cannon to fill in my knowledge gaps and find new ideas and thinkers to pursue more deeply. This week I read the Iliad, next week Odyssey. I'm actually following St. John's College curriculum.

>> No.11675917

>What's your routine?
uuuuuuh i do construction work and make sure I do at least 200 push ups a day. I'm not fat at all, I'm very skinny. Not skinnyfat either, I just exercise for fun pretty much.
whatever based grandma cooks up. I also eat a lot of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
>Goals (both literary and physically)?
I am skinny as fuck and I feel I have below average strength even for people who don't work out much, and I want to maximize my body's potential. I want to achieve and maintain the strength and endurance I need to preserve my youthful vigor as long as possible. As for literary goals, I am not very well read. Haven't even started with the greeks. I'm reading Mishima right now and loving it. Ever since I stopped jacking off I have energy and focus. Feels good man.
I have two kettlebells, a 25 lb one and a 35 lb one. How would I best make use of them?

>> No.11675954

3 times per week gym (training for strength)
2 ten kilometer runs per week
Sometimes im squeezing in a swimming session of 2-3 km

>> No.11676024

Dont forget they dug holes for gains

>> No.11676067

Update: I decided to try 100kg, and did it!

>> No.11676097

I really have no excuse. I feel bad for being a fat fuck.

>> No.11676157
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>What's your routine?
>Goals (both literary and physically)?
literary: reading more than 20 pages per day, writing anything
physical: leaving the house once in a while

>> No.11676406

very nice

>> No.11676422

Fasting is the most /lit/ diet.

>> No.11676513

drinking whiskey every day is the most /lit/ diet actually

>> No.11676756


>> No.11676765

i do half an hour on my exercise bike every day
during the week i don't drink and eat mainly fish and vegetables
on the weekend i binge drink into oblivion and eat what the fuck i want

seems to work so far

my only goal is to survive each week and get to my weekend of nihilistic hedonism