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11673535 No.11673535 [Reply] [Original]

how psychologically probing is your diary?

i'm sure mine reads like the depressive ramblings of a severe schizophrenic, though i'm actually a normal functioning person, i just try to think every thought through and censor nothing, no matter how ugly or contradictory to my sense of self it seems.

>> No.11673616

when you make an entry in your diary, you are draining the fuel used for creative writing.

gtfo pleb

>> No.11673622

Mine reads like a cringy faggot thinking he's writing some hot shit, then thinking he's hotter shit for cringing at his earlier writings

>> No.11673649

why do you try to write hot shit in your diary? mine is an unadorned log of daily activities and attempt at self-analysis/problem solving

>> No.11673663

It's just recording of whatever was on my mind that day, and since I'm not very intelligent it's essentially stuff to cringe at from a later point.

>> No.11673682

Friday Augusting 24

Suppose today was a great, grand day. Went on the computer today. Typed some stuff somewhere online today. Recollection of what occured's bit hazy. In truth, today was a damned damning day like yesterday. I did nothing of import. Knowing whether something is good or bad, my antient ancestor took that fruit there on the tree, no, so why this discernment trouble? The question is just a question.

>> No.11673719

Why all the gerunds? Are you trying to imply that the day somehow conspires against you?

>> No.11673731

I only write total stream of thought entries into my journal with little punctuation. Usually if I try to read them the next day they’re mostly incomprehensible. I don’t do it intending for it to be readable though, I mainly do it to help my mind stop racing so I can sleep.

>> No.11673732

Why is 2 gerunds so much for you?

>> No.11674912

I seriously hope you guys have a secret Latin diary filled with your darkest thoughts.

>> No.11674925

Mine reads like the self-important scribbles of a melodramatic and whiny 13yo.

>> No.11674935

Why would you keep a diary? It's like showing everyone your hand in poker

>> No.11674972

Do you think people spend their days showing their cringy diaries? That shit is stashed away and kept out of sight.

>> No.11675446

Well they’re just unnecessary. But it could be useful in the creative sense included in my question.

>> No.11675519

i'm too paranoid to write about my honest thoughts.

>> No.11675621


Could you post some excerpts, OP?

>> No.11675673

I refuse to leave any evidence behind of how I think or feel. It will not do me any benefit across any span of time.

>> No.11675744

The most secure location for inner thoughts is in your noggin, anon

>> No.11675991

fucking same

>> No.11676144

and then you forget them. i like to keep a record and face myself with who i was and through that who i am.

>> No.11676303

Work on that memory, pothead

>> No.11676304

Dog chasing tail whirlwind of never admitting


>> No.11676710

Sun May 7 22:07:30 2017
"I am old enough now to know better than to bear my cross alone."
This particular line reminds me of how I used to think that I can go on living solitary, in need of nobody. But now, as days pass by, the need of finding someone, someone who will accompany me to my grave, grows inside of me and develops from a discarded, unthinkable and out of touch with my mindset into something very vital.

I guess not being remotely close to anyone and being emotionally-virgin has led me into giving up partly any chance of me being in love (or in need of company). But this changed as I got my first chance with a girl in an almost-one-year relationship. Although, I didn't withdraw completely from my I-cant-love-nor-be-loved stance. This was true only during the relationship and before it. As soon as it ended, as I expected, causing no drama, as I expected too, I started to 'feel'... to feel lonely.

>> No.11676718

Sun Jul 30 12:30:43 2017
Most my morning dreams are about her.

>> No.11676724

Fri Aug 4 22:21:55 2017
Note to self: By going out alone you'll have no one to warn you about the powdery white wall you're about to lean on, no one to inform you about the work of art on your back and no one to help you clean it. Instead, you'll have everyone to quietly admire the literal meaning of making an exhibition of one's self.

>> No.11676730

Thu Aug 10 23:33:04 2017
Feeling lonely is consistent, but less severe.

As a kid, my parents didn't fully believe that I was short sighted, so I spent my whole elementary school copying from my peers (And I always topped the class). I guess this could explain why I'm so poor with remembering faces, expressions and details. I recognize people with their shape, color of cloths, the way they walk, voice and even smell. But never their blurry faces. And names are nothing but a set of variables for me, so I had a problem remembering them too.

And yeah, I've never got anything for being good at school, but a good beating is always expected when I don't behave. I remember being imprisoned for a whole month for stealing money. They gave food from under the door. Like an animal.

>> No.11677027

fucking cringe

>> No.11677113

you're not wrong. i've quit smoking pot (mostly) because it has done serious damage to my short and longterm memory. i always knew it wasnt good for me but the bad effects snuk up on me.

>> No.11677151

Is everything you write down woe is me crap?

>> No.11677156


8/25/18 1840hrs

What is there for me to say right now? I mean I can give you the entire rundown of my life this past few weeks but where is it going to get us eh? Fuck it, I haven’t masturbated for over seven days, haven’t smoked weed for about the same. No beer or alcohol since yesterday, disconnected all my social media in June and haven’t logged into Tinder for about two weeks now. Can I say I am going pure? Ha!

Not really.

Just trying to be less tired and distracted by bullshit and more focus on the shit I need to accomplish. Loosing focus on stupid shit used to waste all my energy. I am usually up by 0400hrs due to work and by noon i’ll have no energy left to do the things I had to do to better myself after work. Do I preach all this shit so that you can do the same? Nah. Just writing down my thoughts to get them in order and penetrate the world the best way I know how. By writing. Don’t like it? Tough fucking titties.

Every time I sit down and write a few words I realize right away how frustrated my thoughts are. I write angry, I feel like my heart is about to come out my mouth. Why? What the fuck is going on that I have to resort to anger every time I lay down some words on here. I am not sure. I guess I’ll find out with due time.

>> No.11677161


>> No.11677176

I slept outside on the back of Mt.--- last night. I first considered sleeping by a small concrete graffiti wall but it was too close to the paved lookout point, not private enough, and not very comfortable. I moved further down and found a little pocket of rock in the hillside just off the back path that seemed secluded enough and pretty comfy and would protect me from wind. I put all my shirts on and used my backpack as a pillow. I tried to sleep there a few hours but it wans’t comfortable enough. I masturbated twice here and it felt good to cum in the open air. I decided to move off the path to a slab of rock out of easy accessible across a little gulley which I had to climb down and then up. Here there was tall grass and little tree bush things that would shelter me completely but when I got closer it didn’t look so comfy to sleep right in the thick of them so I slept just out front in the tall grass hoping there were no ticks around. Otherwise I felt safely tucked out of the way and comfy here.
I spent the morning fading in and out of sleep while the sun rising in the east cooked me. I felt dehydrated and sick but the sun felt good on my skin and the easiest solution to my problems was to go back to sleep, so it was already afternoon by the time I actually pulled myself up and at this point I felt like complete shit and the whole way down the mountain I felt like I was gonna pass out though this was probably mostly in my head. I went to the nearest gas station at the base and bought two gatorades because the lady told me it was on special and I was feeling particularly manipulatable right then so I chugged one down immediately and refilled with water the other which I kept in my bag for later. But it was on the way down I began to question this whole project and wonder what the fuck I was doing out here sleeping like a hobo all alone. What is this other life I have bargained for myself? I am sick of it. And yet it goes on insisting this is the only way.

>> No.11677222
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its mostly me just trying to articulate how much i hate myself to myself

>> No.11678419
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>I've never got anything for being good at school, but a good beating is always expected when I don't behave.

>> No.11678475

I've been trying to get started writing one lately, but my life is pretty uneventful. It's just going to end up being a bunch of retarded thoughts, probably half-way between an actual diary and a writing journal.

>> No.11678478

my diary is a fucking masterpiece, i think sometimes about just posting the entire assembled thign, including the thousands of bits of paper, vaguely chronologically onto a website

i read my diary and i think 'this guy is a fucking genius, you will never be this good' even though i wrote those things, after a few months i am so different that i just don't remember how i wrote them

the poetry especially, but the philosophy and other random stuff as well

>> No.11678523
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okay pal