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/lit/ - Literature

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11672129 No.11672129 [Reply] [Original]

>The Recognitions
>The Book of Disquiet
>Dead Souls
>Sabbath's Theater
>Beware of Pity
>Fathers and Sons
>All of John Williams

>> No.11672205

other than obvious memes this board actually talks about pretty good books

>> No.11672221

Definitely :) So long as you can also avoid all the Culture of Critique recs and Peterson baits

>> No.11672273

Confessions of a Mask
Growth of the Soil
A Hero of Our Time

>> No.11672275
File: 25 KB, 333x499, amiels journal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my last post on this board

>> No.11672301

See you tomorrow buddy.

>> No.11672315

At Swim-Two-Birds by Flann O'Brien.

>> No.11672319

everyone should unironically read CoC at least once

>> No.11672352

i don't think i'd heard of confederacy of dunces before reading /lit/. that's a pretty good one.
i also hadn't heard of stoner so i read it and it's as boring as fuck
so it's 1-1 i suppose

>> No.11672618

Blood Meridian. Turns out it's my favorite book now

>> No.11672956

Most of them. I've been browsing this shithole since I was 14.

>> No.11672974

Story of the eye
Sorrows of young werther (already heard about it but thought it was probably gay)
Infinite jest

>> No.11673023

me too. let's go together.

>> No.11673047

Same here, except for 16. 24 now, and I probably won’t read a book unless someone on here recommends it. I am completely dependent on this forum.

>> No.11673078

Doctor Faustus
The Master and Margarita

>> No.11673178

Anon's diary
It's quite touching.

>> No.11673183

I wouldn't know anything about Borges if it weren't for /lit/.

>> No.11673192

Read the Art of the Deal and Culture of Critique, you commie libtard.

>> No.11673207

someone said this was a funny book without elaborating and the title got me
>Berlin Alexanderplatz
memed for like a day when NYRB released it, finally got it a few months ago and it's now one of my favorites
>Infinite Jest
the book that started it all

>> No.11673213
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Where can I read it?

>> No.11673261

that image hits pretty hard but i got better music taste than /mu/core and there should be a bong somewhere.

i feel like that's the best representation of the archetypal 4chan man that ive seen.

>> No.11673280

the ice palace
convenience store woman
tai pei
my struggle

>> No.11673281

It's missing "I'm smart, it's just that I didn't try in HS"

>> No.11673302

I’d never heard of Leopardi until a few weeks ago but I immediately fell in love. Thanks /lit/

>> No.11673333

Yeah, one of those two books is definitely better than the other.

>> No.11673347


Don't think I've ever laughed out loud at a book as much as that one.

>> No.11674655

I want book recs, not your life story faggot

>> No.11674686
File: 111 KB, 447x675, Rulfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The invention of Morel
The kingdom of this world
Pedro Paramo
The plain in flames
The big sleep
Three trapped tigers
Kiss of the spider woman
Things fall apart
Blood meridian

>> No.11674724

This is the best starter pack I've ever seen.

>> No.11674840

in the miso soup
no longer human (sort discovered through here)
the conspiracy against the human race
also allot of philosophy:
The phenomenology of spirit
etc etc.

>> No.11674846

You don't sound funny to anyone

>> No.11674948
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None actually. And I browes this board regularly since 2 years.

>> No.11674993

Nice blogpost you fucking melodramatic zoomer.

>> No.11675028

So you don't read?