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/lit/ - Literature

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1167028 No.1167028 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I wanted to start this thread, and I couldn't decide on the right board (of course, you could suggest /b/, but.... no, I'm not going to /b/). I figured the Quran is literature, so I'll come here.

What is there in the Koran that non-Muslims (particularly Deists, atheists, agnostics, etc who appear to have a bone to pick with Islam) that is so objectionable? In it, I see tolerance. I don't see the radical oppression of women, the killing of infidels, etc. I don't see the inconsistencies for which people often criticize the Bible. So what - in the Koran - is so objectionable?

>> No.1167037

give us back the ball coach

>> No.1167065

It's because when the western world first contacted Muslim traders, the traders spoke of this wonderful book that was a guide to good and healthy living. The western men looked down at the book and saw the word 'Quran' and said 'The Queue-ran?'

and western society has never got over that embarrassing pronunciation error many years ago. That is the story of what people find objectionable about the book.

>> No.1167087

On the topic of women:

>> No.1167112


Not funny.

>> No.1167134
File: 10 KB, 321x400, 72-James-Joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right off the bat Islam and I just don't jive. The word itself means submission and I refuse to believe a person should ever submit their will or beliefs to a single goddamn book.

That includes the Quran, the Talmud, Old and New Testament, Atlas Shrugged, The Joy of Cooking, whatever.

It's a fucking BOOK. There are quite a few of them out there you know? And a whole lot of them are filled with beauty and tolerance and can make you a much better person.

But no single one should ever be the guiding text of your life. Read them all.

I don't care if it manifested in god's womb and came out of her vag covered in holy pussyjuice nothing is that profound.

So while the Quran itself may be just dandy I will not tolerate those whom think it's somehow reflective of the universe in totality. That is pure bullshit.

Pic Related: An author superior to Mohammed

>> No.1167135

I lol'd HARD. Funniest post I've read on /lit/.

>> No.1167144
File: 25 KB, 616x421, isabelle-huppert_108924s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in before wave after wave of rage, thinly veiled racism, open racism, general idiocy and the thread turning into 150+ replies arguing about whether or not God exists.

>> No.1167200
File: 44 KB, 480x456, 2001998698441982468_rs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really know anything about it except for the basic story of mohammed.

people have told me they talk about killing jews in it a fair amount, in historical contexts... t/f?

>> No.1167217


[And yes. James Joyce is better at writing than Allah.]

>> No.1167223
File: 18 KB, 200x305, 200px-StephenHero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get some Stephen Hero up in here