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/lit/ - Literature

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11670219 No.11670219[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just a friendly reminder that books are an outdated medium. You are wasting time that could be better spent playing games or watching movies.

>> No.11670364
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>brings back pamphlets

>> No.11670387

Basically what zines are

>> No.11670476

I want to burn a square inch of her skin with a blowtorch for every time she fantasized about fucking a nigger.

Fuck roasties. Fuck whores.

>> No.11670489

I'd rather just pay her to suck my dick

>> No.11670491

You're absolutely right, books are shit
Netflix is much better

>> No.11670494


>> No.11670597

Not really. There are many feelings I've felt while reading a book that I've never experienced while watching a film, much less a videogame. Not to mention the thoughts I've had. Why don't we accept the fact that each medium has its own virtues instead of acting like autistic 12 year olds who play Minecraft exclusively?

>> No.11670607

>much less a videogame
what did he mean by this?

>> No.11670615

Literally perfect qt3.14/10

>> No.11670618

Millennials are most likely the last generation of readers. Zoomers don't read and hate every medium that isn't Youtube and video games.

By the end of this century you will start seeing English classes assigning films in place of books; and by that point even movies will be considered outdated to the new generation of VR addicted ultra zoomers of the time. Books will be looked at the same way as neanderthal cave paintings.

>> No.11670622


90% of the people who say movies are a better medium than books have probably never seen a Tarkovsky film or a silent film in their lives

>> No.11670624

Not him but most video games don't leave much space for introspective experiences, it's mainly about action.

>> No.11670629

We're heading to Idiocracy, aren't we?

>> No.11670644

Probably not. A lot of blondes like that are racists. My girlfriend is

>> No.11670678
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this, but unironically. this entire board is basically
>literature is old and unpopular, so I must pretend to like it! Reading Infinite Jest is f-fun! Time to google the meaning of this chapter and then shitpost on /lit/ for the rest of the day because I can't even stomach the same medium I claim to "love"

>> No.11670699

Why are you here? Your kind should be put to sleep.

>> No.11670710

>why isn’t everyone else a brain dead loser like myself
Ehl oh ehl

>> No.11670720
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>> No.11670730

I'm too ugly to get it for free

>> No.11670738

I enjoy all mediums, retard. I'm not an autistic bookworm.

>> No.11670757

why do non-readers assume that readers hate reading?

>> No.11670758

Infinite Jest is legitimately a hilarious book and people who pretend it's boring or hard and read purely for pseud-cred have clearly never even read the first ten pages.

People definitely buy it for pseud-cred, but it's laborious enough that you have to enjoy it at least a little to get through it.

>> No.11670760

How would it be 'better spent'?

>> No.11670762

I read because I enjoy it and have done so since elementary school.
Not everyone here is a poser.
I come here because I am genuinely looking for more interesting shit to read especially these days as most content produced by Netflix etc is lazy qnd unimaginative.
Take the most recent season of Rick and Morty for example

>> No.11670771


>> No.11670790

Unironically the hottest pick if have seen in quiet some time. Thank you.

>> No.11670799

>life is best spent on an early death

>> No.11670802

>early death
Spotted the boomer

>> No.11670803

I mean how would specifically movies and playing vidya be better spent than books?

>> No.11670815

>short life experiencing the maximum amount of pleasure
>a century of being a miserable pseud pretending that reading 200 year old tomes is enjoyable in the slightest

Yeah, tough choice.

>> No.11670822

>he doesn’t about the monastics who spent their entire life ascetically only to be rewarded with serenity and perhaps a beatic vision.

>> No.11670841

>>short life experiencing the maximum amount of pleasure
Pleasure is limited by one's biology and income. If you live an objectively mediocre or shitty life, literature is best form of escapism there is

>> No.11670880

>Pleasure is limited by one's biology and income. If you live an objectively mediocre or shitty life, literature is best form of escapism there is

>> No.11670890

>corrupting the eternal soul for cheap and transient pleasure

>> No.11670892

video games are objectively superior to books when it come to escapism.

Toss weed into the mix and books simply cannot compete

>> No.11670912

If you live an objectively mediocre or shitty life, masturbation is best form of escapism there is

>> No.11670931

>not enjoying reading while high
Must be literally retarded

>> No.11671000

Videogames don't let you vicariously live the lives of smarter and more successful people. It mostly just consists of power fantasies. With books you can read the thoughts of actual geniuses, which is almost like living in their heads.

>> No.11671012

No other medium captures human thought like literature does. Film consists of images that require interpretation, and video games consist of feeling satisfied over accomplishing arbitrary goals. Only literature lets you live in someone else's head.

>> No.11671160

Is photography an outdated medium? Is black and white movies outdated? Is 8bit videogames outdated? On what basis do you take literature as outdated?

>> No.11671234

a game like nier automata is pretty much the highest form of art in our age. books really cant compete. even film pales in comparison

>> No.11671277

nier is barely literary, it's an ok aesthetic but there's games i'd hold up as being more narratively and thematically interesting

i'd heard people jacking off over it as some sort of aesthetic masterpiece and in the end i just got jpop goth pseudo-nietzschean ramblings with a repetitive quest structure. wow so deep

>> No.11671282

Artists should create illustrations for texts, might even be profitable. Could make for a kind of visual novel too.

>> No.11671292

360° video is pretty cool though.

>> No.11671312

Your impotence won't help you get women.

>> No.11671380

My mood is
Much better being a NEET with books than when I was a NEET with vidya

>> No.11671405

Aren’t you missing something?

>> No.11671440

>Not reveling in the cheap and transient pleasures of life before settling into a life of intellectualism.

Can one really be an intellectual if they haven't done this?

>> No.11671448

Anyone who ‘misses’ those is a net winner

>> No.11671574
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What do you think?

>> No.11671664

Why do people think Infinite Jest is so hard? Because it isn't. It's overly long, yes, but it's also funny and interesting, and there's hardly any other book that feels so contemporary, despite being written more than 20 years ago.

>> No.11671728

lots of people do that. myself included. i even incorporate gifs. it isnt that hot.

>> No.11671792

It wasn't supposed to be a documentary, but in the end, ultimately, it turned out to be one. Sad.

>> No.11671835
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*snap* this is going in my cringe compilation