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/lit/ - Literature

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11666731 No.11666731[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We're having a /lit/ meetup in Boston. Trident Booksellers & Café on Newbury Street.

Email bostonliterature at gmail if you're interested & I'll give you the date & time.


If you've been to university organizations, reading groups, or hung out in a cafe up here, you've noticed the stifling eggshell-walking culture. And also that no one reads /lit/ books.


Something in the vein of Ben Franklin's Junto. Discussion, critique, &c.

>> No.11666755

Hoping to see a lot of traditionalists. Would love to discuss redpill ideas with you guys

>> No.11666772
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>> No.11666869

As a based black man I hope I will meet a lot of fellow magapedes!

>> No.11666948

Look: nytimes.com

Sorry trumpette, but your guy is FINISHED.

>> No.11667087
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>> No.11667202
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>> No.11667213

stop bumping your shitty thread you lonely faggot

no one wants to "meet up" with you.

>> No.11667286


All girls attending this event are reminded to wear open-toed shoes. If your feet are atrocious or you attempt to hide them from view, you will not be permitted to participate.

>> No.11667290
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Project harder, baby ;^)

>> No.11667408

heels only

>> No.11667557
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>> No.11667591


Peep toes are acceptable but make sure you at least have a glossy coat if you don't have any color.

>> No.11667641

How do you plan to make Women (female and non-binary) and People of Color feel safe?

This sorta thing sounds so rapey I'm actually tempted to notify the authorities so they're at least aware of what's going on.

>> No.11667644
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>> No.11667650

>5 unique posters

>> No.11667664
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>> No.11667689

I'd go but I'm busy that night.

>> No.11667693

Assuming it is Friday night.

>> No.11667695

Hey, it doesn't make you a bad person.

>> No.11667723

Dunno yet

>> No.11667760
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will there be any g-girls?

>> No.11667764

Yes but they weren't born girls. A lot of them got scared away after what happened last time.

>> No.11667784

for real though, i might go but i'm in maine until saturday

>> No.11667791

Can I call you "faggots" if I happen to go meet ya?

>> No.11667795

you can but Cringy Bob won't like it.

>> No.11667797

You dont call "based" to yourself, thats a label that is given.

>> No.11667805


I'll be there with my bandana on, OP

btw I'm a girl ;3

>> No.11667808

I think black people can call themselves based if they want. It's just us wh*tes that can't

>> No.11667810

I figured but then whats the point of a /lit/ meetup if it's not gonna be /lit/.

>> No.11667817

girl (male)?

>> No.11667819

last time he whipped his dick out and we had to end the meet-up early because he was gonna get the cops called on us.

>> No.11667820

No, the same rules apply for all people. Also I'm not white.

>> No.11667855

how many people go to these meetups and how many of them are actually not shitskin?

>> No.11667860

Usually zero white people show up. They're all busy working and paying taxes.

>> No.11667878

Why does everyone shit on BU students?

>> No.11667889

should i go to this?

>> No.11667893


>> No.11667898

Just come down whenever man. OP has nothing going on, he's always down to hang with a bro from the 'chan! He just lives to bump this thread so someone will have to take care of that for him while you guys go out on the town.

>> No.11667900

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im goin to thits

>> No.11667902


>> No.11667908

This salt lmao

>> No.11667916

Disheveled pseuds with a shit B&N and a fucking CITGO sign in a part of the city that no one considers part of the city. Just sad.

>> No.11667933

You may have to interact with g-g-guh-girls, yeah.

>> No.11667985

any girl who goes to a 4chan meetup is probably a fat dyke tho

>> No.11668052


DARPA is sending it's zoftig teal-haired operatives to infiltrate your little circle jerk

>> No.11668222
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