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/lit/ - Literature

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11662402 No.11662402 [Reply] [Original]

Post your stacks

>> No.11662413

How bout I stack these nuts on your face

>> No.11662414
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Fix you’re grammar

>> No.11662774
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Purchased these over the last two months at used books stores in the LA area. Total cost $71. Rate? Pls no bully.

>> No.11662797
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everyman is sewn rite?

i want to start collecting books in hardcover so I do not have to worry about the glue in paperbacks.

>> No.11662804
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>> No.11662876

The Elementary Particles
The Man Without Qualities
Death in Venice

how’s my stack?

>> No.11662909

>Completion of the conics
What're those?

>> No.11662920

The ones I have are sewn. Online some people have reported purchasing copies that were glued. Everyman is definitely my favorite series for collecting. The choice of translators for non-english books is usually a good one.

>> No.11662940
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Is a stack what you're reading or what you've bought
This is what I'm reading and I love them all. The Sound and the Fury is incredibly difficult (I thought it would get easier after Benjy lol), I'm done with the major works of Plato minus Republic (on book IV), Moby Dick is comparatively fast despite having to Google definitions every so often, and Descartes is very easily readable compared to the Greeks and Romans. Shame because from what I understand easy reading is an exception rather than a rule in philosophy

>> No.11662978

What's your translation for Faust, and how do you like it?

>> No.11663012

I don't stack books.

>> No.11663019
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Rate my stack

>> No.11663027


The mathematician Ibn Al-Haytham wrote an eighth book to ‘On Conics’ by Apollonius (because the eighth book is lost to history). Oddly enough I was just reading some Lemmas to book 8 of On Conics by Pappus (those have survived) but his lemmas are mostly about triangles, so it’s hard to tell what book 8 would’ve looked like.

>> No.11663332

I'm a math brainlet, any book reccomendations?

>> No.11663408
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A community college or university class if you're serious. Maybe YouTube videos but seems iffy to me.

As someone who is pretty good at math (STEMfag reporting in), teaching yourself mathematics is absolutely no substitute for having a teacher or, at the very very least, someone to bounce questions and demonstrations off of.

>> No.11663542


>> No.11663584

9/10, nice books

>> No.11663701
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there's also The stricken deer, an excellent biography of Cowper's, that I just finished.

>> No.11663715

Very patrician, anon. How's Russells book? Barzun was really a good read, gonna buy the hardcover of it as well as the pocket version looks pretty bad already.

>> No.11663974


>> No.11664062

apostol calc

>> No.11664379

Some Thomas Hardy,Osbert Lancaster,Marianne Moore and Clive James

>> No.11664426

No Ong? No Innis?

>> No.11664780
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Basically all the books I have on hand right now.

>> No.11664820


>> No.11664847

Are you the same person who was shilling Barzun about a week ago? Would you recommend that book?

Also, which translation of Herodotus is that edition?

Really nice books, I have a pleb tier bookshelf with maybe 10 hardcovers and 200 paperbacks of the cheapest kind.

>> No.11664848
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>> No.11664856

That Arden Shakespeare is the one where they cut out all introductions and footnotes right?

>> No.11664860
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>> No.11664975

No that wasn't me. The Histories was translated by George Rawlinson, The Divine Comedy by Allen Mandelbaum, and Plutarch's Lives by John Dryden.
Try visiting used book stores anon. If you live in a major city there will usually be plenty of stores and the books are often in good shape. This is how I was able to afford starting my own collection.

>> No.11665013

don't you find it depressing to spend some of your time working for those who are inferior ?

>> No.11665025

This guy is autist on autism

>> No.11665108

>tfw psychology is shitty because psychologists are the kind of people who read joyce's fart letters and shitpost about nick land

>> No.11665190

No, I can take time to talk if you want.

>> No.11665357

Cowper seems an odd poet to be spending so much time on. What kind of poetry do you usually enjoy?

>> No.11665969

Well, first of all he was a great translator, of the kind that is as focused on the poetical value of the work as much as any scholarly accuracy. I prefer my Homer in rhyme.

But in Cowper case there's is also the appeal of reading the distraught life and slow unraveling of a madman. Cowper was connived that he was himself damned, abandoned by god, he was petrified that he was going to go to hell. And in his later life he wrote partly as therapy and partly for his own salvation . It’s not the mad rhetoric of Donne but rather the voice of a poet living in the age of enlightenment and feeling the to justify his madness.

His two famous poems about receiving his mothers portrait and the Castaway are good examples of the therapy and the despair

>> No.11666013

Got 'em!

>> No.11666194

sadly yes

>> No.11666237

sjc core

>> No.11666513
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recent stack
what should i read first?

>> No.11666591

yo what the fuck where is the paradiso

>> No.11666647

That sounds fairly interesting but the poetry itself seems so bland. I find Bunyan to be the most moving of the 'damned souls' in English literature - I don't think Cowper is particularly powerful in his expression of those kinds of sentiments.

>Now I blessed the condition of the dog and toad, yea, gladly would I have been in the condition of the dog or horse, for I knew they had no soul to perish under the everlasting weight of Hell or Sin, as mine was like to do. Nay, and though I saw this, felt this, and was broken to pieces with it, yet that which added to my sorrow was, that I could not find with all my soul that I did desire deliverance.

>> No.11666886
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Holy shit it's another great post from the tripfag ladies and gents!

>> No.11666916
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These are the books I brought on Holiday. I usually buy books used, but I'm probably going to get The Histories and The First Philosophers before I touch Plato, Aristotle and Thucydides.

>> No.11667039
File: 422 KB, 4032x3024, IMG_0881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just started reading again

>> No.11667084

Nice selection and patrician Tarkovsky.

I hate Fukuyama but I like his books.

>> No.11667097
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Newfag checking in

>> No.11667116
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Here's a bunch of crap

>> No.11667123

So what anthro subfield you gonna specialize in my guy?

>> No.11667129
File: 1.77 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180822_172512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some more crap

>> No.11667133

>all those uncreased spines and books you can get on libgen
feels good to be free to spend doesn’t it anons!

>> No.11667145

Russell's history of philosophy is pretty poorly regarded all around

>> No.11667150

That burton is kinda not worth it....way too many latin passages that make you flip to the back. Best read in random excerpts since it’s not really a narrative anyway. The Herodotus is also pretty boring, but with some weird nuggets

>> No.11667186

herodotus is comfy though, it's good bedtime reading

>> No.11667189

Burton is a pseud fap machine and nothing more its for people whose seratonin receptors don’t work who have 99th percentile verbal and nigger tier spatial reasoning (because sensitive smart people will statt fidgeting and get bored within 10 min of picking it up; like all garbage tomes the literati use as suppositories)

>> No.11667199

of those I've only read to the lighthouse but I adored it and it's one of my favorite books. if you value prose and lyricism I really recommend it

>> No.11667210

I should just throw away that version of the Almagest.

The best version of the Almagest is Toomer’s translation (with the Astrolabe for the cover). The Saint Johns one is abridged. Sad!

>> No.11667219

cheers ill get on it
i found mrs dalloway charming

>> No.11667411

Gonna read lighthouse also thx

>> No.11667966

Current reading list :
1. Hume
2. Euler - elements of algebra
3. Euclid - elements
4. The Basic works of Aristotle
5. Kant lectures on logic
6. Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics
7. Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.11667997

I would like input on my reading list

>> No.11668002

i feel personally attacked you mentally geometrized lupa

>> No.11668081

The Paradiso is beautiful, isn't it?

>> No.11668097

>the complete guide to aspergers' syndrome is upside down
oh the triggering

>> No.11668100

good choice anon, alex's adventures in numberland is a great book

>> No.11668221

I want to get my hands on that Lovecraft compilation.

>> No.11668450

I haven't gotten to it yet since I'm still working my way through The Story of Philosophy by Will Durant.

>> No.11668478


>> No.11668798

Oh I do visit used bookstores. For the Histories, I compared most translations and decided that I liked the Tom Holland translation the best (probably a bit biased, since I've also seen a few of his lectures and read his Persian Fire) but that's quite new, so no second hand market yet. I might look into that edition of Plutarch though. How much did you pay for Russell?

>> No.11668852

Yeah this. I really wanted to like it because it sounded like such an interesting book, but the whole thing is just tedious to read through. His prose isn't even as good as someone like Browne whose complete works you could read in no time at all.

>> No.11668854
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>> No.11668855

trying too hard, pal.

>> No.11669325
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I'm a messy reader, these are some of those I'm currently engaged with.

>> No.11669335
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If you like Hannam, check out pis related.

>> No.11669497
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I'm aware of author and book but I usually buy them cheap and I haven't had the opportunity to get it. + I propably have read too much about this stuff already, the Hannam book is alright but I'm halfway through and didn't really learn anything yet. I would have to go for the academic literature but there's so much to read already.

>> No.11669530

>those ratty penguin books

>> No.11669544 [DELETED] 

I would say Hannams isn't really well structures, you would get far more from the Stark one. Check out used book shops. I rarely spend more than 5€ on a book and those are mine:


>> No.11669557

I would say Hannams isn't really well structures, you would get far more from the Stark one. Check out used book shops.

>> No.11669586

Problem is that I don't live in an English speaking country. The book market in general is far less vibrant and I don't like German translations of English books. Good thing is that Russian sounds a lot better better in German than in English.

>> No.11669745

Ha, well, I'm a german too. How much would you like to spend on a used softcover copy?

>> No.11669748

>The book market in general is far less vibrant
Falling for Anglo propaganda this much

>> No.11669762

>ignore your own experiences! its just anglo propaganda!

>> No.11669810

It really depends, in most fields you can get far better stuff in germany. History in general. Religious stuff on the other hand is really a american speciality. At least the traditionalist content.

>> No.11669819

>Religious stuff on the other hand is really a american speciality
don't think so, most important theology stuff has been historically written mainly in krautspeak
>confusing Anglo propaganda with reality

>> No.11669842

I couldn't say, it really depends. In general I can't resist a classic in reasonable quality for 3-6 Euros per book, I buy a lot and than I haggle the total. I'll pay significantly more for a nice edition. If you're lucky enough you find a library sale where you can get shitloads for nothing. I once bought 20+ desirable books for 10 Euros. For some reason they have no understanding of prices. Some book chain I went to had a sale by weight. I've bought like 4 kilos of English classics propably at 1-2 Euros per book, all of them new penguin editions. I used to buy a lot on amazon but for some reason the prices exploded. You used to be able to get a nice book from Britain or the US for 4 Euros now it's more like 8. So that sucks. Where I live they don't really have any good bookstores so I search for them whenever I travel.

>> No.11669882
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I know, I usually buy on booklooker or ZVAB, sometimes Kleinanzeigen. On booklooker you can get the classics easily under 5€ with shipping.

Well, if you're interested, I wanted to get a Hardcover from pic related (still sharp edges and unbroke spine) and if you've got some copies yourself which you would want to exchange, gib mal Bescheid.

>> No.11670343

We used wheelocks too, recently all I've seen is Ecce Romani

>> No.11670832

Are u still in uni(I'm asking cause of the comp sci book)

>> No.11670918

Are you familiar with Langdon Winner? You might like his stuff.

>> No.11670919

No, graduated in CS tho

>> No.11672122
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Just bought these, rate

>> No.11672166

That title makes no sense
Western civilization was already started hundreds of years before that jewish cult even existed.
The "western" civilization after christicuckiny took over is not western civilization, it is a semitic abomination

>> No.11672173

>James "Brap Connoisseur" Joyce
are the James Joyce sewn or glue bindings?

>> No.11672293

They're both sewn

>> No.11672681

Fix, you're a gamer.

>> No.11673382
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Have your (you).

>> No.11673409

Is this where i post my Kindle?

>> No.11673415
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>there are still posters who don't know the pleasures of the GOAT Everyman's Library bindings
i feel bad for u son

>> No.11673471 [DELETED] 
File: 3.25 MB, 4032x3024, CFDA29BB-34A7-4DF0-BD25-443C8ACDB6AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purchased today

>> No.11673480
File: 2.70 MB, 2890x3854, 9F23A347-874A-4F28-BA59-1EE40DCCBC23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purchased hoy

>> No.11673490 [DELETED] 

stained book is For Us The Living by Josephine Powell Beatty, top is The Saddest Book In The World

>> No.11673498

btw stained book is For Us The Living by Josephine Powell Beatty, top is The Saddest Book That Ever Was by John Gibbons

>> No.11673511

>post your stacks
>posts the stack

>> No.11673525

Thank you for your hard work as an educator (I'm assuming).

>> No.11673633

Amazon, I have the exact same one.

>> No.11673929
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Thrift shop finds from a couple days ago

>> No.11673975

You shouldn't really read Zinn without a prior study of American history. It's very anti-American and as such of course the most widely used history textbook in schools.

>> No.11674204

Interesting mix.

>> No.11675052

Based. I find child psychology fascinating. If I wasn't doing law I would do psychiatry.

>> No.11675182
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Not an actual stack because I don't actually do that, Shakespeare and Chaucer are only there to flatten Pynchon.
This is just an excuse to bitch about this purchasing regret
>know a good online bookshop that sells most books cheaper than Amazon and the books always arrive pristine
>only buy these off Amazon because I'm desperate to dive into (no, in all honesty that's not it, I'm desperate to OWN) Pynchon and it's one day delivery
>they're delivered
>waved to fuck, brown pages, covered in dark spots and shit, many scuffs and scrapes, and a few cut pages
>tfw not even gonna start reading them for a few days, by which time they would have arrived from the better site anyway

Yes I am quite aware I'm a fucking pseud.

>> No.11675204

Serves you right for buying mass market paperbacks. They’re all like that.
Pynch is good though, you should read him.

>> No.11675241

I genuinely prefer paperbacks. That Complete Works of Shakespeare is the only hardback I own, just for the sheer enormity (both in size and importance) of it.
Don't worry anon, I'm gonna.

>> No.11675254

The Man Who Was Thursday was legitimately one of the worst books I've ever read

Fittingly got recommended it on r/books

>> No.11675279

beckett beckett beckett beckett beckett beckett

>> No.11675324

How readable is the Almagest for a mathlet like me?

>> No.11675364


Paradiso is kanker. Melkweg is objectively GOAT

>> No.11675424
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>> No.11675428
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>The Photo Book

Confirmed great taste

>> No.11675606
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Recent purchases.

>> No.11675701

I payed $8 for the almost new Russell. Goes for $50 on Amazon in that condition. I want to get a copy of the Landmark Herodotus translated by Andrea Purvis in hardcover. I can't find a copy in very good or new condition for a reasonable price though.

>> No.11675800

Is Mass Control a worthwhile read?

>> No.11676010

Let me know what you think of Schmidt. Considered him for some time now.

>> No.11676038

>Schmidt, Elkin, McElroy, Butor, Murnane
Good lad

>> No.11676046
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My stack

>> No.11676060


>> No.11676093

How in depth of a study? I got the standard US public school history classes but no college so not much followup. Bits and pieces here and there from articles and books but nothing solid.

Should I take a US history class online first?

>> No.11676121
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>> No.11676137


>> No.11676181
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hey guys im new here

>> No.11676185

anon are you learning japanese to watch anime without subtitles?

>> No.11676208
File: 1.78 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess my asl

>> No.11676278

that sounds like one of his plays

>> No.11676349

I have Shogun in my stack too. Haven't touched it yet though. Have you started it?

>> No.11676359
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great stack

not too shabby

living meme

>> No.11676642 [DELETED] 
File: 2.83 MB, 4032x3024, 1B6A371A-E969-45F5-B1ED-46435286EC0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent 100$ on myself for my birthday today at used bookstore. How’d I do y’all?

>> No.11676656
File: 2.63 MB, 2841x4032, EE7DA196-B208-49F5-BE51-F2F2C440E2F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent 100$ on myself for my birthday today at used bookstore. How’d I do y’all?

>> No.11676722

Pretty good, nice stuff.
What will you read first?

>> No.11676745

One of the shorter books first. I keep picking up huge books and getting through a third before life gets in the way and I’d like to finish something. So maybe slaughter house five.

>> No.11676761

that stack cost $100? all second hand? its a good stack but $8 per USED book is kinda steep

>> No.11676925
File: 16 KB, 333x499, Rene hardback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me what René Guénon hardback books look like and what quality they are, considering getting some.

>> No.11676969

Not all were second hand and the ones that were second hand are half the label price.

>> No.11677028


>> No.11677042

Why do you keep buying new books if you haven't finished the ones you have?

>> No.11677074

Not anon, there are a few reasons but it's an addiction. I want them around me. Propably half of my books are unread and I should have around 500 at this point.

>> No.11677086

I keep buying new books and never read any.

>> No.11677092

try and stay monogamous to a book. it's like watching half a film.

>> No.11677107

So do you actually enjoy reading? Don't try and live a life to impress yourself.

>> No.11677112

>having unread books is like having half-read books that you never plan to finish
....Explain yourself.

>> No.11677120

apologies. i miss read the "not anon".

>> No.11677135

Nah, I seldom read just one book. I'm content if I stay under 5 at a time but sometimes it gets ridiculous. Just not how my brain works. I like big books as well. If it's just 200 pages I tend to read it in one sitting.

>> No.11677142

in awe at the size of these books.

how's discworld?

>> No.11677232

I just started latin

>> No.11677263

pls be memeing

>> No.11677298
File: 600 KB, 2770x1312, IMAG1168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my vacation stack

>> No.11678686

They look pretty nice

>> No.11679676

fuck that you got robbed

>> No.11679677

it looks okay, could have gone for a hardcover of the Hemmingway, but it's still nice.

>> No.11679698

(((Howard Zinn)))