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/lit/ - Literature

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11662383 No.11662383 [Reply] [Original]

Stop smoking, get rid of debt, get rid of toxic people in your life, quit wasting time on the internet, stop eating crap, quit porn.

>> No.11662386

but i was about to jack off anon.

>> No.11662389
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I needed thi thread earlier abhhhhh

>> No.11662405

I smoke weed errday son.

I don't give a FUK!

>> No.11662412

yes daddy

>> No.11662425

>get rid of toxic people in your life

You know that guy that tried to build up his tolerance to poison by taking small amounts of it?

(what's your excuse to browse this Japanese capacitor auction house?)

>> No.11662529

Okay did this

Now I have no friends

>> No.11662690

>Stop smoking
>get rid of toxic people in your life
t. leftard

>> No.11662697

I like keeping bad people in my life as an example of what not to do

>> No.11662866

Wake up early <7am

>> No.11663419

be super assertive about how Pinker sucks

>> No.11663424


Make posts about literature.

>> No.11663426

Based and J2 Haplogroup'd

>> No.11664056

>Stop smoking
>get rid of debt
I have none
>get rid of toxic people in your life
my mother died a while ago
>quit wasting time on the internet
time enjoyed wasted is not wasted at all
>stop eating crap
I only eat almonds and roast beef
>quit porn
I never started

Stop being an arab.

>> No.11664071

Dumb statement. You need to replace those things with tools that decrease long-term stress, cutting them out without finding better ways to cope with stress is a mistake. Mediation and exercise are good tools at reducing stress short term and long term, implementing them will make it easier to cut out cheap short term anti-stress techniques like internet, junk food, porn, etc.

>> No.11664188

if everyone got rid of the toxic people in their lives the world would be filled with various schisms in friend circles and no one would be able to do anything together because there would always be people trying to avoid someone else for some bullshit reason.

you have to grow up and learn to deal with people who you dont like. sorry hun.

>> No.11664205
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>I only eat almonds and roast beef

>> No.11664208

Obviously it's not feasible for 'everyone' to do this but it's beneficial for any one individual to do this. If you care about your personal well-being, it's a very helpful step to take, but most people are deluded and are unwilling to make efforts towards improving their well-being.

>> No.11664212

Stop shitposting.

>> No.11664228

telling people on 4chan to cut toxic people from their lives is the same as telling people on 4chan to stop going on 4chan or stop being who they are as this is literally the internet mecca for toxicity. Is this a koan?

>> No.11664236

>step one: stop being toxic (stop thinking negative ideas)
>step two: stop interacting with toxic people (online, like 4chan and irl)

>> No.11664240

>Stop smoking
>get rid of debt
>get rid of toxic people in your life
i don't really have anyone in my life, toxic or otherwise
>quit wasting time on the internet
>stop eating crap
>quit porn

>> No.11664254

This isn't a survey thread ya spergs. Those are things you need to do if you want to lead a satisfying and fulfilling life. All you're doing is admitting you're lazy and unwilling to improve. It's weird that you would want to do that.

>> No.11664288

It's hard for me to take this guy seriously with his hard-boiled demeanor etc. when he can't even cope with the fact that he's Arab and acknowledge it. Instead he wastes hours every day trying to convince people that he's some kind of Greek while he exactly looks like the chef in my favorite Libanese restaurant.

>> No.11664323

... and then?

>> No.11664441

maybe people would like you more if you stopped being a faggot

>> No.11664443


>> No.11664446


>> No.11664455
File: 8 KB, 300x168, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gentle reminder from our resident danish sadboi

>> No.11664645

>get rid of toxic people in your life
this is the city mentality, one of overwhelming subconscious evaluations that forces the agency to detach or bind themselves to an ideology. The detached suppose their agency has nothing to do with the toxic person and therefore can have no place in their conscious assessment of themselves, but this is part of a trap in the style of The Ego and it's Owner - Ownership being part of the subject. The bound person is just as guilty for viewing all others not as individuals but as types categorized by whatever the ideology. The cities are our Demiurges in regards to political thought. The institutions require the outsider, but not a Showpenhower, Neetche, or Batelle, nor the new strain that glorifies either the beast or the city and the intuitions.


Any suggestions on books that might give us a why we might want to do these, or not do these? Because even if it improves my frame of reference towards my life, I don't see how that is an end in itself, given that sooner or late my body will fail me and I will suffer.

>> No.11664648

He's right you know.

>> No.11664655

>quit wasting time on the internet, stop eating crap
Welp, goodbye Mr. Taleb.

>> No.11664659

Smoke weed every day, gamble with borrowed money, surround yourself with fallguys, run internet scams, save money on WcDonals, do porn.

>> No.11664681

Getting rid of debt is retarded, everyone knows required return on debt is lower than on equity.

>> No.11664688

projection. using assumptions made about other people as a point is a mistake

>> No.11664757

Seems like you're misunderstanding what he means by 'toxic' and attacking a strawman of your own making. Toxic people are anxious and negative people, and they try to make others feel anxious and negative to justify their world-view. If it's important for you not to feel anxious and think negative things, avoiding these people is important, as they are often unwilling to be helped into be less anxious and negative.

>> No.11665645

>Dumb statement. You need to replace those things with tools that decrease long-term stress, cutting them out without finding better ways to cope with stress is a mistake. Mediation and exercise are good tools at reducing stress short term and long term, implementing them will make it easier to cut out cheap short term anti-stress techniques like internet, junk food, porn, etc.

Have you considered that the things he lists are a source of stress in itself?

>> No.11665669

OP didn't say you couldn't do that

>> No.11665675

no u

>> No.11665695

>get rid of debt
No, use debt wisely to create income.

>> No.11665737

Epic and greenpilled

>> No.11665740

Make me, you fucking sperg-o

>> No.11665754

3/5 so far, ignoring the last one.
That leaves me with zero friends though

>> No.11665837

so 3/6
you stupid fucking dog

>> No.11665857

there's no such thing as eating crap, in the metaphorical sense, as long as you get all nutrients every day

>> No.11665866

>as long as you're not eating crap you're not eating crap

>> No.11665867

taleb would destroy peterson in a debate

>> No.11665915

Taleb is an insufferable arrogant cunt, but I've just finished Antifragile and it's hard to deny that he is right about most things

>> No.11666430

There is no doubt about that.Would be more interesting seeing they fighting a deathmatch in a cage though.

>> No.11666438

we are not people

>> No.11666669
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Better version.

>> No.11667382

Why is this Arab's picture on /lit/ everyday?

>> No.11667424

>an insufferable arrogant cunt
I really like people like this, but only because of their self-confidence that allows them to share risque ideas without fear. Very interesting types of people.

>> No.11667477
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Honestly, I don't know what "subject' and "object" means in this context.

>> No.11667495

You wouldn't believe how desperately people will lash out when you start threatening their porn. They'd take forced starvation with a better attitude.