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1166091 No.1166091 [Reply] [Original]

I've always wanted to write a book. I'm no writer, but I have imagination.

I'm looking to write a science-fiction/fantasy book and I need some inspiration on the general setting. So I'm looking for alien/futuristic settings. Doesn't need to be shiny, I prefer the grunge look, but both are OK for inspirational purposes.

inspiration = pictures, btw

Thanks for the help (if any).

>> No.1166094

why would i give you a setting for a story, instead of using it myself

how does that make sense

why would i write your story for you

>> No.1166100

I have an idea OP. Set your story in a city underwater - a desolate city where monsters (once human) roam. It would be futuristic since there aren't cities underwater and it would have alien-like creatures. win win.

>> No.1166101

no, you don't understand. I don't want you to write anything for me.

I basically can't decide on buildings and such, how they're going to look, etc.

I want some pictures for inspiration

>> No.1166108

Setting: Asteroid Mining Colony situated in the inner belt of a dual star system.

Allusions of Human Slavery.

Grungy, grimy, filthy, disease-ridden existence.


Fallow the Gary Jenning's Romance example (While he mostly did Historical fiction in the first person perspective, almost all of the main character's romantic interests were killed off in often horrific, creative and interesting ways that caused the main character pain. Example. One character in particular was made to look like she hung herself, while in truth, it was a jealous love interest that assaulted and hung her in such a way that the main character wouldn't miss her. )

>> No.1166112
File: 44 KB, 403x504, Art-Deco5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The building in this underwater city should be art deco.... I think it could work!

>> No.1166116

I'm going to write about a terraforming "party" (actually hundreds of people) on a distant planet. I got the story down pretty much

anyway I have to go, soemting's come up.

bye guys

>> No.1166120

As a shortcut, what culture is the city/civilization; ie is it American descended, Arabic, Chinese, etc. Pick one and stud references throughout. For example, have it be an American colony that was conquered by, say, the Chinese. Or Brazilians. Culture mish-mash = instant atmosphere.

>> No.1166155
File: 710 KB, 1600x1000, 1284597008564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't remember for the life of me where I got this wallpaper, but it looks pretty awesome as far as settings are concerned.
The building in the center reminds me of the Angkor Wat in Cambodia.

>> No.1166163
File: 480 KB, 1920x1080, journey across a new world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait, yes I do. It's from that Suda 51 game that's coming out.
Terraforming, you say? Cool

>> No.1166200

This is the problem with speculative bullshit. It must be fucking difficult to manage coming up with an interesting world AND populating it with realistic characters people give a shit about AND having even somewhat original plots and not coming off as cheesy. I read a lot of this shit as a kid and never found anything that managed to pull it all off well.

>> No.1166256

As annoying as a crappy book can be, they are also quite enjoyable to read. I read through some of William Shatner's books once and they were so awful I kind of enjoyed them. The cheesiness makes them special.
Besides, it's harder than hell to actually write an amazing novel I'm sure, so cheezy crap is pretty much expected.