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/lit/ - Literature

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11657132 No.11657132 [Reply] [Original]

>classes start again
>attention span diminishes and reading rate goes down

>> No.11657191

>depression gets worse again
>attention span diminishes and reading rate goes down
Sudoku soon

>> No.11657247

>have to go back to 20-30 pages a day
fucking sucks

>> No.11658760

Went from 2 books a week to 1 every two weeks because of this
Shit sucks

>> No.11658775

>have to read class-related books now
>apparently literature is all about women's struggles and postmodernism
>tfw my favorite books are all classics but we never touch books more than 40-50 years old

>> No.11658791


Do crosswords

>> No.11659216

Unironically though, how do y'all cope with school + reading

>> No.11659231

You shits don't know how lucky you are to be in school full time. I would be singing gods praises eternally to sit in a fucking classroom rn

>> No.11659233

Went from 1 book a week to 0. School sucks

>> No.11659297

be a neet, retard

>> No.11659304

>classes start again
>life no longer seems meaningless

>> No.11659315

I read before class, during transit and before bed

>> No.11659495


It's worse when you're a wagecuck unless you get lucky with your job

>> No.11659622
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>fisheries contract me
>I can go back out on the boat all day and read when I get home

>> No.11659638

Hire me as your tutor. I'll whip your ass into shape no problem. Every time you reach for one of your devices or start typing in 4chan.or... you get the hose.

>> No.11659647

literally the opposite

>> No.11659703

Are you me?

I take the train to go to college, so I read there. It sucks tho because it's always full of passengers so it's difficult to be able to read from a book. Also during dead hours inbetween classes.

>> No.11659706

I hate my classes but being home doing jackshit all day long gets into my nerves. Too much free time now and too little during classes. WHY.

>> No.11659866
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>studying IT at uni
>don't give a shit about it anymore, hate myself for studying it
I wish I had chosen philosophy or history. Yes, graduate engineer gets a huge pay check, but this is not enjoyable at all. I'd rather do something I love and be miserable than do something I hate, be rich and miserable. I'd give my left testicle to go back in time two years.

>> No.11659924

I'm graduating in engineering, fucktard

>> No.11659951

I'm majoring in philosophy and it sucks ass desu. I don't give a shit about 90% of it.

>> No.11659967

Your point? Doesn't make a difference.

>> No.11660074

>I don't give a shit about philosophy
Wanna know I how I know you're a worthless nigger monkey?

>> No.11660100
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>> No.11660106

atleast your professors dont blame the greeks for the nazi party.

>> No.11660115

i would love to have on of those fishing jobs on boat but like it must be hard to jackoff plus what if it sinks i saw a show where that happened

>> No.11660305

I said "90% of it", and it is true. Literature and music are the real deal.

>> No.11660401

>going to school

>> No.11660872

what kind of faggot goes to school??

>> No.11661019

this lmao
like, nigga just walk to the library hhahahaha like nigga just read the books

>> No.11661635
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>tfw I’m literally destined to work a desk job because I’ll shit myself if I have to stand for a long period of time

>> No.11661659

what kind of faggot reads lol

im just here for (you)'s and shitposting

>> No.11662066
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>classes start again
>have to be near dumb roasties again
>tfw volcel

>> No.11662104

it's okay anon, you can tell us the truth. We all know it's not voluntary anyways.

>> No.11662233
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>> No.11662245

What fishery? What method? Corporate or quota?
Please respond.

>> No.11662285
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>classes start again
>study English so nothing changes