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/lit/ - Literature

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11655631 No.11655631 [Reply] [Original]

Are you excited for Megan Boyle's autofiction magnum opus, Liveblog?

>> No.11655638


>> No.11655667

Instead of writing a live blog I wish she had written a suicide note xD

>> No.11655672

Is she going to write down her empowering adventures as a literal whore?

>> No.11655677
File: 58 KB, 554x555, dao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Leave Society.

>> No.11655685
File: 30 KB, 1599x121, liveblog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megan, if I assign the book to a class, can I smell your armpits? I live in Brooklyn.

>> No.11655690

bitch honestly im so goddamn hype. i'm gonna read the fuck out of it. getting my family to preorder the shit for my goddamn birthday.

this fucking too. perhaps more so but only because im more familiar with his work.

>> No.11655694

Megan, Tao. There are places with less discerning readers you could shilling your garbage in

>> No.11655700

Pretending to like stuff academics have told you that you should doesn't make one discerning.

>> No.11655713

i kindle my well-seasoned stone oven with unread copies of dubliners

>> No.11655716

It does actually, since you're listening to proven intellectuals with a long legacy of academic scrutiny behind them and not dipshits on twitter.

>> No.11655723

Does anyone get raped in the book? I only read books in which characters get raped. It's kind of my thing.

>> No.11655734

>I only take literature suggestions from people who wrote books on depictions of feet in 18th century closet plays

>> No.11655741

Google and goodreads say this came out in 2015?

>> No.11655742

It's not you being discerning though. You're trying to take other people's discernment.

>> No.11655744

What are you trying to argue here? Those 18th century works are going to keep getting read forever while the dorky Gook and whore will be forgotten, they're not even liable to be the surviving authors from their own pool of mediocrities

>> No.11655746

That is discernment. Its known as surveying a landscape and perceiving who is worth listening to and who are not i.e. Literature professors vs Twitter memes
I don't even like academia but there's not even a choice here

>> No.11655758

>you can't discern discernment
Fucking retard

>> No.11655787

It was scheduled to release in 2015 and then something happened and she went off the grid for a while and came back and built up a following on YouTube again and got the deal back.

>> No.11656254

Just holding out for the book signings where I can ask her to sit on my face

>> No.11656296

>at least middle class
>part of a circlejerk community
It's unlikely she has anything worth writing about.

>> No.11656304

>being a 'you need life experiences to write' brainlet

>> No.11656310

being alive is reason enough

>> No.11656329

>It's unlikely she has anything worth writing about.

>> No.11656331

Isn't Amazons self-published cancer a good hint that maybe not everyone who is alive should also publish a book?

>> No.11656339

how to spot someone who has never attempted to create

>> No.11656345


sorry i dont read ethnic lit

>> No.11656362

>implying I am not shitposting while on a break from revision #5
Though what's your point? How is the joy of writing relevant when it comes to the ability to write something worth publishing?

>> No.11656372

maybe the gatekeepers to publishing shouldn't be jewish elites from nyc either though

>> No.11656386

>not understanding that ability isn't a prerequisite for joy
>believing yourself to meet the absurd genius bar you've set for publishing works

>> No.11656412

>not understanding that ability isn't a prerequisite for joy
Obviously not for you as a writer, but ability is helpful to give some joy to the reader too.

>believing yourself to meet the absurd genius bar you've set for publishing works
Seems like another shitty guess.

>> No.11656486

why does scott mcclanahan write blurbs for these shitty 'collected tweets' books? he did the same for darcie wilder
the dude's legit good, he shouldn't have to wallow in this filth

>> No.11656646

welcome to the thread scott

>> No.11656676

There's nothing worth writing about being a whore, it just shows you have low intelligence and poor decision making skills. Not good traits for an author
>I sucked twelve dicks that day and the next day I sucked twelve more dicks

>> No.11656679

im disgusted by this board sometimes

>> No.11656692


t. brainlet

>> No.11656701


>> No.11656704


>> No.11656707

productive millenial discourse

>> No.11656708

I'm disgusted by the mainstream feminist edonistic culture instead

>> No.11656710
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she looks like she has problems breathing

>> No.11656713

suck my dicklet

>> No.11656733
File: 229 KB, 594x478, 15683204_1578465518860581_418201456_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reiterating that i will buy the book, show up to a publicity event for the book, and beg this woman to smear her gentalia on my head

>> No.11656743


>> No.11656750

Why do all that shit when you can just pay her to suck shit off your cock

>> No.11656796

>From March to September 2013,[8]she "liveblogged", documenting her daily activities onTumblr; the liveblog reached 350,000 words and was called a "painfully honest and raw record of a person’s life."[9]Tyrant Books will release a print edition,Liveblog, on September 27, 2018.[10][11]
My God, what narcissism. Her "art" is seemingly just a clumsy excuse to satisfy the 21st century impulse to broadcast every moment of your life online.

>> No.11658026

America is such a dumb country. It didn't have to be this way. Well, maybe it did.

All the real poets are probably in hiding or invisible to us. Not these new york posers. Fuck these guys man. Shit I wish we could all just share cool interesting stories on some internet hub, and we could all be friends with each other and there would be different people who would have distinctive interesting styles and it would all be fun. But no, instead we need to live in this place where no one reads, no one understands, no one writes, and nothing ever happens. So the whole world is about 40-50 percent dimmer, darker, and stupider than it would've been otherwise. All because... what? It's an unanswerable question. Look, having culture isn't the number one thing in life. God knows you can have culture and be a piece of shit, or not have culture and be a good person. But it's a pleasant fucking garnish to this existence. I'm just sick of living in rome 2.0.

>> No.11658709

yeah so you can only control your own frame of mind, i'd try not being so upset over things you can't control and build a happy, rich internal life. make friends with similar values, maybe meet partner you enjoy, and die happy

>> No.11658730


Yeah the Saturnic Judaism that has become popular with rich American Jews has a bottomless addiction for any level of smut that tickles their pedophilia, coprophilia and fetal cannibalism. You just need to accept you'll be writing about adrenochrome benders, refugee penises or pedobait "YA" type genres

>> No.11658733

this but unironically

>> No.11658739


Would you use a Poetchan website for your Burmese macrame questions?

>> No.11658752

>refugee penises
i kek

>> No.11658765

I was already (newly) sincere to be honest.

>> No.11658778

You do. Writing is about the human experience. Unless you want your writing to be shallow, you need experience. Now, everyone already has experience, but middle class white women have boring lives and write boring books.

>> No.11658800

>"Drugs, love, home, parents, friends, life, death, work, and the internet. LIVEBLOG is an historical text, extremely unique and shockingly human."

>"Getting fucking wrecked, sleeping with a different stranger every weekday, my parents house, my envious mom, my distant dad, my facebook messenger contacts, aimless ramblings and sassy tumblr pages. LIVEBLOG is a disposable text, extremely bloated and unfortunately human."

>> No.11658802

based and redpilled

>> No.11659744

You see that Anders Carlson-Wee poem in The Nation? They published it and paid him and then people REEE'd that they didn't publish queer disabled women of color instead and both the editors and the author apologized for their short-sightedness and promised to do better in the future.

>> No.11659762

Megan Boyle here, AMA about my book (or about my life)

YES I hate niggers, please stop asking...

>> No.11659783

And then you have the courage to criticize Europe for whatever reason? Holy fuck mate, this shit doesn't happen in Europe, I guarantee.

>> No.11659792


Actually yeah I am. Should be good.

>> No.11659819

You guys still have non-shitskins left to edit there?

>> No.11660148

Meg, I will gladly read your book if you let me fuck you in the pooper. i think it's quite reasonable.

>> No.11660735
File: 38 KB, 721x279, Dku7WVIX4AAsTXJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright i am officially hype af for this

>> No.11660766

but you're not famous or accomplished in any way so you are of no use

>> No.11660775

if /lit/ shits their pants like this about it i'll give it a read

>> No.11660808

I don't see an army tag I see draped and dripping excess cum and an obnoxious looking cover.

>> No.11662349

so i understand now why tao and her "divorced" - tao is probably on the most extreme end of anti tech pro natural interaction, while meg does ket on chaturbate seven days a week