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11655268 No.11655268 [Reply] [Original]

>people died over this shit

>> No.11655277

>new international version

>> No.11655283
File: 189 KB, 625x415, shrekanddonkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11655287
File: 19 KB, 614x261, KJV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which translation you wanna choose, bucko? They all say the same bullshit.

>> No.11655364

I fail to see the issue

>> No.11655374

Don't be intentionally dense, that's a very minor episode in a huge and varied collection of writings.

>> No.11655377
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>people died over this shit

>> No.11655391

>and he said, neigh.
What a twist.

>> No.11655399

triggered incel boomer trumpfag

>> No.11655401

heh,,, they call 'em miracles because they DIDN'T HAPPEN, kid,,,

>> No.11655403

This is amazing.

>the ass opened her orifice and she said:
>why hast thou smitten me these three times?
>Balaam said unto his ass:
>thou hast mocked me!
>the ass retorted:
>am I not thine ass upon which thou hast ridden heretofore?


>> No.11655404

>God performs a miracle
>atheists trip over themselves to try to rationalize it as somehow absurd

You're disgusting.

>> No.11655406

How'd the Antifa rally go bucko?

>> No.11655413

oh no no no

>> No.11655418

You must be 18 or older to post on 4chan

>> No.11655419

you failed the first test of understanding

>> No.11655425
File: 25 KB, 250x352, 250px-The_Day_After_(film)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ronald Reagan almost caused a thermonuclear holocaust because he was jittery after watching a made for TV movie

>> No.11655430
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A collection of writing that bid you to credulously accept as literal fact their claims or suffer incessant torture in the afterlife the likes of which man can not conceive. A collection of writings, if I might add, that are littered throughout with such absurdities.
Pic related is another one.

>> No.11655445
File: 9 KB, 320x180, 1369243650450[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't believe in talking donkeys

>> No.11655455

Oh wow, people died over this particular verse? Can you tell me more about this curious incident?

>> No.11655461

/thread, you sad bugmen.

>> No.11655471

People died over their Christian faith. The Christian faith entails believing in the Bible as the infallible word of the creator.

>> No.11655507

I'm not even a Christian, but picking apart the Bible based on its mythological aspects is idiotic.

>> No.11655526

A miracle is by definition absurd. No rationalization is necessary.

>> No.11655568

It would be idiotic if the Abrahamic religions didn't teach that these writings were literal fact, but they do, and billions of people around the globe think the Bible is infallible truth so it makes perfect sense to point out its autism

>> No.11655603


>> No.11655629

There are only like 2 billion Christians, and I doubt even half of them are Biblical literalists. Most of the Christians I know take the useful doctrine and interpret all the miracles and such as metaphors or ways to give the text clout in the ancient world. That includes people who have been to seminary and are very devout.

Like yeah, it's fucked up that people have been killed because of Christianity (either for disbelieving or believing). But this isn't a problem that's exclusive Christianity, or Abrahamic religions. There are Buddhist militias killing Muslims in Sri Lanka and Myanmar for fuck's sake. Mild, pacifist Buddhism has crusaders.

>> No.11655651

>There are Buddhist militias killing Muslims in Sri Lanka and Myanmar for fuck's sake.
Slimy Rohingya detected.

>> No.11656108

they just don't make bait like they used to

>> No.11656189

The donkey's counter-argument seems reasonable, I don't see OPs point.

>> No.11656282

Conventional Christian doctrine teaches that the Bible is inspired of God and is free of all errors. The argument made was that the Bible contains absurdities and therefore shouldn't be taken as the inspired word of God. Bringing up the beliefs of nominal Christians is utterly irrelevant to this discussion.

>> No.11656385

I like the one where the bears killed like 40 children because the kids were making fun of a hairlet

>> No.11656390

Metaphors aren't errors, and claiming that a text is literally inspired by God does not mean that the text is literal (as in free of metaphor).

>> No.11656394

Buddhist violence in Sri Lanka is directed at Hindus and it's really just an ethnic and cultural divide that motivates it, I don't think Islam has a foothold there.

>> No.11656417

I tend to fall on the side of "practice trumps doctrine"

>> No.11656746

God you hack

>> No.11656956

Itt. Another episodd of lefties critiquing christianity as if it was the only religion now or ever to exist.

>"im an atheist. There are thousands of religions. To think yours alone is correct is stupid. But im just gunna insilt yours alone. Cuz i respect everyone elses"

Sounds like a classic case of marxian jewish brainwashing.

>> No.11656961

People tend to prioritize attacking the status quo of where they live.

>> No.11657041

people generally attack things they want to differentiate themselves from. we must then ask, why would athiests want to differentiate themselves from christians, specifically fundamentalist christians who are most commonly attacked. The answer is of course because athiests are midwitted, state school (or even community college) mediocre faggots.

>> No.11657042

>status quo
Where the fuck do these people live?

>> No.11657046

People have died over many stupid things

>> No.11657073

people literally died over this shit

>> No.11657112

Nobody critiques Neoplatonism because it is objectively correct

>> No.11657128
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>people died over this shit

>> No.11657153

OP is a fedora poster who is saying Christians are stupid because, they believed in talking donkeys and killed a shitload of people because they didn't believe in talking donkeys.

>> No.11657181
File: 66 KB, 960x555, 1505050562297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buddhists are pacifists
The absolute state of Orientalism.