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11653298 No.11653298 [Reply] [Original]

Barack Obama-s new reading list is probably deeper than yours


>> No.11653303

>hans rosling


>> No.11653348 [DELETED] 

Lel based obama reads more books in 1 summer than trump has in his whole life.

>> No.11653369

lmao FUCK DRUMPF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #ImWithHer #IEatShit

>> No.11653377


lets archive that

>> No.11653384


>> No.11653403
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>drumpf niggas BTFO xDDDDDDDD

>> No.11653404

Considering most people don't read. Yup.
Donald Trump is not literate.

>> No.11653410

>Donald Trump is not literate.

he wrote multiple books, nigger cuck
>b-b-but they were ghostwritten...

>> No.11653411

>The list of books Trump has recommended this year include:
> "The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump," by Gregg Jarrett. Trump lauded this book as "hard work" from Jarrett, a Fox News legal analyst who Trump called "a brilliant guy."
> "The Briefing: Politics, the Press and the President," by Sean Spicer. "A friend of mine and a man who has truly seen politics and life as few others ever will, Sean Spicer, has written a great new book," Trump wrote, adding that the account from his former White House press secretary is a "story told with both heart and knowledge."
> "9 Rules of Engagement," by Harris Faulkner. Trump praised this memoir by Fox News anchor Faulkner as a "terrific new book."
>"The Capitalist Comeback: The Trump Boom and the Left's Plot to Stop It," by Andy Puzder. Trump gave a nod to his former labor secretary nominee Puzder's new book, predicting that it will be a "big hit."

lel you can't make this stuff up

>> No.11653415
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>all that trash of both

>> No.11653419
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>The list of books Trump has recommended this year include:

-- "The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump," by Gregg Jarrett.

-- "The Briefing: Politics, the Press and the President," by Sean Spicer.

-- "9 Rules of Engagement," by Harris Faulkner. Trump praised this memoir by Fox News anchor Faulkner as a "terrific new book."

-- "The Capitalist Comeback: The Trump Boom and the Left's Plot to Stop It," by Andy Puzder. Trump gave a nod to his former labor secretary nominee Puzder's new book, predicting that it will be a "big hit."


>> No.11653444

>Barack Obama continues to be a pumpkin spice latte mom jeans mediocrity, can barely read five NPR-recommended books in one summer despite not having a job
This guy fucking sucks, whenever he dips his toe in Culture I get secondhand cringe. At least Trump is honest about the fact that he's a vulgar illiterate, that's so much much more respectable than this affirmative action upper middlebrow horseshit

>> No.11653447

He didn't write multiple books. He got them ghostwritten for him. This is well known.

Trump does not read.

>> No.11653451
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>mfw almost all of the books are about him

>> No.11653452

obama literally wrote letters about t.s elliot when he studied at harvard. you are pseud

>> No.11653458

THIS based daddy god emperor TRUMP TELLS IT LIKE IT IS

but that snowflake libtard cuck obama wasn't even born in this country!!!

>> No.11653474


>> No.11653483

I'll always love Trump's shit-eating self-obsession.
When critics call him out for it he just doubles down, like using "your favorite president" in his tweets

>> No.11653492

Obama once gave Eliot (one l) an extended backhanded compliment at his affirmative action school in a single letter; this is cited by liberals as proof the guy is Literary (TM) and Gets It when every professional interaction with literature he's ever undertaken says otherwise

>> No.11653501

You sound upset

>> No.11653508

It wasn't a backhanded compliment and he obviously read his work. I don't care about your political bias. It's clearly a 20 year old Obama is better read than Trump is. BTW talking about affirmative action....Trump only had a SMALL loan of a million dollars.

I support neither of these people, but I find it enjoyable to pick out how dishonest you are

>> No.11653509
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Probably just as likely to be unread this time next year as any reading list posted here.

>> No.11653512

LEL stay mad libcuck soiboi bitch!!! Facts don't care about your feelings and we want to make a proud america for white boys who are proud of being white!!

>> No.11653513

But you sound like a faggot, so who cares about your opinion?

>> No.11653522

this. Another libtard gets BTFO!!!!!! by LOGIC and FACTS!!!!!!!!

fake news!!!!!

>> No.11653524
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Man, this thread just makes me realize I essentially read zero contemporary literature. I think it's been years since I read a book that was less than 100 years old.

>> No.11653535

It's not an opinion though, it's a fact. I don't particularly care about yours either, I just find it funny to point out stupid when I see it.

>> No.11653542
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he sure did! in league with these other great authors of our time

>> No.11653543
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>> No.11653546

There was a post from when he announced on a /pol/ thread that basically said "he is the safest person to elect because his ego is so fucking huge he won't do anything that would ruin his legacy"

>> No.11653557

Hey Leftits

Can you count the genders?

Well, you should be done counting by now

Because there are only two!

When you troll a libtard

epic style

>> No.11653564


trump 2020 slogan should be "we need one term for each gender folks. that's it, only two.. on cnn (fake news we already know of course). they said i wanna rule forever. i could do it if i want to- no ireally could, we talked to some people and they said theres a way we could do it but to be honest folks i don't even want to. i had a very good life before this I don't need to be president forever. just one more term, count em- 2 just like the genders. its simple folks"

>> No.11653570
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>> No.11653578

yeah id do a lot of reading too if i was SET FOR FUCKING LIFE

>> No.11653585

>neolib vs neocon schlock


>> No.11653595
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>Both of them are reading pseud bullshit

>> No.11653598

>he obviously read his work
that puts him ahead of you I guess
>It's clearly a 20 year old Obama is better read than Trump is.
Other than you and Obama, who the fuck cares? Having checked off boxes that ensure you meet the minimum standards of middlebrow erudition has very little to do with administrating a country in a positive direction. It's like bragging about knowing how seismic energy is generated to a neurosurgeon
>BTW talking about affirmative action....Trump only had a SMALL loan of a million dollars.
Affirmative action is a much more discriminatory and much less merit-based form of privilege than wealth... a loan of a million dollars implies that at some point the money must be repaid, meaning some form of work is required to regenerate the wealth, whereas affirmative action is just a prize handed out for the color of your skin that you keep forever with no effort or merit on your part whatsoever
>I support neither of these people
lmao sure, very convincing

>> No.11653600

>nihilistic atheist cartoonposting
Absolutely based and redpilled.

>> No.11653604
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>ABC news
Oh yes just like the 99% chance that Hillary Clinton was going to win the presidency of the United States oh wait

>> No.11653612
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>> No.11653614
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In other news... Nothing changes.

>> No.11653624

>that puts him ahead of you I guess

Starting it of with an ad hominem attack, nice

>Other than you and Obama, who the fuck cares? Having checked off boxes that ensure you meet the minimum standards of middlebrow erudition has very little to do with administrating a country in a positive direction. It's like bragging about knowing how seismic energy is generated to a neurosurgeon

Another adhom and then your opinion that him reading T.S Eliot is a 'minimum standard of middlebrow erudition'

>Affirmative action is a much more discriminatory and much less merit-based form of privilege than wealth... a loan of a million dollars implies that at some point the money must be repaid, meaning some form of work is required to regenerate the wealth, whereas affirmative action is just a prize handed out for the color of your skin that you keep forever with no effort or merit on your part whatsoever

You realise whites were given a mirage of benefits that black people were never given, which put them in an unfair position. The goal of affirmative action is to correct this position. Although I believe affirmative action should be more based on wealth than race I understand where it's coming from. Comparing a black guy being allowed in a college to getting a small loan of a million dollars is simple absurdity and nobody will take you seriously. You must be in a comfortable position to think that.

>> No.11653642
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>> No.11653658

>Democrats are actually so delusional they think they're being oppressed by muh drumpf

>> No.11653659

God please dont let this happen dems will go full fucking autismo and ruin everything instead the gradual process were going now to olbivion.

>> No.11653662

if this turns in to another /pol/ left vs right thread then I'm telling mum

>> No.11653673

Think youre a bit late on that lad

>> No.11653676
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>> No.11653683

>current president just sucks Israel dick
>just said screw responsible budgeting
>tweets 7,602 times in 570 days
>rich just keep getting richer. meanwhile actual actual wages stagnant
trump needs to stay. destruction is quicker that way

>> No.11653689

his legacy as a reality tv show host and brand name for shitty steaks? the legacy of a man who publicly paid 300k to fuck a pornstar twice? that legacy?

>> No.11653690
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>almost all of the books are about him
Absolutely based.

>> No.11653693
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>> No.11653698

what's the arrow? and why is daughter next to all the hot women. what is he saying?

>> No.11653703

To be fair I dont think "responsible budgeting" is even fucking possible in the usa at this point in time

>> No.11653705
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>Exonomy has actually improved into the Goldilocks zone under Trump,
>has won every trade war he's started
>stopped the Obama era policy of giving weapons to ISIS by being too retarded to realize that some of the "moderate rebels" in Syria we're militant Jihadists
>Negotiated the beginning of denuclearizing North Korea
>Is actually doing something about the millions of illegal immigrants Democrats are trying to import so they can get easy votes
Your only complaint is muh capitalism because you've never read a damn thing by Vilfredo Pareto you lazy pseud

>> No.11653708
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>> No.11653718


>> No.11653721

>Exonomy has actually improved into the Goldilocks zone under Trump,
it's followed the trend set by obama. Trump's highest GDP rate still hasn't topped obamas and we're supposed to be in a Goldilocks zone
>has won every trade war he's started
ahhh yes, like history shows, trade wars last 6 months. I'm sure china, the country that is fine sacrificing citizens all the time will just roll over.
>stopped the Obama era policy of giving weapons to ISIS by being too retarded to realize that some of the "moderate rebels" in Syria we're militant Jihadists
that war will never end and you know. repubs need votes
>Negotiated the beginning of denuclearizing North Korea
all current intel shows they still are going with nuclear weapons. this shit has happened before. you just weren't born then.
>Is actually doing something about the millions of illegal immigrants Democrats are trying to import so they can get easy votes
yet obama deports more lmao

>> No.11653730

It's unironically true. But it's not trump, it's the benign people around him manipulating him. Choosing decent people seems to be his saving grace.

>> No.11653737
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I remember how mad liberals got when he actually managed to break ground with North Korea too. It started off as
>H-he's not going to get anywhere POW remains aren't even being shipped yet it's just promises
>*North Korea ships back American POW remains and starts dismantling some of their nukes*

Progressive liberals are so assravaged that the zeitgeist is shifting outside of the overton window that they're becoming the chicken Hawks they were complaint about 10 years ago

>> No.11653739
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>Choosing decent people seems to be his saving grace.

>> No.11653752

Why does the alt-right get triggered so easily?

>> No.11653753

Fact: God emperor Trump is one of the authors of all time.

>> No.11653758

>The executive branch is suddenly responsible for every economic success when it's Obama but is an utter failure under Trump
Huh almost like the president isn't a dictator or something well golly gee Mr hypocrite.
>aaah yes
You literally , not even memeing, made no argument here besides "yeah well exerting trade supremacy over nations literally fucking over different sectors of our economy doesn't matter". Trade wars have more long term effects than just being in the news cycle my dude
>That war will never end
It's literally about to because ISIS has been destroyed without US arms being funnelled to it by so called "Free Syrian Army" members who are mostly just radical jihadists unlike whataver the fuck you see on CNN.
>All current inteo says they have nukes
And that they've started dismantling them. They're never going to fully time away their nukes but getting them to get rid of a few is a good sign
>Obama deported more
Yet gave us DACA :/

>> No.11653769

they get triggered by seeing a regular woman or a black person, did you expect them not to chimp out over seeing based black president?

>> No.11653771

FACT: Donald J. Trump

>> No.11653774

Mattis was a pretty good pick desu, also Pompeo and Sessions have been doing an amazing job so far. Even with the issues around Manafort being involved in the Podesta's money laundering and canning Steve Bannon his admin has been alright

>> No.11653775

We are against people talking negatively about The God emperor wholl save whiteness and give us access to women again

>> No.11653780

They aren't dismantling their nukes though.

>> No.11653782
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>That's right ladies, I'm not a racist. Will you sleep with me now?

>> No.11653783

I hope you guys realise Obama's list is basically put together by a marketing team. There was probably a 6 hour discussion involved where they tried to cram in as many minority groups and liberal topics in a few books as possible.

>> No.11653788

Liberals cannot refute these points

>> No.11653792

>it's the benign people


>> No.11653801

Oh excuse me they've just dismantled a fee of their test sites , either way it's an indicator of actual progress now whether or not North Korea stays on this path is up in the air because Un, unlike his predecessors, was educated in more western backgrounds so the hope is that these aren't merely gestures and that Un will transition into a more passive state making deals with the Chinese instead of taking South Korea hostage for gibs

>> No.11653811

>this thread
god damn americans lel

>> No.11653817

it's like all the positive articles about Xi Jinping's reading list; I highly doubt he takes the time to read anything
sure, both men probably read, but not the novels or to the extent the lists imply.

>> No.11653818

No they didn't dismantled anything. They are still going to produce nukes.

>> No.11653823
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>Dude like making white archetypal figures white or female to pander to progressives isn't controversial at all
>Like how could that even be an issue *loses his fucking mind that Scarlet Johansen played the protagonist of the Ghost in the Shell instead of an Asian and that a non tranny actor was casted to play a tranny*
Why are leftists such hypocrites

>> No.11653825

Unironically this. But that might just be because modern literature is generally awful, meaningless drivel.

>> No.11653828

Debatable since Obama doesn't need to impress anyone anymore.

>> No.11653830
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>> No.11653833

Yes. They did.

Might want to check the news sometime m8

>> No.11653837

>Dude like making white archetypal figures white or female to pander to progressives isn't controversial at all
Lmao who ITT said that?

>> No.11653838

Yeah I get the feeling Obama wants a break from this kind of shit and might actually want to enjoy reading Proust or Dosty or something, and this list is just something he made to have some kind of influence.

>> No.11653850

I did and the nukes aren't going away, even the UN said so.

>> No.11653863

folks, I just masturbated to gay porn and really enjoyed it

my name is Barack Hussein Obama, and yes, I read books. No pictures, these are chapter books the whole way through, and more than 200 pages. SOmetimes even 300.

oh, and did you folks know? brown people wrote them. Dark ass brown people, and poor too.

now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to read some more books and masturbate to the finest gay porn the internet has to offer

>> No.11653864

Obama is a nigger hence inferior. He cannot understand Prust og based Dosto as well as us as white men

>> No.11653872

>Goalpost status: shifted to the moon
Who ITT was complaining about seeing blacks and women ever?

The issue is that leftshits who say that "anyone can play anyone they're fictional characters whitey stop being so mad" will completely forget them saying this when their progressive idpol is invalidated in some fashion
>We can't have a Jewish woman play the protagonist is a live action anime movie, what about muh oppressed asaisn! This is blatant whitewashing!
>We can't have a woman play a transexual, we need an actual transexual uuuuuggggghhhh can you not

>> No.11653874

>Dark ass brown people, and poor too.
FUCKING LOL thanks for the laugh laddo

>> No.11653877

They've started dismantling test sites , please anon. Think about what that means in terms of them realistically fielding nuclear weapons

>> No.11653887
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>stay away from our women libtard

>> No.11653890

>shifts the discussion wildly to be about something
>still accuse others of moving the goalposts
Wew lads

>> No.11653894

yeah. remember his playlists? good grief

>> No.11653898

Who said they dismantled test sites?

>> No.11653905

>shifts the discussion wildly to be about something
You've already forgotten how this conversation started haven't you?


>> No.11653911

Satellite images of them dismantling their test sites?

>> No.11653929

How is that post (who isn't mine anyway) about representation in certain narrative? You just outed yourself in moving the goalposts to be about that instead. Congrats dumbass

>> No.11653938

Thats old news, UN experts just confirmed that NK is still producing nuclear weapons as planned

>> No.11653990

>implying famous politicians actually read any book
You fucking autists, you dear mates, you are so woefully retarded.

>> No.11654002

Reading isn't a sign of intelligence. I read Kant's CoPR, understood most of it, and am pretty retarded.

>> No.11654157

You are quite smart if you read Kant.

>> No.11654512

>no one ever reads

>> No.11654944

Besides Obama's list being ultimate pseud, this is truth.
Charlemagne learned to read while already king of the Franks. Napoleon couldn't write one sentence without fucking up spelling or grammar. Even Augustus was only pretending to have a literary circle. Louis XIV only knew of plays because he could see them played.
Literate politicians are few, like Donoso Cortes, Richelieu or Churchill.

>> No.11655048

In the same vein, he is so completely narcissistic you can absolutely count on him trying to make history as the best president ever. He's not doing it for the money, that's for sure. He's 71 and has billions of dollars, he could also be chilling on a beach with a harem of models instead of doing this.

>> No.11655572

wtf i love mediocrity now!