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File: 683 KB, 1684x2560, Enlightenment-Now-Steven-Pinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11651545 No.11651545 [Reply] [Original]

This book is amazing.

Watching the counter enlightenment, and postmodernists in particular, get fucked is always fun. The last few years have seen postmodernists grabbed by the ears, skull fucked in their eye sockets, and buring searing truth and reason ejaculated directly into their brain case. It is very satisfying to watch. In fact, every single ideology that the continentals and counter enlightenment faggots have advocated has failed. Monarchy failed, theocracy failed, german hegemony failed, fascism failed, communism failed, every iteration of marxism failed, postmodernism failed, anarchism failed.

Knowing that continentals have wasted decades of their life, and hundreds of thousands of their own money on failure gives me an amazing feeling. Their entire intellectual tradition is nothing but 250 years of failed dogshit. yet they still have a demeanor of superiority. No wonder they are so angry. and no wonder they cant engage with anything or anyone outside the academy.

Every single day, the enlightenment improves the lives of millions of people. and the counter enlightenment has done nothing but generate hatred, strife, and suffering for the people that advocate it, and for society as a whole. the enlightenment is the greatest glory in the history of man.

>> No.11651548

ok calm down with the shilling fag, one advertisement is enough

>> No.11651556

im not shilling
i have come to the den of evil
the nest of continentals on 4chan
to drive home the indisputable fact
that they are failures
and they should be ashamed

>> No.11651564

>bunch of niggers and plebeians can now afford iphones

>> No.11651567

I haven't read this, but every video of Steven Pinker makes me think that he really lucked into his standing and popularity. He hardly seems logically, historically, or philosophically trained at all. Is his writing better?

>> No.11651578

Pinker is an entertainer, not an intellectual.

>> No.11651580

he's just another guy who sells books by being an elite professor who bashes post-modern writers, on the other hand that avitel ronell scandal has taken away any urge on my part to defend shitty crap like butler or spivak or zizek or any other fuckwit that signed that letter, but any time some guy who is not a historian, philosopher or literary theorist bashes foucalt to a lay audience i drop it

>> No.11651582
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heres your plane ticket to afganistan
ill wait for you to post yourself on the plane.
>but i dont like afghanistan, i like enlightenment civilization
yep, you cant put your money where your mouth is, just bullshit comes out of it.
btw, i assumed that you live at UC berkley so i made the home airport oakland

>> No.11651600

>avitel ronell scandal
literally one day before the queen of #metoo turnout to be a pedophile rapist abuser herself. lol.

>> No.11651619
File: 30 KB, 770x438, 160927210830-tk-ah0927-exlarge-169-e1479345171641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mistaking an intuitive will to stay with being addicted to materialism

>> No.11651633

>postmodernism failed

Care to extrapolate?

>> No.11651637

>addicted to materialism
yep, thats exactly how a postmodern faggot would describe a life expectancy of 80 instead of 30, a infant mortality rate of <1% instead of >75%, not starving to death, being literate, and having plumbing and electiricity, having clean water, and not dying of small pox.

you people are awful

>> No.11651640

science for the win! :D

>> No.11651647
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damn right!

>> No.11652135

Objectivists really are blind to their beliefs. Pinker believes reason is his first principle. He never says the word belief because he believes in objective truth. Hence he can “know” reason is his first principle (even though he missed late wittgenstein, what exactly do you mean when you say you know reason is your first principle pinker? You dont actually know, you just convince yourself through belief for convienences’ sake)

Thats why op believes anarchism pomo comm etc is all dead. He believes they are. He doesnt believe rojava is real for example

>> No.11652137

>yet they still have a demeanor of superiority. No wonder they are so angry.

Funny isn't it, philosophy hasn't given us any answers yet philosophers get angry at scientists and call them drones and STEMfags because they're TRYING to find answers.

Sour fucking grapes.

>> No.11652178

Real science and real philosophy were never separate. If you personally really cared about the answers you'd know this, instead you've fallen for the memes pushed by "pop sci" shills you claim to feel sorely misrepresented by. Almost none of you even are really scientists anymore but technicians who largely appear to have just outright falsified your findings.

>> No.11652182


>> No.11652188

>Knowing that continentals have wasted decades of their life, and hundreds of thousands of their own money on failure gives me an amazing feeling
You sound psychologically unhealthy.

>> No.11652199

That was a hilarious read, did Pinker ever respond to this?

>> No.11652203

Mate I'm talking about this from a cultural/academic perspective. I study both philosophy and science - both disciplines are in themselves necessary and there's no real demarcation other than for the purposes of taxonomy. What I'm referring to is the hatred philosophers have (at least in the institutions I've been in) towards scientists in general, especially when they (scientists) have made progress in trying to understand things which were previously believed to fall under philosophy only (e.g. consciousness), as though the philosophy department doesn't want anyone to touch their precious topics.

>> No.11652207
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>continental thinks he's in a position to pathologize others
dude, the jig is up.

>> No.11652210

>yep, thats exactly how a postmodern faggot would describe a life expectancy of 80 instead of 30

this meme again.

>> No.11652214

>especially when they (scientists) have made progress in trying to understand things which were previously believed to fall under philosophy only (e.g. consciousness)

what's consciousness then

>> No.11652217

Science, bitch!

>> No.11652225

if they were in any way actual philosophers instead of careerist impostors they'd know their juvenile attitude was nonsensical and dangerous given the edge we're standing on right now, even just given the responsibility they have by professing to hold to the truth and nothing else. that and they'd be out there making actual arguments. how are you not overwhelmed with contempt?

>> No.11652229

That's exactly what I'm talking about. Instead of thinking "oh, let's see what neuroscience can tell us about consciousness" you put on that smug fucking face and autistic voice on and request an explanation in philosophical terms, because you can't think about anything other than your own little circlejerk of categorical thinking. That's not what philosophy is about.

>> No.11652232

Just answer the question

>> No.11652233

y i k e s

>> No.11652246

drink bleach retards, he's right.

>> No.11652247

Since when did Atheist Horsemen fans become so aggressive and crude?

>> No.11652253
File: 48 KB, 1103x234, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What even is postmodernism? Every honest attempt at learning what the fuck it is ended in disgust when I hit a torrent of bullshit. Pic related, the first sentence was my shortest attempt.

>> No.11652257

oh don't worry i loathe them just as much as anyone with a single clue hates you.

>> No.11652260

just the French with a few satellites, don't insult mentally sound reasoners by a wide blanket like this pls

>> No.11652266

Im not quite sure what you're trying to convey but im sure its very rational

>> No.11652271
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Redditor science cultists readily admit that all they care about is epic bacon and the civilisation that IV drips them the goodies that enable their fruitless sterile gaybaby lifestyles

>> No.11652272

>What even is
You nailed it right there, bud.

>> No.11652273

brainlets, don't know about the book in the OP, but read one of his cognitive science/language books and maybe you'll learn something about Pinker

>> No.11652277

>What even is postmodernism? Every honest attempt at learning what the fuck it is ended in disgust when I hit a torrent of bullshit. Pic related, the first sentence was my shortest attempt.
best book for a layperson

postmodernism is people that for contorted epistemological reasons, do not believe in knowledge. they are the apex of the counter enlightenment. postmodernists are what spawned SJWs.

>> No.11652279

During the middles ages everything sucked. 90% of people were serfs, barely 1 step above a slave. Almost all governments were autocracies and theocracies. Equality under the law did not exist, different laws applied to different classes, races, and religions. Corruption, poverty, and violence were part of daily life. The aristocracy justified their tyranny with tradition, religion, and naked force. If a serf ever asked a noble, “hey, why should you be a noble, and why should I be a serf,” the answer would be, “Because that’s the way its always been, because my armies will beat the shit out of you, and because god said so.” For over 1000 years, that’s the way people lived, and it sucked.
But then the enlightenment happened, people began to reject tradition, religion, and force as sources of knowledge and justification. They replaced it with reason and empiricism and individualism. People began to use these new sources of knowledge to learn about the world, and then use that knowledge to make their lives better. From enlightenment thinking they created or rediscovered democracy, equality under the law, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, meritocracy, capitalism, the abolition of slavery, science, technology, and medicine. The Revolutions in America, the UK, and continental Europe overthrew the oppression of the feudal kings and priests to set humanity on the path to prosperity, peace, and progress. The Enlightenment is one of the greatest glories in the history of man.

>> No.11652282

After the defeat of the Nazis, the communists were in trouble. Originally, communism was an enlightenment ideology, it used reason to try to make the world better. But, by the 1960s and 70s, the weight of evidence and arguments were starting to make communism indefensible. But former communists still hated capitalism, and they began to look for ways to continue the fight. They found over 200 years of powerful philosophy that was specifically designed to attack the entire enlightenment foundation that capitalism rested upon. They found the philosophies of literal card carrying members of the nazi party, like martin heideggar, and other far right counter enlightenment intellectuals, like paul de man.
Thus, a peculiar situation arose. Far left philosophers began using a philosophical tradition that was once the exclusive province of the reactionary far right. They took nazi philosophies and twisted them for leftist purposes. They started to hate reason. Hate science. Hate democracy. Hate peace. Hate freedom. Hate individualism. Hate humanism. And of course, hate capitalism. They created the intellectual ecosystem known as postmodernism.

>> No.11652285

Thus, a peculiar situation arose. Far left philosophers began using a philosophical tradition that was once the exclusive province of the reactionary far right. They took nazi philosophies and twisted them for leftist purposes. They started to hate reason. Hate science. Hate democracy. Hate peace. Hate freedom. Hate individualism. Hate humanism. And of course, hate capitalism. They created the intellectual ecosystem known as postmodernism.
For several decades, they developed their theories, and many former Nazi philosophers converted to the far left and became leading members of the postmodern movement.
Today, many commentators have noticed that the SJW left seems to have gone so far left that they have looped all the way around to the opposite side of the spectrum. The term “Regressive Left” has arose to describe them because they believe many of the same things that the god damned Nazis believe:
The LEFT is now arguing that a person’s race/sex/class is the most important thing about them, just like the Nazis did.
The LEFT is now arguing that a racial elite of capitalists is oppressing their race, just like the Nazis did.
The LEFT is now arguing that resources, education, and employment should be distributed by race, just like the Nazis did.
The LEFT is now arguing that legal protections, like trial by jury, right to counsel, and presumption of innocence, should be removed to better prosecute “oppressors,” just like the Nazis did.
The LEFT is now arguing that races and sexes should be treated differently by the law, just like the Nazis did.
The LEFT is now arguing that freedom of expression should be restricted, to protect their race, just like the Nazis did.
The LEFT is now arguing against science, just like the Nazis did.
The LEFT is now arguing that coercion, violence and “any means necessary” are the best way to resolve disagreements between races, and sexes, and classes, just like the Nazis did.
The LEFT is now arguing that cultural mixing and contamination (cultural appropriation) should be stopped, to protect their racial culture, just like the Nazis did.
The LEFT is now arguing that culture must be carefully managed by elites to protect their race, just like the Nazis did.
The LEFT is now arguing that the sexuality of particular races/sexes must be suppressed, to better protect their race/sex, just like the Nazis did.

>> No.11652288

Absolutely based

>> No.11652289

>having any faith in science and technological progress after the atomic bomb

>> No.11652291

whoops stick bit inbetween here >>11652279
and here >>11652282

But the enlightenment had enemies from the very beginning. The counter enlightenment movement sought to preserve the monarchies and theocracies of Europe against the enlightenment by using mainly theological arguments. The counter enlightenment was centered in Germany, and over 200ish years it became more irrationalist, relativist, and authoritarian until it eventually evolved into the Nazis.

>> No.11652292

>>having any faith in science and technological progress after the atomic bomb
the atomic bomb ended war between great powers. nukes are a GOOD thing.

>> No.11652310

Not that poster but holy shit are you brain dead

The tired memes and strawmen uncovered your mental illness, nukes being a good thing uncovered your malice

>> No.11652327


>> No.11652328

>countries goto war cuz they think they can win
>nukes ensure no one wins
>thus countries dont goto war
the only problem with nukes is that they did not come fast enough to destroy all the dogshit philosophy delevoped in germany in radioactive fire

>> No.11652330
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>> No.11652332
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>> No.11652342

Ok this is epic

>> No.11652443

I hate you. For real. Maybe you're a nice person in real life and have friends and act morally or whatever, but you're a fucking prick and I hate you. That image is awful. Whoever made it had some serious insecurities. There's no other reason for making, or reposting it.

Well done. I'm actually angry now.

>> No.11652466

>pseud scientists with no big contributions hate philosophy
>among the most impactful scientists praise metaphysics and philosophy
rly. make. one. ponder.

>> No.11652470

why are you so triggered, what's wrong with it

>> No.11652475

If you need me to explain why the image is silly then you won't understand. I'm saying this as someone who recently graduated in philosophy.

>> No.11652481

>I'm saying this as someone who recently graduated in philosophy.
somehow i doubt that

>> No.11652494

>If you need me to explain why the image is silly then you won't understand.
prove you can and are not just talking shit, the image is fine

>> No.11652497
File: 62 KB, 750x545, Dew1cMsW0AAlVqS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added to my "okay this is epic" compilation.

>> No.11652505
File: 9 KB, 432x163, fd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"If you need me to explain why the image is silly then you won't understand." such a cop out, lol. "If you don't get it then you can't get it!"

>> No.11652509

Pinker was born in Montreal, Quebec, in 1954, to a middle-class Jewish family. His parents were Roslyn (Wiesenfeld) and Harry Pinker.[3][4] His grandparents emigrated to Canada from Poland and Romania in 1926,

>> No.11652517

>(e.g. consciousness
>scientists understand consciousness
jung understood consciousness better than a jew scientist man

>> No.11652525
File: 1.12 MB, 800x1402, 1534719623246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its amazing how similar the postmodern left is to the neonazi right. opposite sides of the same dogshit coin
the postmodernists dismiss your arguments based on your race, just like the nazis do.

>> No.11652529

you read a lot in to that you could've just given him some neuroscientific information about consciousness instead o just being a rude cunt

>> No.11652561

Pinker is afraid of Kevin MacDonald. Nothing he says is of value.

>> No.11652577

citation needed for your ridiculous claim dickwad

>> No.11652602

Asia Argento

>> No.11652608

this is your brain on "classical liberalism"

>> No.11652646

>It's infallible, I swear
>Human reasoning, morals and actions are almost perfect, and on the rise, we're in a GoldenAge.jpg bois
>Nukes literally solved evolutionary inherent psychological problems

Btw, I don't know jack shit about history, can you guys recommend any reading? I heard that wars used to exist, was it like an MMO? Also, what is psychology, I only know the term because I watched some youtube video. Brb, mom is calling, dinner is ready. I'll be back, stay epic!! :)

>> No.11652651

stop posting, both of you

>> No.11652930
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>> No.11652955

science is not improving shit, at least not until it's free from the chains of capitalism.
I suffer from several chronic illnesses, all of them are acquired due to the the modern consumerist lifestyle and none of them is completely curable by the so called modern ""advanced"" medicine... Instead they are keeping me hooked on pills. I no longer hold any turst in medicine or technology, and the only reason I am here, is that the streets are empty, there is no one to talk with. I wish I wasn't born in the age of """"Enlightenment""""

>> No.11653322

lol graduated in philosophy? what a waste of time. and it seems like the left column (full of people with actual scientific achievements) have complex thoughts about the role of philosophy on science.that a philosopher should appreciate. Meanwhile those on the right- the pop. "science guise" of today like that dead heathen richard dawkins and that latent fag Bill Nye are discounting philosophy in order to maintain their ignorant audience (as if they needed to knock it in order to retain those idiots)

>> No.11653364

(((lucked out)))

>> No.11653417

no rush, just pointing out that I'm still waiting

>> No.11653429

Pinker is the most /pol/ intellectual out there you twerp.

>> No.11653675


This, but also:


And section VIII and on of:


>> No.11653692

And yet in 50 years Europe and America will be majority muslim

Makes you think

>> No.11653760

based, redpilled, noncel

>> No.11653827

>America will be majority muslim
Do you have a single fact to back up your claim?

>> No.11653919

>this level of being a pussy
clean your fucking room, faggot

>> No.11653943


>Pinker's response to Nietzsche

>> No.11654150


This whole attitude of 'everything was retarded for centuries becuz of religion and then the enlightenment happened and fixed everything' just shows peoples total lack of historical knowledge.
Yeah, in hindsight it does seem like that but only looking backwards and if you're totally oblivious of the role religion played in keeping societies together.

For centuries people lacked the scientific and historical knowledge and experience we have now. Something had to bind large groups of people together, structure their beliefs and interactions so that a stable, somewhat safe society could be maintained which could channel violent impulses. Religion fullfilled this function and by doing so it layed the basis for all scientific discoveries which came afterwards.

Because the nobility and clergy in the middle ages gave charters and rights to towns (often in return for the feudal dues of which the origins were long forgotten by the time of the French Revolution), a middle class could develop itself which would later become the major proponent of the enlightenment.
But the conditions for the growth of these developments were created in a society which was held together by religion and traditions!

It didn't just suddenly fall out of the sky or emerged from a vaccuum, but people like Dawkins and others who act like everything before the 18th century was just a mistake and served no purpose just show their own lack of understanding.

Hell, even today we still largely live our lives under the rules of traditions. There's no objective or scientific reason for someone to start a family and have kids or work all day for consumer items.

>> No.11654172

And now we work nearly double the hours.

>> No.11654188


>> No.11654190
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>> No.11654333


Also, concerning consumerism: this is basically the modern equivalent of religious ritual.
Think about it, consumerism is in no way a logical consequence of the enlightenment because besides cars, household appliances, ... most of the crap you see in stores and malls is completely useless, wastefull and it's in no way rational to waste resources on these things.
Yet consumption of superfluous crap structures a large part of how we spend our time.
You would expect a truly enlightenend society to be filled with individuals who resemble those 18th century bourgeois scientists, not mindless consumers who deligth in posting their latest meals on FB (or browsing 4chan)

>> No.11654495

only one of the people on the right is a scientist

>> No.11654634

typical postmodernist
wtf am I even reading

>> No.11654724

Noticeably absent from his book: self-reported female happiness/fulfillment and consumption of antidepressants for example

He is a good author nonetheless

>> No.11655609
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e-everything that you feel is just a perceptual illusion!
i-its not real!
your so ignorant!
muh perceptual illusions!
muh kant
muh hegel
muh imagination land is what actually matters!

>> No.11655747

>sjws are Hegelians


>> No.11655789


>> No.11655799

lol ok you got me ill download this illegally and give it a shot

>> No.11655810

Do your own homework you tranny. Thinly veiled request for arguing points.

>> No.11655848

Look at those disgusting Americans. That's what not understanding German idealism did to you. Eww. Anglos worldwide are all going down that same shitter.

>> No.11655860

germany has never won a war.
and you never will win a war.
because your entire culture is shit.

>> No.11656148


>> No.11656178

guarantee you you can't find a sjw that understands hegel on any level beyond le march of progress man

>> No.11656245
File: 22 KB, 474x369, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and youre wrong again