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11647020 No.11647020[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can any postmodernist on the board define postmodernism?

Anytime I ask someone defending postmodernism, or misunderstanding postmodernism, to define it they either refuse, change the subject or just start memeing zoomer memes.

I'm starting to suspect that they may be in some sort of a cult.

>> No.11647027

Postmodernism (short for postal modernism) was the process in the late early and, to an extent, the late twentieth century, whereby the postal service in the United States and across the western world was modernized, allowing for faster and more reliable transmission of parcels, letters and postcards. In the 1990s and the twenty-first century, postal modernism was largely superceded by e-postmodernism, as more and more information began to be transmitted electronically, using technologies such as email and SMS messaging. However, postmodernism still has some uses, although these are primarily in the transport of freight or the delivery of parcels and goods, which cannot be done electronically.

>> No.11647028

It's white genocide by the Jews to eradicate whiteness and masculinity

>> No.11647032

top kek

>> No.11647038

Literary postmodernism?
Philosophical postmodernism?
Artistic postmodernism?
Which one?

>> No.11647041

Read Derrida, that's all. Understand deconstruction, that's literally it. That's all.

>> No.11647061

I did read him.

At far as I can tell he holds the position that there is no canonical interpretation of reality, that everything is essentially constructed socially for the human consciousness.

Postmodernists here don't seem to hold that position.

>> No.11647074

denial of the Center/verticality, all narratives coexist on the same flat, non-totalizable plane

>> No.11647081

You're on /lit/, there are no postmodernists here, only people pretending to be.

Extrapolate Derrida. That is postmodernism. Don't fall for the "critical theory is postmodernism" meme, even academics believe it: poco, race, queer, gender, etc, theories are modernist theories pretending to be postmodernist.

Deleuze is another example of actual postmodernism. Foucault gets lumped in but that's not right, though he has inspired some people.

Basically, Marxists wear postmodernist skin and pretend they're doing postmodernism together. There are almost no postmodernists in academia in the US at least. Sucks and I hate it.

>> No.11647090

>There are almost no postmodernists in academia in the US at least. Sucks and I hate it.
This is where you lost me, I'm afraid. Because Colleges and Universities which teach things such as critical literary analysis in their humanities exclusively teach, almost always, through the postmodernist perspective of "death of the author" style deconstruction of the text in an attempt to articulate the power hierarchies in which the author is advocating for.

>> No.11647117

Stop incinerating your neurons with this load of bullshit. Postmodernism is a fucking retarded word used by pseuds. If you want to grasp the concept behind it you don't need to fucking DEFINE it, you just have to read Pynchon, Wallace, DeLillo, Gaddis, Eco, Calvino, Burroughs, Ballard, Borges, Auster, Heller, Gibson, Dick, Blissett, Marquez,...

Now kill yourself.


>> No.11647125

They utilise postmodernist techniques for a modernist end. It's bullshit. Postmodernism can be awesome in the right hands. If everyone was in the Deleuze mindset of reinterpretation, everyone going "hey here is my new way of looking at this old thing!", that could be truly beautiful. We have the tools to really open up academic dialogue.

Instead, Marxists pollute everything and pretend to be postmodern. They are not. They are fossils wearing the skin of newborns. Abominations. Often unread, as well, mindlessly deconstructing everything without being able to put the pieces back together without Daddy Marx's (or Adorno's or Zizek's or whoever) help.

There is absolutely nothing more devastating to an open mind than the experience of graduate school.

>> No.11647131

>Don't define words or terms.
>Just stop thinking about it.
>Read 8 books then you'll get it.
Thanks, very helpful. I'll make sure to write to Websters with your suggestion to stop defining words because it hurts your feelings.

>> No.11647170

You cannot define postmodernism in one sentence, you fucking retard. If you want that, simply read the wikipedia page.

If you take a book by Pynchon, a book by Eco and a book by Gibson, you'll see they're all completely different, and yet they all fall under the category of postmodernism. That is because it's a very complex and diversified phenomenon. My proposal is to ban the term (which always make you look like a pseud or a retarded american kid) and just talk about the actual literature.

>> No.11647189
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Sure I can.

Postmodernism adheres to the presupposition that there exists no canonical interpretation of the variable and infinite possible interpretations which arise from a finite set of data.

>> No.11647212

Goddamn he did it. No one has ever summarized so succinctly yet thoroughly the essence of perhaps the most important mail delivery service movement in our history. Bravo, anon. Bravo.

>> No.11647348
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the map is not the territory.

>> No.11647371

The hell does that mean.

>> No.11647385
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>> No.11647389
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semiotics, basically. words and structure matter: not getting rid of God because we have not gotten rid of grammar.

don't get me wrong. i'm well aware of where this road leads, which is to orwell-style thought policing. but i read this more as a symptom, of the fear of what is implied by the loss of an absolute reality principle.

structuralism and post-structuralism occur as intellectual movements in the 20C for a reason. nietzsche is involved, as is heidegger, lacan, and lots of other guys. later foucault and derrida, baudrillard. the frankfurt school also. saussure. lots of stuff that, at the time in which the theory was being developed, wasn't so unreasonable.

today, talking the gospel of interpretation at face value and deriving from it a ready-made political praxis is obviously cancerous for dialogue. social justice inquistions are horrible, as horrible as the militant ideologues of any modernist cultural revolution are. there's no doubt about that. but how we got from there to here is a story that matters.

>> No.11647401


If you know when someone is misunderstanding it, you should be capable of defining it yourself.

>> No.11647420


>> No.11647439

Yeah, cool USELESS definition you faggot

>> No.11647449

If I claimed that postmodernism is a movement based upon the work and theory of Mikhail Lomonosov and Giordano Bruno, my claim could be disputed only by someone who can define pomo?

>> No.11647462

lmao he actually did it

>> No.11647466

He's completely right, but he did not elaborate, hence 6/10.

>> No.11647468
