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/lit/ - Literature

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11645673 No.11645673 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11645691
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>> No.11645750

>from plastic food to plastic surgery: an insect's tale

>> No.11645762
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>> No.11645783
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>> No.11645792

I liked it but it made me sad

>> No.11645799

Fascinating in the details it presents from various cultures but frustratingly naïve in the synthesis it draws from them.

>> No.11645806
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>> No.11645815

Interesting but a tad dry

>> No.11645982

how so /hasn't read it/

>> No.11646063

haven't read this, but wasn't this all debunked as horseshit?

>> No.11646146
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Mein Kampf.

>> No.11646239

No, at least the first part wasn't. The book is divided in two: Her life in North Korea and her escape from North Korea to China.
The first part is coherent, the story matches with things I've read in others books and online. The second part, is up to you if you want to believe her or not.

>> No.11646681
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I thought it was in desperate need of editing, and Beard's opinions are legitimately retarded.

>> No.11646980

It reflects Carlyle's interest at the time, and one cannot help but think that the extended 'clothes' and 'tailoring' metaphors helped Carlyle himself understand what to him was the relatively new German philosophy and criticism at that time. If one has oneself some knowledge of Schelling, the Schlegels, Hegel before reading, it becomes the sweetest form of satire-- intimate, even loving, but definitely a send-up (ultimately). Carlyle at both his most difficult and least acerbic. Heroes is another relatively modest Carlyle. French Rev is his most entertaining (but have some sense of the Revolution's early time-line before reading it).

>> No.11647306

>Beard's opinions are legitimately retarded.

>> No.11647335
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>> No.11647545

Want to read.

>> No.11647562

I haven’t read it but he drank 50 cups of coffee a day and wrote hundreds of books so it must be kino

>> No.11648464
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At point she claims it's "inconceivable" that the Romans had an organized militia in the earlier days of the republic, without any further elaboration.
At another point she she claims there's no way they could have planned multiple conquests, because they didn't have maps.

>> No.11648503

great psychological profiles, don't read it if you're looking for plot

>> No.11648508

mostly boring, sometimes shrill. basically
>*snap* yep, this one's going in my cringe compilation: the book

>> No.11648590

I really loved it. I had studied 3 novels by Balzac at school but never read Père Goriot ; then when people would talk about Balzac's "irony", I was, wtf, what irony ? Balzac may e cool but he ain't no funny guy, and he ain't too much spiritual either.
Then I read Le Père Goriot and fully enjoyed a perfect comedy and a perfect tragedy at the same time. I laughed out loud a few times and was amazed at how the book captured the vicious essence of Parisian life.
Not sure if these things can appear through a translation, but oh god how good it was.

>> No.11648786

go ahead and refute these points

>> No.11648815
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I can conceive of the dudes who ran around the world building roads and aqueducts of being capable of organizing militias and planning a series of invasions. These are not remotely improbable, yet Beard lazily dismisses the mere possibility without any additional explanation.
Also the rest of the book is a disorganized, rambling mess.

>> No.11648916

He thinks papua new guineans are the most powerful race in the universe. I think that's all that needs to be said.

>> No.11649177
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>> No.11649350

Each chapter is based on some Zodiac sign, but other than that I can't remember shit about it.

>> No.11649391

a demand isn't a point

>> No.11649565

>Sartor Resartus
Good luck finding someone, OP. I read a bit of it once, but it seemed more like an interesting curiosity than a worthwhile literary work.

>> No.11649902

it's worthwhile. it's just one of those books that requires you to read a whole bunch of lit and philosophy to appreciate

>> No.11651599


no lies, my girlfriend just read it and liked it. She thought Cosmicomics was a little better.

She's Jewish though I'm sure you fucks will say fuck me

>> No.11651758

pointless post

>> No.11653119


>> No.11653125
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>> No.11653129

Why even bring it up fuckhead?

>> No.11653151

Does this cover the key points of roman history well enough to stand on it's own?

>> No.11653154
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>> No.11654162

Kind of, it covers the early republic well enough, but then book tries to cover a huge amount of information in no particular order. I would just read Gibbon and Suetonius.

>> No.11654732

Listen to the History of Rome podcast instead

>> No.11654746

Based and redpilled

>> No.11654758


boring as hell, I don't know how Bolding managed to turn such a promising premise into an utter chore, but interesting parable.

>> No.11655001

Stopped reading there my man.

>> No.11655011
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Fuck you fuck you fuck you ahhhhhhhh

>> No.11655645


>> No.11655688

His thesis is worth taking seriously even if it is primarily an evasion.

>> No.11655754

Good book

Been like a thousand years since I read it, remember enjoying it though

Tedious and dull

>> No.11655757
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>> No.11656116

Cloud Atlas.

I just remembered that book exists. Read it years ago, I don't think I've ever seen it even mentioned here.

>> No.11656236
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>> No.11656260
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>> No.11656284
