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11642137 No.11642137[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books men will never understand.

>don't worry, janny. I know this thread hurts your fee fees. Even though you let daily "Books women will never understand" threads sit on the front page perpetually.

And you know what, I certainly enjoy them. They're a sort of subversive joke for me, personally. Knowing that men hate threads aren't needed simply because the vitriolic insecurity and repressed homosexuality on parade in women hate threads serves the same purpose.

>> No.11642287

Woah; you sure showed those rightwing nazi chud frogmen, leftypol.

New thread topic; who's your favorite preaocratic and why?

>> No.11642291


>> No.11642384

Most men I've met were incapable of understanding Austen, they just have a knee jerk "it must be like a rom-com" type reaction.

>> No.11642403

It's been a while since we've had a tripfag event of this magnitude, lmao

>> No.11642411

In what way is this a book men won't understand, but women will?

Most women I know who read JP think his mythology is phallocentric, and that he's misogynist.

>> No.11642413

t. only started pretending to like Austen when he found out Nabokov did

>> No.11642443

>Books women will never understand
I’ve never seen a thread like this, you might be mixing /lit/ with /tv/

>> No.11642450

ok, i'll bite. why will men never understand this book?

>> No.11642453

>December is /leftypol/
No way, he is your cancer

>> No.11642470
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Well, 99.9% of this boards userbase is male. We can assume this with axiomatic justification. Even in hyperbolic exaggeration, which that was.

Every single time I have ever seen Peterson's work brought up I have yet to see a single person actually discuss the content of his work. Not once. No one who discusses his work has actually read it.

So, men don't understand his work. Perhaps they can't.

Unless of course it's just 4channers who can't understand his work and sex has little to nothing to do with it that isn't blatantly incidental.

>> No.11642480

You're not looking hard enough sweetie

>> No.11642481

No, it’s just that 4chan is edgy and contrarian and embarrassed to like anything seemingly popular or mainstream.

>> No.11642487

No it's just that the corpus of his work that isn't related to applied psychology is just misunderstood thoughts on pomo and disgusting alt right dogwhistling

>> No.11642493

I have read this book in its entirety and watched all the video lectures for the Maps for Meaning course. Seems to me like his fundamental ideas are:
The importance of individuality and activity of the individual in determining his own destiny
All belief sets are derived from the Enuma Elish
Hitler did nothing wrong and women suck

>> No.11642497

>The importance of individuality
But, of course, while conforming to naturally occurring social structures of course

>> No.11642501

I wouldn't exactly call those fundamental to the entirety of the text. It's a textbook, it covers quite a lot.

>> No.11642503

Have you even read it?

>> No.11642505


>> No.11642512

Fantastic question there, itll definitely add to the dialogue in a meaningful way

>> No.11642519

So no, got it

>> No.11642534

I foreshadowed your lack of valuable input, and here you are inputting nothing of value.

>> No.11642537

>The tripfag said as they did the same thing.

>> No.11642544

How postmodern

>> No.11642549

Jordan Petersson is a grade A pseud. yes he was an assistant professor at Harvard, but that does not make him applicable in any other field than clinical psychology. He usually shows complete disregard for history and completely misreads Nietzsche. He points to an imaginary Marxist/Postmodern conspiracy (even though Marxism is based of dialectical materialism and especially historical materialism)

He is always opressed, always misread and comparing him to fascists is the ultimate sin (Although if you think we calling trans people by their pronouns should be covered by human rights like it is with racial slurs then you are a marxist and you will destroy the western world)

There took the bait.

>> No.11642563

Marxist Postmodernism is neither Marxist nor postmodernism

>> No.11642569

>yes he was an assistant professor at Harvard, but that does not make him applicable in any other field than clinical psychology.
His decades of clinical experience and PhD, and decades long teaching career, is what makes his experience and knowledge applicable in a multitude of different disciplines. Being a trained scientist has utility which goes much broader than simply supercharging shitposts on 4chan, retard.

>and completely misreads Nietzsche.
I would be very surprised if you could quote him doing so.

>He points to an imaginary Marxist/Postmodern conspiracy.
Sounds like you're ignorant of the history of both.

>> No.11642580

>She said while supercharged shitposting on 4chan and calling others retards.
I think Peterson isn't half-bad but you are turning people away from him with your autistic idol worshipping

>> No.11642584

Neo-marxism and Post-Modernism tend to go hand in hand. Post-modernism is the presuppositional position that there is no canonical interpretation of the variable infinite possible interpretations of any finite set of data. This allows anyone who adheres to this doctrine of idiocy to justify, to themselves, a disregard for systems which they do not comprehend as being intrinsic to their interpretation.

>> No.11642592

I actually fundamentally disagree with him on a many number of important positions. So, that criticism is unfounded.

>> No.11642604


>> No.11642609

My diary desu

>> No.11642617

>His decades of clinical experience and PhD, and decades long teaching career, is what makes his experience and knowledge applicable in a multitude of different disciplines. Being a trained scientist has utility which goes much broader than simply supercharging shitposts on 4chan, retard.
Is Ben Carson a good policy maker?
>I would be very surprised if you could quote him doing so.
>"When Nietzsche proclaimed that god is dead and we killed him it wasn't triumphant he said we would never wash the blood of ourselves"

"God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?"

Not to mention the fact that in the genealogy of morals he attacks Christianity for being a religion of the weak and a solace price for losers

>Sounds like you're ignorant of the history of both.
I am partially, could you point me too some sources? I know many Marxists are very critical of post modernism but im sure these "neo marxists" are a real threat and not just a modernization of "cultural bolshevism" that Hitler talked about.

>> No.11642626

Just like your use of a fucking tripfag

>> No.11642630
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cranky because you're retard aren't you

>> No.11642635

these two posters are the same.

>> No.11642650


>> No.11642654
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I envy you....

>> No.11642655

Oh sweetie,

>> No.11642669

>decades long teaching career, is what makes his experience and knowledge applicable in a multitude of different disciplines
Clearly not given everything he says outside of his focus of clinical psychology is nonsense

>> No.11642671
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>> No.11642675

>not just a modernization of "cultural bolshevism" that Hitler talked about.
more like a post modernization amirite

>> No.11642678

>Post-modernism is the presuppositional position that there is no canonical interpretation of the variable infinite possible interpretations of any finite set of data

>> No.11642683

Fear of flying
Tennessee Williams
Isaac Iinesen
Harry Potter

>> No.11642685


>> No.11642694

You haven't explained how petersons interpretation is incorrect or misguided. You've just presented me with his interpretation, one I happen to think is justified and accurate and backed by the canon of the experts who interpret such things.

>> No.11642701

>backed by the canon of the experts who interpret such things.
kek, so Nietzsche was a post christian who tormented the death of god as a great tragedy?

My quotes say otherwise.

>> No.11642713


>decades of clinical experience and PhD, and decades long teaching career
>still utterly incapable of understanding what Heidegger meant by Being, something even bright undergrads can get the gist of

An actual quote from his self-help book is that he dreamt he was inside of Being.

>> No.11642714
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>> No.11642716

You haven't explained a coherent understanding of what postmodernism is either

>> No.11642722

It's not what It is, pomo still believes in canonical truth

>> No.11642723

Why don't you present me with your definition.

Oh, wait, that's right, postmodernists don't want to define themselves because they are lying snakes.

>> No.11642735
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>he's actually so stupid he doesn't think Nietzsche was lamenting the death of god just because he wasn't a Christian
ha ha holy fuck

>> No.11642744

It's more of a collection of different ideas, but nothing to do with lack of any truth

>> No.11642745


>Heidegger tried to distinguish between reality, as conceived objectively, and the totality of human experience (which is his “Being”)
>Being (with a capital “B”) is what each of us experiences,subjectively, personally and individually, as well as what we each experience jointly with others. As such, it includes emotions, drives, dreams, visions and revelations, as well as our private thoughts and perceptions. Being is also, finally, something that is brought into existence by action, so its nature is to an indeterminate degree a consequence of our decisions and choices—something shaped by our hypothetically free will. Construed in this manner, Being is (1) not something easily and directly reducible to the material and objective and (2) something that most definitely requires its own term, as Heidegger labored for decades to indicate.

>claims Being is distinguished from """""objective reality"""""
>goes on to misconstrue Being as Sorge

Oh my god what a fucking pleb.

>> No.11642751

Its literally in the books he wrote, he thought the death of god was a liberation and he lamented Christianity as slave morality and was one of the founders of existentialism. Is this what Peterson is doing to young peoples minds?

>> No.11642753

Nietzsche was lamenting the death of God as a great tragedy for the human being, in that the man would need to rise to the challenge of articulating his own values, creating his own meaning. To become his own God.

Men cannot do this, and he knew that. Hence the despair.

Fucking retard. Get off my board.

>> No.11642762

>Men cannot do this, and he knew that. Hence the despair.
This is incorrect.

>> No.11642767


>> No.11642774

>backed by the canon of the experts who interpret such things
Cool, source?

>> No.11642780

Jordan Peterson is a good source of expert opinion which is digestible easily to the lower IQ masses.

If you can't understand him, just stop lmao.

>> No.11642782

>Jordan Peterson is right because that's what he said

Oh man...

>> No.11642790

Jesus you have such a disgustingly binary view of it.

"The murderers of all murderers. Who will wipe this blood off us? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?"

Yes, it was liberation, but at a cost. The death of god is similar to the fall of man. Yes, the superman can overcome this, but there's a reason why Zarathustra was so fucking pessimistic. Do you really think Nietzsche was happy about the advent of the Last Man? Do you read these lines and go, "yeah, that sounds really positive and sunny to me, there's absolutely no remorse in here at all".

Man loses his mooring in God and falls down the hedonism hole. Yes, slave morality is not what Nietzsche would advocate for, but the world without God is a much more dour one than the world with it.

>> No.11642791

Your local psychology professor will be able to fill you in at the undergraduate level if you desire.

>> No.11642792

>Jordan Peterson is a good source of expert opinion which is digestible easily to the lower IQ masses.

Look man i don't want to do this, you are clearly young and you just found daddy Peterson. You should do something, take up kayaking, go on a hike, travel. Build some confidence and find a boyfriend who loves you. After you've done this come back.

>> No.11642794

Back up your own statements if you want to be taken seriously

>> No.11642797

give me the high IQ people

>> No.11642806

Carl Jung. Heidegger.

>> No.11642810

You should probably follow your own advice and no Peterson is not a philosophy professor

>> No.11642816

Psychology is a lot like philosophy; except you actually need to know the scientific method and have an IQ over 125.

>> No.11642819

Yeah, but it isn't

>> No.11642820

Heidegger the crusader against postmodernism lmao
2/10 I replied

>> No.11642822


This is such a spectacle of a fuckup. It seems like he mixes up Care, Being and zuhandenheit all in one go. IQ in excess of 150 my ass. Heidegger is hard, but not that hard. Peterson is functionally philosophically illiterate. If this is what he takes Heidegger for, there is almost no conceivable way that his criticisms of the "postmodernists" (specifically Derrida) actually hits its target. It really ought to make everyone suspicious of his understanding of Nietzsche as well, particularly when you consider the fact that he lauds him for claiming truth is utility while simultaneously giving the "postmodernists" shit for relativizing truth.

>> No.11642825

I have not read all of Zarathustra since im not particularly interested, and it is clear from the start when he rolls into town that Nietzsche did not hold in esteem the populace at large. But i don't think he was very burdened by their challenges. I think from the little i read about him, and from scholars mentions of him. That he was very existentialist and very content with the death of god.

And even if he wasn't he still would not be the anti sjw, moral christian hero that Peterson paints him to be.

>> No.11642858
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>> No.11642883


>Peterson claims women are chaos
>Woman tripfag sows chaos by shitposting

Powerfull stuff, truly.. depp..

>> No.11642894

>Well, 99.9% of this boards userbase is male

axiomatic claim based on imaginary data post disregarded immediately n*gger

>> No.11642928

I mean agree there. I'm not sure that Peterson paints him that way, but more uses him and reinterprets him, which is fine. If Deleuze can reinterpret people, I mean, anyone can.

But yeah, Nietzsche would think Peterson is a fucking joke most likely. But I think he harbored some melancholy over the death of god. You can't think of the death of god from a secular position. You must think of it from the position of the god-fearing. The death of god is absolutely terrifying, but a reality we all must face.

>> No.11642936

Most women don't understand Austen either. They like her for all the wrong reasons