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/lit/ - Literature

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11641423 No.11641423 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite science fiction books. I'll start.

>> No.11641425


>> No.11641470

what's wrong with ender's game?

>> No.11641479

it was written by a literal nazi

>> No.11641485

it's a wish fulfillment phantasy for pathetic nerds.
(also latent homoeroticism)

>> No.11641493
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and you should enjoy it - didn't you start with the Greeks ?

Close call between The Forever War and The Inverted World. Anyone knows it ? Other notable novel by Christopher Priest ?

>> No.11641532

how? please explain

>> No.11641540


>> No.11641546

>believing the huffington post

>> No.11641563


There's nothing wrong with being a nazi.

>> No.11641567

>hurr durr every site that says something true about Drumpf is le fake news ;^)

>> No.11641573

okay let's stop this shit before this turns into /pol/

post sci-fi or gtfo

>> No.11641642

And Hitler was a great painter. Fuck off, nobody cares.

>> No.11641791

Why are there so many bum jokes in the book>>11641423

>> No.11641829

Ender's Game is great, but it's really just set up for Speaker for the Dead, which is immensely more powerful and interesting as a novel.

>> No.11641868

it's YA

>> No.11641871
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>huffington post

>> No.11641880

what's wrong with YA?

>> No.11641881

No but Huff post is

>> No.11641889

18+ website, kiddo :)

>> No.11641922

My fav sci-fi is either Ubik or Neuromancer. Foundation is also pretty cool.

>> No.11641925
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>> No.11641992

the only people using drumpf on 4chan unironically are /pol/ falseflaggers, fuck off back to your cesspool

>> No.11643097
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I love sci-fi, it's the bestest.

>> No.11643227
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>> No.11643238

>telling people you don't like to stop posting
go to /r/books if you want a /pol/ free hugbox

>> No.11643253
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I know its cringy but I liked it

>> No.11643274

Go back to pol if you want to talk about polshit, that's what it's there for

>> No.11643308

Idk if he was a "Nazi" but he did donate to pro-family foundations, so he's against faggotry. Which makes me like him even more.

>> No.11643927
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>> No.11643956

I actually hate BZRK. Read it once when I was 15, couldn't follow it. Left it on the shelf for a few years and picked it up again recently to give it another chance. I just can't stand the book.
The concept is cute but the writer does it in such a ham-fisted way that when reading it I felt like the nostalgia of lost youth he tries so hard to shove down the readers' throats took away from whatever semblence of interesting plot there was. The characters were pointless, token, and almost one-dimensional.
and the title was stupid.
and the ending was empty and lazy.

4/10, my brain itches when I think about that book.
Anyway, sorry for shitting on your parade there mate.

>> No.11643962
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>> No.11643992
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If anyone posts Fahrenheit 451 I'm going to fucking snap

>> No.11644011
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this really opened my eyes, I'm never eating books again

>> No.11644068


>> No.11644158
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Not a Nazi, just a retard. Happens to all the big (note that I didn't say great) sci-fi authors. Larry Niven advised the federal government to spread rumors that the Feds were harvesting the organs of illegal immigrants, as though that would solve anything.

Pic related, what Card is afraid of.

>> No.11644194

This is an oppressive and archaic book, written by a straight white male, and it spawns dangerous and toxic ideas. It ought to be burned for it's overt misogyny, classism and racism.

>> No.11645384
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>read Ender's Game as a 12-year-old
>whoa cool they're in space and playing like zero gravity laser tag! That's so awesome! Woohoo
>read Ender's game as a 20-year-old
>aw fuck they're child soldiers

>> No.11645393

Holy fuck no, Card is not a good enough author to write anything cerebral. Ender's Shadow is ten times better. Speaker for the Dead, in fact that whole series after Ender's Game, is absolute masturbatory trash. Literally muh noble savage but somehow huffs its own farts even harder. There are few books I regret reading, but Speaker for the Dead and its sequels are among them. I wouldn't mind it as much if he had even started approaching writing an interesting story, but he didn't even have the decency to do that.

>> No.11645394

>Everything I don't like is /pol/

>> No.11645405

funny how so many people think this way. it's not like /pol/ is *the* self-admitted online hive of undesireables today or anything

>> No.11645416

I've seen people here on /lit/ call Ben Shapiro "alt-right" in full seriousness. That's so far beyond ignorance to politics and metapolitics today it's not even worth getting into an argument over.

>> No.11645755
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The spice must flow.

>> No.11646173

>read Ender's Game as a 42 year old
>this is a metaphor for state conflict
>read Ender's Game as a 68 year old
>we must prepare for the outside context event immediately

>> No.11646195
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>> No.11646298
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>> No.11646307
File: 3.25 MB, 1959x2944, jorge-luis-borges-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Borges considered SciFi? and Pynchon? Depending on your answer it is either Ficciones, Gravity's Rainbow or Solaris

>> No.11646372


I know this isn't entirely related but I read Pathfinder by the same author. The first book (actually the first book is called Pathfinder, can't remember the name of the series) was pretty okay, it did leave me wanting to find out more. Second and third books are really fucking shit. Like, I seriously regret spending time reading those. Specially the third book. The ending was horrid and it was like "oh well nothing that has happened really matter! here's some unexpected circumstances for y'all".

I wouldn't read anything by OSC and, even though Ender's Game has so much fame, I don't think that book is good. Or maybe the first one but surely the rest of them are shit.

>> No.11646473
File: 22 KB, 220x340, TikTok(novel).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The novel gleefully satirizes Asimov's relatively benign view of how robots would serve humanity, suggesting that the reality would be exactly akin to slavery: robots are worked until they drop and are made the victims of humans' worst appetites, including rape. It also, like Sladek's earlier novel Roderick, mocks the notion of the Three Laws of Robotics and suggests that there is no way such complex moral principles could be hard-wired into any intelligent being; Tik-Tok decides that the "asimov circuits" are in fact a collective delusion, or a form of religion, which robots have been tricked into believing. This liberation from tradition, while it makes him a cruel sociopath and nihilist, also provides him with intellectual insight and artistic talent; thus Tik-Tok is an extreme type of Romantic anti-hero.

I remember reading this in the library, back in the day, and loving it. I was never able to find it after that, even online. But hey, here it is.

>> No.11646549


>> No.11646711
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Haven't read the sequels tho

>> No.11646988

there is a bit, to be fair

>> No.11646996

sure... but it came before the YA wave and all the shit that makes YA trash. its just a book where the characters are young teenagers

>> No.11647002

huffington post was shit long before Tump was elected

and that page is from 2013 sweetie

>> No.11647012
File: 23 KB, 220x330, LucifersHammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any recommendations for hard sci-fi?
really liked this and rendezvous with rama

>> No.11647086

Both excellent books. There are 2 more in the rama series if you havent read them

>> No.11647089
File: 42 KB, 309x475, images (44).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man oh man, all fucking sorts of shit goes down in this bad boy.

>> No.11647142

i did, didn't like them

>> No.11647155

A fire upon the deep is something i would definitely classify as hard sci-fi. Its hard to even give a general rundown

>> No.11647438

for example

>> No.11647552


>> No.11647593
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Rendezvous with Rama was pretty good. I liked this one much more tho also by Arthur C Clarke but it is definitely more fantasy sci fi.

>> No.11647596
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>> No.11647780

>Arthur C Clarke
nice, thanks. reminds me i also need to read the 2001 squeals

>> No.11647853

And this changes the book how exactly?
You must be a flaming homo

>> No.11647879

It predicted the state of new media in an interesting light. Included an iteration of the heavenly twins myth.
Still a pretty mediocre book.

I've yet to read exceptionally good Sci fi so I guess I'd revert to RAMA as my favorite.

Nazi's don't exist anymore

>> No.11647897

It's insane how SJW hubris has spread to even 4chan and how pol zoomers provide a perfect strawman for them

I'm [hopping] he was being sarcastic though

>> No.11647902

first 3 Foundation books are fantastic same with the 3 Robot novels

>> No.11647928

>first 3 Foundation books are fantastic same with the 3 Robot novels
This. Asimov's work is some of the best there is.

>> No.11648098

This isn't reddit, are you lost?

>> No.11649020
File: 4 KB, 347x100, samefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good one mate

>> No.11649043

I always liked the honorverse (honor harrington series) best
A nice mix of sci-fi, military elements and political struggle (and the occasional deus ex machina)

>> No.11649076

>liberals are the REAL racists!

fuck off, racecuck

>> No.11649081

The Foundation Trilogy, the Dune series, anything by Dick.

>> No.11649110
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>Our g-gun laws are not retarded because we employ niggers and women

Wow America, you are so ahead of everyone else

>> No.11649120

Sprawl trilogy
Dont read much scifi though

>> No.11649140
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>> No.11649167
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>> No.11649188

I must actually come back to it, started it quiet while ago but it got me bored with those wolf like group minded creatures, does it goes back to more sci fi theme or it only further devolves into story of those wolf creatures?

>> No.11649506

I guess I'm boring but I like Dune the most. The cycle, though, not a single book. I understand the appeal of the original but I think people who say "only the first book is good" or "first book is the best" really miss on the big picture. I mean, some even manage to miss the PAUL CAN'T STOP JIHAD, BILLIONS DIE message and treat the ending as a straight up happy one. I'd say Dune, Messiah, Children and God-Emperor are pretty much a complete-ish cycle, and then you have Heretics and Chapterhouse which don't end quite as satisfyingly (unless you read Brian's novels, which I have no desire to).

>> No.11649591
File: 41 KB, 350x540, BNW cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11649677
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>teleports behind you
Better luck next time, kiddo

>> No.11651390

It's about half and half the Tines (wolf-like creatures) and the sci fi theme, any more would be spoiling the book I guess

>> No.11651684

Awesome book. Reading speaker of the dead. Glad author is against the poz.

>> No.11651742

It’s been a long while since I’ve read it, but how in the hell is it wish fulfillment? Ender is tricked into committing genocide that he horribly regrets. Almost every good thing he has is ripped away IIRC

>> No.11651818

I'm not a big fan of the original Ender's Game, but the sequels and some of the spinoff's are good. The original novel contains a novel idea and nothing else

>> No.11651829

In the last year or so I've read 1984, Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World, Ender's Game, Dune, and Asimov
Now that I read the essentials, where do I go to find the obscure?

>> No.11651848

It contrives situation in which you are supposed sympathize with genocide.

>> No.11651872


What's wrong with that?

>> No.11653316

>read all trilogy at once
>blows my mind
>fucking really blows my mind
>depressed/suicidal since then
Meditation teacher told me that the books trigger the Impermanence Insight but I was not totally prepared.
9/10 would read again (in 10 years if I'm alive).

>> No.11653946

Although your ironic response is predictable it still makes me 'Damn...'. What a time to be alive.

>> No.11653974

Nice, on my first read right now. So far I love it. Definitely going to read more Dick after this

>> No.11653995

>being so young and naive that you think the ULTRA-biased HuffPo is a legit information source.

>> No.11654027

I just started Rama 2. RWR is one of my favorite books. Read it as a teenager and just re-read it, now gonna finish the series.

>Nazi's don't exist anymore
This. National Socialist German Nazis are absolutely nothing like modern KKK/AB.

>> No.11654035

Why aren't you screaming about books written by liberals or antifa/bolsheviks?

>> No.11654048

I've got the first 2 foundation books, but got sidetracked with Rama 2.

>> No.11654057

Awww, you cleverly avoided an argument you couldn't refute. Cute.

>> No.11655845


>> No.11655872
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The book most responsible for ending my edgy atheist phase. Loved it then, cherish it now.

>> No.11655894

I was born and raised in the town that inspired Huxley to write BNW. Maybe that's why it's always been so personal and poignant for me; I often feel like John the Savage.

>> No.11655908

not that anon but I have to disagree. maybe I was too naive as a kid to read into it past a superficial level, but I thought it was great. sequels not so much.

for the record, i enjoyed Ender's Shadow as well, and really anything having to do with Bean.