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11640734 No.11640734 [Reply] [Original]

How redpilled is your local bookstore?

>> No.11640742

Oh the fold! the fold! not

>> No.11640743

What constitutes red-pill?

>> No.11640748
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God i hate that phrase, redpill. You can't just say enlightened or just a simple informed, you have to reference the fucking matrix

>> No.11640757

bluepilled question

>> No.11640768

I occasionally sneak copies of mein kampf into book stores and leave them in the self help section

>> No.11640773

>he's not informpilled

>> No.11640800

>yfw you live in a rural area, with no bookstores even in higher population areas
The idea of either Laruelle, Evola, or Deleuze existing in one bookstore is near inconceivable to me. Where in the hell do you find these places?

>> No.11640801

Empty shelves.

>> No.11640831

There is only a small bookstore in my town and it's classics section is very sparse but for some reason there is always three or four different Ayn Rand books on the shelf

>> No.11640871
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>he's not redlightened

>> No.11640903
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i leave with a tote full of gems literally every week or two

>> No.11641029

is.....is it good?

>> No.11641046

Kinokuniya is run by shitlibs

>> No.11641073

I live in the fucking midwest and have seen A Thousand Plateaus and other French pomo shit (untranslated) at a used book store before. Needless to say I'm willing to bet every one of those books is still sitting on that shelf, but still. You never know what you'll see.