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11640483 No.11640483 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever read or write while drinking?

>> No.11640491

I occasionally read while drinking a beer or two

>> No.11640513

I wrote poems while drunk on the bus once

>> No.11640528


>> No.11640543

Don't remember things well which is bad for the former, but decent for the latter.

>> No.11640557

every night

>> No.11640675

all my best ideas emerge when I'm shitfaced

>> No.11640695

I've found recreational substances improve my ideas but ruin my actual writing. Alcohol makes my writing very negative and at times painfully edgy, like a high school sophomore with a thesaurus wrote it, marijuana makes it too hard to focus so everything lacks cohesiveness, and stims make me write in a journalistic tone that reads like shit and I write a lot of long unnecessary digressions. Pretty much every man I have worked with does a lot of their work buzzed but not drunk or on addys so I think I might just be a huge faggot I dunno.

>> No.11640926

nope, just while stoned.

>> No.11640943
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>Pretty much every man I have worked with

tell me bout this manwork

>> No.11640970

Usually I read some every night while I'm starting to get drunk but after a little while I'm too drunk to properly focus so I just watch shit

>> No.11641063

I prefer brandy and bourbon, don't care too much for any other spirit.

>> No.11641090

I work in PR which is like 90% female, it's probably the least manly field outside of nursing. Women spend most of their time in the office bickering and forming factions to engage in intra-office squabbling which usually ends with them treating the diversity hires like shit until they resign despite them being the ones that insist on hiring them and the token blacks and occasional Hispanic being generally as competent as the """""merit""""" hires. Hetero men usually only go to meetings and other required office activities and do a lot more work from home and according to themselves usually after a couple drinks. Homosexuals tend to fall somewhere between the two and are usually the only tolerable people, but that might be because they want my boipussy.

>> No.11641631
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show me the goods

>> No.11641649

Yes, I read and write while drinking water

>> No.11642697


>> No.11642922

Had a great idea for a short story once when i was mashed. Wrote it, drank some more. Dunno if it was any good because the next morning i found the sheets of paper almost entirely disintegrated from where i pissed and puked on them. So from that I assume my story was so shit that my drunk self destroyed the evidence.

>> No.11643340

I never drink while reading, but I often read while drinking

>> No.11643357

No, just drive

>> No.11643505

I rarely do anything sober, so yes.

>> No.11643768

yeah, i usually get the urge to write when i come home drunk
it's okay, obviously i can improve, but i also feel that my drunken texts better than anything i write sober