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11640112 No.11640112 [Reply] [Original]

I just started reading this and does the "muh stronk womyn" crap infest the whole series or does it get better ?

>> No.11640115

I gave up reading this do they really say Trolloc that much or does it get better?

>> No.11640116

By "better" do you mean entire books dedicated to femdom dungeons which eventually get expanded to lezdom dungeons, as well as entire armies of slave-men doing war against matriarchal witch-nations whose master plan is to castrate all magic-using males?

If so, yes.

>> No.11640125

Are you serious, is it really that bad

>> No.11640128
File: 28 KB, 517x429, Rvhth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't believe they got a fucking mormon to finish this series, man. How did he not know what he was inheriting?

>> No.11640150
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I just started reading this and does the "muh stronk womyn" grace the whole anthology or does it get gay ?

>> No.11640171

It gets worse and worse for thousands of pages and then better at the very end.

>> No.11640275

>very powerful evil soreceress
>centuries old, knows forbidden and awesome spells
>very close to the big bad guy
>murdered and tortured countless people
>somehow get captured by the good guys
>immediately start crying and weeping like a little bitch
>becomes tame and docile in a couple of days
what a disappointment

>> No.11640312

this isn't equivalent and you know it faggot
Even Howard's warrior women are still women, not merely men with tits. Valeria is limited in her martial ability by her femaleness.

>> No.11640338

He did his best to mend it.

>> No.11640346

Gets much better once you get to the Sanderson books.

>> No.11640360

what specific thing are you talking about

are you sure you aren't confusing this series for terry "chicken of absolute evil" goodkind?

>> No.11640391

>Aes Sedai rape dungeon
>literally everything about the Asha'man and phallic imagery
>Mat tied to a bed, dressed like a girl, and raped every chapter for an entire book

>> No.11640404

>Mat tied to a bed, dressed like a girl, and raped every chapter for an entire book
God dammit that's hot

>> No.11640415

>ok what when where
>crazy desperate men slowly going insane while at war with world-ending evil not being pretty cool also phallic imagery what when where (though i don't know if that's a bad thing exactly anyway)
>what when where again

maybe i'm just not remembering a ton of this stuff. mostly the books were OK except the filler chapters where nothing happened but a lot of skirt smoothing (~half the series i'd guess at least)

>> No.11640561

Yo why does the dude with armor in the center have two swords on his back like a witcher?

>> No.11640570
File: 97 KB, 477x712, TSRCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the cover artists don't coordinate with each other or read the books. You have no idea how fucking long I stared at this one as a kid trying to figure out which one was Mat and which one was Rand.

>> No.11640793

Speaking of Conan, how are Jordan's Conan pastiche novels?

>> No.11642285

Dude, did you not read the books or skip multiple sections that you thought were boring? Different anon who hasn’t read the books but I remember back in the day we used to have Wheel of Time threads when GoT was first coming out and all the WoT fanboys had to complain about how their series was better and anons would literally post screenshots of the pages where that guy was chained up and some chick would come in and be fluttering around him calling him her “precious pretty” or some shit.

That and the whole “bed mate” thing at the witch school where the older witches spank the younger ones and then they cuddle and cry with their room mates all night.

Honestly sounded pretty hot but I tried reading that first prequel novel and couldn’t get 10 pages into it. It was a chore.

>> No.11643389

Still a pretty good series.