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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 778 KB, 1600x1230, reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11639358 No.11639358 [Reply] [Original]

what goes through your head when you read?

>> No.11639371

i didn't realize crossdressers were such avid readers

>> No.11639384

A miasma of sudden and intense drives and curiosities sparked by a free-associative process that I can't turn off

>> No.11639401

i try to imagine OP doing something cool and heterosexual but even in my imagination he's a massive faggot

>> No.11639404
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usually nothing, which is why i like reading so much. helps me forget about my crippling, agonizing anxiety and depressing and general lack of motivation to continue existing and paradoxical fear of dying

>> No.11639423

I don't know why someone has decided to make all these anti-male threads but it is amusing.

>> No.11639537

>enjoying books

>> No.11639543

The words I am reading?

>> No.11639548

It's one resentful woman.

>> No.11639589

Probably has something to do with that pornstars Twitter post

>> No.11639599

Literally just what score I'm gonna give it on goodreads.

>> No.11639611

i imagine the scenes on the book played by my favourite actors

>> No.11639620

it's charlotte sartre

>> No.11639630

Only what i am reading with occasional insights sparked by it.

>> No.11639635
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>> No.11639639

What is it with weird MFA people and Proust? Like it used to be Hemingway, then it was DFW, but now it's Proust.

>> No.11639658

Trying to pay attention to what the book is saying. What else would you even be thinking about?

>> No.11639662

cant stop laughing at this wtf

>> No.11639676 [DELETED] 

Tell people you shave it for swimming

>> No.11639687

Nothing I focus on what I'm reading so I don't miss anything

>> No.11639710
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When reading: whatever’s happening on the page played out like a movie, I’m a visual person.

If my mind wanders while reading then it goes to, from most often to least often, though anything in this list is going to go through my head a lot:

>suicide (zero desire to kill myself but I witnessed a family member’s attempt a few years ago and it is constantly on my mind)
>guns (what I want to buy and gun design ideas)
>cars (status of my project car and future mods and purchases)
>novel and story ideas
>planes (I’m a recreational pilot)
>favorite authors
>novel I’m currently reading
>current events and politics
>my job search since graduation is on the horizon
>business plans and ideas
>my studies (MBA program)
>finance and investing
>tfw no gf

>> No.11640803
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Just a highlight reel of my worst moments on loop, pretty much.

>> No.11640829

Idk I guess I think about checking my phone

>the most normie answer in this thread. Yes I am this boring irl too.

Props to the guy with the bald post tho, kek

>> No.11640839

Anti-male bait is the most effective type on any 4chan board. You can make it as blatantly obvious as possible but some sperg will still take it

>> No.11640847
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Nice one op

>> No.11640852

Either just a mental reenactment of the text or a hatred for the author

>> No.11640860

I don't know why someone has decided to make all these anti-female threads but it is amusing.

>> No.11641119

Don't have to be a woman to buy into straight white males being responsible for everything bad that ever happened, like, ever. Or maybe op is making fun of that nonsense, hard to say.

>> No.11641187

same, but add
>Western civilization is fucking dying and I can't do shit to save it.
>What the heck even goes on in South America?

>> No.11641189

high test. congratulations, anon. you've made it.

>> No.11641193

dude if you'r egonna be bald at least fuck some bitches with your uncontrollably high T levels

>> No.11641197
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>> No.11641198

Whatever I'm reading with slight analysis/interpretation. fear that I've just only glazed over the past half-page of words. a truly irrational anxiety about not reading enough, since by reading 20+ pages a day I'm vastly ahead of your average american in terms of reading

>> No.11641207

I like it, change of pace.

>> No.11641208
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>he justifies only reading 15 pages a day by comparing himself to the average libtarded americunt who hasn't read a single page in their life

>> No.11641216

Alright dude we all know you want to say it: how much do you read a day. Let's see how big your anonymous dick is at 3am

>> No.11641259


>> No.11641267
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okay well, I just got done reading The Hidden Life of Trees, took me 3 days, very nice little treehugger book. I've been reading Warlock by Oakley Hall, finished the first part and decided to take a break. Now i'm reading Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino and i'm loving it so probbaly gonna finish tomorrow and then go back to Warlock
Invisible Cities is probably the best book I've read yet this year

>> No.11641268

Why do you have to make reading a competition? Make sure you're enjoying it instead of trying to get "ahead of the average American"

>> No.11641279

I'm not. Like I said it's a pretty irrational anxiety about not reading enough when really I should just be content reading

>> No.11641300

dude if you dont like reading then dont do it. if you read to prove something to anyone other than yourself, just stop. read for yourself, it is an entirely internal experience

>> No.11641309

Seems I'm the only one here who thinks about the book I'm reading as I'm reading it.

>> No.11641346
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there's a strong implication here that using your brain actively has rewards, and, within the current paradigm, I do not think I agree with that

>> No.11641356

I want my slap my erect member on her ass cheeks

>> No.11641359

me too :D

>> No.11641361

Nothing. I'm devoid of emotions.

>> No.11641414

I'm 22 and my hair is beginning to thin. Feels like shit man. I have this elongated face that can only look normal through elaborate hair styles.

>> No.11641435

the pendulum is beginning to swing the other way again

>> No.11641448

I imagine whatever is happening in the book in the style of an anime

>> No.11641643

this + suicidal thoughts if I get too distracted and have to repeat too often to understand the text

>> No.11641652

I just count down pages until I'm done, I fucking hate reading but have nothing better to do, I don't enjoy anime and games

>> No.11641689

nice meme

>> No.11641692



>> No.11641708
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>> No.11641723

I mostly just try and compound a mental picture while i'm reading, don't really think, rather just focus on the words.
except sometimes i fiend cones and I think "I would like a cone" while i'm reading or a similar sentiment and it distracts the fuck out of me.

Dont ever smoke weed erryday if you're into cerebral shit or wanna ever call yourself an intellectual, it's not the most damaging drug ever but it basically just adds a whole lot of nasty useless noise into your thought process.

Can't wait until I've finally 'quit' it for good and put that part of my life behind me.

Come to think of it, the text of this post resembles a pretty typical thought process while I'm reading.

>> No.11641769
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>> No.11641850

This is exactly what I was thinking when I was reading Proust.

>> No.11642026

The text of the book goes through my head when I read. What is wrong with you people.

>> No.11642044
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More likely an estrogen fueled tranny defensive of their assumed female identity.

>> No.11642290

OP fucking rekt

>> No.11642304

I always read a page then realise I didn't take anything in so have to actually go back and reread the page. This happens more than I'd like it to.

>> No.11642328

You'll get there man. Just stave it off. I was "lucky" enough to have a major panic attack after smoking one night.

I don't want to sound too pseudy or underage, but I realise now what people mean when they say weed can have a psychotic effect, even though mine was nothing so drastic as a psychosis. Had been smoking for 5+ years when all of a sudden I heard an actual voice whispering just horrifying existential shit in my ear.

Took me like 6 months to recover fully. Never smoked again.

>> No.11642587

You guys sound like women.

>> No.11642648

tfw have a hard time visualizing.

>> No.11642692

Same. I lost the genetic lottery: I'm stupid, unattractive, unhealthy, and balding. Life is unfair

>> No.11642712
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>implying I actually read any books

>> No.11642845
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My roommate had a panic so bad from weed recently that I had to take him to the hospital. And in a way, I also thought it was kind of lucky. Because while I was trying to stop smoking I was also the only person that could buy weed so he would constantly ask me to help him buy weed and smoke, which was always too tempting for me.
>Dont ever smoke weed erryday if you're into cerebral shit or wanna ever call yourself an intellectual
>it basically just adds a whole lot of nasty useless noise into your thought process.
I agree with this so much, nasty useless noise is exactly what I'd call it. Weed ruins anything that takes any mental power at all. But not only that, I'd smoke weed occasionally if it only made me stupid for the moment, but it lingers into the next few days for me and that's what's made me want to stop for good. Everytime I smoke I feel like the next few days are fuzzy.

>> No.11643123

Yep, thats me. I want a lit boyfried. Stop ignoring me.

>> No.11643213

How's it even anti-male at all? I don't see either gender be particularly mocked: they both read what they like and have genuine thoughts about it.

>> No.11643294

I still can't believe Wallace knew James Joyce AND Camus

>> No.11643316

That's a common misconception, only Wallace and Camus knew each other. At the time that picture was taken, they had no idea they were sitting next to Joyce

>> No.11643331

Fun fact: that picture was only taken in the first place in order to go in the photographer's cringe compilation.

>> No.11643352

Mostly just blank churning, its not like I remember any of the things I've read, but somehow I've been reading it.

>> No.11643392

Do people really still care about that?

>> No.11643418


high IQ take

>> No.11643437

If you apply your faculties to a lucrative career and networking it might, depending on what you consider a reward.

>> No.11643486

I find a kernel of truth in this bait. Women seem to have maintained a certain earnestness that modern man has either lost or never had in the first place.

>> No.11643491

Men aren't allowed to feel. So they won't.

>> No.11643511


>> No.11643522

reminder that Pynchon was the photographer

>> No.11643530


I'm both. What does it mean.

>> No.11643532

Same here. I'm also a tranny so yeah, fuck you, genetics.

>> No.11643535

not much outside of what im reading. sometimes i think a lot of stuff is going over my head which makes me anxious.

>> No.11643543

I found out that when I'm getting anxious about that I have a much harder time comprehending the text because I start overanalyzing ever little bit. Helps me to just force myself to chill and enjoy.

>> No.11643690
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>do people care about being sexually attractive to the opposite sex

>> No.11643693
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>bald men can't be sexy

>> No.11643694

You guys are making this problem worse for yourselves by talking about it so much
Most women don't even think about receding hairlines, they'll just look at a man and think "he looks like that," unless he's got a full-on chrome dome or patchy mess
Stop bringing receding hairlines into the public sphere as something to be mocked
They can't be consciously deterred by it if they don't even have a name for it

>> No.11643707

>reading isn't about enjoyment anyway
this is true. brain/lit/s btfo

>> No.11643714
File: 200 KB, 636x704, 1533129520702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you literally just become 'that bald guy'. and when in your early twenties and bald you become 'that creepy bald guy'

t. pic related

>> No.11643751

I've never heard a dude be called creepy for being bald. Just buzz your head really short or actually become the bald guy and people will respect that. It's better than pretending like you still have hair.

>> No.11643763

yeah plus u ever see old pics of your bald friend with hair? it just looks fucking goofy

just get a neck tattoo and a beard

>> No.11643772

i have heard that happen at work, there's this dude who's bald but he's also short, has a pot belly, wears aviator glasses and cargo shorts, everyone says he looks like a fucking pedo, probably if he hit the gym and got some tats people would say he looks like an ex-con which is way better, he's probably too short to be taken seriously in a suit, but if he were taller that could be another option

>> No.11643852

>i hope my former english teacher runs into me and sees me reading this
S-so I'm not the only one?

>> No.11643888

I don't get this meme, why do old men go bald when they hit the age when their testosterone levels drop significantly? Shouldn't young people be the baldest people and then grow more hair when they are old?

>> No.11643896

>I wish I could project as tastefully as Tom Clancy

>> No.11643924

Mostly just how much I wish I was dead

>> No.11643939

>this dude who's bald but he's also short, has a pot belly, wears aviator glasses and cargo shorts
>everyone says he looks like a fucking pedo
Yeah I don't think this is because he's bald, good point.

>> No.11643944

Read Lacan's lectures. He explains why we think like this.

>> No.11643961

Can I get the quick rundown?

>> No.11643972

Literally nothing, not even the words on the page.

>> No.11643978

I'll check it out. Cheers, anon.

>> No.11644394

>I wonder what shitposts can I make about this book
Well, don't you feel the same, females of /lit/?