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/lit/ - Literature

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11638116 No.11638116 [Reply] [Original]

Is /lit/ the only good board?

>> No.11638118
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I post here, so, obviously.

>> No.11638128


>> No.11638133

This board isn't even that good anyway. Shit makes me depressed

>> No.11638135

Joe was never good

>> No.11638137

Unironically, yes.

>> No.11638140
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>> No.11638141

No, /g/ and /sci/ are good also

>> No.11638149

I consistently have more fulfilling and thought-provoking conversations on /gif/ and /tv/.
If only we could all drop the vitriol, memes and intellectual grandstanding and just talk about books.

>> No.11638151

I wanna say no, but I don't know many boards next to this and /tg.
Still there's an incredible amount of bullshit here.
So I say no.

>> No.11638153
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>> No.11638154

diamonds in heaps and heaps of shit. which is to say yes, it is better than any of the other boards in that there is the occasional gem.

>> No.11638155

there are less nazis and "tradtionalists" on /mu/ so its probably better, but music is pretty boring so i just come here instead and deal with the mongs

>> No.11638156

nice bait

>> No.11638164
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Lit is so good that the only way to make it better is transform it in a subreddit.

>> No.11638166

It's a terrible board full of retarded shitposters from /tv/ and /pol/.

>> No.11638173

this board fucking sucks and if you think otherwise you're new as shit

>> No.11638181

If good is objective, no.
If good is relative, yes.

>> No.11638200

Joe is best.

>> No.11638209

This board is the equivalent of shitting your pants but being relieved you weren’t in public.

>> No.11638226 [DELETED] 

i had that happen once, this chick made us go into the city super early in the morning before i got a chance to shit, so by the time i got home my ass was ready to explode, and when i was finally alone i tried to fart a little to let off some pressure, but it was all turd, i'm like thank god that didn't happen while we were still in the city

>> No.11638235

how so?

>> No.11638292

No Jakob is

>> No.11638293

im just reminded of the time i did shit my pants in public when i was a kid, christ how humiliating. i couldn't keep it in on the way home from school. i could feel the little log swinging around in my underwear as i walked and i knew i stank to high heaven. as soon as i got home i went right past my parents to the bathroom, threw my shit into the toilet and immediately started the bath to wash myself and my underwear. nobody saw me but it was still a traumatic experience that haunts me to this day. might be why i have all sorts of neuroses around shitting like being unable to do it in public or being embarassed when people talk about it. its a surprisingly common topic and people dont seem to notice how weird it is

>> No.11638319

Probably top 5 but all boards are shit anyway

>> No.11638321
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>on vacation with family on other side of planet
>several days pass
>family meal
>mom: "has anyone else not been able to poop since we got here?"

>> No.11638344

wtf i love shitting my pants now

>> No.11638378

Out of all the "intellectual" board on 4chan, I would argue that /lit/ is the most capable of staying on its subject matter and has the least amount of toxic leakage from other boards on the basis that books are for fucking nerds.

>> No.11638406

It's one of the better ones. /out/ is probably better though, /lit/ had a real dip in quality in the past 6 months or so.

>> No.11638438

/lit/ is the best pop-board