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11637758 No.11637758[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Paris still the artistic and cultural capital of the world?

>> No.11637760

Not as big as it used to be. Milano and Jew York have catched up

>> No.11637763

Paris? more like Uganda amrite

>> No.11637772

it hasn't been for decades, wtf op

>> No.11637776
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>> No.11637779

god i wish

>> No.11637792

It's LA or San Fran, although the art isn't very good

>> No.11637794

>US west coast


>> No.11637806

god i wish the laughter made him wrong

>> No.11637812

Just got back from a stay in Paris for 2 weeks. It's definitely a must visit at least once in your lifetime. The problem is because of how many damn tourists visit, which I believe is over 8 million a year, all the areas that are beautiful and have historical importance are absolutely swamped with people. There are tourist traps everywhere. The city was obviously never built with this in mind and therefore it gets unbelievably busy during peak and even shoulder seasons. It's definitely not what it once was.
Makes me wonder how badly the rise of tourism for middle class people has ruined cities and areas.

>> No.11637829

Imagine living in that shithole. Ugh, just imagining all the brown faces, smog and American consumerism gives me the shivers.

>> No.11637839


>> No.11637849

I think about this whenever I travel, am an aristocratfag. When I travelled with my elder family members, they bitched quite a bit because the Louvre and Prado were drowning in people even in the most exclusive seasons.

Personally I am happy all this foreign capital comes to my beloved Spain, at the small price of allowing the commoners to gawk at us.

>> No.11637851

No. It has become way too expensive for that. Same with London or New York. There is no longer an artistic and cultural capital of the world.

>> No.11637853
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Rich people like myself don't need to use the metro

>> No.11637858

There is no real aristocracy in Spain, same as Germany. Everybody and his dog is a noble of sort.

>> No.11637863

Kek doesnt exist anywhere in the modern west.

>> No.11637876

That's not where rich people live in Paris. They live in US-style McMansion gated communities areas such as villa Montmorency.

>> No.11637883

the current cultural and artistic capital of the world is Baghdad

>> No.11637886
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No, it's a post colonialist paradise. In other words, an African slum.

>> No.11637898

My negro, I'm speaking of literal titles and estates. Sure we're not as wealthy as we used to or could be, my family played into the esteryotype of lazy spanish aristocrats.
So whilst I am not Amancio Ortega, I have shaken his hand.

>> No.11637924

But you are right on that universal nobility meme. Basically every spaniard can find some highborn ancestor with ease, the entire vasque community is born into the lowest grade of inheritable nobility (hidalgos)
So when I said the commoners can gawk, I meant the foreigners.

>> No.11637925
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>> No.11637938

The French-born black people are absolutely fine. It's the recent immigrants from Africa and Middle East that are the problem.

>> No.11637961

That's interesting. In America we seem to have the opposite problem. The traditional black "african americans" tend to exhibit extremely high rates of crime, violence, and unemployment, while the African immigrants tend to be polite, educated, and respectful. In the US, it seems like 90% of our African immigrants are nurses from Nigeria.

>> No.11637978

That is poorly worded. The French born blacks from the French overseas territories are ok though cost a lot to the treasury. The French born blacks whose family came from Africa within the last 60 years are utter shit. Recent black immigranst from Africa are just plain shit.

>> No.11637982

The African immigrants you get in America are usually the local 1%ercenter.

>> No.11638213

This, people complain about the blacks and Arabs (and by people I mean retarded midwesterners who have never left the US) but anyone who’s ever been to Paris or any other major European city knows the worst are the fucking soulless retard Asian tourist hordes

>> No.11638218

Lmao, it hasn't been artistically relevant for 50 years now.

>> No.11638219

>The French-born black people are absolutely fine
You must live in a parallel universe.

>> No.11638286

Stromae's quite good

>> No.11638307
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i came

>> No.11638312

pretty weird that Paris Syndrome is a distinctly Japanese one lol

>> No.11638329

>trying to view Van Gogh at Musee D'Orsay
>endless bumping and budging of Asians trying to take a photo of it and not even looking at the actual painting itself

I fucking hate 99% of tourists.

>> No.11638336

You get the good ones, we get the scum.

Kind of like how any Mexican you would encounter in Europe would certainly be middle to upper class, but all the lumpenproles can just walk into the US.

>> No.11638338

He's Belgian, King Leopold knew how to raise them right.

>> No.11638342

First off he's Belgian, secondly he's a mullato, thirdly he was entirely raised by his white mother.

>> No.11638363

The Asians with selfie sticks in Europe disgust me. Some of the older ones are based.
I remember I was backpacking in Spain and some thots tried to take a selfie in front of an altar in a 500+ year old church. The old priest came out and BTFO them.
Vapid tourism is disgusting. I took 600 pictures and I was only in 5. I haven't put them on social media because I don't have any.

>> No.11638368

totally fucking awesome

>> No.11638375

Well I take back my previous post, franco-negroes should be exported.

>> No.11638668

>artistic and cultural capital
Is any post WWII country even a candidate for this?!
Art and culture died half a decade ago, we're all still waiting for the second renaissance

>> No.11638673
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It's probably the USA still. I did this thing that calculated where all the bands you listen to are from and the majority were easily from the US

>> No.11638680

Tourism ruined Paris. Everything is expensive. Everything is catered to tourists. Real estate and general cost of living is astronomical. Migrants with no culture and no respect for French culture are coming in by the thousands. Neighbourhoods once hotbeds of artistic and cultural development are now gentrified tourist traps and real artists could never afford to live there. The streets are dirty and stink. Corporations like McDonalds and Starbucks are slowly but surely expanding and the famous cafe culture is on the decline. Not that you would want to eat at the famous cafes anymore (Les Deux Magots, Cafe de Flore) because they are now overpriced tourist traps.

The Paris of yesterday is no more. Forget it.

>> No.11638713

No, its been Los Angeles


You cant underestimate how a huge sprawling city with Hollywood at its center is going to bring the artists to it

>> No.11638720

No, it was supplanted by New York in probably 1920.

>> No.11638733

No way 1920s. Perhaps 60s onwards. Perhaps.

>> No.11638749


>> No.11638759

art and culture =/= entertainment
why do amerimuts not understand this, fuck your hollywood you nigger

>> No.11638768

>be american
>listen to music from the americas and other english-speaking countries

really gets the noggin joggin

>> No.11638819

Entertainment is part of art and culture, no one said it is all of art and culture. Los Angeles has more artists in it than any other city in the history of mankind and produces art that goes farther than whatever you decide is "actually" art

>> No.11638829

what does milano have except gay clothes?

>> No.11638833

Theres no cultural capital anymore. While Milan, Paris, New York, Berlin, Vienna are still „cultural“ they arent as potent as they used to be because of the internet. You can basically sit in Bielefeld and be inspired by a Band/Weiter from New York because you open their homepage. The cultural capital died with the death of the cultural café and the salons

>> No.11638834
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high art =/= [>] low art
whatever you amerimuts come up with as """"""""art""""""""""' is equivocal to rap music
~~~ you nigger

>> No.11638849
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>> No.11638853

gaudy, get some taste bruv

>> No.11638857


>> No.11638873

you are still a nigger, amerimut

>> No.11639363

The Revolt of the Masses as predicted by Ortega

>> No.11639484

So THIS has become the cultural and artistic capital of the world? How depressing. On the other hand maybe it's still Paris by default.

>> No.11639541

He's an underrated philosopher in anglo circles. Ortega y Gasset's raciovitalismo is a fine school of thought.

But aside from him, maybe Unamuno, and the odd Gracian here and there, spanish philosophy is lacking tremendously. However I attribute both Seneca and Marcus Aurelius to Spain's contribution, and those two men fill in the gap.

>> No.11639609

/lit/ is the literary capital of the world. It's certainly not a physical city anymore and of all the literary-focused forums with high post-rates (a capital implies numbers) it's the least shitty.

>> No.11639621

I live in Paris and I can count the number of people I know who read literature on one hand

>> No.11639631

Sad, m8

>> No.11639643

is french a hard language to learn?
I am taking it as an elective in school

>> No.11639669

yes. go to the outskirts. pure lit culture.

>> No.11639682

Can you also count the number of people you know on one hand tho

>> No.11639685

there is no longer such a thing as the "artistic and cultural capital of the world." art and culture are among the number of victims of technological centralization.

i for one am more than happy to leave this unnecessary, chauvinistic paradigm behind as a historical footnote to a bygone era

>> No.11639703

I said people I know, not friends or girls....

>> No.11639722

No joke, 80% of the French pop can't apply basic grammar rules or have decently accurate spelling, you see language mistakes quite commonly in papers, magazines, ads and television. I think we have an education problem but it's also fair to say that French is complicated, totally worth learning though.

>> No.11639735

>as a historical footnote
where youre going there will be no footnotes, much less histories, anon. But have fun.

>> No.11639741

An absolutely god-tier language, after some reading experience anyone can see grammar and pronunciation is mostly consistent.
It's so good countries make french an official tongue just to join their big boy club.

>> No.11639745

hasnt been for decades

>> No.11639754

>The city was obviously never built with this in mind
Was any city ever built with mass tourism in mind?? (genuinely curious)

>> No.11639775

Yes it's true. It's very consistent which makes it rewarding when you master the rules

>> No.11639852

Arguably LA and without a doubt Las Vegas and Miami.

>> No.11639914

>Was any city ever built with mass tourism in mind?

Definitely, Las Vegas. I wouldn't include LA but you could make an argument for Miami.

>> No.11639991
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This guy gets it

>> No.11640052

>Definitely, Las Vegas. I wouldn't include LA but you could make an argument for Miami.
Las Vegas makes sense. Why / why not LA and Miami. (again, curious)

>> No.11640428

Paris has never been the artistic or cultural capital of the world.

>> No.11640510
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>> No.11640533

no, 4chan is.
dark times

>> No.11640643

Not anymore

>> No.11641215


>> No.11641218

Is this a joke? California is a cultural wasteland.

>> No.11641257

I can't speak for Miami but the planned tourist parts of LA amount to like three blocks in Hollywood and two in Beverly Hills. Disneyland too I guess but that's in another county and a private venture, not a city planning decision.

>> No.11641332

Milan is utterly irrelevant. The people don't even dress that well there.

>> No.11641340
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>> No.11641343

imagine the smell

>> No.11641464

of your mom's basement??

>> No.11641487

never heard of it

>> No.11641816

I've been living in Paris for the last 12 years. You can enjoy the city without feeling the tourist shit. It's just an overcrowded area. Paris intra muros has a density of 20 000 inhabitants per square kilometers,this unique in Europe. You'd have to go to Asia to find a place this dense.

>> No.11641821

Drepanocytose check are performed only on non white children. This is pointless data

>> No.11641844

Nope. You just got

>> No.11641963
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where are all the french people?

>> No.11641970


>> No.11641987
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I’m whant to visit Paris but I’m afraid ill be drowned in the mud, its not like it was back in the old days, is it? What’s the high art capital of Europe (with an overwhelming white majority?)

>> No.11642097

You're lookin' at them, sweetie

>> No.11642198

This is the equivalent of walking through a Chinatown and being like LOOK AT ALL THE ASIANS THAT'S ALL THAT IS HERE NOW

The black people in Paris tend to live in poorer suburbs where this metro stop is located

>> No.11642208

The West is dead, its art and culture with it.

>> No.11642222

Imagine it being the other way around though. Say you went to Shanghai and saw nothing but white people. That would be weird, right?

>> No.11642223

It's New York now. Not even a debate.

>> No.11642229

So the whole concept of nirvana is basically eastern envy of how chill and dead the west is?

>> No.11642231

Wouldn't it be weird if you went to Tokyo, enjoyed the Japanese culture, but when you go there again, 30 years later, 25% of the people there are Greeks ?