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11636670 No.11636670 [Reply] [Original]

Lit for this feel?

>> No.11636679

*dostoyevsky walks on stage, dabbing*

>> No.11636702

Sickness Unto Death from Kierkegaard
Demons from Dostoevsky

>> No.11636711

Unironically yes

>> No.11636720

Carl Jung

>> No.11636730

galaxy brain: god should be real

>> No.11636740

universe brain: i am god

>> No.11636742

How so?

>> No.11636744

>not I am God

>> No.11636751


>> No.11636753


>> No.11636755

Shut up you faggot read something else for a change and stop thinking you're superman for being a nervous aspie

>> No.11636762

Yeah, you haven't read him.

>> No.11636780

On the surface Nietzsche seems like a atheistic reductionist edgelord, but when you dig deeper into his work, you realise his work still leans on metaphysics and is completed with a Spinozian conception of God. Nietzsche hated reductionists almost as much as he hated Christians.

>> No.11636808

Jordan Petterson
Milo Yiannopoulos
Lauren Southern

>> No.11636814


>> No.11636830

The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.11636831


>> No.11636838

Thats gonna be a based and redpilled from me dog

>> No.11636852

>Nietzsche hated reductionists almost as much as he hated Christians
He didn't hate Christians. He hated Christianity for what it did to Christians.

>> No.11637002

Yeah alright strictly speaking that’s true. But by Christians I meant the leaders of the movement (Jesus aside) which he did actually hate.

>> No.11637582

Basic arc of maturity, tbqh.

>> No.11637623

Why Demons? And wouldn’t Fear and Trembling be more fitting?

>> No.11637627

The Death of Ivan Ilyich.

>> No.11637631

jordan peterson

>> No.11637707
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>> No.11637710

Sartor Resartus

>> No.11637759

Sickness unto Death is better to read before Fear and Trembling really.
Demons because there's more 'God is not real' shown in actions that leads to the repentance of the man that unintentionally caused them.

>> No.11637786

>Sickness unto Death is better to read before Fear and Trembling really.
Why? I keep hearing this, I read both, and it seems to me that it is very untrue.
Sickness unto Death lacks in lyricism. However good it is, it's not Kierkegaard at his best.

>> No.11637831

what do you suggest by him then

>> No.11637852

Fear and Trembling. Maybe I didn't make it clear. Christian Discourses are also very good. That said, I didn't read enough of him.

>> No.11637881

Sickness unto Death is a better introduction, then Fear and Trembling. 'Kierkegaard at his best" is just that dudes opinion cause Fear and Trembling has some more fluffy writing in it while Sickness unto Death is the analytical algebra of Despair and not just aesthetic speculation from Johannes de Silentio on 'the knight of faith' abraham.

>> No.11637964

Sickness unto Death has a more analytical style, sure, but Fear and Trembling is by no means less thoughtful. And it's a good introduction to Kierkegaard because it presents the questions and problems he's pondering in a vivid but concise way (say, Either-Or is no less vivid but way less concise). For a person who never read Kierkegaard, Sickness unto Death may feel too analytical, and the points may get lost in the logistics of the dialectics.

Or that may be just because of what I personally find interesting and valuable in Kierkegaard's thoughts. You may call me a pleb and you may even be right, but the technical parts of his thought, those affected by Hegel, seem dated to me, while the points he makes about the spirit, the soul, the morals and such absolutely don't.

>> No.11637977

Personally I read Fear and Trembling and Practice in Christianity and other Kierkegaard stuff before I read Sickness Unto Death and after finishing it wish I had gotten to it first because it really gets down to a lot of the dialectics that are in all his other works.

>> No.11638011

Comes down to the personal preference, I guess.

>> No.11638016

I just think Sickness Unto Death would have helped me better understand a lot of what Kierkegaard was getting at in other works. But this is all dealing with spirituality and the self so it varies sure.

>> No.11638025

you forgot the step of "god is a metaphor" in between god is not real and the second god is real

>> No.11638052

t. deleuzefag

>> No.11638057

He also forgot the final step, which is "I am".

>> No.11638066
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Opie asked for books related to his picture's feel, and The Sickness unto Death is literally that feel. Kierk documents the stages of "tfw god" to "tfw no god" to "tfw no god but I'm ANGRY at god" back to "tfw god." I love Kierk, but Fear and Trembling is so overrated for people who haven't read and internalized Hegel. It's the one book by him (except maybe Concluding Unscientific Postscripts) that you don't want to recommend to a n00b. Both parts of Either/Or are also this feel, except without the first stage.

>> No.11638084
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my man

>> No.11638812

literally Hegel

can't believe no one said this

>> No.11639086

Shall we not ourselves have to become Gods, merely to seem worthy of it?

>> No.11639089

the bible

>> No.11639099

St. Augustine's Confessions

>> No.11639151

>I am utterly amazed, utterly enchanted! I have a precursor, and what a precursor! I hardly knew Spinoza: that I should have turned to him just now, was inspired by “instinct.” Not only is his overtendency like mine—namely to make all knowledge the most powerful affect—but in five main points of his doctrine I recognize myself; this most unusual and loneliest thinker is closest to me precisely in these matters: he denies the freedom of the will, teleology, the moral world-order, the unegoistic, and evil. Even though the divergencies are admittedly tremendous, they are due more to the difference in time, culture, and science. In summa: my lonesomeness, which, as on very high mountains, often made it hard for me to breathe and make my blood rush out, is now at least a twosomeness. Strange!

>> No.11639513

>In summa: my lonesomeness, which, as on very high mountains, often made it hard for me to breathe and make my blood rush out, is now at least a twosomeness. Strange!

>> No.11640238

Why is there a universe at all /lit/? What's the meaning of life? Why are we here?

>> No.11640244

absolute infinity

>> No.11640258

>universe brain: God is dead

>> No.11640717

So would you both recommend that I leave fear and trembling till i've actually read Hegel? I have both on my to read list.

>> No.11640832

>Universe brain: We will MAKE One

>> No.11640841

To masturbate

>> No.11640855

vacuum constant determines physical laws

presumably a previous vacuum constant would have been different and encased different laws
, which we can neither understand or predict, I believe

>> No.11640960

Ashkatav Gita

>> No.11640972

Read Jordan Peterson anon

>> No.11642455

You can read it before Hegel, but unless you're a cat-like reader, I don't think you'll get much from it alone. It would be like reading the Summa without having read a scrap of Aristotle. Either/Or is a great introduction, as is The Sickness unto Death.

>> No.11642469

What about panels 2 and 3 though?

>> No.11642475

god brain: i am an inkling of gods mind

>> No.11642482

Metaphysical knight of faith mind: I am God, but there are others that I must kill and destroy *leaves abruptly*

Someone go through this post chain and make an image

>> No.11642523
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A Brief History of Everything
The Principle of Hope
Dancing in the Streets: A History of Collective Joy
The Stories We Live By: Personal Myths and the Making of the Self
Scientific Irrationalism: Origins of a Postmodern Cult
The Idea of the Holy
The Sacred and the Profane: The Nature of Religion
Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity
The Complete Armanen and The Untold Story
Shipwreck with Spectator: Paradigm of a Metaphor for Existence
De Anima
On the Mysteries of the Egyptians, Chaldeans and Assyrians
Proclus: On the Theology of Plato: With the Elements of Theology
The Enneads
The Ever-Present Origin
Maps of Meaning
The Wisdom Books: Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes
Man Makes Himself
Work on Myth
The Legitimacy of the Modern Age
Care Crosses the River

>> No.11642531

>regular monotheism

>> No.11642715


>> No.11642776

WHY is such a stupid question, it already implies meaning and/or purpose, you have no right in assuming that

>> No.11642823

that goat is blazed af

>> No.11642846
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>> No.11643360

what do you mean by "god"?
what do you mean by "is"?
what do you mean by "real"?
what do you mean by "not"?

>> No.11643363

t. Adi Shankara

>> No.11643371

god knows its definitions, you are just not god, yet

>> No.11643410

god seems to have as many definitions as there are people

>> No.11643438
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>> No.11643527

The very definition of God is that God cannot know his definitions.

That is what the finite exists for. To be a mirror for the face of God.

God who is all knowing, all powerful, all seeing lacks one thing, limitations.

>> No.11643554
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for me, it was the divine comedy.

>> No.11643593

Name a single smart religious person from after 1950

>> No.11643598

last one should be God is. not God is real
>God Israel :^)

>> No.11643605

.C.S.Lewis- the problem of pain

>> No.11643619

>b-but nothing can come from nothing, all the beautiful and awe inspiring things in the world just happened for literally no reason

Why would anyone with a working mind be an athiest in 2018?

>> No.11643660

galaxy brain: God is
ascended brain: God

>> No.11643673

God is real so.....then what?

>> No.11643683

then things stay as they are since the whole west civilization is based on christian morality.

>> No.11643729

Willful blindness.

>> No.11643745

I can't believe I used to think like this make similar posts. Stop watching youtube, anon.

>> No.11643753

Add >>11643593 to this list >>11643729

>> No.11643900

based autistic rambling poster

>> No.11643905

Wait until you reach the fourth and final form: god is not real.

>> No.11644117

Read science and philosophy. Then do acid.

>> No.11644313

Bacon's Novum Organum.
Leibniz's Theodicee

>> No.11644398

st augustine

>> No.11644464

Diary of a country priest by George Bernanos

>> No.11644574

ah yes, the ole' "I'm right, you're wrong". classic.

>> No.11644576
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>> No.11644578

Universe brain: reality is God

>> No.11644773

Jordan B Peterson

>> No.11644813

True, but the phenomenal world isn't reality

>> No.11644822

i don't watch youtube

>> No.11644847
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I like where this is going

>> No.11645459

You clicked on numerous boxes all featuring a similar item just to post this?