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File: 305 KB, 1800x1000, Panentheism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11636414 No.11636414 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone wanna discuss / recc books about Panentheism?

(I) God contains the world. The world is in God. But the world is not God.
(II) The relation between God and world is reciprocal
3 Theories of Panentheism:
(1) Claims only (I)
(2) Claims (I) + (II), but the relation is contigent => creatio ex nihilo is possible
(3) Claims (I) + (II) but the relation is necessary => creatio ex nihilo not possible

How do you solve the problem of the double God, that even Aquinas with his v. weak Panentheism runs in?; God1 as highest being and creator relating to the creation & God2 as being itself / absolute

Anyone know any good books on the topic besides Cooper's "Panentheism: The Other God of the Philosophers: From Plato to the Present" ?
Do you think Panentheism could be the future for the theology - science discours?

>> No.11636509


ctrl + f "mirror"

>> No.11636532

This and Spinoza too. A lot of people think Spinoza is a pantheist but he states that god expresses himself through infinite attributes, we can only perceive the attributes of mind and extension.

>> No.11636634

Deus sive natura does sound very pantheist tho

>> No.11636673

It is very pantheist but even though god = nature there is still more to Spinoza’s god that cannot be perceived by humans. As I said before, Spinoza states that god is expressed through infinite attributes. Therefore, even though god encompasses the totality of nature in terms of ideas (mind) and extension (bodies) there is still more ways god is expressed that lie beyond our understanding as finite modes through those attributes. Spinoza’s god is better defined as panentheist than just pantheist.

>> No.11636682
File: 129 KB, 1838x2048, CgyjJi3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vaporwave: the philosophy

>> No.11636697

What do you mean by this

>> No.11636699

Ethics by Spinoza of course, but also Phenomenology of Spirit to an extent

>> No.11636703

This idea of this thread is for trendster dummies who want to attach themselves to meme labels rather than actually think

>> No.11636733

Who said anything about “attaching” to trends? It seems to me like OP had an honest inquiry about philosophy and people are answering him. The only one “attaching” themselves to a trend is you, with your chronic urge to be contrarian faggot shitting up threads. How about you deattach yourself from imageboard dogma and actually think for yourself retard.

>> No.11636782
File: 88 KB, 1080x1594, image_2018-08-17_14-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOD is the AI
The Universe is the simulation the AI has made
The operating system is GNU/Linux

Richard Stallman is the modern prophet, GOD cannot function without the GNU Utils. The simulation is made as a separate process and god is a process aswel, the operating system is the highest good. It's above god.

>> No.11636787

So all beings are God and all non-beings are God too?

>> No.11636815

Hmk so more of an in-between of pan- and panentheism ; because technically panentheism claims that God and world / creator and creation are fundamentally different

>> No.11636824
File: 93 KB, 1011x563, weak_panentheism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna throw this approach (palamite panentheism) into the discussion, proposed by Gregorios Palamas / orthodox theologian. It's a very weak panentheism but still stronger than that of Aquinas, in which Gods essence is entirely seperate from creation but his energies permeate creation

>> No.11636829

>he hasn't taken the langan pill

Interestingly both Langan and Tegmarck think there are other ontological structures floating out there in the 0, but it's only ours that is thinkable - let me put it another way, it's only in our reality that conceivability, intelligibility, is even conceivable to begin, its only in our reality that such a thing as a "reality" even is, so there are other abstract mathematical universes Out There that we can't even begin to think how we can't begin to think

>> No.11636832

BASED religion

>> No.11636846

If I remember Spinoza’s epistemology I think he would say that non-beings are in god because the idea of non-beings can exist in the human mind, which is part of god. However if the idea of a non-being appeared in the imagination, since it is a non-being, this would be a privation of knowledge aka an inadequate idea. So in that sense the idea of a non-being does not exist in the immediate infinite mode of thought as it is inadequate aka it doesn’t follow directly from the nature of god and is confused by affects. So non-beings are in god not as part of his essence but only in so far as people are affected causing error.
There’s a lot of debate about this because Spinoza doesn’t make it completely clear that god is seperate or not. I interpret him in that god is the action and unfolding of the universe. The only thing that makes me hesitate about labelling spinoza’s god as merely pantheist is that spinoza’s god is greater than what we perceive. He isn’t “only” nature but he is “in” nature.

>> No.11636860

So acvording to this, God is the sum of the universe and human imagination?

>> No.11636878

That sounds pretty interesting. Will look into it.
I actually do think that Spinoza leads to pessimism despite what he says in the Ethics. Spinoza’s god seems to be more like a blind idiot, creating the universe for no reason other than as a byproduct from his own existence. Makes me think of the demiurge.

>> No.11636887

Orthodoxy is a tragic case desu, a perfect instance of being metaphysically "so close but so far"

>> No.11636889
File: 22 KB, 804x743, 1446590185944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only one “attaching” themselves to a trend is you

>> No.11636928

Ya someone here on /lit/ nailed Spinoza's God for me, beings issue from Substance as indifferently as cups fall to the ground, praying to Spinoza's God is like praying to gravity

>> No.11636935

>not praying to gravity

>> No.11636945

Wow shit I’m tired I thought you said scum for some reason. Anyways you have to imagine that Spinoza’s god is the universe itself but it also exists in different ways. The universe in a moment of time is kind of like the face god, waves that create an appearance in a moment of time. Then there is the entirety of mind and extension and all the possible ways it could express itself in our universe, our universe without duration. Then even further there are the pure modes of thinking and extension. So God kind of radiates out or unfolds pure thinking and pure extension which are then expressed in an infinite way which then further get expressed as finite modes which create the appearance of our universe. So our thoughts appear to be caused by other thoughts which are caused by other thoughts and so on ad infinitum (in terms of god as finite mode). Our thoughts and thinking itself are god but they also aren’t specifically caused by god. He is in all thoughts but thoughts aren’t pre-determined in his finite mode. They are however determined in his infinite mode of thinking.

>> No.11636985

Very unrelated but I've been watching a lot of Varg's videos lately and the way he describes the pagan gods and their relation to humanity seems exactly the same as Spinoza's God. You don't pray to the gods because they are everywhere and everything. You might ask them for strength as a patron (saint) but you do not pray to them.

>> No.11637013

In one video Varg literally just says the Pagan Gods are just bullshit to tell little kids like Santa Claus

>> No.11637068

>How do you solve the problem of the double God, that even Aquinas with his v. weak Panentheism runs in?; God1 as highest being and creator relating to the creation & God2 as being itself / absolute

Why does there need to be a distinction, couldn't God have created everything within himself? If, however, you are going by the Gnostic view of the demiurge creating this realm then isn't it plausible that there are many other entities within god that our outside the physical world (we may also exist in part outside there ourselves)?

>> No.11637138

Yep that’s definitely what I said.

>> No.11637210

see >>11637013
Varg is LARPing, his anti-christian bias has led him to the point where he denounces everything that might have to do with 'a higher power' as superstition. He views preChristian European religion as a set of riddles and symbolizations of virtues etc, idem for his placenta theories

>> No.11637476

>reads lovecraft once

>> No.11637492

ye this is an approach some theologians like moltmann have taken by arguing for a creatio ex deo instead nihilo; so God more or less makes room in himself and draws himself back to guarantee our freedom ; not sure if it 100% gets rid of the problem tho

>> No.11637501

He changes his mind a lot too. Which is fine, but it means you cannot always trust his older videos

>> No.11637612


>> No.11637640

> do with 'a higher power' as superstition. He views preChristian European religion as a set of riddles and symbolizations of virtues etc
That's what all religions are.

>> No.11637646
File: 84 KB, 1096x616, skynews-black-hole-black-holes_4273211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh great cosmic innie

hear me now