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1163559 No.1163559 [Reply] [Original]

>For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn.

I don't get it. Why is this supposed to be sad again?

>> No.1163560


>> No.1163561

I don't know, miscarriage or something?

>> No.1163562

Abortion or Miscarriage

>> No.1163563

Because they bought shoes in preparation for a baby, which was stillborn or died very quickly, never being able to wear the shoes.

>> No.1163565

The parents bought a pair of baby shoes cause she was knocked up, but the baby died in utero, or during birth.

>> No.1163570

Well that's a dumb reason for something to be sad

>> No.1163573

It isn't ''supposed'' to be sad, but a lot of people feel that it is. It could just be someone selling brand new baby shoes--then again ''never worn'' suggests that they were intended for wearing--anyway...the point is that these words are evocative.

>> No.1163579

Overrated shit.

>> No.1163588

Because the couple was starving, and they had the opportunity to either eat the shoes or the new baby. And they decided to eat the baby. Then they figured they would sell the shoes for quick cash.

It's really dark and fucked-up.

>> No.1163590


that's hilariously morbid.

>> No.1163615

>your face when you shoot yourself over how overrated your literary works are.

>> No.1163654

the old man and the sea is a good book, fuck you good sir

>> No.1164109


"The old man and the sea" is waste matter. And, deep down inside, you know it. I believe it's the turtleneck hampering blood circulation to your brain.