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/lit/ - Literature

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11634257 No.11634257 [Reply] [Original]

Say something nice about this board

>> No.11634275

I've gotten some advice and feedback for my book here.

>> No.11634288

I’m very alienated and lonely so this is an agreeable escape from the gnawing pain of my pathetic existence

>> No.11634289
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The relatively high skill/investment requirement and general hazing rituals prevent many women from posting, so there are mercifully few women constantly posting that they are women

>> No.11634294

The people here are really on to something

>> No.11634311

Signal-to-noise ratio for "actual discussion" is large on /lit/ than most other boards. Not saying it's large, just relatively.

>> No.11634320


>> No.11634336

Read a few interesting posts and helps pass the time

>> No.11634351
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It doesn't have that many posters.

>> No.11634352

I want to add that /lit/ has helped me discover a lot of great books and authors. Thanks for enriching my life [spoilers]you cunts[/spoilers]

>> No.11634359

There are a ton of really articulate and intelligent people here, but they have no central goal to work towards together and really only use this place as a dumping ground for their hyperactive minds
Mix that with 4chan's tendency to stay off-topic, and you get a nice big soup of interesting and well-worded posts about the most unacademic and insignificant concepts.
There's no other place I know of where I can watch a masterful socratic debate play out over how gay traps are or why Rupi Kaur is so bad

>> No.11634362

You’re all charlatans. That said, I never would have read Evan Dara if it wasn’t for this board.

>> No.11634372

/lit/ has created some of the most powerful memes I have ever seen. Effortless to use, but never diminishing in impact.

>> No.11634379


>> No.11634384

unironically one of the best boards on 4chan

>> No.11634385
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>Not saying it's larger, just relatively


>> No.11634418
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Against all odds, many people on this board seem to genuinely care about books, literature, philosophy, and the great dialogue of ideas in the West. And I do mean GENUINELY care, as opposed to just putting on an image to cultivate an aura and appear cool and interesting to people.

You beautiful autists are crazy enough to think books and ideas really matter, and I love you for that.

>> No.11634464

Signal-to-noise ratio for "actual discussion" is largeR* on /lit/ than most other boards. Not saying it's large, just relatively.

>> No.11634475
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this. you fuckers are all right and i love this place.

>> No.11634495

>mirroring Barad-Dur with the Shard of Narsil
>fellowship approaching two impassable crevices

Deviantart tier. I like it.

>> No.11634518

I like that I can talk about certain ideas without first having to give a crash course on what they are like you have to do with normalitos in real life.

>> No.11634519

It’s humbled me to realize I’m not that smart but also inspired me to realize how much I can improve myself.

>> No.11634757
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i genuinely feel like i am a worthwhile piece of autistic trash here. thanks you fuckers, /lit/ genuinely means the world to me.

>> No.11635033
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This place probably got me into philosophy and in turn I discovered I'm ok at writing

>> No.11635076

It's one of my favorite boards.

>> No.11635077 [DELETED] 
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wrong neighborhood

>> No.11635205
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It's been the only "good" board since the mods killed /sp/

>> No.11635210 [DELETED] 

One of the few places on the internet that still respects the natural authority of white men

>> No.11635223

I just read Confessions of a Mask and I have to say that despite it being nothing like what I expected, it was an excellent read. I wouldn't have read Mishima without coming to this board, so thank you, /lit/.

>> No.11635232 [DELETED] 


>> No.11635453

Ecce Homo

>> No.11635473

What if I'm a white man with a schizophrenic black homeless man as my spirit animal?

>> No.11635478


>> No.11635480

/lit is like methadone for my 4chan addiction. It isn't sober, but it's damn sure better for me than /pol or /r9k

>> No.11635517

/lit/ is really nice because after 13 years of being on 4chan, 10 of those spent shitposting on /b/,/v/, and /cgl/ I’ve finally figured out how to use 4chan to enhance my life and learn things without losing the bitter, hateful, and generally smarter than me attitude that this website gives off. I’ve learned how to lift, paint, woodwork, sew, give advice, and a ton of other things here, and /lit/ is the sun total of that. Reading was a pleasure when I was young and it was only my intense hatred of legal writing that I decided to seek out something that would make me love the English language again. And I found that in /lit/. Thanks y’all. Every shit post, insult, prayer for this heathen y’all eschew is well appreciated. I’m going to be a better lawyer thanks to arguing with you fags.

>> No.11635582

lol fag

>> No.11635952

>I’m going to be a better lawyer thanks to arguing with you fags.
all these years on /b/, /v/, and /cgl/ and you still haven't learnt it's not gay if we're wearing a skirt. tut-tut

>> No.11635959

It actually gave me lots of insights. I used to go only on /pol/, for the keks mostly, but I realized that was just noise. /lit/ is better.

>> No.11635964

I really appreciate the anti-jezebel pasta posters
those guys really go for it and I enjoy adding the newest additions to the growing corpus of this cutting-edge genre

>> No.11636006

Regardless of the quality, at least it's somewhere i can talk about books and related subjects. I don't have that in real life. I'd have quit 4chan ages ago if it wasn't for /lit/

>> No.11636012

I refer you to federal statute 18 /fit/ 2736(2)(b)(1)
>doesn't matter as long as you call no homo.

>> No.11636017

>calling qties in skirts homos
shiggy, paragraph: hope you don't do that

>> No.11636139

I thought it was when the balls collided you became a homosexual?

>> No.11636196

Not even Cicero could write dialogues better than some of the autists on this site.

>> No.11636211

One of you must be an okay human being, statistically.

>> No.11636241

I've found a few rood reads here. Also it reminds me of r9k in it's first year, decent signal to noise ratio and shitposty but not too hateposty.

>> No.11636321

Jesus loves you.

>> No.11636371
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>> No.11636428
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It produces my most favorite posts on 4chan.

>> No.11636456

Most of the books you guys have recommended me have been good.

>> No.11636470

Small minds are easily influenced.

>> No.11636476

I would say this generally attracts more women in while leaving attention whores out. While most men are shitposters, most women are qualityposters
t.not a girl

>> No.11636493

I can't say anything nice. Mostly because I'm mad at all the new unfunny memes and absurdly low effort shitposting.

>> No.11636539

/lit/ helped me get back into reading.

>> No.11636704

i got to talk to Mr. Pynchon here once

>> No.11636773

I enjoy the philosophical discussions here. On most boards you can smell the brainletism from posts but here there are some actual intelligent, well-read people

>> No.11636965

My favourite board. There's a good mix of shitposting and meaningful discussion, and it doesn't move too quickly.

>> No.11636976

unironically the best genuine non stupid leftist space on the internet. probably because people here actually read.

>> No.11637060

just downloaded pharao 1999 what a legend.
this board is not entirely retarded.

>> No.11637074

This board isn't the most easily baited board on 4chan, and has minimal amounts of advertising posts.

>> No.11637132

Havent played that game in donkeys jesus.

>> No.11637183

Even though there's an unhealthy amount of Redditfags here, I get more out of my time spent here /lit/ than any other board.

>> No.11637191

It used to be pretty good :)

>> No.11637192

The shitposting about the meme trilogy went from irritating to comfortingly hilarious to me.

>> No.11637239

there are people on this board who actually read books.

>people on /fit/ who dont even lift
>people on /v/ who dont even play video games
>busriders on /o/
>fatties on /ck/ who foodpost
>rich kids on /p/ who collect DSLRs
>fatties on /fa/

>> No.11637250


*majority of people on this board actually read books

>> No.11637267

Last time we checked only 50% of us have read Moby Dick.

>> No.11638090

i get lots of book recommendations

>> No.11638124

You can call the most revered intellects faggots and no one cares.

>> No.11638126
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I like the recommendation lists, and being surrounded by autists of my kind.

>> No.11638134

objectively, in this kind of polls, which are the two least biased reactions?

>> No.11638160
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Well, I'm not sure how bias comes to into the picture. I guess the viewpoint with the least motivation is Aristotle's, as Plato's and Diogene's arguments seem poised to justify a fetish, even if this fetish is not 'gay'.

Given that Diogenes is much more 'down to Earth', I'd say from least biased to most it goes Aristotle, Diogenes, and then Plato.

>> No.11638185

Wow I had no idea PinkyIvan is such an ass

>> No.11638187






>> No.11638250


btw, it seems that she's still kicking.

I couldn't find the two videos in the thread, so she probably restarted her channel over again.

>> No.11638267
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"I came up with that name (katie loves...) a few years ago, like I want to say three years ago or something now. Initially on my Tumblr, and then...briefly on Youtube a couple years ago."


>> No.11638271
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It's my diary, desu.

>> No.11638274


>> No.11638288

we ruined her, she looks like a washed up slut now

>> No.11638335

This board actually reignited my love of reading after I stopped (despite reading a shitload while in school). Also, this place generally has pretty good taste in books and it’s the only site I’ve seen where real philosophical debate can happen without censorship or downvotes. And I’ve received some pretty great recs over the years.

>> No.11638340
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me too my fren.. me too

sad to think it will go to shit or die someday, and everyone with whom i had fun or meaningful interactions will disperse

>> No.11638361


I like to think that our legacy only appears shallow in the long run because of its broadness. Immediately after death, we affect a few people deeply, and many generations after, we affect many slightly.

>> No.11638455

I despise literature but I am indifferent to anyone who enjoys it. The West is a weak culture LARPing as the cultural descendants of the Greeks, while the East is at least transparently weak. We are nothing like the Greeks we idealize. Also, literature is not an academic discipline. Your favorite book, or whatever you think is the peak of literature, is insignificant.

>> No.11638467

she's so so lovely
and you fuckers frightened her
i hope you're all ashamed

>> No.11638484

stop eavesdropping on adults and go back to playing with toys stemfag

>> No.11638731

Y-yeah, s-some of you guys are alright I guess.

>> No.11638737

women read far more than men and talk more than men; it only follows women would actually post on /lit/ at a much higher rate and in more numbers than the typical 4chan board.

/lit/ first introduced me to what reading could be again, which might be beyond tragic but i likely wouldn't have discovered pynchon without it

>> No.11638779

Pharaoh’s a really fuckin’ good game.

>> No.11638908

>responding to that post with "I'm a girl btw"

It's like poetry

>> No.11639127
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Jezebel-posting is generally frowned upon.

>> No.11639266

lmao what a fucking loser.

I have a math PhD and I'm unemployed too believe it or not.

>> No.11639274

the parenthesis is what makes this one somehow

>> No.11639675

>being rude
what the fuck

>> No.11639684

Non anglo posters are okay

>> No.11639823

In all fairness it's hardly if at all pushed on people nowadays

>> No.11641301

some people here have read more than one book, and it wasn't because they were a series

>> No.11642040

he would never say that