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File: 74 KB, 386x661, wageslave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11632785 No.11632785[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he thinks he can wageslave and write at the same time

>> No.11632799

>he doesn't think he can do anything he sets his mind to

>> No.11632826

donpeople think that if they were in high prestige, high ceiling jobs theyd be in better shape?

>> No.11632836

That doesn't describe me at all. That just describes an unhappy person.

>> No.11632877

This image BTFO's working people.

Engineers, lawyers, doctors, dentists investment bankers, software architects, psychiatrists, neuro-surgeons, directors and professional athletes have been thoroughly BTFO'd by OP's image and will never recover.

>> No.11632892

This describes me, except I'm in a good paying high profile job and I get along well with my coworkers. :/

>> No.11632899

They're not wageslaves

>> No.11632902

I can't decide on whether OP is right or not. On some weeks I think that only the monastic NEET life can give you time for greatness. On other weeks I think that anyone should be able to work a full time job and still have time to do stuff.


It specifically says low prestige.

>> No.11632905

they get paid a wage

>> No.11632910

get a job you like


there's plenty of easy unskilled labor out there where you dont have to answer to bosses all day and youve got all day to think up your writing

>> No.11632931

Not really. They get paid a *salary*, or they're running their own firms.

>> No.11632951

How retarded do you have to be to be payed a wage instead of a salary in an office job?

>> No.11632956

Who the fuck even pays wages unless you're an illegal immigrant? Even Walmart should pay a salary

>> No.11632962


It depends solely on your job, really. If you don't have an inhuman job which makes you stay after hours or bring work back home, it's not that hard to do both, you just need discipline.

>> No.11632989

There are laws that require income to be paid as wages depending on the type and pay of the work. In some cases wages might be more advantageous to an office worker (if they work a lot of hours that they would get t paid overtime for, which they won't if they're salaried).

>> No.11633010

Who are you quoting newfag

>> No.11633017
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 1524311596043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has to "prepare" for 5 hours before pushing out 100 words
>he can't write superior lit after pushing 10 hour factory shifts

>> No.11633042

It boosts my ego seeing posts like this because I can hold down a job and I also write every day. op you're a neet and cant even handle that.

>> No.11633056
File: 250 KB, 477x359, 22635B6D-121A-4508-B24D-F0816675BCD2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Kafka can do it then anyone else can
> doesn’t understand how green arrows work

>> No.11633069

Should I get a lobotomy? i've tried anti-depressants and they don't work.

>> No.11633144

>daydreams about killing boss
But I love my boss, she's a qt and pretty much my second mom

>> No.11633219

>get my first job as full time at factory at 18 in assembly line, standard 9-5 weekends off.
>too slow, sloppy with glue
>fired after 3 months
>complain about job to friends
>friend gets same job years later
>talks about how nice and comfy it is

I'm never working as a wage slave again. I'm depressed, low IQ and lazy.

>> No.11633229

where do you live that you can just go and get a factory job as an 18 year old? Pretty neat actually.

>> No.11633263

What do you mean? A lot of factory jobs aren't skilled labour

>> No.11633264

I live in southern Ontario. I was manufacturing freezers. It paid 18$ an hour but they put me on overtime a lot because I didn't meet quoutas. Eventually at the last few weeks they just put me on bitch tier stuff like cleaning and painting the freezers and counting inventory so i wouldn't slow down the line. I was under the impression I could just work naturally at my own pace, But apparently I was supposed to strategically coordinate when the forklift guy gives me my materials and have 3-4 different bases set up at once to save precious moments of walking 5 feet to pick up the next compressor and such. This all must be much easier than working at ford or something based on my friends reaction.

>> No.11633270

Having a career gives me an identity outside of writing which is incredibly freeing.

>> No.11633292

I seriously believe I could never tolerate more than 24 hours of work a week. And i would need a compelling reason to do that like supporting a family i will never have. I have nothing I want to buy and no expenses.

>> No.11633302
File: 25 KB, 300x324, vollmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Back in the States, Vollmann took a job as a computer programmer in Silicon Valley, and returned wholeheartedly to the world of daydream. After hours, he slept under his desk, subsisted on candy bars and composed his first novel, the mammoth metafictional fable "You Bright and Risen Angels."


>> No.11633303

Trust me, they're in just the same world of pain. It's not the burden of the wage slave; it's the burden of any 9 to 5.

>> No.11633310

this is literally how writing feels like

>> No.11633339

I live at home and I wageslave. Prob just gonna work here for a year save what I can and just NEET it up again. Shits torture and I dont think there honestly is any career I would honestly enjoy.

>> No.11633346

I wrote all of my best work when I was doing my production line job. You think more when you're doing menial stuff like that to keep yourself sane.

>> No.11633614

they just feel a bit more accomplished, get more money and can fish in a gold digger. It's not really the same world.

>> No.11633792

lol pls

I work for a tech firm and my boss doesn't even live in the same part of the country as me. Pretty great, desu

>> No.11633822

>Having a career gives me an identity
Why do I hate this so much, why does this make me so angry?

>> No.11633834

because you wish you derived meaning from your work

>> No.11633866

because it speaks to something we all have in us, this pathetic need for identity and meaning in the face of the void, and it saddens you to realize that despite how pathetic it is you won’t be able to survive without it and you’ll never transcend it

>> No.11633871


>Vollman began cross dressing in 2008 and has developed a female alter ego persona named Dolores which is documented in The Book of Dolores.[12] "'Dolores is a relatively young woman trapped in this fat, aging male body,' Mr. Vollmann said. 'I’ve bought her a bunch of clothes, but she’s not grateful. She would like to get rid of me if she could.'”

>> No.11633881

You'll never transcend the need for an identity but you can transcend finding it through your work.

>> No.11633885

not really, a job with no meaning is soul crushing

>> No.11633891

I really don’t know if that’s true. I only find meaning in artwork. Where do you find meaning anon?

>> No.11633892


>> No.11633914

Poor syntax on my part.
*You can transcend the need to find your identity through your work, but you will still need an identity of sorts. My opinion.

>> No.11633926

but I don’t necessarily think that’s true. your identity is linked to what you do, to craft an identity that neglects that aspect of your life is to live in denial

>> No.11635230

Hey me too, I also worked in a factory/warehouse as soon as I turned 18, with an employment agency. They really don't give a fuck as long as you show up and do the work. But it was pretty demoralizing, I don't know if I could do it again (5 years later), I definitely don't want to.