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/lit/ - Literature

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11631653 No.11631653[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are airhead pornstars, like Charlotte Sartre and Ayn Marie (formally Mia Rand), so proud of the one book they've read that they name themselves after the author?

>> No.11631666

Probably because they are ashamed of being whores and want to seem like they are more than just a few holes.
Or they know their incel nerd viewer base and utilize this knowledge.

>> No.11631674

How /lit/ can a pornstar get? Is there a Louisa Celine taking BBC somewhere?

I was going to make an Ezra Pound joke too but then I realized Ezra Pound is already a porn name.

>> No.11631677
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>> No.11631686

why are OPs who ask rhetorical questions such faggots

>> No.11631692
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>> No.11631876


>> No.11631878


>> No.11632027
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>> No.11632154

I just saw it in an Eva thread on /tv/. If you’re asking what scene this is recreating it’s the ending of The End of Evangelinoon

>> No.11632183

Nah I wanted the people in it.

>> No.11632188

stop shilling this nonsense, Balzac wrote with one hand on his cock

>> No.11632204

t. angry incel

>> No.11632214

Kayden Kross reads real books. She and Manuel use their house for scenes a lot and I always see that fat copy of IJ on her shelf kek

>> No.11632232
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Why would you assume it's because they are proud of it? I would guess it's for the name recognition.

Kant was volcel too.

Based Ethan Hakwe.

>> No.11632235

Leave degenerate

>> No.11632245
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>> No.11632246

to target the "i liek to read, lol" hipster market

>> No.11632247

Starting in the 17th century, people began to divorce the concept of intellect from morality, eventually creating such stock figures as the libertine and the Byronic hero, who while being thoroughly versed in learning and perhaps even possessing some measure of sensitivity or creative genius, still engage in debauchery. This image stuck around in popular culture until the present day, when talentless, unintelligent, uneducated young drug addicts and prostitutes began to appropriate authors and works they associated with the "immoral savant" archetype in order to justify their immorality to themselves and others by associating it with an intellectualism they do not and have never and will never possess.

>> No.11632248

So /lit/?

>> No.11632251

shut up weeb

>> No.11632256

James Joyce is the greatest writer to ever live and I’m pretty sure he beat his meat at least three times a day

>> No.11632261

i-d rather fuck my grandma that a whore who likes Sartre

>> No.11632268


>> No.11632270
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*tips fedora*

>> No.11632274
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yes. basically yes.

guys under 25 always fantasise about having sexual relations with girls who have similar interests to them....centrefolds in motorcycle magazines, waifu frontwomen of bands, fishing babes (pic related) etc etc.

>> No.11632276
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>”My sweet little whorish Nora I did as you told me, you dirty little girl, and pulled myself off twice when I read your letter. I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways. Yes, now I can remember that night when I fucked you for so long backwards. It was the dirtiest fucking I ever gave you, darling. My prick was stuck in you for hours, fucking in and out under your upturned rump. I felt your fat sweaty buttocks under my belly and saw your flushed face and mad eyes. At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue came bursting out through your lips and if a gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual, fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora’s fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.

You say when I go back you will suck me off and you want me to lick your cunt, you little depraved blackguard. I hope you will surprise me some time when I am asleep dressed, steal over to me with a whore’s glow in your slumberous eyes, gently undo button after button in the fly of my trousers and gently take out your lover’s fat mickey, lap it up in your moist mouth and suck away at it till it gets fatter and stiffer and comes off in your mouth. Sometimes too I shall surprise you asleep, lift up your skirts and open your drawers gently, then lie down gently by you and begin to lick lazily round your bush. You will begin to stir uneasily then I will lick the lips of my darling’s cunt. You will begin to groan and grunt and sigh and fart with lust in your sleep. Then I will lick up faster and faster like a ravenous dog until your cunt is a mass of slime and your body wriggling wildly.

Goodnight, my little farting Nora, my dirty little fuckbird! There is one lovely word, darling, you have underlined to make me pull myself off better. Write me more about that and yourself, sweetly, dirtier, dirtier.”

>> No.11632282

It's Scott Pilgrim and one of the evil exes.

>> No.11632291
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>James Joyce is the greatest writer to ever live

>> No.11632294
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>James Joyce is the greatest writer to ever live
>this is what a*glos believe

>> No.11632297
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...being a pornstar probably gets you in many emotional existential crisises.

+You meet a lot of people, which is Humanities tier.

As we say in Hellas:

A succesfull wank
might be better than fucking,
but with sex
at least you meet people.

>> No.11632306

>James Joyce is the greatest writer
Is there any surer way to spot a pseud on /lit/? No sweetie, Ulysses is not the greatest book ever written, take your modernist shite elsewhere.

>> No.11632368

aaahhh James Joyce, the greatest writer to ever live. I would uncover my head and kneel before his tomb.

>> No.11632431

"Nothing matters so I might as well get fucked by 12 guys on camera for a few thousand dollars"
- Shartre, effectively

>> No.11632444

is this redpilled? i need an expert opinion

>> No.11632519

>You say when I go back you will suck me off and you want me to lick your cunt, you little depraved blackguard.
did he call his waifu a nigger?

>> No.11632709

I think this is unironically great writing. Sure, it's vulgar; but I think that it's undeniable that underneath the vulgarity there is genuine tenderness and love ("Goodnight, my little farting Nora, my dirty little fuckbird!" is a great example of this.)

>> No.11632733

Saved for further reflection in times of desperation

>> No.11632760
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I give Charlotte a pass cause girls with bangs are the best

>> No.11632791

she looks HOT

I challenge you or anyone like you to a debate on why fapping is bad because you're just cucking yourself out of some ideal of being an ascetic master because you dont fap to hot women, this self denial isn't beneficial

>> No.11633224

Makes sense with Sartre, he probably fucked around more than she does.

>> No.11633466


>> No.11633473

>Ezra Pound
There must be gay porn with this name

>> No.11633485

I talked to a girl on some dating app that was reading Euripides. I ended up making up with my girlfriend at the time so I stopped talking to her but now I kinda wish I didn't.

>> No.11633516
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Behold, the pound!

>> No.11633547

Hugo nominated author?

>> No.11633808

Why do 20 something girls seem to like Sartre so much? I swear every art hoe type has a copy of Being & Nothingness, do they even read it?

>> No.11633829

Basado y rojopillado

>> No.11633874

Yep he was nominated in the short story category from what I remember

>> No.11633895

extremely based

>> No.11634051
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Here's why.

>> No.11634059

Dunning-Krueger Effect

>> No.11634086
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t. sapped of extra creative energy and potential

>> No.11634116

Have you read the book? If not then read it. Youre probably a virgin or a soulless autist if you dont understand how it connects to sexuality in general. Nausea is read by a lot of thots. If you dont understand why then i dont know what to tell you.

>> No.11634117

You’re pathetic. A man who can’t control his desires is no better than an ape, or a woman.

>> No.11634129

>How /lit/ can a pornstar get?
I dont know what you define as a porn star, but there was that one girl who comes from a well to do family in the arts and did I think one porn. There are also all the escort girls for the very rich, im sure

>> No.11634139

It's so they can star in hipster music videos.


>> No.11634145
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>No sweetie
Im pretty sure this is the way to spot a pseud, anon

>> No.11634347
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I'm not an idealist at all but still celibate and continent because it is serves me as an individual, not because of some spooky idea.

It's like refraining from eating junkfood. It may seem like some self-limiting adherence to the health gods but what it does is really offer a better quality of life than if you would indulge in it. Ascetic disciplines often look like self-sacrifice from the outside but they improve life, they're very much pragmatic and self-serving.

Gorging yourself on trash is not in your interest in the long term.

>> No.11634631

She looks like boy.

Like a boy whose boiflower I'd love to fertilize

>> No.11634655
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*masturbates 29 times a day in your path*

>> No.11634666

charlotte sartre makes me absolutely diamonds but i wish she didn't do almost exclusively anal/gapeshit, it's so fucking gross. she also gets pissed on way too much, she's such a goddamn degenerate

>> No.11634672

>Miller, whose stage name comes from an Egyptian archaeological site Amarna and the writer Henry Miller, graduated in fine arts from the European University of Madrid

>> No.11634681

Nastiest mainstream pornstar since Annette Schwarz

>> No.11634686

Joyce looked cool as all hell.

>> No.11634706

There's an interracial video where she drinks a black guy's piss and brags that her ass is going to be completely destroyed by the time she's 30. Where does porn go from here?

>> No.11634730

theyy need a strong philosophical justification to their deviancy

>> No.11634958
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>> No.11634963

nice post, please take my (You)

>> No.11635022
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>Eva 1.0 misato
I bet you read Woolf

>> No.11635057

Ok so the question is how did he do it lads..

>> No.11635252
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