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11629226 No.11629226 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any better feeling than cracking the spine of a fresh new book?

>> No.11629231

Being loved

>> No.11629234
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>> No.11629321

This, its pretty surreal how a kid cuddling into you can warm your soul. It's not nearly as visceral with animals. of course we aren't talking about eros here.

>> No.11629326


>> No.11629353

do children love their parents? I certainly never loved my parents. I don't mean this in an edgy way, i like my parents and all, but i never felt anything like love for them. When I was young I thought of them primarily as sources of resources and punishment, and when I got a bit older I and started seeing them as people I could empathize with them a great deal seeing as i am similar to them obviously.

But there was never any love involved, is this unusual?

>> No.11629373


>> No.11629378

like the feeling you have for a girlfriend you love? That feeling? I don't mean the sexual or romantic aspects, I mean the soft enveloping care and intimacy with them, children have that with their parents?

I know parents have that for their kids, but i thought children typically don't have it back at them

>> No.11629381

Especially naked cuddling post-orgasm

>> No.11629388

>do children love their parents?
depends on the natural disposition of the child
> I certainly never loved my parents.
maybe, maybe you just grew up and have don't remember or have become retarded as to what love is

some children atleast, are capable of love and being loved. I don't know about most, but they are not particularly rare from by own anecdotal experience.

>> No.11629399

I remember quite clearly and I am very clear about what love is for me because when it first happened i was literally amazed that that feeling could exist.

I was not an unusual child, i was more independent and energetic than most children but well within the bounds of normal behavior. I thought a child would be basically incapable of that feeling

>> No.11629402

this got me thinking is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

>> No.11629403

Have a seat.

>> No.11629416

you can't get cucked by someone with half your genes, them procreating is literally you procreating as well. Christ get your shit straight

>> No.11629418

Holy shit, I completely misread the post I was replying to. What the fuck.

>> No.11629436

>I completely misread
As expected of /lit/.

>> No.11629483

>he doesn't breed his daughter to 3rd/4th cousins to mitigate the effect
>he thinks sons is any different
>he wants to fugg is daughter

>> No.11629490

Even 70IQ TCAP pedos have thought up more convincing excuses than that. You fucked up Johnathan.

>> No.11629875

This copypasta is so vile with how obvious it is that the writer would want to fuck his own daughter

>> No.11629880

Fucking on MDMA is quite nice too.

>> No.11629881


Yes. Successfully actually reading a book in its entirety without ever introducing such a major crack into its spine.

>> No.11629882

Slipping a brand new dakimakura cover onto a fresh body pillow

>> No.11630203

You don't own your children

>> No.11630214

going for a poo and it coming out solid and you wipe and there's no poo on the toilet tissha

>> No.11630220

what the fuck is wrong with you people

>> No.11630248

You slipped my friend, it's over. Now it's going to be Tyrone who slips (in and out of your bumhole)

>> No.11630258
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I came

>> No.11630260

>thread about cracking book spines immediately turns to kid-fucking
peak /lit/ performance

>> No.11630266

it's pasta

>> No.11630275

I sort of feel the same. I like my parents a lot, but I don't think I love them as horrible as that sounds.

>> No.11630290

That's fucked up, did they not hug you and tell you they love you when you were little or what?
I'm the other way around, I'd probably fucking kill myself if my mom died but I don't like her all that much as a person

>> No.11630378

Defensive retards will try to deny this.

>> No.11630511

I started loving my mother around the age of 19-21, I try now to more actively hug her and say I appreciate what she's done and does.

>> No.11630515

Hey I'm a psychologist, we can talk about this in private if you want. Contact me on NotFBI@gov.us

>> No.11630523

My parents have never actually said that they loved me. They weren't abusive or neglectful. I got hugs and shit as a kid but only if I went for them myself. I never actually witnessed anything between them. When I turned about 13 my attachment to them has slowly dwindled to nothing over the past 5 years. Now I can't form proper relationships and human physical contact just feels alien to me. But for some reason I'm obsessed with fucking dogs. I don't have one. But whenever I see one I just want to hug it and play with it. Maybe I'm just autistic or some shit. But if you just play it a little off key when you're raising a kid you can fuck up the entire piece if you catch my drift.

>> No.11631532


>> No.11631537

Feeling one with the universe

>> No.11631605

Stop drinking coffee and only shit once every two days and you'll get this every time

>> No.11631613

Perhaps your definition of love is just not the one most people refer to when they think of the word

>> No.11631630


Am I a bad person if this makes me laugh everytime?

>> No.11631631

>once every 2 days
slow metabolizers need not apply

>> No.11631665

sounds like you have a thing for your daughter. But this is /lit/ so you probably dont have one and never will.

>> No.11631921
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Parenthood itself is a contract on pain of death. What parents actually say or do is irrelevant, children infer their dominion over them regardless and understand that their safety is best guarded by "love". It's the same "love" people have for all authority figures, though unusually strong since the parent has near total dominion over the child. Though delirium wherein one identifies with this "love" is common in all ages.

>> No.11631931

Every time I read this pasta it makes more and more sense

>> No.11632769

When will a woman who had nothing to do with the way I grew up ravage me and fuck my every hole ?

>> No.11632790

Fuck off with these casualties and mutilated corpsepostings of sacred objects. End underlying for the sake of those intelligent and poor people everywhere.

>> No.11632796

They definitely do

>> No.11632805

Pthhh lol get a life

>> No.11632817


You're just as free to remember as you are to forget.

>> No.11632821

Yes. Now go back.

>> No.11632977


This is gore, mods ban pls

>> No.11632984

I love my parents
My dad is smarter than me

>> No.11633193

>the parent has near total dominion over the child
lmao, no
not in a healthy non-tyrannic relationship

>> No.11633321

>That's fucked up, did they not hug you and tell you they love you when you were little or what?
not him, but no mine did not.

>> No.11633355

I guess that's why now you're here