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11629215 No.11629215 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11629323

you just posted it

>> No.11629335
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>> No.11629410

Pic unrelated. When that book was published they hadn't seen nothin' yet. Jacques Ellul's book is probably the best on the subject.

>> No.11629460

Walter Lippman's Public Opinion, or perhaps the Phantom Public.

>> No.11629538
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Manufacturing Consent is breddy gud

>> No.11629623

Ellul is definitely superior, especially when he points out how propaganda is actually most effective on the so-called intellectuals and other bourgeois types.

>> No.11629683

Can we talk about propaganda for a tick and how we're surrounded by it and it really is revisionist to a crazy point? I don't want to be a Nazi sympathiser in the slightest but I am beginning to wonder just how much stuff is anecdotal, exaggerated, or just plain bullshit when it comes to Germany during WW1. I've been reading war memoirs and it always seems like whomever penned them always heard about atrocities from someone else who didn't even see it. Of course I am not saying they did not happen bur it really got my noggin joggin'. Not just about Nazis but about everything.

I don't know, and please don't take me for a fool, but I have just been thinking about the effects of propaganda.

>> No.11629688
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>> No.11629695

Honestly, if you think the Government is the one to fear when it comes to Propaganda then you've been duped.

>> No.11629714


Whoops. Phone posting and also was thinking about how the Germans were said to be chopping the arms off babies and that in order to get the American public whipped up for the war they should not have been involved in.

>> No.11629751

came here to post this