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/lit/ - Literature

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11628976 No.11628976 [Reply] [Original]

ITT sum up your character in one sentence and other anons will recommend a book based on that

I'm just a regular dude who likes to get a little hammered, party with crazy people and all around have a good time.

>> No.11628979

I’m just a rad dude with tits

>> No.11629093

I just some guy that tries too hard, and nobody likes because of it. But I know deep down that if I ever stopped, no one would find me useful and I'd be forgotten.

>> No.11629851
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Too close to home.

I want to create something great but I'm constantly haunted by the idea that I'm not good enough and that I will die before I do anything meaningful enough. I yearn for friendship with people that have similar interests but they all despise me because of the moderate success I had up to now and for reasons I can't grasp since I never said a bad word about them and have always tried to be their friend and help them.

>> No.11629857

bloggity blog me me pay attention to me blog

>> No.11629889

I am a pseudo-intellectual and proud.

>> No.11629909

The Fountainhead

>> No.11629915

ulyssees - irish fedora's gibberish, not the real thing

>> No.11629957
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I'm just a buff man screaming in a bucket

>> No.11630029
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I'm stupid and lazy but I want to try to get better and I keep saying this but I'm still stupid and lazy and fat.

>> No.11630098

People love me and think I work hard, but I feel like a fraud who falls easily victim to poor habits and excess.

>> No.11630126

"How I sucked 900 dicks in one day" by OP

>> No.11630350

Blessed is the prideful man who humbly vales in his sinning unto his death.

>> No.11630352

>some guy

>> No.11631685

I like guns, and dont like people trying to take them away.
These people make me dream of helicopters.
I like guns.

>> No.11631702
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Not one sentence.
I'm a retard.
Found my own book, no need to worry

>> No.11631734

Woody Allen, but with more erections and nervousness around attractive people

>> No.11631764
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Who paints the best feet? Is it the Boug?

>> No.11631779

I know always that I am an outsider; a stranger in this century and among those who are still men.

In all seriousness, I'd like recommendations for some atmospheric works. The type of drawn out environment you'd see in a Radcliffe or Kawabata novel.

>> No.11631793

I'm so hard on myself that I beat myself up rather than celebrating on my legitimate achievements

>> No.11631807

I have no desires in life. I feel like I’m developing something important in my interior through art and quietness but I’m in a pleasant state of laziness and avoiding social situations as much as I can. I’m growing indifferent to concepts such as god, meaning, love, etc. except when expressed through art as if only then they have any value. I’ve also begun to take myself more seriously in the past months, and I can tell those who used to/are my friends are getting tired of me. But it doesn’t matter. I don’t mind stop being friends with X, but the loss of friendship as an artistic expression feels devastating. I can only feel through literature, films and music. I’m also aware that this sounds like pretentious bullshit, but whatever. End of blogpost.

>> No.11631808
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>> No.11631816

I could get a girlfriend if I tried but I'm comfortable being a volcel

>> No.11631917

By my actions I am a sinner, by the grace of God I am a Christian.

>> No.11631946

I hate modern society and the retarded gorilla nigger monkeys inhabiting it.

>> No.11631954

if you really believed in god you wouldn't sin
>inb4 hurr durr muh original sin

>> No.11631964
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if you don't want to use your brain there's always /r/literature for you.

>> No.11632072

they prolly have some nice subs for larpers like you as well

>> No.11632134
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I want to be rich and fuck tons of women but also recluse myself and reject body pleasures to reach enlightenment

>> No.11632162

based and redpilled

>> No.11632310

read no longer human

>> No.11632442

Is volcel short for 'delusional incel'?

>> No.11632496

The drinking life
Listen to the kinks
Moby dick
Anne frank
Starting strength
Nico ethics
2nd amendment jurisprudence would like to have a word with you.
King Arthur
How music works
Botany of desire
Catch 22
You need to go talk to people not read more books
Thinking fast and slow
Also I am >>11630098 if anyone has any recs.

>> No.11632578

I have a hard time connecting with people at anything more than a superficial level, even just trying gives me an incredible anxiety. I end up spending most of my time studying, reading, and working out—too bad I have nobody to show the results of the latter.

>> No.11632593

man works with his hands and is pissed because he cant rape the women that flaunt their tits around him in his scummy social circle

>> No.11632600

you should try doing drugs, my man

>> No.11632634

I don't mind marijuana, but it would be pretty depressing to smoke it on my own, wouldn't it? Heavier stuff, I'd rather not touch.

>> No.11632676

So if you can’t connect with anyone then this is either an issue with your ability to communicate and have discussion, or you don’t put yourself in a place to meet the kind of people you would connect with. Though, because you have NO ONE, I’m going to assume it’s your fault.

>> No.11632720

Eh, I'm oversimplifying it a bit. What I wanted to say is, I always get stuck in the limbo of casual acquaintance, and I'm kind of afraid to get close to other people—kind of like the Little Prince and the fox, if it had social anxiety that he tirelessly labours to hide. Incidentally, this results in my blowing my chances with women who would be into me.

>> No.11632742
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on the road
big sur
any female author
the moral landscape
the myth of sisyphus
lucky jim
american psycho
kingdom of fear
ask the dust
thus spoke zarathrusta
echo and narcissus
rule of st. benedict
95 theses
industrial society and its future
big sur
ecce homo

>> No.11632782

Only if you're already in a depressed state of mind. Weed is basically the best drug to take alone, as it doesn't fundamentally increase your socialising, rather on the contrary. But it also amplifies feelings to a degree (the set aka your mindset when taking a drug), so already depressed = more depressed. Feeling alright and just want to connect more with that album or movie (or even book, although I personally don't like reading stoned) or have some crazy ideas, go for it.
When socialising, alcohol. Or "harder" stuff, as you called it.

>> No.11632886

Good suggestion, thanks! Unfortunately I've already read all of Murakami's works. Anything else come to mind?

I think anon's suggestion for American Pyscho is good. I'd also suggest Filth by Irvine Welsh and Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol. They're all rather different but maybe something will pique your interest.

I thoroughly enjoyed Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Do you have any other suggestions in the same vein?

>He who climbs upon the highest mountains laughs at all tragedies, real or imaginary.

>> No.11632941
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Literally and metaphorically me.

>> No.11633006

I might consider it. Thank you for the tip.

>> No.11633184

Blackmore's Lorna Doone

>> No.11633239

I fail at everything I do. I just can't keep up with life. I can't think. I'm nothing. I can't find a goal. Everything lacks meaning and value when I engage with it.

>> No.11633249

>I thoroughly enjoyed Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Do you have any other suggestions in the same vein?
unironically the bible since that's the style he was going for.

book of job and ecclesiastes are the greatest hits imhotbh

>> No.11633253

Checking out some samples and this looks delightful. Thank you kind anon! Just put in an order for it, I'm surprised I didn't pick it up sooner.

>> No.11633256

bartleby the scrivener

>> No.11633296

>You need to go talk to people not read more books
I tried talking to people once
>Bix nood nigga we be mu'fuckin gucci nigga skkkkrtttt yeeeee boiii muda fugga we up in dis mah fuggin sheeit nigga das rite whait boii
Never doing that ever again

>> No.11633546

I'm very tall, thin, my hair is dark brown and my eyes are too but many people think they're black at first sight, I live in Northern Germany and my parents both are ethnically German but many people here mistake me for a foreigner and talk to me in English, my nose is pretty huge, I have naturally perfectly shaped eyebrows and I chew nails.

I feel that my exterior attributes characterize me better than my character traits which I find hard, bordering on impossible, to pin down.

>> No.11633705
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anything by this lad

>> No.11633924

Just smart enough to be well aware of my own incompetence and limits, not smart enough to be outstanding or accomplish anything noteworthy.

>> No.11633942
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Typical marijuana addict. Thinks he literally can't live without it; oh, he assures us, he can quit whenever he wants. How convenient for his habit it is, that he never wants to...

>> No.11633971

Average man who has somehow tricked others into thinking he is above average; he put on the charade for so long that he started to believe it.

>> No.11633982

That image takes me back

>> No.11634744


I'm a schizophrenic transsexual therian former CS student who likes philosophy and occultism, and has had the shit kicked out of them continuously for ~26 years.

>> No.11634856

I'm too much of a coward to kill myself, so I've grown to begrudgingly accept my fate as a slave to myself.

>> No.11634863

Epictetus, The Enchiridion

>> No.11634892
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I'm that guy that jacks off too much

>> No.11634923

I'm just a college student grappling with some emotional trauma that I've been shouldering ever since I was a kid. I started delving into philosophy as a coping mechanism, toying with idealism and the notion that as long as a few people acknowledge my existence as possible, the likelyhood I'll just disappear from people's memories and cease to exist becomes closer. It kind of helps a little bit to embrace my own insignificance but what I really want is solace. If anyone has any book recommendations that'd be lovely.

>> No.11635559

Just a broken guy. Got a few screws loose I guess.

>> No.11635567

im one of the crazy people you liked to party with until the crazy turned violent, i live for moments of beauty that i don't know how to conjure, making my motivation entirely detached from my behavior.

>> No.11635590

i hate people but long term solitude leaves me yearning for interaction, when i get it i almost immdediatly recoil back to my previous state

>> No.11635634

I'm a regular dude with a big ass dick

>> No.11635732

I love your titties, 'cause they prove I can focus on two things at once

>> No.11635907

Doktor Glas by Hjalmar Söderberg
Mysteries by Knut Hamsun

>> No.11636095

OP here: I actually heavily reduced my weed consum, exactly because of afromentioned amplification of depression, from nearly daily to two or three times a month, and even then I often regret it. But I can still see its benefits and recommend it based on them. Really, its like with all drugs: Do it occasionnaly, responsibly and only if you feel like it. But a complete condemnation is utter bullshit.

>> No.11636172

Tropic of Cancer, 101%

Ernst Jünger: Strahlungen

The Book of Disquiet

The Book of the New Sun

Against the World, Against Life

Houellebecq: Whatever

Hamsun: Hunger
Tropic of Cancer

>> No.11636174

the yellow king

>> No.11636184 [DELETED] 

A usually sad and tired lad who only enjoys art and sport, is not good at anything, spends a lot of time walking, reading or practising drawing, though mostly procrastinates instead of drawing a lot. I'm that boring person that people don't usually notice, but it's a good thing since I get nervous in social situations, unless I know someone quite well.

>> No.11636193 [DELETED] 

bukowski's short stories
this hits too close to home, no idea what to recommend
book of disquiet
kaczynski and anarcho-primitivists
book of disquiet
wikipedia articles on literature, art and philosophy
the sun also rises

>> No.11636219

Kubin: The Other Side (give it some chapters, it gets really good)
The Master of the Day of Judgement

The Book of the Long Sun if you like genre lit

On the Marble Cliffs
If you like it and want longer versions, read Julien Gracq.

Jünger and Gracq for you as well. Maybe start with Storms of Steel.

Hertha Müller

Infinite Jest

>> No.11636337

good old neon (not a book but a story by dfw, just buy oblivion if you want a book recommended)

>> No.11636340

Bases his worth on his achievements

>> No.11636366
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A neurotic narcissist who wants to be a hero but cant stop betraying himself

>> No.11636417
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I love how Renoir painted feet in this picture. They're so beautiful, you don't often see such "girly" feet in paintings from the past.

>> No.11636426

I'm just a single man doomed to be obsessed with the past occuring in Hollywood, making up for lost time in an east-coast town I can't leave.

>> No.11636450

A hero of our time

>> No.11636478

Spent my life going through different unhealthy coping mechanisms in order to sustain a hedonistic lifestyle while still maintaining a job and good grades in university.

>> No.11636488

Why are the women fat. Disgusting

>> No.11636505

> the notion that as long as a few people acknowledge my existence as possible, the likelyhood I'll just disappear from people's memories and cease to exist becomes closer.

>> No.11636513

The one in the water isn't fat

>> No.11636810

By classical standards they're anything but fat.

>> No.11636826

Infinite Jest
Clockwork Orange

The Tunnel

>> No.11636842

The only thing I have in my life is going to the gym. I haven't spoken to another human being in months, I have some mental block about social situations which I avoid constantly and am failing my studies hard because of it, and I am unable to change myself except physically

>> No.11636858

>Why are the women fat. Disgusting
They're THICC, homo

>> No.11636862

Everything is loud and busy, and I just want to be by myself, with nothing on my mind, nothing to worry about, in a sea of time and quiet.

>> No.11636992

I prefer to spend most of my time alone but what I value most in life are my relationships with my family and the couple friends that I've managed to stay in touch with.

>> No.11637064

same here

>> No.11637180

I fucking love Julien Gracq, thanks for the recommendations anon. Picked up a pdf of On the Marble Cliffs and reading it now.

>> No.11637309

cronic bad choices and wasted opportunities on top of being completely adrift in life.

>> No.11637340

am I allowed to say On the Consolations of Philosophy by Debottom, or will this get me band?

>> No.11637342

And you'll continue to have the shit kicked out of you your entire life, hopefully.

>> No.11637345

Aviation manuals

>> No.11637392

A shitdisturber who ventured on a quest for longterm jokes which people took too seriously due to his rather than clearing things up all around finding of immense joy in further confounding the Dante accusation, such love of his personal Beatrice, having as he never thought of this most any other way than in jest - in fact, as a counter to an era of sincerity he took it upon himself to laugh at himself and make all around him the absurdity that all outside of him pressed in upon him with, leaving him to agree with those fine, select categories of which Tlon was made and man was set in motion.

>> No.11637568

i have bipolar 1 disorder

>> No.11637722

Which one? By Gass or this Spanish dude?

>> No.11637728

Hertha Müller is literally my grandmother's maiden name lmao
What are her books like?

>> No.11637836



>> No.11637844


That's not water. It's liquid BRAAAAAAAAAP.

>> No.11637908

I self-sabotage all of my relationships in impressively bombastic ways and continually submit myself to recluse after bouts of occasional popularity or deep connection, and I'm on and off on whether I think I do this intentionally or unintentionally. Ultimately I'm okay with it.

>> No.11638142


I will do whatever it takes to ensure the existence of my people, even if it means genocide and overturning the system in which I live.

>> No.11638175


Also "It's the Jooos!"

>> No.11638405

the hungry caterpillar

>> No.11638744

Pan by Hamsun

>> No.11639840

There's no such thing as "responsible" drug use. You just have different degrees of addiction.

>> No.11639865
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I fetishize my sex partners but fail to make an emotional conmection, then feel bad about it when everything falls apart

>> No.11640067

I seek new experiences even at the expense of all propriety and reason.

>> No.11640206

I used to lie a lot, but stopped when the weight of my falsehoods collapsed upon me and I lost my mind, believing that I was the reincarnation of Julius Caesar.

Steppenwolf is a good bet.