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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 47 KB, 425x428, DA11C49B-3CD5-4CC1-956C-ADABFC2AD7B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11628483 No.11628483 [Reply] [Original]

Beginner psychedelic books:

Huxley - Perennial Philosophy, BNW, The Island, Doors of Perception, Heaven and Hell
Leary - The Psychedelic Experience, Psychedelic Prayers, Politics of Ecstasy
Laing - Politics of Experience and the Bird of Paradise
Baba Ram Dass - Be Here Now

History of (mostly psychedelic) drugs in America:

Stevens - Storming Heaven
Lee - LSD Dreams
Torgoff - Can't Find My Way Home
Wolfe - The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
HST - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Science of psychedelics:

Psychedelic Information Theory (http://psychedelic-information-theory.com/pdf/PIT-Print-Web.pdf))
William Richards - Sacred Knowledge
Michael Pollan - How to Change Your Mind
Albert Hoffman - LSD: My Problem Child
Otto Snow - LSD
Uncle Fester's Practical LSD Manufacturing
Strassman - DMT: The Spirit Molecule
Sasha Shulgin - PIHKAL and TIHKAL (recommended for newbs) or Shulgin Index (if you want hardcore chemistry)
Grof - LSD Psychotherapy
Lilly - Programming and Metaprogramming the Human Biocomputer
Frances - Drawing it Out

Plant Medicine / Shamanism:

Pendell - Pharmako Trilogy
T. McKenna - Food of the Gods, True Hallucinations, The Archaic Revival
D. McKenna - Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss
Eliade - Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy
Harner - Way of the Shaman
Pinchbeck - Breaking Open the Head
Narby - Cosmic Serpent

Mystical / Occult:

Castaneda - Don Juan Series
Bergier - In The Morning Of The Magicians
Jodorowski - Psychomagic, Way of the Tarot
Crowley - Book Four: Liber ABA, Magick Without Tears, Book of Thoth, Book of Lies
AOS - Book of Pleasure
Grant - The Magickal Revival, Zos Speaks!
Caroll - Liber Null & Psychonaut
Dukes - Thundersqueak
White - Chaos Protocols

Ancient Mysteries:

Wasson - The Road To Eleusis
Allegro - The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross
Uzdavinys - Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism
Graves - The White Goddess


PKD - VALIS Trilogy
D & G - Capitalism and Schizophrenia
D - Difference and Repetition, Logic of Sense
G - Chaosmosis, Schizoanalytic Cartographies
Laing - The Divided Self
Eco - Foucault's Pendulum
Pynchon - Gravity's Rainbow
RAW - Illuminatus! (Fiction) and Cosmic Trigger (Non-Fiction)
Land - Fanged Noumena
Schreber - Memoirs of my Nervous Illness

Psychedelic "literature":

Baudelaire - Artificial Paradises
Michaux - Miserable Miracle
Benjamin - On Hashish
Pickard - The Rose of Paracelsus

Eight-Circuit Model:

Leary - Info(/Exo)-Psychology, Game of Life
RAW - Quantum Psychology, Prometheus Rising
Antero Ali - Angel Tech

(Psychedelic) Philosophy:

Eliade - The Sacred and the Profane
James - The Varieties of Religious Experiences
Wilson - The Outsider, The Occult
Nietzsche - Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Debord - Society of the Spectacle, Commentary on Society of the Spectacle
Vaneigem - Revolution of Everyday Life, Movement of the Free Spirit
Baudrillard - Simulacra and Simulation, System of Objects, America
Fisher - Capitalist Realism
Tsing - The Mushroom At The End Of The World

>> No.11628540

this looks to be a pretty good list. thanks for the recs, op.
know of any decent fiction about DMT or ayahuasca?

>> No.11628555

wow a trash list of trash books for trash pseuds. I like it, I hope i keeps you drug obsessed teenagers away from this website so I don't have to deal with your compensating for not having a personality besides DUDE WEED!

>> No.11628584

Great list OP

>> No.11628615

the yage letters by ginsberg and burroughs

>> No.11628621

I remember when I was 16 too

>> No.11628631

Wizard of the Upper Amazon for nonfiction.

>> No.11628657

you're probably that one guy who never did psychedelics in his teen years out of fear and now has no way of getting some so you shit on other people who have had more/better experiences than you.

>> No.11628670

>I gave myself brain damage with chemicals cooked by trailer park trash at a shitty music festival
>Because of this I have more/better experience than you
sure thing kiddo

>> No.11628677

stay upset you wasted your "best" years in the mundane

>> No.11628693

stay employed at mcdonalds if you can manage it when you're not too busy listening to 20 minute versions of grateful dead songs and fantasizing about the time you were a beam of light gliding across the universe ya fucking burnout degenerate

>> No.11628724

bump, good list

>> No.11628733

good luck being this much of a wop mate

>> No.11628732

woah... far out man

>> No.11628745
File: 15 KB, 260x261, rene-guenon-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, I did acid and mushrooms over a hundred times before the age of 21 in addition to trying a dozen other obscure psychs and I still do acid on occasion. but after reading a bunch of psychedelic lit I realized there was way deeper stuff out there. The very first book you listed, Huxley's Perennial Philosophy should be a hint. Despite psychs being what got him into that subject the book has nothing to do with psychedelics themselves and shouldn't even be in that list. His book despite being good is still only a shallow survey of eastern and perennial thought.

There are over a hundred thousand pages worth of Hindu, Buddhist, Daoist, Islamic and Neoplatonic texts in addition texts from other obscure schools which are all infinitely more profound and worthwhile than any book about psychedelics, and that's just counting the ones which have been translated into English. The fact that you would even include those ones in the last portion of the list under 'Psychedelic' philosophy indicates that you haven't even developed a capacity for engaging with and understanding profound ideas without somehow trying to link them to psychedelics and your experiences with them (trust me anon I did the same as a teenager). Once you read a level of study, contemplation and implementation of the aforementioned types of texts it's possible to reach a level where every waking moment from morning until night is more profound and meaningful than anything ever experienced while tripping, and you get still do psychs while going about this (without being attached to them or regarding them as overly important). Spending so much time reading different books about psychs when there is so much more profound stuff out there is pitiful IMO, but I can empathize because I did it too when I was 16.

>> No.11628791

>contemplation and implementation of the aforementioned types of texts it's possible to reach a level where every waking moment from morning until night is more profound and meaningful than anything ever experienced while tripping
you really think someone would lie on the internet like that? how could you know its better have you achieved this state of being yet?

>> No.11628816

Does anyone know a place to download the rose of paracelsus? Cant find a digital copy

>> No.11628826

Projection much? These are just recommendations. No one is saying to be a burn out like you apparently used to be.

>> No.11628858

>have you achieved this state of being yet?

Yes I have, but in order to reach it you have to stop being lazy and actually read and closely study thousands of pages of eastern texts in addition to acquiring self control of both thoughts+habits and also stopping all fapping/videogames/other trash. Psychedelics are just an occasionally amusing sideshow rather than being anything significant in themselves.

>> No.11628863

yeah up my ass! LMAO!!!!

>> No.11628883

>still uses 4chan
sure kid, I believe you.

>> No.11628896

>20 replies
>8 posters
>that one guy who doesn't like psychedelics stays in the thread pretending to be different people

>> No.11628905

or more likely that one guy who does like psychedelics has given himself schizophrenia and Multiple personality disorder and is arguing among his various persona's

>> No.11628910

>the time you were a beam of light gliding across the universe
This sounds frickin lit.

>> No.11628918

it happened to me the first time I experienced ego death. Fucking LSD and DMT together man, heavy stuff.

>> No.11628920

lol dude this is that same poster

>> No.11628978

I mostly just come here occasionally to post and talk with other anons about the sort of texts I mentioned, but I thought I'd pop into this thread to extend a helping hand.

>> No.11628983
File: 205 KB, 1440x1080, 6ACAD0E6-6693-400B-93C4-32CD49642264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and Nick land are among the few individuals to fully understand the implications of Deleuzean thought and achieve the BwO. It is no coincidence that we both went insane soon after. Six visits to the psych ward later after deterritorializing myself with hardcore psychedelics, I have now returned to the fold of Platonism. The ethics of difference, it would seem, end only in a padded cell or a coffin. For my mother's sake, I now adhere to virtue ethics. Kinda miss fucking bipolar scene sluts but then again that's probably how I ended up with HPV. I only hope my future wife can forgive me my immature philosophical infatuation.

>> No.11629041

sounds good. Make some book recommendations then

>> No.11629060


>> No.11629150

Did Heidegger do psychs? (pls no bully)

>> No.11629236
File: 88 KB, 1000x399, 8331601-e1422631415950-1000x399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guenon can help you acclimatize to studying these texts, Coomaraswamy too. As for the actual texts; Zhuangzi, Tao Te Ching, Adi Shankara's Prasthanatrayi commentaries, Ashtavakra Gita, Avadhuta Gita, Yoga Vasistha, Avataṃsaka Sutra, Lankavatara Sutra, Lotus Sutra, Guhyagarbha Tantra commentaries, Abinavagupta's Tantrasara/Tantraloka, Mahanirvana Tantra, The writings of Ibn Arabi, Sanai's Enclosed Garden of the Truth, Attar's Conference of the Birds, Rumi's Masnavi, Kabir's poetry, Enneads of Plotinus, Philo, Meister Eckhart, Jakob Böhme, Nisargadatta Maharaj and Ramakrishna.

>> No.11629246

>it's another "schizophrenic guenonfag refuses to have intelligent conversations and shills his cult books" episode.

>> No.11629425

>unironically being triggered by me mentioning two of the 3 or 4 authors who were familiar with and could reference and contrast with ease most of the texts I listed among countless others in addition to standard western philosophy

>> No.11629531

Psychedelics are the most brainlet class of drugs, prove me wrong

>> No.11629541

are you counting weed as a psychedelic?

>> No.11629708

a mild one I suppose, it fits better there than into any other category

>> No.11630336

no Stamets?

>> No.11630387

What is the most /lit/ drug?

>> No.11630398

Jimson weed

>> No.11630457
File: 38 KB, 362x346, 1523185257794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using faux-spiritual enlightenmentcore tier drugs to accrue pseud points in whatever remains of your post-high school social circle
>not taking drugs that accentuate your pre-existing creativity while not turning you into a shit-for-brains preschizo who talks about nothing but a trip they had on shrooms for the remainder of their natural life

>> No.11631258

>pretending to be enlightened cause too spooked by pseud-core perennialism for rational thought and hence projecting ego insecurities about irrelevant past failings of the self onto others who do not suffer any of the same problems
Really joggins the noggins.

>> No.11631412

>lol triggered much?
I believe you are the one who got triggered originally by the mention of psychedelics and started shitposting insults to users in this thread. Nothing about using psychedelics or reading psychedelic literature is incompatible with reading ancient eastern and/or western philosophy or having a mystical practice and OP in fact provides a few traditionalist and perennialist books on his reading list. Not to mention, you admit to using psychedelics still here: >>11628745 so stop being a hypocrite.

>> No.11631508

well, in that case, anon, I can't prove you wrong

>> No.11631522

the anime pic really says it all

>> No.11631590


>> No.11631619

Tibetan Book of the Dead

>> No.11631667

I had a fun psychedelic phase I'm only now coming out of. It was never really as good as those first few trips again.

>> No.11631743

>start ordering LSD, 4-aco, DOB, 2c-b from DNMs at age 14
>fascinated by Huxley, Leary, and later Grof
>16, attempt to give myself psychedelic psychotherapy using carefully placed post-it notes designed to destabilize my ego
>parents dismayed
>hospitalized and diagnosed schizo
>later (19) rediagnosed with schizoaffective disorder
>stop taking (prescribed) antipsychotics
>watching the film Ex Machina triggers another psychotic episode
>currently (21) a ward of the state

>> No.11631747

>Nothing about using psychedelics is incompatible with reading ancient eastern and/or western philosophy or having a mystical practice

I state as much in my post, the point was just that similar to Schopenhauer's quote about wasting time reading bad books and like the meme picture that shows you how much actual literature you could with the same amount of pages as the ASOFAI series, if you are spending time reading a dozen books about psychedelics, there is much better stuff you could be reading and as a user of psychedelics you might even be more receptive to it than the average person (hence possibly more likely to benefit from it); and I thought it was especially important to point that out to someone who throws a few token 'eastern' and 'perennial' texts into a psychedelic list implying that their experience with the subject only extends as far where it connects with psychedelics. It was joking around when I said I remember when I 16 too, but I was serious in that I honestly hope people fascinated with psychedelics who are open to eastern thought don't meme themselves into only staying within the limited domain of psychedelic /lit/.

>> No.11631980

congratulations, you could convince yourself to be anything you wanted and you chose "mentally ill"

>> No.11631997

>there is much better stuff you could be reading

>> No.11632007

once they get the meds just right, I will reenter society and maybe finish the chamber pop album I've been writing

>> No.11632080

Waste of trips desu

>> No.11632106

It depends entirely on what new knowledge you've accumulated in between the trips.

I tend not to trip unless I've made some sort of academic advancement of comprehension.

>> No.11632142

nobody cares

>> No.11632343

>academic advancement of comprehension
stop posting

>> No.11632664


>> No.11632975

Agreed. It's important to be well-rounded. Read a variety of subjects. This thread was obviously meant to simply give some good recommendations to those who are interested in the topic of psychedelics anyway.
Go for it! I'm sure you have some interesting ideas to express.

>> No.11633554

I feel mostly the same but I felt like putting my wasted years of psychedelia to use by making a semi-useful chart of interesting and worthwhile books that help one go beyond the psychedelic experience. Like Zizek says we are always wearing the glasses of ideology a good comparison might be the green glasses in the emerald city in the wizard of oz books but I digress. Ordinary consciousness is enlightenment. Taking off the glasses. Psychedelics mess with the glass. Disturb them. Perhaps a better allusion would be the veil of maya. Psychedelics make the veil flutter which may help you see that there is really nothing there at all but a pair of glasses which you can take off at any time. This is actually the lesson of the Rose of a Paracelsus. Enlightenment is ordinary consciousness. Ordinary consciousness gives meaning to psychedelic consciousness. The author was a Buddhist monk at one point. As well as a classically educated Harvard grad.

>> No.11633593

The fact that you chose a Grateful Dead pic tells me you're not the kind of psych user I'm interested in talking with
GD is the most brainlet music I can think of. It's worse than modern Uber-driver-core EDM

>> No.11633598

if you find it post here plz

>> No.11633854

>he's not dead senpai

>> No.11633869

those retards helped set back psychedelics 50 years, fuck them

>> No.11633876

Fuck hippies. Fuck those idiot braindead fuck-ups
Psychs may never recover and it's all because of their shitty "we're all connected" tripe

>> No.11633882

Those "retards" put psychedelics on the map and most likely on your tongue if indirectly.

>> No.11633884
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>T-those damn boomers! It's their fault no one believes my drug addiction is actually deep and meaningful! I AM SMART

>> No.11633893

this guy has no idea

>> No.11633897
File: 231 KB, 569x590, 1525409698610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude I'm not like those other hippies bro..... I'm like a serious philosopher. And stuff. Fuckin hippies...

>> No.11633910

You got me man, I'm a big sad drug addict. Can't go more than 72 hours without getting the itchies for another hit of 'cid. My fiance has left me and my boss fired me. All because I made the biggest mistake of my life and tried lysergic acid diethylamide... my brain is all funny... I can't think straight... sores all over my emaciated body... and the worst part is I got Brain Damage from it. Really bad Brain Damage. The worst Brain Damage my doctor had ever seen. He said my cranial MRI scan looked like bleu cheese. Complete destruction up there. Stay away from the stuff, anon. DON'T end up like me.

>> No.11633962

What's the difference between dead and rainbow family btw? I have heard both.

>> No.11633966

Man's in prison for multiple life sentences for cid. Buy his book to help his legal funds so his lawyer can appeal his case.

>> No.11633976

Mine's all in my spine. Every time I do yoga I have a kundalini experience. It's terrible, man.

>> No.11633981

can someone tldr this 8th circuit model thing?

>> No.11633991
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>> No.11633994
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>> No.11634005
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>> No.11634009


>> No.11634011

His credentials are about the same as JB Peterson's.

>> No.11634012

how 2 8?

>> No.11634013


>> No.11634016


>> No.11634018

yeah and it's all his fault

>> No.11634023


>> No.11634032


>> No.11634040

He was but a poor pawn who spoke eloquently of days beyond chess games.

>> No.11634067

no thank you

>> No.11634088


>> No.11634100

wake up sheep

>> No.11634498

Mexican brick weed

Accept your trailer trash humble beginnings and smoke the cheap mans cigar. A big baggie of dirt, seeds, stems, animal waste, urine, fertilizer, and goat semen, yours, yes yours, for only 50$ from ya mexican homie, you know big T, cop ya quick at the Walgreens senpai himme up

>> No.11634719


>> No.11634722

I fucking love this dude

>> No.11634763


>> No.11634778

>here come the hieroglyphs
fucking kek

>> No.11635012

>everyone ITT


>> No.11635103

Based list OP, is this yours?

>> No.11635213

Ya. I am a veteran of the psychic wars.

>> No.11635492


>> No.11635929
File: 203 KB, 680x644, 1485463730836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the dome is in your face all the fuckin time

>> No.11635968

Is it really that good? Your life, that is.

>> No.11636961

Judging by the shitposting he appears unemployed.

>> No.11637009

this desu

>> No.11637538

Similar story here but not as detrimental
>buy psychs on dnms frequently from 2010-2012 (age 16-18)
>synthesize dmt (great experience)
>do 2ce 1-2 times a week for a year, while also doing shrooms, lsd, 2cp, 25c, dmt, ket, 4aco regularly
>2ce is the only one that makes me feel legitimately insane but keep doing heroic doses way too often because we always had an abundance in my friend group and I was a dumb 16/17 year old
>immediate effects on sober consciousness are noticeable but not too bad
>3-4 years later, 2015
>intense depersonalization and mild schizo tendencies surface
>flashbacks to the very specific feeling the 2ce-induced crippling anxiety are a regular occurrence
>get scared but think "crazy people dont know they're crazy...right...ha..ha"
>go off on tangents that feel normal to me but make even my oddball burnout psychonaut friends give me weird and concerning looks
>intrusive thoughts of murdering loved ones constantly occupy my brain
>go to therapy but hold back too much, they just see me as depressed and the depersonalization as a symptom of that
>refuse to go on meds
>fuck this, work through it on my own and having been doing much better this past year

Part of this is probably natural (as in, would have happened anyway), but I'm certain 2ce played a role in it, I did way too many 40+mg doses and even now 6+ years after my last dose I feel lingering effects of it

>> No.11637995

Yes, psychdelics have helped me greatly but are ultimately childs-play compared to the deeper stuff. The extent to which I ever stop experiencing immense bliss and tranquillity only occurs to the degree that I make a concious destract to distract myself from what I already know.

>Inb4 someone accuses me of egosim

There's fundamentally no difference between me and anyone or anything else.

>> No.11637999

*concious decision

>> No.11638933
File: 22 KB, 300x447, book altered states of conciousness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget this one.

>> No.11638939
File: 62 KB, 322x500, book psychedelic encyclopedia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or this one, either.

>> No.11639602
File: 426 KB, 1400x1926, 81PL+TG1gwL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed this book quite a bit.

>> No.11639632
File: 1.14 MB, 2555x3311, encyclopedia-of-psychoactive-plants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is also a good read for anyone interested in entheogens.

>> No.11639634

Am I making the right choice avoiding McKenna? What I know about him triggers all of my "pseudoscientific loon" alarms

>> No.11639649

people embellish these kinds of insights with all kinds of crap, you can read him and try to figure it out what he is really trying to say while ignoring the garbage

>> No.11639659

Food of the Gods is an enjoyable read and its theory may even be 10%-25% true but most of his stuff is DUDE DMT HYPERSPACE TIMEWAVE ZERO MACHINE ELVES LMAO