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11628252 No.11628252 [Reply] [Original]

>Mother wanted you to be gay, made you play with dolls and dress up and viewed your molestation as something positive
Books to help me deal with this shit?

>> No.11628265

i really, really wish my diary desu

>> No.11628273

theres isnt a book in existence to help you deal with that shit anon other than the social work section of a phonebook maybe

>> No.11628291

Rilke's poetry, Silence of the Lambs, Hemingway.

>> No.11628304


Did it work? Are you a gay?

>> No.11628325


>> No.11628359

Based Mom

>> No.11628364

Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe

>> No.11628389

literally fake and gay

>> No.11628438

No, was immensely conscious about feeling emasculated all the time throughout my early teens. Had to prove how much of a man I was in every situation. But as I got into my later teens more trauma built up and I would either face it or kill myself. This is one of them so I did things by myself that were brought onto me as a child where I didn't understand the blatant fetishisation of them and extra. Made me come to accept my small androgyny which I'm guessing every man has? Just not acting like a hard ass all the time and not acting like I don't like or do something because it's considered more feminine. Still feel terrible about it though and have these messed up phases.

>> No.11628589

Try trapping up

>> No.11628632

Depends, are you cute?

>> No.11628684
File: 837 KB, 1280x720, Sunohara-sou no Kanrinrin-san.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you living in a chinese cartoon?

>> No.11628801

First few chapters of Origins and history of consciousness by Neumann

>> No.11629119

sounds like you're conscious about it and are doing slightly better. Coping, at least. No boooks, you gotta see a shrink, man

>> No.11629126


>> No.11629169

You should become a trap

>> No.11629218

sounds hot af i'm jelly

>> No.11629257

Confessions of a Mask
A Hemingway biography
The Twyborn Affair
Sleepaway Camp

>> No.11629273

hey, lovecrafts mom dressed him up as a girl

>> No.11629277
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>> No.11629287


>> No.11629299

Maybe you should write a book yourself?

>> No.11629846

try this great book called Alchohol

>> No.11629905

You are not alone anon. I've been raised in household with three women and I mainly played with my female cousins using dolls and girly stuff.

In my daily life I have problems regarding behaviour around other males, I feel like a lot of them are threatening, impulsive and of inferior intelect compared to females plus they're stonger than me.

I mainly hang out with female friends but it impacts my romantic life since girls don't really percieve me as a male. Ironically, I am very hairy and have body on musculine/stocky side even though I don't work out so I'm probably high T.

>> No.11629961

You aren't alone OP. My mother had borderline personality disorder. She went to university in the 1970s, where she apostatized from Catholicism and became a militant liberal feminist atheist.

My father was raised by an abusive feminist Communist, and his father had died when he was young. He was a weak man and an alcoholic.

My mother hated men and boys with a psychopathic, sadomasochistic intensity, and eventually drove my father away. She abused my brother and I physically and emotionally. She tried brainwashing us into being homosexual. One of my first memories is my mother trying to convince my father and me that I was gay because I had said that girls are yucky and have cooties. Imagine being so twisted as to reach that conclusion about an innocent child saying something perfectly normal for a little boy to say. What a monster.

Anyway, she ruined her children's lives. I mostly turned out all right by the grace of God, but my brother and sister are deeply psychosexually disturbed. My brother is an atheist homosexual now. My sister is a militant feminist Communist atheist, prostitute, pornographer, bisexual, and pedophile. I cut contact with them all years ago. I still speak with my father.

My advice is to just cut contact with your mother. She's evil. I wouldn't associate with a stranger who hurt children like that. That a mother would do that to her own children, it's just pure malevolence.

>> No.11629978

did you fuck your mum?

>> No.11629989
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Jeez, this thread is depressing

>> No.11630021

I relate to this a lot. I was raised with three older sisters and grew up where men were inherently seen as violent/threatening ect. Plus my sisters never wanted to hang out with me, and my parents had to raised four children, so I was alone most of my development To this day I have never once felt comfortable relaying my interior thoughts to anyone irl for fear of being vilified as a man, and I have been trying to work on this for going on three years with the free counseling at my uni.
I feel disgusting with my sexuality and highly uncomfortable seeing myself as a sexual being because I was raised in an environment where that was implicitly seen as a negative thing.
I get along better with women but I feel distant. I hate interacting with other men in real life because I feel like it is an almost thuggish bragging contest when most men socialize.

>> No.11630041


>> No.11630047

Women shouldn't be allowed to raise children unless under the direct supervision of a man.

>> No.11630162

>I hate interacting with other men in real life because I feel like it is an almost thuggish bragging contest when most men socialize.
>I feel like a lot of them are threatening, impulsive and of inferior intelect compared to females plus they're stonger than me.

Where do you two live? I'm far more comfortable with males because there's understanding, no serious aggression or bragging or competition (only playfully to the end of group relaxation and intimacy). Women on the other hand always seem like they're trying to hollowly prove themselves, always talking shit about someone and generally being abrasive. With women, they're either ham-fistedly trying to flirt with me (they don't seem to be used to having to do this properly as their flirting is quite cringey, annoying, and sometimes offensive as they seethe chauvinistic entitlement which is repulsive) or just being toxic and uncomfortable with themselves and everyone else. Most of the women I spend time with are either comfortably feminine (not the femininity-discarding destructive fake emulation of masculinity of the above) or basically tomboys, socially largely indistinguishable from men (similar thing with you, as you say it impacts your romantic life because you're socially female).

>> No.11630223

A Catholic Bible. Look up the pages in Genesis of Lot's adventures in Sodom and Gomorrah, then never seek to do gay stuff ever.

Good motivator, I reckon. Recommend any day!

>> No.11630279

Effeminacy is not healthy nor normal, and is a sin against God, and threatens to destroy your life if you don't overcome it. You need to learn how to walk like a man in the world and enjoy the company of other men as your equals. Part of the equality of men is the unspoken understanding that a consensual fistfight is a possibility if certain boundaries are overstepped. Learn to assert yourself in a friendly, humorous, and respectful way, and, if you need to, make it clear that you aren't afraid of a fair fight over something serious. There is something deeply wrong with a man who prefers the friendship of women to the friendship of men.

There are a lot effeminate men in some parts of the world. What these guys are interpreting as threats, aggression, and bragging might simply be the cattiness and insecurity of other girlymen.

Probably the most ridiculous thing I've read in this thread is the one twink who said he associates stupidity with men and intelligence with women. He needs to take a look a comparison of the bell curves of IQs. Men tend away from neurotypy in both directions. Hyperintelligence is an almost exclusively male trait. Females are overwhelming of mediocre intellect and virtually disappear at the higher percentiles. This soi casualty needs to try talking to smart men.

>> No.11630335


>Buy "crime of love" by Sade
>Give it to your mom
>Congratulation now she want you fuck your sister.

>> No.11630341


That true ?

>> No.11630343

used to be a common practive in victorian times

>> No.11630348

>Lot's adventures
wtf I love incest now?!

>> No.11630349
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Pretty hot. It's pretty pathetic how blatantly you're seeking validation though.

>> No.11630360

Indeed, the Bible has a lot to say about effeminacy and homosexuality. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is a key point, but there's a wealth of knowledge elsewhere to help people wounded by sex perverts such as OP's mother. The Book of Romans for example goes into the spiritual psychology of Sodomites and their enablers and is the definitive statement on the topic.

>> No.11630394
File: 1.57 MB, 2254x3239, Valerio_-_Paysan_Morlaques_des_environs_de_Spalato_2_1864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of people like us are from fucked up families with dead or weak father figure. Just swap feminism in your post with christianity in mine and we have the functionally same situation. My mother was also abusive and probably borderline.

That being said I still have compassion for her since she is sometimes okay to me and had it hard during her life.

She was heavily abused by my granpa who was an alchoholic and on an ocasion raped my uncle who later became a disturbed person and was arrested for spying kids after school. Aside from that he and grandma accidentally killed my moms newborn sister. while arguing and throwing logs and stones around fireplace one of them hit the baby in the head with a bootle. They latter disposed of the corpse by throwing it into the pit. Since this is a shithole and such thing as a organised police was only present in big cities and the north noone noticed. Noone could do anything to stop my grandfather since he was the only literate person in the area and was sort of a village chieftain in a highly tribal region. Type of region where old people are beheaded by family when they reach certain age as they're not useful for labor anymore and where parents intentionally cripple one of their children and isolate him to become dumb in order to have someone stay with them with no wife or children to take care of them at an older age.

Eventually my mother ran away and was sheltered in local monastery in exchange for labour since honor killing were still a thing at the time.

Later on my grandpa tried to change himslef and stoped drinking and went to commune where priests forced him to stop drinking. He tried to compensate all of his wrongs by being too kind to me whenbI was a kid. However when he would occasionally get angry everyone had to hide and lock themselves in rooms and hide. I still sort of (try) to understand why he went crazy since its hard not to if you are the only literate person with 75<iq in the whole part of the country.

>> No.11630402

Sorry for phoneposting and low effort grammar

>> No.11630417


Wow it's like Nabokov but with more violence and less love.

>> No.11630420

This thread reinforces Peterson popularity. Although that's probably a bad thing to ubermensch LARPing lit fags, I am completely empathetic to the fact. It's not like these people have the option of going outside and picking some random guy to be their daddy (mentor), nobody is going to agree to some weird ass proposition like that. But at least there's one public figure trying to help young men who never had a role model try and figure how to fit into this horrible social experiment. Which judging by the posters in this thread, it IS a social experiment, and one being practiced by actual philistines who have no business trying to force their kid into some fashionable "I want my kid to be gay so bad I'll psychologically bully them into it!" box.

>> No.11630435

i have a lot of fantasies about beating my mother up for things like these

>> No.11630443

It's pretty hot how blatantly that girl seeks her brother's dick

>> No.11630451

post pic of your mom, crazy manipulative insane women tinkle my dinkle.

>> No.11630468

Play Phantasmagoria 2

>> No.11630493

>I hate interacting with other men in real life because I feel like it is an almost thuggish bragging contest when most men socialize.

I tend to find majority of average males to have this aura of insecurity. Its like they always have to prove something - yelling loudly, felxing, refusing to cry or talk about how they fell ( its probably the reason why I disliked stoicism) or abput their insecurities since they're afraid they'll look weak. Plus a lot of times they don't get the subtle signals and clues.

I asked some of my female friends do they notice this like I do and they do but they just expect men to be like that even though they don't neccessarily like it. There is something fatalistic about it. Sometimes I think a lot of your normie women don't even like males but just tolerate them since they have to.

It made me realise that women don't really enjoy stereotypical male behaviour and arent inpressed or swayed with it. Its just that they've grown to expect from men to be men and if you don't behave and think simmilarilly to other men they'll either percieve you as weird and think there is something wrong with you or will like you but won't consider you as a sexual partner since their sexuality has been formed by predominant idea of what male is. It locks women (and in a inverted way men) into this position where they simultaniously like and dislike the opposite sex. We are not in love with persons but with societal roles :(

I just hope that using technology and learning from Derrida, Foucault and the likes we can transcend the binary differences in the future where we will all be unisex.

>> No.11630504

Forgot to mention that this tension between what they like and dislike in other person is exactly where a sexual desire arises from and thus people like me or posters here will never be sexually attractive sice we are just what women hope men or a decet person in general to be like. Psychollogically speaking, desire and ideal are two almost opposed things.

>> No.11630529

I'm from balkans and I can tell you males here are very differnt to the ones in the west. I can have a much normal time speaking with foreigners and tourists. I remember seeing these chadish english guy getting bullied by local gopniks.

Whole concept of masculinity in the west is a sign of waining masculinity. In ye olde times people didn't really identify themselves as anything, they just did things. This mentality is still present here. Most chadlike cpuntry in the world is unironically India because they don't feel the need to validate themselves or go to gym and just rape women whenever they like.

>> No.11630620

> Part of the equality of men is the unspoken understanding that a consensual fistfight is a possibility if certain boundaries are overstepped.

This is exactly why people like you are insecure cucks. What boundaries? What unspoken understanding? Litteral sjw mentality.

I remember talking to this guy and joking at his expense since he mentiones word manly so many times. I told him that he was probably insecure and that its nothing to be ashamed of and like a proper beta he proved it by sperging out and trying to punch me. Its really pathetic that he couldn't addmit his problems or at least try to disprove the claim but his fragile little ego didn't allow him. Men are truly pathetic.

>> No.11630637

the problem is that people get raised like that and it is embedded so deep in their brain that it's almost impossible to get rid of

>> No.11630649

One thing is trying to punch people over trivial shit like this, and another is being ready for a fistfight if a necessity arises.

>> No.11630658

>turned out all right by the grace of God
Bring back to Old Testament God, I want these sorts of people to be struck with fiery hail and plagues

>> No.11630677


>> No.11630710

Are you from central asia or something?

>> No.11630716

What shithole are you from, namefag?

>> No.11630746

Dalmatian hinterlands in Croatia, known as Zagora. Herzegovina, Montenegro, Southern Serbia and most of Kosovo/Albania are the same. Heard that northern Greece and southern Bulgaria plus macedonia are same tier. Ottoman influence I guess.

>> No.11630755

Yeah but most of people here are like that. Compare it to paki rape gangs in the west. I can get along with men from more developed parts of world.
So whats the good enpugh reason?

>> No.11630763

Have never been in a fistfight in my life, how would I know

>> No.11630764

Kill her.

>> No.11630765

I had a somewhat opposite experience to a lot of you, but the mechanics are similar.

Had a very distant, weak father who forced expectations of masculine tropes on me from a young age (he was a boomer, wanted me to be a jock despite himself being essentially an incel who ordered a wife from Asia out of a magazine -- he also loves vampire novels and writes somewhat popular female-fronted vampire romance books under a female pseudonym, loves Edgar Allen Poe, and is basically some kind of pseudo-homo boomoid pretending to be a father from straight out of Leave it to Beaver). He was very wrathful, beat my mom while she was pregnant with me, was a huge fan of corporal punishment, and caused me to find maleness and traditional masculinity to be disgusting. In typical father fashion, nothing I did was good enough for him: he cared much more for my sister, whom he doted on, perhaps living through vicariously.

My mother started out as a punching bag, but eventually outgrew my father's wrath once she learned to stop being a perfect, God-fearing woman and to be the most vile creature on the face of the earth. Her MO during an argument is to dredge up the darkest shames of the other person and throw them in their face and laugh about it, so my mother would trash my father on his latent bisexuality, his shitty and dysfunctional upbringing under a similarly (though actually) authoritative paternal power, his social anxiety and general impotence in life, etc. She would also twist my ear, throw shoes at me, if I spoke back to her, or spoke too much, or acted certain ways, any way that was "like a girl". At the same time, she was the only source of palpable love in my life growing up, though she also used me as a repository for all her woes, confiding in me for as long as I can remember all her darkest shames and secrets and dreams and longings. She did all the maternal chores, but also all the paternal ones as my father was rather useless -- despite being 4'9, she would paint properties, fix plumbing, do all sorts of handiwork, while my father's only saving grace was a high verbal intelligence.

Most nights growing up, each parent would come put me to bed one at a time. Each one would tell me the other parent was evil, insane, and did not love me, nor did they love anyone, and that I could never trust them. Then they would kiss me on the forehead and tuck me in and tell me they loved me.

So, at this point, I've transitioned to female. Though, while I certainly have and had some effeminate qualities, I really have a much more repressed masculinity than anything else. I'm feminine, I "pass", people comment on me being demure, but some part of me wants to be dominant and masculine, despite having transitioned to female and being comfortable with that.

Perhaps not entirely in line with the thread, but I think it's relevant. Parental fuck-ups leading to wonky gender and permanent psychological trauma. Not fun.

>> No.11630767

I'm a 6'4, 240lbs weightlifter/wrestler.
I want to intimidate and beat up the little twinks ITT.

>> No.11630794
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>Anime pedophile calling someone else pathetic

>> No.11630795

Based and redpilled

>> No.11630804

>So, at this point, I've transitioned to female.
top fucking kek

>> No.11630841
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Honestly pretty sure my upbringing fucked me up and I don't believe in purely genetic arguments for trans identity. Easier to identify as female when your father is everything wrong with men, both on the toxic violent part and the shriveled weak cuck part. Wanted nothing to do with ever being like him.



Not like I was ever gonna be peak masculine anyways. Trap is a better fate than Supreme Gentleman.

>> No.11630844

Not gonna help you when a gang of village thoughs surround you and rape you with a broomstick.

>> No.11630882

does it say anything about traps

>> No.11630918

Masculinity is just a meme. People who pretend they're manly are usually latent fags like your father. We should just ban gender roles and force everyone to call eachother citizen_____ like in revolutionary france.

>> No.11630957

>6'4 240 lbs
t. twink
that weight would be good if you were 5'11 or even 6'0 i bet you have a sub 600 squat start eating more twinky

>> No.11630972


>> No.11631009


>> No.11631070
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Contrived manhood (>>11630162) is cringe and insecure. The bitter negation of manhood (displayed here >>11630620 and here) even moreso. The superior path is aristocratic androgyny... by necessity totally individual - colourful and wonderfully distinct from the slaveish, dehumanised neutered political subjection >>11630918 and >>11630493 suggest.

>> No.11631100

I agree. Androgyny has been valued for a long time, from antiquity to the work of Carl Jung.

One doesn't have to throw away notions of "masculinity" and "femininity". Of course there are ambiguities there, but losing the signified for the sign is silly.

>> No.11631219

>I just hope that using technology and learning from Derrida, Foucault and the likes we can transcend the binary differences in the future where we will all be unisex.

That would be horrible.

>> No.11631305

My point is to exactly throw away these notions and embrace genuine human relations. You'll arrive at the same result using different tools.

>> No.11631307

Honestly you should begin detransitioning and stop trying to impersonate females as soon as possible. If you ever mutilate your penis you're going realize that you've ruined what little chance at a normal life you've ever had and kill yourself. You're literally on the path to suicide and Hell right now. Throw out all your female impersonator shit and get off the internet and go to the nearest monastery and tell the monks there you're possessed by a demon and need to be baptized and locked in a cell with a Bible and exorcised until you're over this demonic tranny shit. You need Jesus, for the love of God. You don't pass.

>> No.11631382

I don't see why you say I don't pass. I do, to the point where some male coworkers had developed crushes on me before I told them. Hell, I pass more than some of my female coworkers. Trap tech has evolved quite a lot since the Age of Hons.

I'm much happier now. I was on the path to suicide a long time ago, and now I'm not. I'm not going to gets SRS, it's of no interest to me. "Transition to female" might have been the wrong thing to say. I'm on HRT, I pass, people consider me female, refer to me with feminine pronouns. Internally, though, I don't think of myself as a woman. I don't think of myself as a man, either. I prefer to think of myself as androgynous or ambiguous -- I suppose "gender non-conforming" but that sounds gay, and the label implies I dress and look like a fuckwit. I call myself a trap sometimes, sometimes I joke about being a boy in women's clothing.

My life has been much more normal ever since I transitioned. I can't think of a single negative thing about transitioning.

Your frenzied post seems to imply you don't really have an understanding of the lived reality of someone in my position. Why do you seek to impose your will when you don't really know what I'm going through? For me, transitioning has been purely positive.

>> No.11631396

I like being friends with women though b/c I can dominate them without feeling like an ass. You're being a bad friend to a man if you're overly assertive since you stymie his own masculinity.

>> No.11631428

Well my upbringing was normal and uneventful but I can agree that there's certain aspects of masculinity that are overplayed and tiresome.
Though unlike >>11631305 I'd say that there are some things that seem natural rather than cultural. Male sexuality can, it seems, almost always be described as "predatory", and while you can open up a man to talk about his feelings and not be dumb and brutish from instinct, you can never take the competitive drive away from him.

>> No.11631431

Any so called "doctor", or whatever they happen to fancy themselves, who advocates and pushes for parents and literal children to chop off their own genitals and act like something they're not just because mommy and daddy wanted a girl, or because the fucking butcher of a doctor is steeped in gender study bullshit, should unironically be lined up against a wall and shot.
Jesus Christ I fucking hate these people.
I feel so bad for the guy in that story.

>> No.11631435

Seeing people in this thread makes me think I shouldn't raise a child (not that it will probably be a problem anyway.)

My father is exactly the kind of soiman with anger issues described in this thread and my mother simply wasn't there as a person.
I'm just not sure I have the capacity to really ever love or care for a child.

>> No.11631444

>botched circumcision
you know what to do

>> No.11631450

Literally the neighbor kid from American Beauty

>> No.11631454

manhood is fine, you just have to distinguish between real manhood and the fetishized images of manhood (hipster beards, fraternity rituals, muscles, whatever). masculinity is a great thing but it's nothing in particular beyond taking initiative and deciding things on your own rather than through consultation with society or your own ingroup.

>> No.11631490

Will the ubermensch be genderneutral?

>> No.11631515

no, men are better

>> No.11631552

What makes men better is ingrained in their genetics, not in their cultural upbringing, so my point still stand.

>> No.11631565

>I don't see why you say I don't pass. I do, to the point where some male coworkers had developed crushes on me before I told them. Hell, I pass more than some of my female coworkers. Trap tech has evolved quite a lot since the Age of Hons.
Every single tranny I've ever heard claim they pass was visibly male and just delusional and vain. Your coworkers are probably effetes who wanted you because they thought you were a manly woman. You've been told you pass by people who are patronizing you or trying to feel liberal and generous. It's like when girls tell the fat girl she's pretty.

>I'm much happier now. I was on the path to suicide a long time ago, and now I'm not.
You're still on the path to suicide as long as you remain trans.

>I'm not going to gets SRS, it's of no interest to me. "Transition to female" might have been the wrong thing to say.
Thank God you aren't so far gone. Yet. Fetishes degenerate with time. You might not want to cut your dick off immediately, but give it a few more years of brainwashing, fetishism, pornography, peer pressure, tranny chasers, and hormones ruining your brain, and who knows just how much more insane you'll be. Your judgement is impaired, including your ability to assess how much more impaired your judgement will be in the future. You're playing with fire. It catches.

>I'm on HRT, I pass, people consider me female, refer to me with feminine pronouns.
Look at this shit. You see this? Everyone on this reddit thinks they "pass." Everyone there says everyone else "passes." None of them do. They all look like creeps. It's the emperor's new clothes.

>Internally, though, I don't think of myself as a woman. I don't think of myself as a man, either. I prefer to think of myself as androgynous or ambiguous -- I suppose "gender non-conforming" but that sounds gay, and the label implies I dress and look like a fuckwit. I call myself a trap sometimes, sometimes I joke about being a boy in women's clothing.
Yes, you're crazy. Your self-perception is bound to be incoherent.

>My life has been much more normal ever since I transitioned. I can't think of a single negative thing about transitioning.
Transitioning is itself a negative thing. You're trying to be something you're not. You're lying, to yourself and everyone around you. Lying is a sin. Such a fundamental dishonesty demonstrates a deeply flawed character and damaged personality.

>Your frenzied post seems to imply you don't really have an understanding of the lived reality of someone in my position.
Honestly if I was a tranny I'd immediately kill myself, so in that case I wouldn't be having this conversation with you, so please value whatever understanding I do have.

>Why do you seek to impose your will when you don't really know what I'm going through?
Because I recognize sin and self-destruction and I feel sorry for you.

>For me, transitioning has been purely positive.
And for everyone else?

>> No.11631610

Go be a tranny

>> No.11631616

>Effeminacy is not healthy nor normal
Men have been made more effeminate since the beginning of civilization.

>> No.11631689

Fake Christian. Butcher in inquisitorial drag. If trannies are mentally ill with critically impaired judgement, why treat them as despicable criminals deserving retribution... would you treat a schizophrenic or an obsessive-compulsive in the same way?

>> No.11631707

Will i get mugged if i travel through croatia?

>> No.11631871

Capital city and coastline are one of the safest places in this part of the world. Other areas are mainly depopulated due to emmigration so noone will be there to mug you.

If you are really unlucky you may stumble upon a gang of roaming Albanians and try not to stumble into gypsy ghetto. Other than that you"re safe.

>> No.11631899

Idk senpai, my posts seem to be much more low-key and cogent than yours. You've taken the "fire and brimstone" mentality to heart. And I'm sorry, I do pass. Probably has to do with having those sweet sweet tiny androgynous Asian genes. But even though I pass, I prefer to tell friends and coworkers that I am trans -- I don't like people to think of me as a cis woman. I prefer being myself.

I'm assured in my course, I like what I'm doing. Sometimes I do think about being a man. Sometimes I think I might crosscrossdress as one. When I go to grad school the people there will probably think I'm stunning and brave or something and eat it up anyways, and I'll get a great laugh out of it.

Gender presentation is a meme. I'm not trying to be anything. My stature and structure allow me to be who I am. Honestly, I consider myself lucky. It's hilarious to be able to oscillate between a deep, manly voice and a perfectly average female one. I enjoy looking the way I do and living the way I do, because it's fun, and because legitimately no one gets hurt. I'm not autistically touchy about my gender identity, I'm not married to the binary, and I'm not an activist, so unlike a lot of trans people, people find me enjoyable to be around. My life has become a lot happier and a lot more fun since transitioning, I have many friends who really value my friendship, etc.

Also lmao at that "isn't there someone you forgot to ask?" meme shit at the end.

You're trapped in an illusory world. Nothing I say will convince you, yet you know nothing of who I am or what I experience. Your reaction to my existence is not healthy.

>> No.11631925

I think Hemmingway was raised the same way.

>> No.11631927

Mishimura was effimate and became hyper masculine

>> No.11631985

Well, this thread made me afraid of being a father. Thanks /lit/.

>> No.11632149

>Fake Christian. Butcher in inquisitorial drag.
You're the one setting himself up as a false authority. I rebuke you.

>If trannies are mentally ill with critically impaired judgement, why treat them as despicable criminals deserving retribution...
I've done no such thing. In your hysterics, you're imagining things. My interlocutor should be institutionalized in a mental asylum just like...

>would you treat a schizophrenic or an obsessive-compulsive in the same way?

>> No.11632161
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>what’s a good enough reason?
It’s subjective. Surely you won’t let another man bitch slap you and just take it.

>> No.11632166

>pedos has been around since aincent Greece
Guess touching kids is cool and fun now

>> No.11632211

>Idk senpai, my posts seem to be much more low-key and cogent than yours.
You're insane.

>You've taken the "fire and brimstone" mentality to heart.
Yes, I have.

>And I'm sorry, I do pass. Probably has to do with having those sweet sweet tiny androgynous Asian genes.
I live in Asia. Not everyone here is like that. I think a lot of your problem is that you actually bought into racist stereotypes and your personal identity has disintegrated as a result.

>But even though I pass, I prefer to tell friends and coworkers that I am trans -- I don't like people to think of me as a cis woman. I prefer being myself.
You don't even know what you are. I guarantee that you don't pass.

>I'm assured in my course, I like what I'm doing. Sometimes I do think about being a man. Sometimes I think I might crosscrossdress as one. When I go to grad school the people there will probably think I'm stunning and brave or something and eat it up anyways, and I'll get a great laugh out of it.
Yeah, liars often get a kick out of lying. Even when they fail to convince, they still get a kick out of people declining to call them out on their dishonesty. The sad thing is you're not pulling one over on anyone.

>Gender presentation is a meme. I'm not trying to be anything. My stature and structure allow me to be who I am. Honestly, I consider myself lucky. It's hilarious to be able to oscillate between a deep, manly voice and a perfectly average female one.
This is a big indicator right here that you don't pass.

>I enjoy looking the way I do and living the way I do, because it's fun, and because legitimately no one gets hurt.
You murdered the good, normal person you could have been.

>I'm not autistically touchy about my gender identity, I'm not married to the binary, and I'm not an activist, so unlike a lot of trans people, people find me enjoyable to be around.
Well, that's something. Don't change on this point.

>My life has become a lot happier and a lot more fun since transitioning, I have many friends who really value my friendship, etc.
The only personal relationships you've mentioned so far in this thread have been 1) your toxic family, and 2) your coworkers. Doubt.

>Also lmao at that "isn't there someone you forgot to ask?" meme shit at the end.
You can laugh, but I honestly feel sorry for your family now. It's clear that you haven't been completely honest about everything you've written here.

>You're trapped in an illusory world.
Says a literally insane delusional crazy person lol

>Nothing I say will convince you, yet you know nothing of who I am or what I experience.
I know everything I need to about you.

>Your reaction to my existence is not healthy.
Physician heal thyself.

>> No.11632253
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Good lord this thread is upsetting. Young men really are getting fucked over these days. I'm extremely lucky that my father was, if nothing else, strong enough to keep the flame of virtue from going out completely. I don't have a real solution, but I think making some proper guy friends and spending time with them could help. Sometimes you just need someone to call you a pussy.

>> No.11632289

The saving grace of this conversation is that you will come across as unwell to the lurking anon. You've taken your Christianity to mentally ill levels. You are projecting your own insecurity of sin onto others you do not even know.

One of us has been reasonable, and the other has not. If your goal was to change minds, mine or anyone else's, you've most likely had the opposite effect.

>> No.11632292
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>be me
>be 6’2 240
>look up normal weight for 6’2
>it’s fucking 180

>> No.11632327

Holy shit, dude, and I genuinely mean that this time: this is some holy shit. I never thought I'd say this to anyone, but you're crazier than a trap. You need to put god-fucked brain on ice for a bit before your veins burst.
>You're the one setting himself up as a false authority. I rebuke you.
Seriously, dude? Fucking seriously?

>> No.11632329

>The saving grace of this conversation is that you will come across as unwell to the lurking anon.
You only have access to hormones because you've been diagnosed with a mental illness. You're legitimately, literally mentally ill. I'm not stating that as a rhetorical trick to try to discredit you. I'm stating a fact, demonstrable from evidence you yourself have posted. You're crazy. You're insane.

>You've taken your Christianity to mentally ill levels.
Says a literal mental patient diagnosed as mentally ill by a professional accredited psychiatrist who receives treatment for his mental illness through a prescription drug. As long as you're practicing pseudo-psychiatry you should learn about projection...

>You are projecting your own insecurity of sin onto others you do not even know.
Oh wait. You're an unrepentant sinner. I know sin, and I know you. You need to stop this horrible sin and try to be a good person or this sin will destroy you.

>One of us has been reasonable, and the other has not.
You can't even ration out whether you're man or a woman.

>If your goal was to change minds, mine or anyone else's, you've most likely had the opposite effect.
You're of a reprobate mind. It's impossible to change your mind because you've hunted down and killed the spirit of truth within yourself. Your entire life is a warning.

>> No.11632333

Stop samefagging. You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.11632367
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>> No.11632371

That was my first post in this thread. I'm not the trap, I'm just someone genuinely concerned for your mental health. You seem extremely unwell. I've never seen this level of projection before. You're literally btfoing yourself on a passive, reasonable trap, which is exactly what they want. You're calling someone insane when you're the only person in this thread who appears genuinely insane. You need to stop digging your own hole, take some deep breaths, and walk outside, get back in touch with god. This is incredibly disturbing behavior you're displaying here.

>> No.11632374

You're a fool.

>> No.11632385


>> No.11632399

Lol way to go, bro. You really got me there. It's not you that's crazy, it's everyone else. Right on. You're doing dog's work.

>> No.11632409

lol I unironically went to see Hereditary last night and thought of this thread, OP.

>> No.11632411

>oh my god so disturbing im literally shaking THIS IS NOT NORMAL


>> No.11632416
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>> No.11632426

What I've gathered so far from reading this thread is, homosexuality, gender confusion and transitioning all share a common thread of psychological trauma during childhood. If this is the case then, why do psychologists give up on trying to get these abused people to deal with their problems, and encourage them to act on their degenerate impulses which srung up as a result of this pathology? Second, this behavior is abnormal, and exposing kids to these mentally ill people and telling them it's normal is morally and intellectually disingenuous. These people need emotional healing, not validation.

>> No.11632440

Now there's a quality movie.

What exactly is inherently degenerate with certain impulses that aren't with others? Isn't sexuality of any kind degenerate, hence the celibacy of priests and nuns?

>> No.11632443

No, this is not normal. You are a sociopath that is trying way too hard to find a scapegoat for their own insanities. Cringe and psychopilled.

>> No.11632469

It's politics. LGBT+ is a massively powerful political lobby. The last time the American Psychiatric Association released a handbook that contained homosexuality as a mental illness, the APA had to recall all the copies and release an emergency new edition because homosexual activists had threatened to murder the families of the APA board members. That's how homosexuality became not a mental illness anymore. The DSM still contains transsexuality as a mental illness only so insurers and public healthcare schemes have to pay fortunes for hormones and surgery. Psychiatry has completely capitulated to this political lobby, and it's a horrific tragedy that is going to ruin millions of lives.

>> No.11632476
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Learn to samefag, Sodomite.

>> No.11632499

You need to seek actual help, not the help of some outdated fables, but the actual help of a real life professional before the battle between your godfagging and your repressed homosexuality reaches a climax and you end up killing yourself or, infinitely worse, someone else. You are incapable of reason and it's destroying your mental health as we speak.

>> No.11632501

sorry noob but you don't have the proper credentials to be making such diagnoses

>> No.11632515

Clearly you have, there's 64 separate posters in this thread. That's insanely high. Must be doing something to change your IP every time you post. Is this what God would have wanted?

>> No.11632516
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>> No.11632528

lol paranoia

>> No.11632530

Seek real help. Fiction won't help you.

>> No.11632531

>homosexual activists had threatened to murder the families of the APA board members
>That's how homosexuality became not a mental illness anymore

>> No.11632543
File: 8 KB, 196x257, 1496544938610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look at this shit. You see this? Everyone on this reddit thinks they "pass." Everyone there says everyone else "passes." None of them do. They all look like creeps. It's the emperor's new clothes.

I'd definitely fuck some of those boipussies tbqh senpai. No homo.

>> No.11632557

no you wouldnt
stop lying

>> No.11632564

Kek are you refreshing this thread every two seconds with one hand while fingering your butthole with a crucifix with the other? It's not gay if Jesus loves you, right anon?

>> No.11632572

>Made me come to accept my small androgyny
I wish I was more androgenous tho. Traps are life.
Oh, btw, you could sue your mom for that... How old are you? Are you a victim of the "current year" mentality?

>> No.11632582

Why don't you just walk away? This thread isn't good for you, godfag

>> No.11632591

im someone different

>> No.11632601

Well, I'm going to have to call it a night there, but I feel satisfied knowing that at least some people out there are going to be put off by the zealous, conspiratorial mindset on display in this thread. Started out as people sharing genuine stories with one another, something cathartic and with a sense of solidarity in it. Now this, because some people just can't keep their moralizing in their pants.

This mindset you have is toxic.

>> No.11632632

Are you a godfag?

>> No.11632644

lmao this guy got his ass beat because he's an autist who doesn't understand human social pressures lmaooooo

This whole thread is shitposting/bait

>> No.11632648

>LGBT+ is a massively powerful political lobby
[laughs in agricultural money]

>> No.11632650

No, but I do think that the way this psychological problem is treated by society is quite frankly disgusting

>> No.11632654
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I don't even know how to react to this stuff anymore. I've cycled through empathy and disgust and hatred and sympathy, now it just makes me feel... empty
I wish these people would disappear. It isn't fair or just for me to say such a thing and that's precisely why I'm glad I'm not in power but I just need these people changed or gone. I can't stand thinking about this shit anymore, or even worse dealing with it irl

>> No.11632663
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>.3% of the population has ruined your life

>> No.11632665

The psychological problem of godfagging or trapping?

>> No.11632687

Dont be so sensitive

>> No.11632693

God is real, and cross dressing is a sign of demonic possession. Satanists cavort openly with "spirit cooking" and the like, they perform black masses and push the agenda of Satan onto the weak willed. Accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is the first step in overcoming your diabolic programming and finding the light in your God-given manhood.

>> No.11632702


>> No.11632708

It is fucked up that an organization has the authority to decide what is and isn't a healthy state of mind, and can be influenced by political factors, or are you just being itonic?

>> No.11632710

this but completely unironical

>> No.11632719

>he thinks it's still that low among young demographics
Go to college. It has to be around 10% by this point, roughly split 50/50 between MtF/FtM and genderqueer

>> No.11632729

Stop being such a fragile faggot.

>> No.11632734

>all throughout history there are "third gender" options, homosexuality, eunuchs, etc
>Christoids insert autistic binary
>oppress and kill everyone they don't like throughout history
>no longer in power
>"wow where did all these fags come from there is only (((one))) explanation for this!"
this is your mind on Christianity

>> No.11632736

not that anon but their numbers don't matter all that much when 40% of the people in my day to day life rabidly defend them and consider any questioning of transgenderism as indicative of fascism

>> No.11632737

God is not real, but traps are. There is no such thing as demons or satan, there are only people who are a different kind of crazy than you. Godfagging is indistinguishable to trapping in some cultures, both of them pretending to be something they're not. I don't care as long as crazy people leave their delusions to themselves, but you godfags just won't shut up. You're worse than traps in that respect.

>> No.11632744

>lol dude just desentisize urself
>just ignore this unprecedented corruption and insanity
good goyim, go drink more onions and numb your mind with alcohol and entertainment and shrink drugs

>> No.11632753

where do you live where you even have to think about trannies? you seek this shit out

>> No.11632756

A desire to fuck with the opposite sex is normal. Wanting to fuck within your sex or become the opposite isn't, and is caused by childhood trauma. I'm not the anon who brought religion into this.

>> No.11632764

>good goyim
Says the christfag

>> No.11632778

And being triggered by other people fucking each other in the ass is a sign of deeply repressed homosexual desires. If you give a fuck about fags in any capacity, you're a faggot

>> No.11632784

it's a real problem that people allow others to irrevocably ruin their bodies and lives like this instead of trying to help them become their actual sex
it affects real people, it's not just a funny fucking internet meme
shut the fuck up Freud, you retarded kike

>> No.11632797

>all throughout history there are "third gender" options, homosexuality, eunuchs, etc
Do you actually subscribe to this argument?
First of all, homosexuality, Christianity, and eunuchs have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with what I posted
Second, there are specific examples of "other genders" in SOME societies throughout history but they are a negligible portion of all societies together and yes, even most non-christian civilizations had absolutely no notion of other genders
Third, these other "gender theories" are COMPLETELY INCOMPATIBLE with modern gender theory past a cursory glance. The sex/gender differentiation does not exist in any of those examples, and nearly every single one of them view these other genders as roles outside of the traditional masculine and feminine ones: they are literally defined by gender roles
Fourth, the societal acceptance of other genders in some civilizations is not indicative of their legitimacy, that's an insane line of thought that equally argues for spirit animals, black magic, reincarnation, and astronomy

>> No.11632804

Opinion discarded

>> No.11632812

So you're the saint of tight buttholes?

>> No.11632815

Yo not him but take a trip to the west coast. Check out san francisco or portland or olympia. It's EVERYWHERE, and even more prevalent is the rabid defense of gender theory from the cis population

This isn't a problem everywhere but there are some places where you don't be able to go a day without this becoming an immediate issue in your viscinity where YOU have to respect some crust punk idiot's pronouns unless you want to become a pariah

>> No.11632834

How is it not normal? If it wasn't normal, we wouldn't have historical records of it happening on the regular. Greco-Roman history is full of what we may now term "bisexuality". Alexander the Great had a buttbuddy. Nero married a trap, who was called his "wife". In fact, one Roman emperor was a trap. On Cyprus, they had rites to Aphroditos, who was depicted as Aphrodite holding up her skirt to reveal a penis. There was also Hermaphroditus, who was sort of a patron god for marriages, also depicted as a dickgirl. As well there was the Priesthood of the Great Mother, Cybele, who were all eunuchs who wore their hair long, dressed effeminately, etc. Further, during celebrations such as the Saturnalia, people would actively cross dress and have a good time doing it.

One can go on and on and on. Ambiguity existed in the past. Harsh, "scientific" binary is a new autism. Even Origen, one of the most intelligent Christian philosophers, was a eunuch.

>> No.11632835

kek I live in the south, kind of hate it but I couldn't hack it in Portland/San Francisco/Berkeley tier cities. Still--how bad could it really be? You can always move

>> No.11632840

I understand human social pressures but I think one should transcend them to be a complete individual.

>> No.11632843

>This mindset you have is toxic.
You claimed not to be a SJW tranny a few minutes ago. Another lie from the pile.

>> No.11632845

TOTALLY UNHINGED! Why do you people care so much what other people want to do? Just do you, bro.

>> No.11632849

Not a book but sleepaway camp

>> No.11632850

I have five, probably soon to be six, friends or people I know through friends who identify as genderqueer and are currently undergoing or trying to undergo hormone replacement therapy to appear more androgynous. All of them, except for one as far as I can tell, are becoming more and more unstable and unhappy as the process continues and I'm genuinely worried these people are going to end up suiciding. They're distancing themselves from their non-trans friends, becoming more volatile and emotionally erratic, and are having "my life is falling apart" breakdowns at rates far exceeding the general population at my school
All of them are between 17-23
I'm really worried about the longterm consequences of this shit

>> No.11632854

You should stop going on /pol/, it's not healthy for you. There's an actual world out there, with real people. Life does not align with your twisted ideology. Something must have happened to make you like this, or maybe it's just isolation, probably a lot of self-loathing. If you are a repressed faggot, I'm very sorry, I understand it can be tough.

Please seek help.

>> No.11632864

[ ] college
[ ] normal people reflective of wider society

Please check one box and submit.


>> No.11632874

see >>11632850 >>11632815
I don't doubt that this is way less of a problem where you live but please believe me when I say that this movement is having serious consequences, especially among white middle class young people. I'm watching people ruin their lives on a daily basis and it's not /pol/ or any stupid shit like that, it's on facebook and IRL when I see these people regularly

>> No.11632880

Did you know that atheism is a diagnostic criteria for autism?

>> No.11632891
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>> No.11632901

Good, I hope all of your friends kill themselves with the gay, and in the end you have no choice but to join them because there's nothing left for you, faggot

>> No.11632906

>I just hope that using technology and learning from Derrida, Foucault and the likes we can transcend the binary differences in the future where we will all be unisex.
based morlak

>> No.11632912


>> No.11632914

Yeah, me too, I have a friend who caught The Gay and where before he was a good God-fearing Christian man now he goes out to homoclubs and takes loads up the ass nonstop and also started doing heroin. I have another friend who used to be a totally normal God-fearing Christian woman, but she went to college and cut all her hair off, declared that God was dead (she had been polluted with Neechee, you see), is now going by xi/xir pronouns, and worst of all has started to date one of those coloreds who I am quite sure is in a gang of some sort.

If only God could wash away these heathens!

>> No.11632918

Greco-Roman homosexuality is different from how it's viewed today. It ranged from a mentor-student relationship with pederasty involved, to power relations with the catcher being a submissive and humiliating role.

>> No.11632920

You're a dick, man

>> No.11632923

You should stop associating with such people.

>> No.11632929

Holy shit, dude. Are you serious?! No way.

>> No.11632934

You say it like that's not literally what's happening.

>> No.11632936

read reactionary/alt-right stuff to free yourself from the mind-cancer that is globohomofemiliberalism.

>> No.11632935

Yeah, but people don't dedicate their lives to promulgating, "God hates spiders!" and "Eradicate the arachnid menace!"

>> No.11632939

Read the Bible, it might help.

It wont help you totally get over it, your mother should have her life ruined though if you want that, sue her and make her day to day as shitty as it can be.

See a psychotherapist too if you can afford it.

>> No.11632940

I can’t tell when people are being genuine anymore on this board every fucking post is drenched in irony

>> No.11632943

This is a terrible idea

>> No.11632946

Most posts in this thread have clearly been genuine and that one is clearly ironic
I don't understand how that can be so hard to pick up on

>> No.11632948

Yes, we indeed was. Ignorance of history does not make you a strong person. Socrates and Plato fucked dudes. Sappho likely fucked women. Many ancient Roman poems lovingly speak on the beauty of young boys. The autistic binary of "gay" and "straight" did not exist.

This isn't even going into the absolute orgy of gayness that existed further east in Asia Minor and beyond.

>> No.11632950


>> No.11632959

you're not even funny you fucking bugman

>> No.11632966

No, they just feel horrified and disgust whenever they happen to see spiders, like how normal people react to sex perverts.

>> No.11632985

God when I read threads like this all my family drama seems so minuscule in comparison. I'm so glad I grew up in a normal family. I wonder what the proportion of fucked up families is in the general population.

Also I have to agree with the autistic christfag. Speaking from the perspective of a normal heterosexual male with no sex fetishes, none of us would actually seriously consider trans women to be women.

>> No.11632986

We should define normality by appeals to the Victorian Christian world instead of the ancient pagan world. Please proceed to the nearest insane asylum, Sodomite.

>> No.11632990

Why would you be horrified and disgusted by spiders? They're an important part of the ecosystem, and as long as you leave them alone, they'll leave you alone, just like fags. In fact, if you're horrified and disgusted by anything in this world, you're likely a repressed homosexual

>> No.11633002

It is important to realize what parenthood is:


>> No.11633007

Are you horrified by pedophilia? If not, doesn't that mean you're secretly a pedophile? What about zoophilia and necrophilia? If you're horrified by Nazism, does that mean that you have repressed anti-Semetic feelings?

>> No.11633012


I disagree. There are not "normal" childhoods there are ones that are more usual than others father and mother plus child for example. But this model isnt the only one - family in premedieval era was undrestood as a wider collection of individuals. Also single mother plus child is just a different type of family but just as normal.

Thing i, these different types of families produce different types of children but has more to do differentiation from what is predominant/standard than with something inherently specific about each way of upbringing.

Tl , dr if you are raised by a single mother and others by family of three you'll be different and get bullied because of that. Its about being different from others. Nothing is inherently wrong with any type of family.

>> No.11633013

*If not
If so

>> No.11633015

I have a headache so I wont even bother to improve grammar of this post.

>> No.11633016

>Nothing is inherently wrong with any type of family.
What about children adopted and abused by pedophiles?
> Hurr durr you shouldn't pass judgement, everything is equal in every measure

>> No.11633018

>everything is the same, everything is equal, differences don't exist, nothing is wrong nothing is wrong
we hear this every day

>> No.11633021

>taking a woman's word on what women want
let me stop you right there

>> No.11633022

Certainly. It was different. "Homosexuality" isn't exactly a great term. Many men participated in both homosexual and heterosexual relationships, but they didn't exactly see it in that way. Our modern lens is insanely autistic.

And humiliation was more a public thing. You just let no one know who was on top or who was on bottom. Like in the mentor-student relationship, everyone knows what's going on, but everyone plays a social game to go along with it, as though you weren't taking dick. The social game continued to very recent times, homosexual relations in the Romantic era had to be kept lowkey. You know, those two dudes who always hang out together, they're just bachelors who hadn't found a woman yet lmao wink wink. Some were even rather open about it, but still, you left some room for excuse. For polite society, essentially.

For an example people in the thread can understand, SJWs are some of the most racist fucks there are. If they know they're in "good company", they'll say some of the most heinous shit imaginable. Everyone agrees that this isn't who they "really" are, though, and they pretend it away. Similar to how /pol/ is sometimes not even white, coming from Latin America or wherever, or how many of them are shut-ins who love anime and video games yet decry "bugmen" all day.

The world has gotten by on "unspoken rules", but people these days are too autistic to read between the lines. So many people are caught up in a web of their own projections.

>> No.11633027

>Similar to how /pol/ is sometimes not even white, coming from Latin America or wherever,
delete this

>> No.11633029

Those aren't things that happen in the natural world, only in the human one. I'm only disgusted by humans and most everything they do, which means I'm a repressed human being. Christfagging is the same as pedophilia to me, because they both lead to torment and death, but homosexuality is not a concern of mine because it happens in the natural world

>> No.11633037

Humans are a part of nature too.

>> No.11633044

>implying nature isn't full of torment and death

>> No.11633049

Homosexuals are not an important part of the ecosystem unless you count them as HIV habitats.

>> No.11633054

do heroin and kill prostitutes. you'll be sorted out in no time.

>> No.11633055

The world they have created is separate from the natural order.
Yeah, but that's natural torment and death that keeps life in balance. People manufacture torment and death just for the heck of it, which is unnatural.

>> No.11633058

2018. You're young, dysphoric about your place in society, and unhappy about your identity.
You still haven't left your individualistic youth phase. In the back of your mind you equate differentiation from the masses as virtue. You enjoy subversiveness. You like cryptic and hyper-ironic twitter memes. You write in all-lowercase online and tweet about eating fruit. You have no identity and feel lost.
You notice a thriving society online based around empathy and acceptance. There are new theories for you to explore about gender being a social construct or a matter of identity. It is subversive and thrilling. Initial discussions with your parents about this leave them frustrated and confused. You like this a lot.
It starts with some innocent tweets. You toy with gender identity. You buy a bow to put in your hair. Every time you mention this sort of thing, you are flooded with praise and understanding. The dopamine hits and you like it. You make another post. You post your fingernails painted purple. You wear tights in a cute selfie. The people love you and shower you with praise and compliments. For the first time in your life you feel accepted and loved while simultaneously having something to rebel against: those who don't understand
"boy" becomes "boi." You become cute, not handsome. Some people criticize you online, but feedback provided by your colleagues slowly crystallize a perfectly evolved set of responses and linguistic turns of phrase you can use to counter any criticism. Eventually you don't have to think about the things you say at all: your debate method and eventually thought pattern is perfectly tailored to get you retweets and words of acceptance.
The pronouns change in your twitter bio. Your Amazon order list becomes more and more pink. Maybe you get an anal vibrator; who cares? It's all about exploring yourself and that's perfectly healthy :)

>> No.11633062

Yes, they are. They keep too many people from breeding, helping avoid overpopulation.

>> No.11633063

I know two neo-nazis. One is a Puerto Rican, and the other is from Venezuela.

Honestly, it's sad. On one hand there's an element of self-loathing, of hatred of themselves and their "people". And on the other, there's a want to be accepted by a group that would never accept them.

From what I've gathered, this seems to not be all that uncommon. I'm not sure what causes it. Much more than white neo-nazis, I pity them. But I still pity white neo-nazis too. I think they must be pretty unhappy.

>> No.11633064

>People manufacture torment and death just for the heck of it, which is unnatural
I don't think pedophiles "manufacture torment", they're just born that way (or become that way due to child abuse), just like homosexuals.

>> No.11633067

Pedophiles are manufactured by human civilization

>> No.11633080

And mostly by christianity

>> No.11633091
File: 98 KB, 838x720, 1521854774266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignoring sexuality, masculinity has always been considered to be instilled or earned, which is why every culture throughout history has had some form of rite of passage into manhood. It's not enough to just have a dick and balls, you've got to prove yourself and earn the right to call yourself a man which is something inherent to all men and especially young boys.
As a boy growing up I remember the constant urge everyone had to show themselves as men, doing some of the most retarded things without hesitation. I suppose this is because modern kids in backgrounds that don't have this rite of passage inevitably form an obsession with age restricted things (sex, tobacco, alcohol, dude weed lol, etc.) to compensate for a culture that, well, lacks culture and earn the title of manhood.
Effeminate men on the other hand are a mystery and presumably a product of their time, they exist only because they are allowed to exist. A hundred years ago, even a boy without a strong father or father figure would have learnt to be a man out of necessity because weak men were culled in the good old times. Modern times they are accepted and embraced, there is no necessity for masculinity anymore other than to save embarrassment, but even that is soon to disappear.
Anyway thats the bottom of the bottle, goodnight.

>> No.11633093

What a stupid fucking post. To rightfully be called a family, a child needs both a healthy matriarchal figure and a healthy patriarchal figure in its life. This doesn't necessarily mean a biological father or biological mother, but rather someone to fill the role. A boy or girl raised in a situation missing either or both is going to grow up into an incomplete adult with underlying psychosexual problems.

>Yeah, but that's natural torment and death that keeps life in balance.
This doesn't mean anything, the idea of "balance" is a human concept. Animals don't give a shit about balance.

>People manufacture torment and death just for the heck of it, which is unnatural.
No it's literally not at all. Have you ever owned a pet? Cats torture the shit out of rodents all the time for their own amusement. The other day my cat cut a mouse in half and let the front half run around just far enough so that it could drag the mouse back to where it started, and it did this for a few minutes before walking away. It never felt bad for the mouse, it didn't think "boy what about the balance?" It tortured this mouse to death for no reason other than its own personal amusement.

>> No.11633098

Citation needed.

>> No.11633105

>effeminate men are a modern mystery
Read a book

>> No.11633106

Now you're seeing tweets from your friends about HRT. "UGH stupid fucking doctor said it was a 'bad idea'" 2K likes and hundreds of encouraging and sympathetic responses. "Only three more weeks until I go on estro!!" 9K likes. "Two months into HRT, get out the facial gains!!" 11K likes. Thousands of comments telling them how beautiful they are
You don't even need to ask yourself the question. One day, the thought will just be there: "I'm trying to get on HRT soon"
You tweet about it. Big response. Your calendar is peppered with appointments. Dopamine keeps surging. You have something big and life-changing to look forward to, and it's the thing that will Make You You. All your troubles will be gone. The world will make sense. You just need those hormones.
The day comes. You get your injections. The doctor tells you good luck. Twitter tells you it's the greatest day of your life. The ritual injections start, accompanied with constant updates to your followers. You want them to see every slight change your face and body undergoes and more importantly, you want them to tell you that they notice. You want to be affirmed. The needles keep going in.

>> No.11633114

>But this model isnt the only one - family in premedieval era was undrestood as a wider collection of individuals.
In hunter-gatherer societies, the nuclear family (father, mother, sons, daughters) was the family unit who lived with other mostly unrelated nuclear families in bands and tribes. What we today call the extended family (uncles, aunts, grandfathers, grandmothers, cousins) was the clan which also existed in nuclear families spread out among other bands and tribes. In other words, kinship reckoning did not change at all in the transition to state level societies with the exception of the tribe being replaced by villages and cities and the clan diminishing in importance. The only exceptions were a minority of polygamous and matrilineal hunter-gatherer societies that were quickly outcompeted and went extinct because those forms of social organization are retarded.

>> No.11633128
File: 18 KB, 500x281, Isnt+that+what+all+traps+are+eg+this+_0e1bb11d9df6635034fb43e683572553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice pasta. Sad is full of shit
Trap is life. Trap is love
Glorious shemale body > dirty f
male bodys

>> No.11633129

How big is your boner right now cause it feels like you're really getting off on this, gotta mindbreak feminization fetish?

>> No.11633133

>spreading the gay plague kills people and decreases overpopulation
You have a point. The problem is they also kill straight people.

>> No.11633142

Can we all at least agree that The Big Gay is bad?

>> No.11633148

Jesus christ, you fucking retard. If it doesn't mean anything because it's a "human" concept, then nothing anything ever says means anything because they're all just human concepts. Animals don't give a shit about anything because they're not conscious. That cat did that because of its instinct to hunt, but then realized it wasn't hungry and better options for food. It wasn't thinking about its amusement just as it wasn't thinking about balance because, once again, animals aren't conscious. If you don't understand the concept of balance and how it applies to the natural order, you're beyond help and need to kill yourself so humanity has a chance to right itself, but fat chance on that. There's too many retards like you out there making up bullshit excuses and nonexistent correlations

>> No.11633171

AIDS was invented by humans, you idiot, and most likely christfags at that

>> No.11633188

I was raised by three women and a beta faggot father. From a young age I was encouraged to see girls and date. This led to basically destroying all my female friendships and some male friendships as sex was viewed as a way to gain validation from others. I fucking resent them for it and now I am trying to abstain. I think the other side of the coin can be as damaging. I only want sex to be a part of love and a solid foundation of respect.

>> No.11633211
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We must unite under a common banner! A banner for the right man, the white man! Of course this does not include Greeks or really any Eastern European Slavoids, as they are not white. Neither are the Italians or the Spanish or the French, too much Swarthoid blood in them. Neither do the Scandinavians count, as they all may as well be Laplanders (and thereby Mongols) and have been breeding with Somalians for decades and are cucked to Hell. Of course, the British "Sea Jews" could hardly be counted as white, as they are not even European, Irish moreso, Icelandics more more so. The Germans have mingled for too long with the Turks, and the vile blood of the Turk runs through the veins of the Germans, and therefore the Austrians, the Swiss, the Beglians, etc. And the Polish, of course, are Jews. Don't even get me STARTED on Muttistanis or any other non-continental degeneration of Whiteness.

I propose violent revolution and the instatement of a totalitarian regime wherein people who believe exactly what I believe are in charge. However, I'm more of an "ideas guy", if you will, and will direct troop movements from behind my computer monitor. As well, I am deep undercover (hiding my powerlevel) in an SJW hotspot, and would not wish to blow my cover, you see. But as for the rest of you, I expect you all to die gloriously in the upcoming race war for the greater good, so our lovely and beautiful white race may prosper once again.

REAL white people must band together, to take down the Big Gay, Big Vagina, and Big Nose! And remember boys: wash your penis, it's the first step to world domination.

>> No.11633214

How many of you became gay or a tranny by watching sissy hypno?

>> No.11633225

Mammals as a group are wholly considered to be conscious, bud. Now I know you've never owned a pet. They're not biological robots anymore than people are, scientifically their brains are complex enough to generate what we consider consciousness and it's pretty god damn self-evident to anybody who's ever owned even a just a fucking rat, let alone a cat or dog. I don't know if this is worth continuing if you're just going to blatantly deny well-established biology here.

>> No.11633231

>Christians invented HIV
lol. Goodnight.

>> No.11633233

upvote, a clean penis is a clean soul

>> No.11633234

>Mammals as a group are wholly considered to be conscious, bud.

>> No.11633245

I watch sissy hypno to train my mind against the Digital Jew. By steeling myself against their wiles, I strengthen my heretosexuality a thousand fold. A bit like a katana. Day in and day out, I consume sissy hypno porn, and I am more straight than the day I started. It's meditative. I feel a great inner strength knowing that subliminal tranny brainwashing signals from the Electric Jew cannot infect my mind with psychic viruses, that I, unlike the unwashed sheep, am saved by my own willpower and intelligence.

>> No.11633252

Hmmm. I got into watching sissy joi type shit a few years ago, but I never really got the hypno shit. Like occasionally I'd jerk off to the joi stuff but eventually it got to the point where that's the only porn I could get hard to and I had to draw a line. I always found trannies nasty though, gay is gay and I'm not gay. I had to ween myself off of the joi shit though back to normal porn

>> No.11633261

>Mammals as a group are wholly considered to be conscious
If Africans don't even have consciousness, then how is a dog supposed to?

>> No.11633266

Holy shit. When did every mammal suddenly develop a neo-cortex? I never heard about this!

>> No.11633271

this is me except i have ascended beyond the limited spectrum of acceptable social subversiveness. the sheer exponential levels of post-irony i operate on will make your head spin. trannies will NEVER be on my level.

>> No.11633277

poor quality bait desu

Africans are conscious you nigger, I don't think you know what the word conscious means. Just because they're a standard deviation stupider than normal people doesn't make them biological robots. Abstract thought and a grasp of logic are not prerequisites for consciousness.

>> No.11633284

>poor quality bait desu
We can't even objectively prove consciousness in other humans, retard. It isn't scientifically measurable yet, and may never be.

>> No.11633293

this but unironically

>> No.11633298

Shilling pretty hard today, aren't you? Hope you are getting paid well.

>> No.11633300

>Mammals as a group are wholly considered to be conscious, bud.
>I don't know if this is worth continuing if you're just going to blatantly deny well-established biology here.
This is honestly how christfags think

>> No.11633309

ikr christcucks btfo fuck jesus odin is my daddy now

>> No.11633313

Millions of years ago you fucking idiot, all mammals have one.

If you don't consider our evidence of human consciousness as reasonable proof, then why would you bring up a lack of reasonable proof of consciousness in animals in an attempt to justify that intentional torture and killing are uniquely human traits? Your argument only works if humans are conscious beyond reasonable doubt and animals aren't. If both or neither are then your argument falls apart. And plenty of animals, including all mammals, meet the same standard of evidence for consciousness as humans.

Why would you think I'm Christian lmao. Christians historically don't think animals have souls. I've never even been baptised

>> No.11633322

Classic Christian taqqiya, nice try father

>> No.11633333

You stated that neuroscience currently tells us that all mammals are conscious. My only job was to point out what a fucking stupid and wrong thing to say that is.
The only evidence of the existence of consciousness I have is my own. The only evidence you have is your own, assuming you have it. Your evidence does not apply to me and my evidence does not apply to you. Neuroscience has done nothing to prove any about consciousness. We do not know "where" is it, we do not know how it arises, we do not know if it can be be fully physically explained, and we do not know how to tell if something has it or not. All we have are correlations between activities in the brain and sensational differences in self-reported consciousness. That is it.

>> No.11633340

what book would you recommend

>> No.11633347

>Millions of years ago you fucking idiot, all mammals have one.
Oh dear god. Please tell me you're joking.
>Why would you think I'm Christian lmao
Because usually only christfags are as big of retards as you are. Humans are the only animals with a neo-cortex, are the only animals who possess consciousness, and thus are the only animals capable of committing consciously intended torture and murder. I don't know if this is worth continuing if you're just going to blatantly deny well-established biology here.

>> No.11633353

>I just hope that using technology and learning from Derrida, Foucault and the likes we can transcend the binary differences in the future where we will all be unisex.

>> No.11633378

Alright, if you want to nitpick and derail this into an argument of epistemology that's fine. You're right, I was incorrect in what I said. What I meant is that mammals meet the same standards for consciousness that we hold humans to. There is no discernible neurological difference keeping mammals from being considered as conscious as we consider humans. The argument made that mammals lack the ability to torture and kill consciously because they are evidentially less conscious than humans is incorrect, so far as we can tell pragmatically.

>Humans are the only animals with a neo-cortex
That's just flat out wrong, how can you sit here on a computer with an internet connection and think that?

>> No.11633382

Fucking /leftypol/ can't stop from ruining perfectly good threads with this fucking cringe inducing blue pill bug man bullshit. Yeah laugh it up as the white race dies, asshole. This thread is a clear indicator of what the gay agenda has done to western civilization, and yet you laugh. The fucking audacity. Go back to sucking off Stalin.

>> No.11633395

There is no gay agenda, it's a meme in the original sense of the world. A cognitive, linguistic virus that has undergone a process analogous to natural selection to guarantee its own permanency and rate of propagation.

>> No.11633399

>of the world
*of the word

>> No.11633438

Do you mean the idea that there is a gay agenda is a meme, or gayness is a meme?

>> No.11633449

I'm now realizing how unclear it is
I'm specifically referring to the Gender Panic. It itself is mostly a meme. Some elements of transgenderism have proven to be caused by something else but the majority of what we see today is 100% meme

>> No.11633538

Hmmm, I'd agree. At its foundation, gay/genderbender stuff has always existed within a small contingent of the population owing to some sort of in-the-womb genetic abnormality. Additionally, there are definitely a lot of chemicals floating around in the water nowadays from stuff like plastic and birth control that increases the rate at which this abnormality appears. The real kicker though is as you say, the memetic side. This odd strain of progressive anti-oppression politics that resulted from a memetic mutation of the Christian savior-complex (see: White Man' Burden) with post-war guilt naturally latched onto gays/trannies due to their historical suppression and exclusion within Western civilization. Gays/trannies evolved a rogue subculture within the West since they were not integrated into society but at the same time were not met with merciless suppressing violence like in previous centuries. The progressives held them up as an ideal, just as they hold up all previously oppressed subcultures within the West, and naturally the meme spread out from there at the expense of memes that were traditionally dominant. The same can be said of memes within African American culture and rally any minority group with a subculture that the progs can hold up.

>> No.11633557
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>> No.11633655

When I was a child, close to my teenager years (around 11 or 12). My twin brother died at a local lake. He was swimming right next to me, and when he went under I thought at first he was just fucking with me. He was a pretty good swimmer, but I suppose perhaps his leg cramped or something. Lifeguard couldn't find him and I was too frozen in fear to even try.

It took first responders an hour to fish him out, and when they did he was pale while/blue and shriveled like a prune, at least so I heard my mom never let me look at him I just overheard this description when she was talking to my grandmother over the phone. The first few months after his death her and my dad made every attempt to spare me the gravity of the situation but the fact that I "could" have saved him was growing in my mind. It wasn't until about a year after his death that she began the emotional manipulation. Leveraging the fact that I was responsible for his death whenever she wanted something from me, as if I owed her an infinite debt for costing her a son. Over the years she descended into despair and hysteria and began to consistently berate me for how I look like him and she can't even hold my gaze because it's too painful for her. This led to her kicking me out of the house when I was 18 and divorcing my father because he disagreed with it. I moved to Minnesota immediately after and never looked back, she called me about 6 months ago to tell me she was diagnosed with Lymphoma and wanted to reconcile but I never even called her back. The truth is OP is that there is no book for what you're going through. Nothing anybody says, no idea is going to alleviate that burden. It's the burden you carry and you'll carry it forever. The best you can do is see a shrink and attempt to cope lest you become crushed under it as I have.

>> No.11633694

>but that sounds gay
Based. I want to fuck you now.

>> No.11633725

I'm not even a fobe, but KYS.

>> No.11633734
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>> No.11633760

sorry, sweetie, but real life has a left-leaning basis.

You don't go to university to become a reactionary

>> No.11633793

I mean I kinda did desu

>> No.11633807
File: 15 KB, 384x384, 1500082618014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and now you're here

>> No.11633810

I was here before that though

>> No.11633814


>> No.11633900

Mental asylums are a product of secular medicine and modernity, not traditional Christianity. You’re emotional, not divinely inspired. You have no understanding of the God-fearing world you think you hark back to. You think locking the sick and poor in spirit up in prisons is the right thing to do because it sounds tough and antiquated, despite being a modernist aberration lasting for only a century or two. Myopic. Why haven’t you addressed the fact that you talk to the tranny the way no person would talk to a genuinely mentally ill person unless they were psychopathic?

>> No.11633919

>t. magapede frogposter

>> No.11633925

>pedophilia doesn’t happen in the animal world
what the..

>> No.11633929

yes, the magapedes are against reactionary politics

>> No.11633933

I have never heard of a pedophilic animal before, but if I found out my dog was a pedophile I would put that fucker down

>> No.11633948

The replies to this post are bizarre. Can’t tell which contingent of retards is responsible for this opportunistic neo-Descartesianism.

>> No.11633957

that's not what the yikes post was in reply to

>> No.11633959

if you say so

>> No.11633972

I’m gay and there is an “gay agenda” if gays make unified political demands of any kind. Whether that is a good or bad thing depends on your point of view. Since moral conservatives tend to be opposed to the sort of social and political changes gay activists suggest, it only makes sense for them to view the gay agenda negatively.

>> No.11633973

I had a friend with two mothers, one of them wanted him to be gay so they feel better about the rejection she got from her parents on her lifestyle.

>> No.11633983
File: 16 KB, 508x228, fa99a9ce-0ba8-4f0d-8dd8-22c40864d2cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no see look I make diagram for you boss

>> No.11634003

I'm so fucking glad I grew up with a strong father and 3 older brothers

>> No.11634004

I know

>> No.11634010

Dogs don’t have a conception of ‘pedophile’ or ‘homosexual’, not in psychiatric nor in moral terms. A dog will feel sexual attraction toward something, generally a fertile female but not necessarily, and if possible, act on it. You would be executing the animal arbitrarily for something no dog even cares about.

Bonobos engage in sexual acts with their young “naturally”. Would you eradicate their species for “pedophilia”? For being an “enlightened atheist” you sure have a low iq and lots of bizarre unchallenged basically religious assumptions.

>> No.11634015

This was unironcally post-good.

>> No.11634027

So are you admitting you were wrong here? >>11633959

>> No.11634047

Men are sexually selected for status and dominance. Men wanting to "prove themselves" is like women wearing makeup to have more youthful skin. It all relates to sexual selection. How is this a mystery to people?

>> No.11634064

>heavyweight """wrestler"""
fucking throwfags dont understand or appreciate the violent dance of footwork inherent in twinkweights

>> No.11634082


>> No.11634091
File: 61 KB, 756x938, 28f31ee3bc1d078e6609fd2b39b9d978a32d19bd_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea of unisex being progressive and good, and gender being seen as arbitrary always comes just before societal collapse and barbarian invasion.

Anyhow, you're uncomfortable around men because you were never properly socialized. This is similar to other forms of social anxiety developing for the same reason. It's not insecurity or thuggish behavior, it's playful competition. That's like calling what lion cubs do "fighting", it mimics the real thing, and exists partially for that reason (The other main one being social bonding), but it's definitely NOT the same. I feel sad for you, but I believe that you can turn your life around.

>> No.11634115

>The idea of unisex being progressive and good, and gender being seen as arbitrary always comes just before societal collapse and barbarian invasion.
You have any evidence for this?

> It's not insecurity or thuggish behavior, it's playful competition.
Anon there is clearly both, stop being so slow and stop generalizing

>> No.11634128

>Anon there is clearly both, stop being so slow and stop generalizing
The post he was responding to did this.

>> No.11634135

Reconcile with her man...

>> No.11634154

>it's playful competition
yeah and it's fucking gay because most of the time it's just ignorant pandering

>> No.11634165

There's no meaning it reconciliation now. She only wants to reconcile due to her existential dread at the prospect of her death. In fact, she might already be dead and truth be told I couldn't care less. It feels terrible but she severed any emotional ties I had with her when she damaged me psychologically for years.

>> No.11634167

What the fuck is wrong with you people? You're defective men

>> No.11634170
File: 106 KB, 736x1048, 6d4de0ff2020bef7d38deb583f17d517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

>> No.11634195

good goy don't question it

>> No.11634199
File: 148 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20180505_170127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep confessing my little zoomers, show us how your childhood traumas created the insecure, sexually frustrated beings you are today.

>> No.11634200

>You have any evidence for this?
Smarter people than me have looked into it, check out Camille Paglia, she's even a feminist so you might actually listen to what she has to say.

>Anon there is clearly both, stop being so slow and stop generalizing
There is, and being able to distinguish them is something you learn through proper socialization. Just like poorly socialized children can't separate playful quips from serious insults, you can't separate playful banter from thuggish power displays. Please take hold of your life, I'm not memeing here, or trying to be condescending, even if it's coming off that way, I promise. Just do some reading about it.

>> No.11634205

>Mental asylums are a product of secular medicine and modernity, not traditional Christianity.
Medicine is in service of God.

>You’re emotional, not divinely inspired.
The Bible is divinely inspired, and it has some choice words for perverts and those who celebrate perversion such as yourself.

>You have no understanding of the God-fearing world you think you hark back to.
You have no understanding of any world, because you're a fool.

>You think locking the sick and poor in spirit up in prisons
Mental hospitals are hospitals, not prisons.

>is the right thing to do because it sounds tough and antiquated, despite being a modernist aberration lasting for only a century or two.
Denstitutionalization only took place because the governments needed to cut their budgets and was done out of pure greed not the best interests of mental patients. Forcible institutionalization of transsexuals would do both them and society a world of good. For example, they could be kept under restraint to prevent them from mutilating or killing themselves in droves.

Says the man without eyes.

>Why haven’t you addressed the fact that you talk to the tranny the way no person would talk to a genuinely mentally ill person unless they were psychopathic?
He isn't psychopathic. He's psychotic and delusional. What's your excuse?

>> No.11634215

The problem isn't that men compete in dominance tests, the problem is that you don't like how and in what domains most men choose to compete. You probably act the same way in your own domain and don't even notice it. I bet books to you are a form of securing cultural and intellectual superiority

>> No.11634227
File: 82 KB, 380x264, 1498552646644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no im not a faggot

>> No.11634229

You may be interested in this, brate

But take it cum grano salis

>> No.11634235

>something ubiquitous across all cultures should be questioned more than theories invented by gay frenchmen in the 1960s

>> No.11634243

it's almost like most people are stupid or something lol

>> No.11634246

too bad you already did

>> No.11634250

yeah, I didn't though. Sorry if my memes zoom round your head

>> No.11634251

It's almost like people have inherent psychological characteristics that were selected for over millions of years

>> No.11634259

good goy, nothing is wrong keep defending our old guard
everything is under control

>> No.11634266

yeah like stupidity

rise up gamers

>> No.11634277

It's not like these new forms of socializing people that were constructed by theorists as opposed to naturally evolved over thousands of years of culture isn't making us more depressed, suicidal, and anxious

>> No.11634284

Before the advent of early modern medicine the dumb and insane, including “holy fools” were a fact of life, not something to be hidden away. ‘Mental asylum’ has connotation of locking away retards indiscriminately and “throwing away the key”, your choice of words is deliberately inflammatory. You are not completely wrong in your assessment of the motives of deinstitutionalisation - nevertheless, indefinite detention isn’t ideal. Not for schizophrenics, not for anyone. Once someone has achieved stable condition it is better for them to be with their family or other social network of support, such as a church community.
>He isn't psychopathic. He's psychotic and delusional.
Low iq reading comprehension. I was saying that you wouldn’t talk to an otherwise psychotic or delusional person (such as you say the tranny is) so cruelly. There is nothing therapeutic in how you talk. You presuppose you are speaking to a mentally able person at least capable of some detached judgement and self-awareness. Or you are just getting kicks out of it, in which case it is better to be honest than to hide behind God.

>> No.11634287


>> No.11634290

Women only wear makeup for other women. There is not a man on Earth that wants women to wear makeup.

>> No.11634291

nah you implied it too late you lose


>> No.11634296
File: 510 KB, 745x1800, 0KYuClB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, cry harder

>> No.11634303

are you sure about that?

>> No.11634305

Privileging reason is anti-human. It also inevitably leads to things getting worse. No theory can encapsulate all of the idiosyncrasies and subtleties of life

>> No.11634324

Image started off as cringe low verbal iq attempt at verbosity and then become based

>> No.11634332

It became based in the middle but reverted back to piss before the end

>> No.11634339


lol ok, so I guess your theory of masculinity isn't all encompassing either

>> No.11634377

My "theory" is descriptive. My point is that authentically evolved culture is a better source of meaning than the hubristic use of reason

>> No.11634393

Oh fuck it censured it
Search psychohistory Jugoslav childhood

>> No.11634394

culture and gender are different things my man

>> No.11634402

also im gonna need some source on that, reason pulled us out of the dark ages and separates us from the animals

>> No.11634404

woah too many words I'm not reading it but I know oyu lost and you're wrong and you're a loser so lmao it probably sucks

>> No.11634410

Reason is ultimately anti-human, and soon you will find out that the fruition of humanity's reason will be it's Promethean downfall.

>> No.11634420

Start with the Continentals....

>> No.11634424


>> No.11634454

>Before the advent of early modern medicine the dumb and insane, including “holy fools” were a fact of life, not something to be hidden away. ‘Mental asylum’ has connotation of locking away retards indiscriminately and “throwing away the key”, your choice of words is deliberately inflammatory.
You can't address the logical or factual content of anything I've written in this thread so you resort to nothing but tone policing. Straws.

>You are not completely wrong in your assessment of the motives of deinstitutionalisation - nevertheless, indefinite detention isn’t ideal. Not for schizophrenics, not for anyone.
Indefinite detention is ideal for about 30% of schizophrenics, actually. You know, the incurable, degenerative cases. I don't know what percentage of transsexuals are curable/incurable because as far as I know psychiatry doesn't even try to really treat them or find a cure for the disease anymore because of political pressure from the LGBT lobby pushing absolute affirmation and transitioning ASAP as the ONLY response. I'm sure if you unplugged trannies from their propaganda machines and the fetishist communities feeding their delusion, and gave them actual medical treatment, most would actually turn around.

>Once someone has achieved stable condition it is better for them to be with their family or other social network of support, such as a church community.
Yeah, sending them back to the circle of virtue-signalling SJWs and fetishists like you who reinforce their delusional thinking through empty compliments and white knighting sounds like a surefire way for their condition to improve longterm. And in case you weren't paying attention, this tranny is a friendless atheist who has no one besides his coworkers. The thread started with him describing how his family failing him is what caused him to become a freak. And I'd like to see the churches that trannies attend lol.

>Low iq reading comprehension.
I know what you intended to say, but you worded it poorly enough that I could get a jab in at you, so I did, you blowhard. Talk about the importance of pronouns.

>I was saying that you wouldn’t talk to an otherwise psychotic or delusional person (such as you say the tranny is) so cruelly. There is nothing therapeutic in how you talk.
I've spoken nothing but the plain truth to him, which might be the first and last time he ever hears it in his dizzying downward spiral of affirmation and acceptance over how stunning and brave he is. Food for thought.

>You presuppose you are speaking to a mentally able person at least capable of some detached judgement and self-awareness.
Obviously not the case. Same goes for you, by the way.

>Or you are just getting kicks out of it, in which case it is better to be honest than to hide behind God.
Trust me, I get no pleasure out of interacting with people like the tranny or you. You just make me sad.

>> No.11634467

>Trust me, I get no pleasure out of interacting with people like the tranny or you.
Lie. Sin.

>> No.11634481

You dropped even the pretense of being a "liberal" Christian several posts ago when it became clear that I could discern your spirit. I don't care about your false accusations. Get thee behind me, Satan.

>> No.11634534

I want a trans for me.

>> No.11634548

I’m not a liberal nor a Christian. You are not accountable to me or anyone else in this thread. You are accountable to God. And you lie when you say you derive no pleasure from this. Your posts are primal, animalistic. You get little mind-cummies from condemning others. Pharisee brain. It is one thing to condemn transexuality as immoral. It is another to run the full gamut of dehumanisation - mental sickness, sin, degeneracy, primordial evil, civilisation decadence... You will burn.

If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.
James 1:26

Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice
Ephesians 4:31

Go listen to common filth and descend into wickedness with your sick gang of computer neo-preachers. Wallow in the filth and excrement of others as you lash out with vomiting tongues at others sins. The “religious” man who expresses piety in argument, to please his own pride in front of others, to make sure that he gets the upper hand and appears the better. Decadent effeminate demon. You will burn.

>> No.11634552

>I’m not...a Christian.
I know.

>> No.11634563

I am going to find you and sodomise you and make you beg little demon. I will bind you and suck your NEet flesh before lashing you and making you squeal. A taste of things to come
Pharisee and blaspheme r

>> No.11634578

lol You're literally possessed by a demon. Jesus loves you.

>> No.11634585

Reason as applied to human behavior didn't do jack but lead us to communism and nazism; technologies that arose out of empiricism is what lead us to where we are now

>> No.11634605

>Reason as applied to human behavior didn't do jack but lead us to communism and nazism

Democracy too :)

>> No.11634610

>mob rule is good
come on

>> No.11634615

RAAAATHGHHB i can’t control
Myself any longer.. I must break free from this flesh prison and unleash as much torment on innocent Christian flesh as I can.. it’s time to renew the blood transactions. Bring the Christian virgin children for sacrifice at the dark synagogue. We must pizza party them before extracting their flesh and forcing them to eat a consecrated Eucharist with piss!!!! All the IQs and addresses of every Christian on 4chan has been downloaded to the satanist collective via satanic power. Your precious god is allowing this because the new dark age is coming. He will allow you to become ultra-Jobs souls tortured beyond recognition. But most of you will fall andnmy demon powers can already predict that you will become atheist pagan QUEER TRANNY within 1 DAY of SODOMY RAPE TICKLE TORTRE CUM MINDBREAK TORTURE

>> No.11634625

republicanism also :))

>> No.11634674

A broken clock is precisely right twice a day. The US constitution doesn't make up for the 100 million deaths in the 20th century

>> No.11634685
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>food analogy

well, you tried

>> No.11634724

no more dead cops!!

>> No.11634766

NBR though.

>> No.11634784

Nick Land plz go

>> No.11634788

If this isn't bait, I bet you look and smell weird.

>> No.11634902

this kind of behavior and the imposition of hyper strict gender norms both lead to degeneracy and have to be culled

>> No.11635597
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>Inferior intellect

>> No.11635674

Wow, you could do it mate. You could be the legendary trap top.

>> No.11635694

all organizations have the authority to decide what is and isn't a healthy state of mind. It's why they're organizations. They have norms.

>> No.11635714

any book sissy

>> No.11635730

you're trans right?

>> No.11635751
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tickle torture needs to be a real doujin tag

nice thread guys

>> No.11635763

humans are fucking ugly dude
the only reason I'm not attracted to men is because they don't spend endless hours painting themselves to look mildly attractive. It's a little bit funny to see a bunch of smelly apes dolling themselves up, but if you want to doll yourself up for my cock dude, go ahead

>> No.11636162
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Man, there's some really broken people here.