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11627891 No.11627891 [Reply] [Original]

>describing things as ‘interesting’
is there anything more pseud?

>> No.11627904
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>describing things as ‘overrated’

>> No.11627911

>describing things

>> No.11628805

rate my Jett's:
8 corner with mushrooms and sausage

>> No.11628914

an uninteresting thread.

>> No.11629894

Were you never exposed to civil society? "How interesting" is a polite expression that doesn't mean anything. It's like saying "that's exciting", or "I'm happy for you". Do they not teach decorum in American schools?

>> No.11629896

>very detailed

>> No.11629907
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>> No.11629911

Interesting is just a buzzword when you can't actually think of any real reason as to why the thing is good, don't use it.

Either way, being involved or intrigued by something and being immersed are not the same thing.

>> No.11629913

can someone please explain to me how so many people can be so vapid? I honestly am having a hard time getting into the mindset of someone without basic pattern recognition or a sense of shame. like people who parrot trendy memes and vernacular and love anime or superhero movies. I'm starting to get uncanny valley when I go to certain comment sections of the internet.

>> No.11629927


>> No.11629931

You'll sound smarter if you use 'mimic' instead of 'parrot', Mr. GED.

>> No.11629932

People are different.

>> No.11629954

t. jaded pseud

"Mimic" wouldn't make sense in that context, pseud.

>> No.11630109


>> No.11630167


>> No.11630246


>> No.11630259

Too many seem the same to me

>> No.11630271


>> No.11630377

>tfw i feel nothing except a possible 'interesting' for pretty much everything
I guess I really mean that its variety and possibility is satisfying and could be, in the future, even more satisfying or entertaining. Even when bad things happen or dumb shit gets pushed (like minor social issues, human rights, etc.) I don't mind much because in this stupidity, wastefulness, degradation, and chaos, there is 'interesting' to be had.

>> No.11630416

Is it more pseudo to catch yourself saying “interesting” and “weird” and actively trying to change those habits after watching “Captain Fantastic”?

>> No.11630789

Tfw to intelligent

>> No.11631588

I can't remember the last time I was interested in anything

>> No.11631698

>There were skilful Egyptian priests who, when they could not persuade men by reason that there are gods, that is some spirit above men, invented that illicit magic which by enticing demons into statues made these appear to be gods....I at first thought, following the opinion of the Blessed Thomas Aquinas, that if they made statues would could speak, this could not have been only through stellar influence but through demons.

>> No.11631753

Its a polite expression not a buzzword you autist

>> No.11631788

yes. Reading books no one cares about in 2018.

>> No.11631833


>> No.11631967

You just have autism friend.

>> No.11632250

IN - te - resting

>> No.11632264


>> No.11632266


>> No.11632285

oh, how interesting

>> No.11632816

like which ones

>> No.11632898

>implying please and sorry aren't buzzwords

>> No.11632968
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>tfw books, music and programming are the only thing I find interesting

Wow I think I have actual autism.

>> No.11632978

how luminosifying

how electroresonant

how cephalo-stimulo-caressing

how very cortexico-fellating

>> No.11633003

Why do you keep posting the jets pizza guy?

>> No.11633367

my mom always does this

>> No.11633390


>> No.11634616



>> No.11634636

The greatest magic trick of the 20th century was unconditionally equating healthy systematic mentalities and interests with autism and, by extension, social undesirability

There's nothing wrong with you

>> No.11634639

yes. asking /lit/ if there's anything more pseud than describing things as 'interesting'