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/lit/ - Literature

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11626891 No.11626891 [Reply] [Original]

What do /lit/izens plan on finishing this year? Show us your stacks.

>> No.11626899

Pop garbage.
Looks like Glenn beck stack.

>> No.11627061

>gucci mane

>> No.11627087

Nice meme stack

>> No.11627093
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>> No.11627094


Actually a good autobiography.

>> No.11627101
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bday stack
read 16 books this year so far

>> No.11627111

On politics by Alan Ryan

>> No.11627130

Maybe Bills book and the Wolf of Wallstreet.

>> No.11627138

Gutfeld and Gulag are the only meme books. Probably gonna drop Not Cool, it’s completely coursiary.

>> No.11627146

Pretty underrated, tbqh. Thouroughly enjoyable.

>> No.11627227

>considering ordering some books
>Impeachment of Man by Savitri Devi
>The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus
>The Wisdom of Llife by Arthur Schopenhauer
>Wurthering Heights by Emily Bronte
>HP Lovecraft collection bc I lost my copy when I moved
>The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, also lost
>ARRL radio handbook cause I'm a huge dork
i-is this a good list? Anything I should drop or add?

>> No.11627261

Let someone borrow my leather-bound Lovecraft collection. Never saw it again, just as intended. To my dismay, the dreams never stopped.

>> No.11627263

yea gutfelds book makes for great kindling in the colder months

and i'm not talking about an e-reader

>> No.11627303
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>> No.11627359

Currently reading The Thirty Years War

A House for Mister Biswas next

Can’t decide if Dorian Gray or Tess of the D’urbwhatever after that

>> No.11627758

the decameron and metro 2033 are great, you can skip 2034 and start on 2035 instead though.

>> No.11627766

plsu respondo I'm really insecure and can't buy things without the approval of strangers


>> No.11627954

Is Gucci's book any good? I am VERY interested.

>> No.11628814

It's good. He's a very, very fascinating character and a very flawed dude overall. More interesting than your average industry come-up tale.

>> No.11628828


>> No.11628839

pretty unique (for these parts) stack anon

>> No.11628841

The only books i plan on reading to close out the year are Humes works and The Wealth of Nations.

>> No.11629035

I'm working on:

Sound and fury
White noise
Wise blood
Crying of lot 49

>> No.11629085

so far this year
Heart of Darkness by Conrad
The Complete Stories by O'Conner
The Age of Innocence by Wharton
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Thompson
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Hurston
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Joyce
Fun Home and Are You My Mother by Bechdel
Waiting for Gadot by Beckett
My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist by Leyner
The Legacy of David Foster Wallace by various
Lolita by Nabakov
S.P.Q.R by Beard
The Things They Carried by O'Brien
Call Me by Your Name by Aciman
The Importance of Being Ernest by Wilde
A History of Western Philosophy by Russel
The Catcher in the Rye by Salinger
The Revolutionary Ascetic by Mazlish
The Conquest of Bread by Kroptopkin
On Liberty by Mill
A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bryson

currently reading Watchmen by Alan Moore,
any ideas on what to read next?

>> No.11629100

I’ll read in what remains of the year:
The Red and the Black
The Elementary Particles
Death in Venice
On Heroes and Tombs
The Unknown Masterpiece
The Sun Also Rises
Don Quixote/The Man Without Qualities (will buy a copy of one, don’t know which yet)

and maybe I will fit something else if I can

>> No.11629105

Maybe something nonfiction

>> No.11629794
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>> No.11629966

Journey by moonlight is our national treasure, glad to see that someone is reading it!

>> No.11630353
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every time

>> No.11630405
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>> No.11630440

Currently reading
Orthodox Veneration of the Theotokos-- St John Maximovich
Battle for Belorussia, Red Army's Forgotten Campaign--- David Glantz
Homeward Bound--- Turtledove

>> No.11630490

I second this on Metro, I'm reading through 2035 at the moment and I wished I didn't waste my time on 2034

>> No.11630495

Nice pick, the book looks good too.

>> No.11630501

What's Gucci Mane's book like? Really want to pick it up, I'd imagine he's got some batshit crazy stuff to say (to his ghostwriter).

>> No.11630621
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Currently reading Stoner, what should I read next?

>> No.11630635

Have you read much Dostoevsky yet? If yes then read TBK. If no then read Don Quixote

>> No.11630639

The Brothers Karamazov is really only good if you've already read Dosto's other major novels and the Bible. If you've done that, go for that one.

Also Purgatorio is great but don't read it if you haven't read Inferno yet and don't read it if you haven't got Paradiso to follow along afterwards.

Would recommend Don Quixote, that book is such a treat to read and you might need something light after Stoner (although Don Quixote may leave you feeling just as emotional in the end).

>> No.11630678
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I've done Gogol, reading Ulysses now, thinking of going for C&P next. If I lose my courage by the time I get to my next book I'll just read EoE.

>> No.11630781

that's a beefy looking crime and punishment. it's a great book though and surprisingly accessible so hope you enjoy it. been meaning to read east of eden myself

>> No.11630792

My nigga

>> No.11630826
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>> No.11630834
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blargh big books
finally found some hamsun in used book stores, he's so rare over here

>> No.11630857

sut en fed din klamme dreng

>> No.11630871

holy shit what is that book on top

even my copy of Les Miserables unabridged isn't that large

>> No.11630876

nice, dude. hope you actually intend to read those because that's a nice collection

>> No.11630885

I intend to read every book I purchase

>> No.11630891

>holy shit what is that book on top
collected poetry, prose and essays by W.G. Sebald in Swedish.

>> No.11630892


it's a collection of sebald's novels, essays and poetry. stupidly enough the only way to get some of his books

>> No.11630896

have fun, really nice collection dude

>> No.11630942
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current batch

>> No.11631069
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This year i've managed to get a good balance in university in regards to studying/social life/ gym / my personal reading
(cutted out tv series/movies, only watch documentaries or educational vids on youtube, has really given me alot more free time)

So far this year:

-East of Eden
-Homo sapiens
-Plato: apology, euthphyro, phaedo, crito, gorgias, meno, parmenides (wtf), theaetetus, sophists, timaeus

-catcher in the rye
-homer: iliad + odyssey
- the road: Kerouac
-Metamorphosis + The Trial - Kafka
-Stoner - williams
- Brave new world - huxley
-meditations - m.a
- orestia - aeschylus
- hunger - knut hamsun
- the fall - camus (shit)
-nietzsche: genealogy of morals/ BGE/ TSZ

Now i'm reading stack:

>> No.11631083


and the last book is:
Extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of the crowd - charles mackay

>> No.11631097

i fucking hate you niggers

>> No.11631111
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>> No.11631139

Hey man no bully pls

>> No.11631181

Bullying implies a personal, directed, and descriptive attack against a particular person or group. I'm simply expressing my general disdain for people who participate in these awful pseudo-intellectual cyber-masturbatory exchanges of "stacks" that result in nothing by a few dopamine hits every time someone else comments on your photo, praising you for books you haven't read yet and probably won't even completely read. It's an ego fueled cycle of self-aggrandizement that I simply find repugnant. Go fucking read a book.

nice stack, and even nicer get

>> No.11631232

How much did you pay for all that? And where did you get it?

>> No.11631239

Wow you project a lot. I see where the bullying comes from

>> No.11631303

Claiming someone is "projecting" isn't an argument anon. The truth is if you think there's any real value in these vacuous threads then you just haven't thought about it enough. Part of my perturbation comes from the fact that about two years ago, I'd contribute to these things, until one day I realized that I was simply doing it to signal to others my intellectual curiosity and depth and, worse, seek approval.

Things like this are antithetical to developing a genuinely personal taste.

And again, this isn't bullying. I don't wield any power over any one here. I'm just a guy with an opinion. If you think it's a bullying then—get ready for it—you're a pudgy pussy.

>> No.11631306

>I'm not bullying, but watch as not one post i make is free of bullying
You should have your books taken away from you

>> No.11631341


>In my distress I called upon the Lord, And cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, And my cry came before Him, even to His ears.Then the earth shook and trembled; The foundations of the hills also quaked and were shaken, Because He was angry. Smoke went up from His nostrils, And devouring fire from His mouth; Coals were kindled by it. He bowed the heavens also, and came down With darkness under His feet. And He rode upon a cherub, and flew; He flew upon the wings of the wind. He made darkness His secret place; His canopy around Him was dark waters And thick clouds of the skies.

I fear for the softness of this generation.

>> No.11631354

enard <3

not read around these parts

>> No.11631373

a national bookstore had half price on all english language books, so pretty much what the standard msrp of each of the books combined minus 50%

>> No.11631387

I’m about to finish Book VII of Pappus’ Collection.

I’ll start on Al-Khwarzimi’s Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing after that

>> No.11631392

Your mother should have hugged you more, and you should have told your dad about the kids who were mistreating you on the playground

>> No.11631501

heheh my mother hugged me too much an0n-kun, and as for my father, he's the finest man I know

the truth is brother, i never bullied in school nor was bullied. unanimously liked i was

but i'm pretty sure you're so focused on this bullying thing because i happened to strike a nerve in your silly stack slinging gray matter and so now you have to convince yourself that the points i made were made out of malice rather than simple observation. Not that it's clear i've hurt your feelings, i feel kind of bad (even though i think you're acting ridiculous). So I'll tell you what, you tell me which photo is yours, and I'll tell you that yes, you indeed did purchase some excellent books, what a wonderful selection of books you've chosen, bully for you anon, bully for you for picking such fabulous titles heheh

>> No.11631598


All me btw:

>> No.11631607

nu synes jeg lige du skal slappe af, men mindre du vil smage min kæp i din mund

>> No.11631869

Sure, do it.
Of course, you don’t already have a backlog, do you anon?

>> No.11631894

the ADHD redditors StarterStack

>> No.11631901

I prefer the stuff on the right

>> No.11631904


>> No.11631905
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>> No.11631907

Hasn't a actuallyly read anything yet/10

>> No.11631908

Good Stack

>> No.11631920

>Gucci Mane
right under
>A Primate's Memoir
u did this on purpose?

>> No.11631952

mr holmes has solved the case again

>> No.11631958
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>> No.11632023


>> No.11632082
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Still have these left that I plan on reading this year. I might not make it through all of them, but I'll give it a go.

Which one should I pick next?

>> No.11632089

Blood Meridian

>> No.11632117

Montauk ist fantastisch.

>> No.11632127

>the decameron
What a good translation on the decameron?

>> No.11632139

why that title of Vargas Llosa?

>> No.11632206

I might do that one, yeah!

I've read The war for the end of the world, The feast of the goat and The bad girl already, and this one sounded quite funny. So far I've liked The feast the best, the climax in that book is chilling!

>> No.11633711

his daughter went to my school

>> No.11633828

University will start in about half a month, so I plan on only finishing 2 books this year from now. Both are already ordered and one will arive on monday, one in a few weeks.

It's Chess Story and The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.11633841

Good stuff

>> No.11634361

How come your purgatorio is so thick. How many pages is it?

>> No.11634407
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in the middle of TBK at the moment