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/lit/ - Literature

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11625587 No.11625587 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, what is some more fiction with the "psychedelic feel" if you will? Not necessarily just surrealism but that give you a sense of actually being on a drug or have the aesthetics of 1960s counterculture.

Can be either from the 60s or not I don't care just trying to read something that has the same feel. Should I check out Hunter S. Thompson's Curse of Lono

>> No.11625633

John Sack

>> No.11625636

Joe McGinniss

>> No.11625643

The T. Woof

>> No.11625665
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Serious suggestions..?

Beginner psychedelic books:

Alduous Huxley - Perennial Philosophy, The Island, Doors of Perception, and Heaven and Hell
Timothy Leary - The Psychedelic Experience, Politics of Ecstasy, Info-Psychology, Game of Life
Baba Ram Dass - Be Here Now


Ken Kesey - The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
Hunter S Thompson - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Jay Stevens - Storming Heaven
Martin Lee - LSD Dreams
Martin Torgoff - Can't Find My Way Home


Albert Hoffman - LSD: My Problem Child
Otto Snow - LSD
Sasha Shulgin - PIHKAL and TIHKAL
Stanislav Grof - LSD Psychotherapy
John C. Lilly - Programming and Metaprogramming the Human Biocomputer
Sherana Frances - Drawing it Out: Befriending the Unconscious

Plant medicine:

David Pendell - Pharmako Poeia, Pharmako Dynamis, and Pharmako Gnosis
Terrence McKenna - Food of the Gods, True Hallucinations, The Archaic Revival
Michael Harner - Way of the Shaman

Mystical bullshit:

Robert Anton Wilson - Illuminatus! (Fiction) and Cosmic Trigger (Non-Fiction)
Carlos Castaneda - Don Juan series
Jodorowski - Psychomagic
Crowley - Book Four


PKD - VALIS Trilogy
D & G - Capitalism and Schizophrenia
RD Laing - The Divided Self

The crown jewels of altered states literature:

Charles Baudelaire - Artificial Paradises
Henry Michaux - Miserable Miracle
Walter Benjamin - On Hashish
William Leonard Pickard - The Rose of Paracelsus

>> No.11625692

Reading faust here, that part with the witch and the animals felt very psychedelic

>> No.11625705

Thanks lad these look good

>> No.11625732
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More recommendations: (should probably make a chart or something)

Shulgin Index (hardcore chemistry)
Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss (mckennas brother man)
Psychedelic Prayers (i like leary sue me)
Politics of Experience (i think this is laing not leary)
Quantum Psychology (bob wilson)
Prometheus Rising (bobby)
Angel Tech (post-bobism)
Magick Without Tears (mister crowley)
In The Morning Of The Magicians (satanic hippie panic)
Liber Null & Psychonaut (chaos!)
Thundersqueak (muh favorite)
Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy (eliade's a nrx but good book)
The Sacred and the Profane (same as above)
The Varieties of Religious Experiences (James the Nitrous Huffin Hegelian)
DMT: The Spirit Molecule (i saw the movie once at a shpo
Tryptamine Palace (is this neurosoup? Worth reading alongside Pickard for the other side of the story)
The Road To Eleusis (mystery cultism)
The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross (the holy mountain... is a mushroom)
Psychedelic Information Theory (can be found free online)

Nietzsche - Thus Spake Zarathustra
Raoul Vaneigem - Revolution of Everyday Life
Guy Debord - Society of the Spectacle
Baudrillard - America
Mark Fisher - Capitalist Realism
Anna Tsing - The Mushroom At The End Of The World
William Leonard Pickard - The Rose of Paracelsus
Colin Wilson - The Outsider
Lionel Snells - Thundersqueak
Gordon White - Chaos Protocols

>Umberto Eco - Foucault's Pendulum (conspiratorial mayhem of a more scholarly vein than Illuminatus!)
>Pynchon - Gravity's Rainbow (psychedelic orgies and bananas)
>Brautigan - In Watermelon Sugar (like the Zappa of literature)

Austin Osman Spare - Book of Pleasure
Kenneth Grant - The Magickal Revival, Zos Speaks!
Nick Land - Fanged Noumena

Judge Schreber - Memoirs of my Nervous Illness

Robert Graves - The White Goddess

Nietzsche - Thus Spake Zarathustra
Raoul Vaneigem - Revolution of Everyday Life
Guy Debord - Society of the Spectacle
Baudrillard - America
Mark Fisher - Capitalist Realism
Anna Tsing - The Mushroom At The End Of The World
Colin Wilson - The Outsider
Lionel Snells - Thundersqueak
Gordon White - Chaos Protocols

>> No.11625765

Sorry. I'm doing a shitty cut and paste job on my phone. Hard to type and I am lazy. If someone wants to be a saint and organize the lists then go ahead. Otherwise you just have to deal with my shitty phoneposting... at least until I go home and have a real computer. But at that point I will be tired and probably have forgotten about this thread.

>> No.11626060
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Beginner psychedelic books:

Huxley - Perennial Philosophy, The Island, Doors of Perception, Heaven and Hell
Leary - The Psychedelic Experience, Psychedelic Prayers, Politics of Ecstasy
Laing - Politics of Experience and the Bird of Paradise
Baba Ram Dass - Be Here Now

History of (mostly psychedelic) drugs in America:

Stevens - Storming Heaven
Lee - LSD Dreams
Torgoff - Can't Find My Way Home
Ken Kesey - The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
Hunter S. Thompson - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Science of psychedelics:

Psychedelic Information Theory (http://psychedelic-information-theory.com/pdf/PIT-Print-Web.pdf))
William Richards - Sacred Knowledge
Michael Pollan - How to Change Your Mind
Albert Hoffman - LSD: My Problem Child
Otto Snow - LSD
Uncle Fester's Practical LSD Manufacturing
Strassman - DMT: The Spirit Molecule
Sasha Shulgin - PIHKAL and TIHKAL (recommended) or Shulgin Index (hardcore chemistry)
Grof - LSD Psychotherapy
Lilly - Programming and Metaprogramming the Human Biocomputer
Frances - Drawing it Out

Plant Medicine / Shamanism:

Pendell - Pharmako Trilogy
T. McKenna - Food of the Gods, True Hallucinations, The Archaic Revival
D. McKenna - Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss
Eliade - Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy
Harner - Way of the Shaman
Pinchbeck - Breaking Open the Head
Narby - Cosmic Serpent

Mystical / Occult:

Bergier - In The Morning Of The Magicians
Castaneda - Don Juan Series
Jodorowski - Psychomagic, Way of the Tarot
Crowley - Book Four: Liber ABA, Magick Without Tears, Book of Thoth
AOS - Book of Pleasure
Grant - The Magickal Revival, Zos Speaks!
Caroll - Liber Null & Psychonaut
Dukes - Thundersqueak
White - Chaos Protocols

Ancient Mysteries:

Wasson - The Road To Eleusis
Allegro - The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross
Uzdavinys - Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism
Graves - The White Goddess


PKD - VALIS Trilogy
D & G - Capitalism and Schizophrenia
Laing - The Divided Self
Eco - Foucault's Pendulum
Pynchon - Gravity's Rainbow
RAW - Illuminatus! (Fiction) and Cosmic Trigger (Non-Fiction)
Land - Fanged Noumena
Schreber - Memoirs of my Nervous Illness

Psychedelic "literature":

Baudelaire - Artificial Paradises
Michaux - Miserable Miracle
Benjamin - On Hashish
Pickard - The Rose of Paracelsus

Eight-Circuit Model:

Leary - Info(/Exo)-Psychology, Game of Life
RAW - Quantum Psychology, Prometheus Rising
Antero Ali - Angel Tech

(Psychedelic) Philosophy:

Eliade - The Sacred and the Profane
James - The Varieties of Religious Experiences
Wilson - The Outsider, The Occult
Nietzsche - Thus Spake Zarathustra
Debord - Society of the Spectacle, Commentary...
Vaneigem - Revolution of Everyday Life, Movement of the Free Spirit
Baudrillard - Simulacra and Simulation, System of Objects, America
Fisher - Capitalist Realism
Tsing - The Mushroom At The End Of The World

>> No.11626088

Gotcha, bro: >>11626060 .