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/lit/ - Literature

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11624891 No.11624891 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/erary confessions thread.

Confess your sins, nobody's going anywhere fast.

>> No.11624897

I think I like everything I read. A lot of the books that are popular punching bags here - The Stranger, Pynchon, genre fiction, Victorian writers, etc etc - I've all enjoyed. I just seem to like everything I read and even if I'm not as keen on it I still find positives in the books I wouldn't consider books I like. Maybe I'm a naïve suck-up who can't see why certain books are bad.

>> No.11624934

American writers > Russian writers

>> No.11625088

I genuinely think 1984, brave new world and animal farm are still relevant and applicable to today's society but I try not to say that anymore in public or on /lit/ because I know it makes me sound like someone who doesn't know what they're talking about

>> No.11625129

stoner was just ok
i miss posting without captcha in 2009

>> No.11625139

>pynchon and victorian writers
>punching bags on /lit/

>> No.11625150

By punching bags on /lit/ I mean Pynchon is memed all the time with little genuine discussion and honestly nobody here really likes victorian writers outside of maybe george eliot or emily bronte's wuthering heights but even then that's pushing it

>> No.11625156

I literally will take your work less seriously if you are not deeply materialistic and actually write as though you believe in a god (or any extension of that), or especially if you value altruism.

>> No.11625184

I really like reading Erotica

>> No.11625186

Any reason why?

>> No.11625212

do you like YA fiction

>> No.11625225

I can't stand American writers
I actively avoid any novel where people make a point of the author being an American

>> No.11625234
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I unironically like Ayn Rand

>> No.11625238

He probably read Dawkins once

>> No.11625250

I can't follow books well nor tie my shoes

>> No.11625252

Because I disagree with it and it happens to be what I believe to be the most "relevant" topic for an author to get right before I can give my attention to anything else they might say, unless it's a non-fiction work when I usually just care about how much experience with whatever I'm reading the author has.

>> No.11625254
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I drank my first black coffee today

>> No.11625266

If a novel doesn't have experimental prose, transgressive moral elements, or interesting descriptions of social minutiae I'll probably drop it within the first chapter.

Me too. Most of it is crap but some of it's really well written. ASSTR has some gems.

>> No.11625277

I speed read whatever my qt neighbour starts reading so I can chat with her during the "occasional" times when we meet . This time it will be The Handmaid's Tale

>> No.11625287

Did you like it?

>> No.11625293

No :(

>> No.11625294
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>> No.11625296
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>> No.11625307

Black coffee isn't meant to be liked, it's meant to satiate your big boy sips addiction

>> No.11625314

I’m giving up on any /lit/ related profession despite at one point being slated to be a professor. Either going to become a doctor, or learn how to code and become a programmer. Which should it be?

>> No.11625323

Are you going to do a degree in compsci or medicine?
Lot's of people start compsci degrees at my school only to learn that it's too hard/not for them early on, ymmv.
Depends on what previous experience you have and whether you have a natural inclination for the subject or not.

>> No.11625329

I don't read books written by women.

>> No.11625334

based and redpilled

>> No.11625360

I have nothing against female writers, and I don't consider the gender of the author at all when choosing what to read.
But in practice I find the vast majority of authors I read are male.

>> No.11625376
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I've tried. Sapho is nothing when you compare to the great male poets of Greece. Even Esther Vilar, who if people suppose that you're a chauvinist and sexist, should be right up your alley is as naive and shallowly emotional as only women can be.

Although I don't run from being a "sexist". Males and females have fundamentally different experiences and I think that the instinct of maternity, birth, and raising a child is something that will always be the prime instinct of any women. Therefore her experience is always based or closely connected to that one fact of her existence. Why would she be a creator of high art if she can create life itself? It is a fundamentally different level of creation. Now I just don't bother even trying to read books by women. They offer nothing to the male experience.

>> No.11625605

No one has inspired my writing more than Jack Kerouac.

>> No.11625945

Not gonna lie, I would probably do something like that

>> No.11626718

A year ago, I started to seriously think about writing some small stories in a fictional/fantasy setting. I started by writing a few notes about a small civilization living in a peninsula/island far away from other nations, and I unironically called their land Liqvia.
Shame eats at me. Is there any hope for me?

>> No.11627167

Literally why though

>> No.11627175

How does anyone retain anything while speed reading?

>> No.11627181

Better luck next time frogboy

>> No.11627195

What about Emily Bronte who was a literal virgin introvert who didn't like going outside? Heathcliffe in Wuthering Heights reveals a lot about man at his psychologically worst.

>> No.11627213


Well, i agree with you. 1984 can happen today if certain type of people is around. Animal farm shows how someone can hijack a movement. BNW - well, same as 1984 - can happen if certain conditions are met.

I read whole Wheel of Time bar last book. IDK why i am not reading it.
I have not read Dragonlance or Malazan.

Dont like political stuff, prefer historical one.

>> No.11627225

I take notes, alternate the reading sessions with half hour pauses to process what I read, also prepare in advance for questions she would probably ask.
I noticed that she tends to focus on the names of characters and their possible interpretations, and always tries to find references and tributes to the classics.

>> No.11627312

How is Wheel of Time? Don't know much about it to be honest

>> No.11627318

She sounds super swell, man

>> No.11627335


There is nothing that i can say that is different from or better than what has already been said. I enjoyed it. Despite all the memes about it, its very nice.

>> No.11627349

what makes you think so?

>> No.11627356

Well I've never met a girl who reads, let alone one who reads classics and open to finding interpretations

>> No.11627361

Might check out the first book then ,ta mate

>> No.11627364

I hate fiction. I only read the part of the book i am interested about using ctr+f or google it. I consider myself based tho because it is not my fault writters dont know how to summarize.

>> No.11627383

I read “Grace” by James Joyce and found the sermon at the end deep and enlightening.
Apparently I am part of the problem.

>> No.11627499

Oh I'm sorry to hear that. I fell for her not because she is into reading (which stil adds to her appeal ) but for how honest and unassuming she is.
I met many other females that were into reading but I've always put off by how proud and showy they were, constantly seeking approval, simulating humbleness while enumerating how many tomes they own.

She's also a beauty

>> No.11627617

Good man. Rand/Aristotle/Locke = objectively greatest benefactors of the human mind to ever walk the face of the earth

>> No.11627659

I've read Night Watch and Day Watch and i despised every second of it. The book doesn't make any sense and there is no consistency in it. A never leads to B. It just happens without any logic. Trash russian YA. Fight me

>> No.11627700

I read two books in the last 8 years. Second Foundation by Asimov, and Sea of Cortez by Steinbeck. I am 748,000 words into writing a manifesto about my philosophy and ideology. I abuse the thesaurus and make up words. I am megalomanical schizophrenic narcissus with a god complex. Everyone on the reddit calls me a '14 year old edgelord' when i bully the depressed people and everyone for that matter because that's how the real world worked when i was a kid and people actually knew their place. It's a god damn shame that it's not like that anymore and the world is falling to shit at a disgusting rate on account of the internet providing save haven for these degenerates and even conditioning children who would otherwise be healthy people into a life of degeneracy.

>> No.11627717

Cringe and psychopilled

>> No.11627763

Sappho exists in fragments you brainlet

>> No.11627798

I've been thinking about a story for 4 years without making any progress

I've come up with plots before. I've done it multiple times. what I haven't done however is come up with a plot that's actually good, or a version of the setting that feels right

It's always ugly. Unfixable. Infuriating. Just once I want to get it right and not realize I've abandoned the original idea that drew me in

>> No.11627799

the best pills

>> No.11627852

I'm currently using my copy of Plato's The Republic as a flower press.

It's a little bit small for pressing flowers. I'd normally use a larger, heavier, book, but most of them were culled not long ago, so I've got The Republic stuffed into an overfull shelf to put the right amount of pressure on the flowers.

>> No.11627868


you are my favourite anon

>> No.11627909

Keep your euphoria to yourself, stupid freshman

>> No.11628204

Give me a summary of your manifesto.

>> No.11628227

I like to fuck big titted women and fight their boyfriends

>> No.11628248

I couldn't finish my 50$ copy of the Dialogues after I realized Socrates was imaginary

>> No.11628255

This and I'm a horrible cynic in the rest of my life

>> No.11628267

Cringe max

>> No.11628713

I had a high reading level as a kid and skipped from chapter books to full length adult novels. I kinda regret never reading YA/Teen stuff.

>> No.11628947


>> No.11628964

The only thing you fight is your mother when she tries to feed you veggies

>> No.11629010

I find Jack Kerouac to be one of the best American writers of the 20th century for his tragic depictions of an aesthetic mode of life - yet I detest the way every hipster and disaffected youth reads him as an excuse for indulgence

>> No.11629016

I'd cut you from balls to brains if you ever said that to my face kiddo.

>> No.11629058
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I can't read.

>> No.11629149
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I just feel really pathetic when I read any intellectual or profoundly emotional literature when that little reminder creeps in the back of my head that I have disgusting sexual desires only whores let me please and that I need to get wasted if high or drunk regularly to maintain some level of happiness and surviving my recurring thoughts of loneliness and sorrow.
How can I read Kant and take myself serious when I know I really want to fuck some disgusting bitch’s face and know I will just have to go to Amsterdam to do it since the normal relationships all fail due to my ability to disgust anyone who spends too much time around me. I don’t respect myself but I try to achieve some level of then seeming pretentiousness.

>> No.11629192

The last book I've actually finished reading was The Trial and that was probably over two years ago

>> No.11629211

I enjoyed Ready Player One and found the shitty romance too relatable.

>> No.11629306

Everything I've written outside of school has been fanfiction. Most of it is smut.

>> No.11629658
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I have to be in the perfect mindset to read. If I'm a tiny bit too tired or a tiny bit too wound up I can't focus at all. Or if I have other things on my mind. Or if I'm stressed. I can't use books as escapism for this reason. Most of the time I need escapism I need it because I'm depressed or worried about something else, so then I won't be able to read. It sucks. I bought Wuthering Heights and it has been sitting next to me all week but I haven't been in the right mindset to read at all.

>> No.11630121

Soap Opera is the only realistic genre.

>> No.11630135

>isn't meant to be liked
speak for yourself

>> No.11630136

I often find myself agreeing with whatever philosopher I'm reading even when they are totally contradicting another writer who I also agree with.

>> No.11630228

Well that's the reason why they're still taught in schools and held in such high regard. They're not the books with the greatest prose or anything like that, but their thematic developments are so accessible and universal in their criticisms of hierarchy, government, dictatorships and surveillance that you can't help but apply elements of them to somewhere in the world.

>> No.11630231

you sound really gay tbqh

>> No.11630233

fuckin lmao BTFO

>> No.11630240

you'd cut yourself from finger to nail and ask daddy to kiss your boo-boo better

>> No.11630244

picked up nicomachean ethics at the library after finishing the republic, read like 20 pages and then barely even looked at it. Was supposed to bring it back to the library 6 days ago but I still have it

>> No.11630245

and Wuthering Heights needs some dedication too because it's a gentle pace it goes at with a lot that's bound to trigger anxiety, depression and maybe a little autism due to how manipulative Cathy and Heathcliffe are

The reason I think most people don't like Wuthering Heights here is because they didn't understand it or they were made to read it at school and didn't appreciate it and the easy out to make them sound like they're not a brainlet on here is to say it's because it was written by a woman.

>> No.11630265

when liberries give out late fines, like is there any way they can enforce that if you just never go back there again?

>> No.11630272

I genuinely like Infinite Jest. The Hal chapters are comfy as fuck and the Ennet House pretty damn great. It's a mostly entertaining read and there are only a few parts I heavily dislike like the wardina be cry chapter.

>> No.11630276
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I fucked OP's waifu Sucy behind his back, don't tell him

>> No.11630282

i really like adventure and fantasy books, i dont know why lit is so hatefull about them and at this point im afraid to ask

>> No.11630291
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small penis geekboy

>> No.11630301
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You can post her smug pretty face all you want but I had that pussy, loser. She loved it

>> No.11630302

I've tried to read it three times and I always struggle to get past the first ten pages because I just don't really like David Foster Wallace's prose. Is there a certain mindset to be in to read that book or should I read more of his works first (if so what do you recommend)? I've only read Brief Interviews with Hideous Men which was both very enjoyable at times and at others it could be absolute dreck. Was he just inconsistent as a writer or something?

>> No.11630308
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no means no, frogboy

>> No.11630312
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The Stranger was genuinely very funny.

>> No.11630313
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Keep pretending to be smug and crying behind your monitor, bitch. Lol

>> No.11630318
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2 inches of pure semi

>> No.11630338

Is there a book of hers that's short and accessible but without the full autism blowout shit like in Atlas Shrugged?

>> No.11630347

unironically sucy is best witch, akko and diana are second best and lotte is just a nerd lol

>> No.11630355

IJ was the first of his works that I've read. It too has some parts that straight up suck by imo there are very few. Personally, I like his writing style but I've been told that a lot of people usually find the first 150 pages hard to get through.

>> No.11630365

I'll probably give it another shot sometime but it doesn't fill me with confidence that the first 150 pages are meant to be a slog. I suppose it comes down to different preferences between readers (I know people say Moby Dick is a slog but I thought it was a real treat) so I'm only really going to find out for myself once I've actually read it.

>> No.11630385

I think both /lits/ stand towards sci-fi and fantasy as a whole are retarded and so iss the exception made for Lord of the Rings for some reason, these genres do not have inherently less merit than any other and the destinction between genre fiction and literature is illogical

>> No.11630389

The virtue of selfishness has a few interesting ideas. Maybe try this one first

>> No.11630404

Lol funny boi

>> No.11630423

I think science fiction is great and there's a lot of literary merit on offer there, but there's also a lot of it that's pulp and that pulp shouldn't be put on the same pedestal as Homer, Joyce or Tolstoy. I'm not dismissing sci-fi, but I think people's gripes tend to come from when the pulpier works are pushed as literary fiction when really it's not.

I do get your frustration though, the best of sci-fi and fantasy should be taken seriously and I appreciate /lit/ likes Tolkien, PKD and Gene Wolfe but there's others out there too that need some appreciation. The Strugatsky brothers are not discussed here anywhere near as much.

>> No.11630463

What do you mean by pulp, appreciable by a general audience? If so they I'd say anything that can last the test of time like Homer applies.

>> No.11630469

Frogposting should be banned.

Jezebel posting should be banned.

/lit/ does film thread better than /tv/ and really we should have a /film/ board independent of the /tv/ board.

Memes should be banned.

Infinite Jest is bad and I don't actually believe anyone likes it other than the literary street cred they get for reading a big long draught excluder.

I think critics were harsh on the film adaptation of Alone in Berlin with Emma Thompson. Same for Baz Luhrmann's Great Gatsby adaptation.

>> No.11630473

I dont read books i just like to lurk here

>> No.11630475

Don't be daft, anon. By pulp I mean the shit like "the alien from outerspace that came to earth and enslaved humanity etc etc" similar to The Blob, Them, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, etc. I don't mean to say pulp doesn't have its merit, it does, and pulp is enjoyable too, but you'd struggle to convince me that pulp science fiction is anywhere to the standard of Homer.

>> No.11630552

jezebelposting has definitely been on the rise recently

>> No.11630571

The fact that this post is apparently contrarian says a lot to me about this board. Since this is the first /lit/ thread I've been in, I don't think I'll be returning.

>> No.11630646

In defence of /lit/, we know it's usually contrarians and pseuds who claim those books to lack significance.

What's more off-putting about this board is how many people here come and post about books they haven't even read yet and how many users we have here who don't read at all. It's not the majority of course but it's enough to make you question why we're here.

>> No.11630668

I don't think they even fine you here, haven't heard anything from them ever, but I presume it would be the same as with public transportation fines

>> No.11630672

I read the entirety of shantaram even though I knew that it was a shit book 2 chapters in

>> No.11630699

old female virgins still have opportunities, old male virgins are discarded to the trash pile unless they're rich

>> No.11630714

i havent read anything entire year since i joined college besides legal books and its eating me inside

>> No.11630726

just read a short lil novella here and there cmon buddy there's just a lil short novella nothin' too hard or time consumin' you can do it

>> No.11630728

this is such an archaic opinion. let me know when you graduate high school.

>> No.11630733

it just that im tight on schedule and forcing myself to do my duties, if i did anything for myself id feel like im being irresponsible
but you are right, i should do that, any recommendations perhaps, im totally out of touch with the world currently

>> No.11630734

I don't necessarily love all of his books or poems, but the way he writes is super inspiring and interesting.

>> No.11630744

post the manifesto, you freak

>> No.11630748
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women's emancipation supporters?
on my /lit/?

>> No.11630757

it's always good to be focusing on your studies, sounds like you're more motivated than a lot of students were when I was at college

short reads that I liked are (not necessarily all novellas but also some plays, essays, etc etc):
camus' the stranger,
Pynchon's the crying of lot 49,
mishima's the sound of waves (although the sailor who fell from grace with the sea is also pretty short too),
jonathan swift's a modest proposal,
Aristophanes' the birds and Lysistrata,
aeschylus' Prometheus bound,
gilman's the yellow wallpaper,
lovecraft's the music of eric zann,
Steinbeck's of mice and men
Arthur miller's the crucible, death of a salesman, a view from the bridge, etc
any Shakespeare (I loved Coriolanus, king lear, titus Andronicus, but hamlet and Macbeth may be more accessible if you've never read Shakespeare before),
bataille's the story of the eye

honestly most of these could be read in an afternoon, even a few hours. even just a few short stories in a week (poe, lovecraft, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, brothers grimm, kafka etc) should keep your interest in reading going

>> No.11630769

Focus on your characters, once you have them visualized and solidified in your mind, once you know them as well as you know yourself, everything else will fall into its neat little place

>> No.11630772

harry potter is good and universal entry-level children's to YA fiction and is nearly on par with the greats of children's literature such as wind in the willows and watership down. NEARLY on par.

>> No.11630797

only things im skipping are feminism and stranger
i dont currently have the nerves to go through them since i know they would piss me off due to the nature of my beliefs

>> No.11630823

Acceptable if not good things:

Lol just your opinion its fine tho:


>> No.11630859

How is the 1984 post bait/retarded, anon?

>> No.11630866

The Yellow Wallpaper really doesn't have as much to do with feminism and has more to do with deteriorating mental health. It's a pretty good short read, still recommend.

I get that The Stranger is polarising though so if you think you might not like it maybe you're right, Meursault is a tough guy to get behind

hope you like the others though

>> No.11630868

not that guy, but because we live in a huxleyan society, not orwellian one, american pseudointellectuals constantly try to present their ideological opponents as evil totalitarians

>> No.11630881

i dabbled with existentialism in high school (I know what you are thinking, but i was a bit of a weirdo back then) and i found it incredibly tiresome and felt that it lacked a proper message, but then again I've always looked down on modern literature

>> No.11630908
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I write cheesy scifi/fantasy/superhero romance fiction. The guys are idealized versions of me and the girls are heavily based on past crushes or famous beautiful women. Pretty much all of them are tsundere tomboys. I just finished a 17k word fantasy romance tonight.
I wrote a 12k word essay on why Big Hero 6 is my favorite film.

>> No.11630919

>The guys are idealized versions of me and the girls are heavily based on past crushes or famous beautiful women.

kek (I do the same)

>> No.11630991

but that anon mentioned Huxley too

>> No.11630999

> tsundere tomboys
My man

>> No.11631000

which only adds to how little he understands the actual situation

>> No.11631040

this is fair. most philosophers word their opinions and observations so well that its hard not to believe. or even if you disagree, you appreciate it because its so well written.

>> No.11632345

there is a lot of trash in every genre, but fantasy and sci-fi is looked down upon because of surface details (which are not even unique to them) creating any sort of hierarchy of books is dumb, because the only reasonable thing they can be based on is quality, but what is good and what is not differs widely from person to person and discussing the quality of any given work is a big part of boards like /lit/ only that fantasy and sci-fi are mostly preemptively banned from the discussion

>> No.11632562

I'm not convinced you understand either

>> No.11632903

Ive been playing Nioh for the past four months now i'd have thought i'd beat it by now but nope

>> No.11632942

I sincerely believe all literature is fundamentally bullshit. All of it is complete drivel that says absolutely nothing and is completely made up.

>> No.11632952
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>> No.11632961

I haven't read very many books but I'm still smarter and happier than you.

>> No.11632987

we had /film/ board but it was abandoned

>> No.11632997
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>> No.11633028

Maybe it should get a second chance, i'm sure there's some film school fags and fellini bros on here

>> No.11633087

I'm in my 5th semester of english and haven't handed in a single written essay over 1500 words. Just a couple of days ago I deliberately missed the deadline cause I am either too lazy, too dumb or too uninspired to realise any of my ideas and projects. It's like living in hell. HELP.
Whenever I work on something and an idea hits me and everything connects I feel overwhelmed, dizzy and sleepy...

>> No.11633115

did I trigger you by mentioning sex, you fragile virgin?

>> No.11633138

Well the thing about it is that it was immediately over run by elite australian shitposts supplemented by a group of dedicated full time shitposters from /tv/ and /sp/ who have sworn that if such a board ever comes into existence they will turn it into a forced meme factory.

Somewhat tellingly the very first post on /film/ was a picture of a kangaroo and the words "BOING BOING BOING"

>> No.11633172

did I trigger you by mentioning veggies, you fragile fatty?

>> No.11633181

How long ago was this? This place is pure shit sometimes

>> No.11633366

I don't think I've ever come up with an original good thought, I copy and paste what other people say/read/watch/listen

>> No.11633412
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I loved Infinite Jest, I get sad when people make fun of it
It made me feel like I had a group of friends. It was comfortable too, it took me a few months to read so it was always there for me. No matter what happened, I always knew that I'd be reading Infinite Jest late at night in my dark room with my single lamp illuminating the book. I laughed and cried. First starting it I couldn't wait to finish it, but then I never wanted it to end, I didn't want to have to leave my friends

>> No.11633478

couple years ago

>> No.11634242

this sounds terrible but after page 400 it really picks up desu

>> No.11635053

If a book takes over 400 pages before it gets good there's a good chance it wasn't worth reading to begin with

>> No.11635064

Every thought I have is pseudeointellectual. I've tried and tried and tried to truly think but it all comes out as pseud food. You guys were right to shoot me down every time I tried to explain myself here. You were right to show me just how structurally incoherent I am on the inside. I'm a complete waste of intelligence. My thoughts are worth nothing. I am hopeless and weak and wish I could just be a braindead instagram chad

>> No.11635068

I actually felt very similarly while reading Don Quixote and Les Miserables, both immensely enjoyable books that deliver on authentic characters you get to know so thoroughly that it's like you know them personally and I was so upset when I finished those books, anon.

>> No.11635207

I find 1984 and Animal Farm to be shit.

>> No.11636289

lol how is someone this mad over such a silly post

>> No.11636299

I gave up on War and Peace 180 pages in.
I wanted to like it, but it just wasn't doing it for me and I wasn't willing to push through 1200 more pages.

>> No.11636302

sometimes i hold my penis with one hand and write with the other.

>> No.11636305

Monogatari in a nutshell.

>> No.11636315

What was it that you didn't like? Was it too slow or was it something about the writing?

Usually a long book like that I sort of mentally prepare myself that it might move at a snail's pace but I kinda embrace it, most things in a book like that are there for a reason (saying that I haven't read W&P so maybe it meanders I dunno)

>> No.11636448
File: 11 KB, 166x166, 1533905027896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11636574

My post wasn't bait butthurt american.

>> No.11636585

the "based and redpilled" meme is ridiculous and needs to stop

>> No.11636587

based and redpilled

>> No.11636684

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11636718

snapped and scrapbooked

>> No.11636726

embasado e vermelhopilulado

>> No.11636731

cringed and compiled

>> No.11636738

shirked and birked

>> No.11636764

rekt and shrekt

>> No.11636800

Pepe the frog is also cancer but we still have people obsessed with posting alternate versions of that. We're as bad as reddit really when it comes to running memes into the ground.

>> No.11636901

Pepe is still doing great, shut up.

>> No.11636906


>> No.11637472

baseado e vermelhopilado