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11624547 No.11624547 [Reply] [Original]

Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Threads.

>> No.11624552

Which publication of One Thousand and One Nights should I get?

>> No.11624554 [DELETED] 
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Are traps gay? Also post cutie traps...

>> No.11624559 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11624560

Can you all help me find an author who was mentioned on here before? She is a red head, probably in her late 20s, early 30s maybe. Think one of her books had fire or something related in the title. I remember the OP of the thread mentioning her talked about a lecture or something she was giving. However I can't find the thread on warosu with the search terms I can think up. Wikipedia has around 3,000 plus entries for American female writers of the 21st century, otherwise I'd look through all of those until I found the person I was looking for. Thanks everyone.

>> No.11624563


>> No.11624564

People say Marx's labor theory of value has been refuted, but couldn't it be said that Value with a capital V is more of a metaphysical attribute than a concrete one?

>> No.11624566


>> No.11624573

Chanel Santini

>> No.11624592

God I wish that were me.

>> No.11624607

Why are all book covers absolute shit?
90% look even worse than fucking movie covers

>> No.11624686
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Patrician taste

>> No.11624688
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Because publishers aren't willing to pay for a proper cover, and self-publishing authors have no sense of visual aesthetics.

>> No.11624702

Does anyone have a chart for Indian philosophy etc eg the Upanishads and the like?

>> No.11624820

What is the definition of god and why do people argue over god and whether he exists or not without properly defining god?

>> No.11625454

Burton unabridged


>> No.11625463

I want to read Eliot and Pound, what's an introduction to either or both of the authors

>> No.11625466

What is the most obscure book of poetry you've ever read?
I feel like I've exhausted the entire poetry section of the library, my used book store, and more.

Alternatively: What are some books of poetry that are as edgy or violent as de Sade?

Something that is the written form of black metal.

>> No.11625475

Can someone define dialectic for me in their own words? Especially related to Hegel.

>> No.11625511

Their poetry

>> No.11625589
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The dialectic is the process of how change occurs. The status quo (the "thesis") will have shortcomings from which its "antithesis" will emerge. Conflict ensues.

After the inevitable struggle between thesis and antithesis, the two will eventually sublate, each stripping away the flaws of the other and forming a "synthesis," which contains the essence of both but the imperfections of neither. The synthesis then becomes the new status quo.

>> No.11625620

who dat?

>> No.11625909


>> No.11625910

Also want to know this.

>> No.11625923

>written form of black metal
burzum lyrics. edgy shit, but that's it

>> No.11625995

what it like having a gf

>> No.11626000

Sounds interesting. Curious what author you saw posted. I can't think of any good search terms to look for either. Hope you get some help anon.

>> No.11626016
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Thank you friend anon.

>> No.11626044

How's that lit philosophy project going? Are there any updates? Cheers.

>> No.11626139

How to get qt gf?
I want to kill people

>> No.11626175
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I have a problem.
I have tried reading the Illiad, Leviathan and Politics by Aristotle. I stopped reading them for the following reasons.
Illiad- the constant mentioning of the untracable soldiers who always take up a paragraph to describe. Their locations are gone for centuries and it takes away the attention from the action. I couldn't concentrate on the important events. I have read a historians book which retells the story with the basics actions and motives. Am I in the wrong here?
Leviathan- like Kant his logical structure and sentence structure is really hard to follow. I kept losing the trace of thought, though I really wanted to read this book. Can I just get a newer version? This text really sounds like the 17th century original.
Politics- his arguments do not seem to convey any helpful information about politics. I have only read 10 pages, but it seems to be a waste of time since there is hardly anything that could be applied to the general knowledge of politics. It would be smarter to spend the available reading time on newer authors like Kissinger, Locke.
On what points am I wrong?

>> No.11626191

Why does my mother hate me so much?

>> No.11626206

Jesus Christ man if you didn’t read a proper translation of Iliad then you didn’t read Iliad. Part of reading the Iliad is appriciating the genius that Homeros was

>> No.11626251
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does anyone want to help me with this game? I would do it myself, but the scale I'm planning on plus having to do all the technical aspects is overwhelming. I need Dialogue Writers,Description Writers and Quest/Storyline Writers.

>> No.11626271

>Burton unabridged
Didn’t Borges say that one was boring?

>> No.11626403

you're not wrong at all
just remember than studying is not reading
dunno about Homer, but when it comes to Aristotle or Hobbes, you gotta study them instead of reading.
this means : pick an interesting page and spend a day on it. Write. Write everything that can be said about the said page. When you dunno, check it online or elsewhere.
Someone who knows PERFECTLY 3 pages of Leviathan knows Hobbes much more than someone who read the Leviathan.
t. been a teacher for 20yrs. I like it when students ask "what could I read...?" but it's not the most useful think they could do (I'm speaking of philosophy only here)

>> No.11626436

Not the guy you responded to, but thanks for this !

>> No.11626449

Dont listen to this >>11626403 retard. Remembering pages has nothing to do with key insights or understanding, he is most likely just a troll

>> No.11626475
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Burton's edition is glorious, but only with all the footnotes intact. You can often find his version in book-store bargain bins, but these don't always include everything.

>> No.11626500


Borges was a huge fan of the 'Mardrus'.

The Mardrus-Mathers is a better adventure story. The more recent translations are more academic in their faithfulness to the source, but some of the fun is drained away in the process.

>> No.11626511
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Bet you Mishima heads didn't know this.

>> No.11626546
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Is Amy Chua the most underrated Asian author living in North America right now?

>> No.11626566


>but couldn't it be said that Value with a capital V is more of a metaphysical attribute than a concrete one?

His theory may have had a metaphysical dimension, but it was also understood to explain practical everyday realities. That aspect of it has been utterly falsified. The amount of work that goes into making a thing does not determine its value. Prices reflect what people are willing to pay. Everything else is secondary.

>> No.11626570
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It saddens and angers me. Everything is so flawed. My vocabulary will never be enough, there is always going to be a lack of knowledge and context when it comes to reading. There is always something you will miss or misinterpret.
Why can't we have the essence transferred to us in it's maximum capacity.
I can hardly bear this.

>> No.11626586

is self publishing worth it or is everything you put out that way bound to be ignored into oblivion?

are there people who made it by self publishing?

(not necessarily a bad writer, just not one who could get an agent and do the whole routine with publishers)

(also, not un-edited or peer reviewed, just in a tight spot)

>> No.11626587

>Am I in the wrong here?

Try one of the audiobooks? These do not falter.

>> No.11626592
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>is self publishing worth it or is everything you put out that way bound to be ignored into oblivion?

Most published books quickly fall into oblivion--self-published or not.

>are there people who made it by self publishing?

Made it as in living off your writing, or made it as in widely known?

By the way, our boy Fulgentius, last of the Romans, spoke a little bit about this.

>> No.11626605

I feel exalted when I read Nietzsche, really hopefull and ready to sail but that feeling vanishes and I fall back into my pit of emptiness and sorrow. Why can't I mantain it ?

>> No.11626619

neither fame nor fortune. just read.

like still seeing it around, people giving it a chance

also, another question, sort of related: does anyone here go to used bookstores and pick random stuff? like a totally unknown author with shit cover art? i've been doing that for a few months now and i can't say i regret it. seems harder to do that with an e-book though.

>> No.11626669


>go to used bookstores and pick random stuff

This leaves you more open to the powers of 'library angels'.

>> No.11626697

All the time, mostly because its cheap, but also cuz older, maybe used books just have a much nicer vibe to them. And you reliably widen your horizon.

>> No.11626758

I recommend "Democracy on Fire" as an important study for both white and Jewish futures.

>> No.11626796

what are 'library angels'?

>> No.11626846

Dialectic very generally can mean dialogue between two interlocutors or positions. But it is especially used to mean an active exchange between two interlocutors or positions where a third term, unknown to either participant, is the triangulated goal. In this original Platonic/Socratic sense, dialectic is dialogue where the conflict of two confused people with heads full of "doxa" leads to an ascent toward metaphysical Truth or the Real.

In philosophical jargon it is often also used to mean "complex interrelationship," for example, a dialectical relationship between two causes that mutually influence one another so that it's impossible to describe what happens to one without understanding the PROCESS of what has happened to the other as a result of what has happened to the one that was previously modified by the other which was previously modified by the other which was ... (etc.).

In the Hegelian sense it is basically used to mean that an immanent analysis or "grasping" of some conceptual situation, and its inadequacy or determinacy or manifest contradiction, will naturally produce or give rise to a concept that reconciles it.

Try reading the first 10~ pages of Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre. Not the long introductions, but the actual main text. He immediately "derives" the not-I from the I, and then other conceptual determinations from their opposition, and so on.

It's from Koestler

>> No.11626850


They help make the right book appear at the right time.

>> No.11626856
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What's the relationship between empathy and morality?

>> No.11626997

do you discuss your writing ideas with other people?

>tell someone some crazy idea that sounds fun to me
>they go like "oh no that's shit/retarded/stupid. don't do it"
>do it
>same people "omg anon so cool"

i kinda stopped bouncing ideas off people but how much confidence in them is too much?

or is it the finality that makes things shine?

>> No.11627232

Sure, but couldn't it be said that value as it pertains to the price of an object and Value as it pertains to the metaphysical quality of an object are two different, often unrelated things?

>> No.11627255

There is nobody as intelligent and smart as me where I live

>> No.11627269
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Done multiple backsearches but no clue. I found the picture somewhere on 4chan, Sorry anons

>> No.11627315

You're not a higher man.

I can't find the exact quote but Nietzsche says it's not the depth of feeling but the length you can sustain it that is a sign of the higher (or something similar)

>> No.11627611
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Am I fucking retarded?

>> No.11627771

Fuck. I lost hard.

>> No.11628075

Why do these two propositions mean something different?

>A man is not just
>A man is not-just

>> No.11628161

>rightwingretard cant into homer

sad desu

>> No.11629195

Also curious about this?

>> No.11629221

What are the simplest Russian language works to read? I'm about to start a Russian language course in a week, and I want to be able to read something of literary merit.

>> No.11629279

>This text really sounds like the 17th century original.
gee I wonder why

>> No.11629521

I like video games. I love stories. Video games do not like stories.
What do?

>> No.11629540

Planescape torment