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/lit/ - Literature

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11623617 No.11623617[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what you’re reading
last time you had sex
i’ll start
>pale fire
>an hour ago

>> No.11623623

>phenomenology of spirit (for the better part of the year)
>ex nihilo nihil fit

>> No.11623626

>book of disquiet
figures lol

>> No.11623631

Iliad, Fitzgerald translation
I have never had sex, been in a relationship, kissed a girl, hugged a girl or held hands with a girl

>> No.11623640

>Paradise Lost.
>More than a year ago.

>> No.11623643


>> No.11623648


The Game of Kings.
A week ago.


>> No.11623662

>maps of meaning
>when my neighbor molested me when i was 12.

>> No.11623665

In my past life

>> No.11623671
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>The Myth of Sisyphus

How do I get as much pussy as Camus did?

>> No.11623675

>The Human Stain
>2 years ago

>> No.11623682

I'm sick of these sexually themed threads.
They work nothing good!
Renounce the flesh. Renounce the very thought of it. Renounce even reading about it. Masturbation, sex, what do they bring? Fleeting pleasure at great cost.

>> No.11623689


>Masturbation, sex, what do they bring?

Makes my boyfriend happy, so that's nice. That's pretty much my only reason for still having sex on a regular basis; if he didn't want it I wouldn't seek it.

>> No.11623692

You wouldn't say these things if you weren't born butt ugly. Asceticism is the biggest cope of all.

>> No.11623693

>2 years ago

>> No.11623717

not true in every case

t. good-looking ascetic

>> No.11623727

Chaste and breadpilled.

>> No.11623735

T. Hedonist

>> No.11623740


>> No.11623747

>2666 (for the second time)
>about a week ago, who remembers

>> No.11623748

>am virgin

>> No.11623758

Moving Parts by Magdalena Tulli. The other day

>> No.11623761

L'ère du vide. A week ago, with my gf.

>> No.11623770

>t. good-looking ascetic
Sure buddy

>> No.11623790
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>Blood Meridian
>Fucked a girl in some bushes about two weeks ago

>> No.11623795

Handsome. Even acted before. Someone who has had more than enough realizes more than anyone that sex isn't worth seeking or even having. Look no further than St. Augustine. Temporal pleasure isn't lasting happiness.

>> No.11623918

Sexual Personae
I'm a virgin

>> No.11623927


>> No.11623958
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>Bismarck: A Life
>Never, because sex is for the sole purpose of procreation between a married couple. Abstinence is the only path.

>> No.11623963

Unica Zürn novellas/moby dick
Three years ago

>> No.11623982

>copleston history of philosophy
>3 months ago

I’m glad I’ve been free of the stain of intercourse for three months, but I’ve only managed to abstain from masturbation for a two days now. I pray I have the strength to carry on and not wallow in my own filth like a pig.

>> No.11623983

unica zurn <3

>> No.11623987

culture of critique
having sex right now

>> No.11623989

> Les Miserables
> Handhold-less virgin

>> No.11623991

you only thought to start this thread because you had sex "an hour ago"

bad anon - you are the inadequate

>> No.11624000
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>I ate a girl out 2 years ago


>> No.11624006

Are you that abstinence poster?

If so, keep being based and informative on the ills of sex.

>> No.11624019

>The Count of Monte Cristo
>define sex

>> No.11624020
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>mfw these kinds of threads (there's another one about sex as well) are allowed to stay up
>the thread about literature to help anons fapping got deleted
Mods confirmed for low energy brainlets who cannot conceive of the powers of monk mode.

>> No.11624031

was she a stranger

>> No.11624037

>Almost 2 years ago
I know it sounds like Ressentiment but I want the next chick I fuck to be the one I marry.

>> No.11624040

finnegans wake
almost two years now. idk why i dont just go to a bar a few times until i get a girl, that is what i always used to do for casual sex. I just don't do it and i dont really know why. The thought almost depresses me I guess

>> No.11624050

Skin in the Game
About 2 months ago I don't really remember

>> No.11624078
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>all these people talking about casual sex
>you now realize even a century ago this would've been thought as absolutely debased and would've brought visible shock to people's faces

>> No.11624098

>in the 1800s you would've been a veritable gentleman talking to your Thisbe through the cracks in the wall
>today you're a basedboy cuck who doesn't know how to have fun or relate to anyone
born in the wrong era...

>> No.11624106

People have always been having lots of sex, at some point it just became taboo to talk about it.

>> No.11624113

>even a century ago you would have died from polio, couldn’t vote if you were a woman, lynched if you were black, wagecucked to the company store by monopolies if you were the white male bread winner

What a time to be alive.

>> No.11624117

>heathens actually believe this

>> No.11624123

It's true. You just want to think people back then were pure because of your ressentiment

>> No.11624124

>People have always been having lots of sex
Pretty false, especially in early to middle/late modern Christian Europe, before the decline of Christianity. This is just a liberal myth. The only people having a lot of sex were pretty much seriously debauched aristocrats, and even then it was with prostitutes.

>> No.11624125

the 1800s were quite literally when sexual degneracy started running rampant in western Europe, that is in part what prompted the Victorians with their now quaint social ideas.

Sexual openness seems to correlate with luxury, when people aren't close to death from poverty they start just abandoning all of the rules of sexual conduct that make things run more smoothly.

On the other end of the spectrum we have Africans eating dirt without the concept of paternity because of how orgiastic their sex relations are, but I think that might be a different conversation, seeing as they are in no way part of civilization.

>> No.11624126

>Augustus: First Emperor of Rome
>Like a year and a half ago
I could have gotten some a few days ago, she was literally begging for it, but I didn't for some reason.

>> No.11624130

>even a century ago you would have died from polio, couldn’t vote if you were a woman, lynched if you were black, wagecucked to the company store by monopolies if you were the white male bread winne
These were actually good things for the most part, you can even make a case for the polio being a good thing.

The industrial revolution and its consequences..

>> No.11624132

Casual sex has been a thing since the dawn of time anon.

>> No.11624134


>> No.11624136

Oh look, something that hasn’t changed since then.

>> No.11624140
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>couldn’t vote if you were a woman, lynched if you were black
>being black or a woman in the first place

>> No.11624143

this site is actually too stupid to read anymore, i mean there were always a couple retards but ever since it got overrun with christian extremist wackos and nazis (probably a lot of overlap there) it's just become awful, gamer gate + trump ended 4chan as a worthwhile site

>> No.11624149

>another immoral, degenerate, atheist redditor outs himself
can't make this shit up
Love it when people resort to calling you an "extremist" because they have no argument against your views.

>> No.11624151

I've been posting on /lit/ since 2013 and will talk to you about any number of topics, literary analysis, philosophy, or just general humanities.

I also don't play video games and think trump is an amusing buffoon. That post was mostly in jest but it isn't actually entirely untrue from a certain perspective

>> No.11624155

see you tomorrow

>> No.11624158

>t. became conservative after lurking /pol/
You're just as bad.

>> No.11624170

see that's the problem, these days u cant tell when someone is just fuckin with u or taking an extreme position to make a point, like i'm also quite skeptical of people trying to resurrect modenist "history as progress" narratives n shit, but its like some of these dudes are serious, like when alex jones talks about crisis actors or something its funny but then one day a dude at my work was like "david hogg is a crisis actor" and i was like oh fuck this dude is going to come in with a rifle and start killing people

>> No.11624173

>>t. became conservative after lurking /pol/
I was actually conservative before I discovered /pol/. My family generally is so, as well as being Christian. Although I don't really frequent /pol/ (and never did much) anymore because of the shitty quality and non stop Nazi larp becomes annoying.

>> No.11624176

i've distance myself from the left but only because refusing to accept the results of our election and then foisting this mccarthyite witch hunt on the american people is dangerous and despicable

>> No.11624177

Yes, incels are schoolshooters and alex jones is a nazi

>> No.11624179

Is your conservatism intellectual? Which authors do you like?

>> No.11624181

Tao te ching
Shitty sex with a transsexual hooker (whom I paid $69, in single dollar bills) at a 4am drunken haze

>> No.11624183

>crisis actors
i don't personally believe that, but I take the same position on it as i do with 9/11. If it came out that they were inside jobs I wouldnt be even vaguely surprised. I haven't seen any evidence for it so i don't believe it, but the idea that the US government would do those things is not even sort of weird, they do shit like that all the time, it's open for the public to read, and that is only the declassified literature.

We are almost always run by evil lunatics, theyre just good at rising in power structures, and there is no tribal mechanism to kick them out because their crimes are largely hidden in the immensity of civilization.

>> No.11624186

The Art of Racing in the Rain.
Last night.

>> No.11624191

I agree re:conspiracy theories. I'm glad people look into that stuff but most of it is bullshit. Yet the stuff we know for sure the US govt, in particular the CIA, has done is disgusting enough to make me wonder what we don't know.

>> No.11624194

I learned how to lift at a small powerlifting gym. I’d see threads on /fit/ full of memes of people doing horribly stupid shit and thought “other than these guys being a bit overly serous about lifting they’re nothing like what I see in these threads.” Then I quit my job and went to grad school. Started going to the gym there. And holy shit there were so many memes manafested in real life I couldn’t actually believe it. I was floored. I realize now I was insulated from the stupidity of normal civilization. I feel this now too in daily life concerning the alternate reality we find ourselves in under this administration. It’s real. It’s not just street memeing and jokes anymore. The irony has worn off, but the acts and habits haven’t.

>> No.11624197

you realize the cia created conspiracy theories to distract from the fact that kennedy was killed by communist? what makes you think alex jones isnt creating ridiculous pizzagate theories to distract from the fact that the leaked emails showed the democrats and mass media colluded to cockblock sanders? or now that every mass shooting is "fake" no one will ever really investigate what exactly happened in las vegas, guy with ties to the military industrial complex who has a private plane and empty houses all over the country goes nuts and does the worst mass shooting in history with no motive ever discovered...wtf, but now thanks to alex jones anyone who thinks about that is a crackpot nutter

>> No.11624203

Definitely so. As cliche as it may sound, for me it's Burke who encapsulates much of my ideas. He is the starting point for pretty much all conservative thought. Beyond that, I'm quite interested in Carlyle and Eliot but other than those few I've only dabbled in a few other authors, like Chesterton. Contemporary thinkers don't interest me too much beyond Peter Hitchens.

>> No.11624209

>e wonder what we don't know.
probably a load of horrific shit. Some of the conspiracy theorists get right, like the NSA spying they were on about for a long time before Snowden broke it, but like you say the vast majority is garbage so there is little point wading through the waters.

>> No.11624211

Spice it up a bit, new position or roleplay.

>> No.11624212

Although to add on, I'm not sure what is even left to "conserve" in the Burkean sense. At this point I may as well be a full blown reactionary :^).

>> No.11624220

yeah. We met while I was drinking

>> No.11624225

i was just listen to some old trip-hop album from the late 90s (fila brazilia: old codes new chaos) last night, and it had some samples taken from apparently military recordings of lsd tests on soldiers, and then they closed out that part of the album with this thing about the military spraying viruses on the san francisco bay area, and i was like lol never heard of that one and i read pynchon, turns out "operation sea spray" was real, only like 11 people died and they all had weakened immune systems, so i guess no one cared, but i was still like wow that was pretty fucked up thing to do

>> No.11624226

how'd you pull it off

>> No.11624230

oh wait, it was 11 people got sick, and only 1 died, ok, i guess i can see why that's not as well known as the tuskegee experiment or whatever but still man wtf

>> No.11624239

it is definitely some fucked up shit, but i mean that's just what we are as humans, some of us are bad, and do that. And the rest of us are less bad but still have it in us.

Good too, don't get me wrong, but the bad is definitely there.

>> No.11624255

The Dunciad

>> No.11624300

I talked to her about books and she talked to me about film and then we made out and then we took our clothes off.

>> No.11624301

>the bible

>> No.11624436

the qur'an

>> No.11624467

>The Prince and Don Quixote
>3 weeks ago

>> No.11624480
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I am reading:

>Songs of a Dead Dreamer & Grimscribe by Thomas Ligotti

I last had sex:

>June the 7th or 8th I think

>> No.11624584

Infinite Jest
Over a year ago

>> No.11624627
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>gamer gate + trump ended 4chan as a worthwhile site
>4chan ... a worthwhile site

Ha! What are you trying to achieve? To sow discord in an ocean of piss?

>> No.11624637
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Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences.
~2 Years ago