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File: 12 KB, 293x99, isheourguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11623034 No.11623034[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

>> No.11623059

I watch his videos on the rare occasions he uploads. Seems to be a well read and consistent chap

>> No.11623062

Fuck off faggot your videos are gay

>> No.11623073

No, but he certainly beats the Paul Joseph Watsons of the web.

>> No.11623076

Loved the K-Pop late capitalism video

>> No.11623079

He is what he says he is: a cuck. Not surprised he seems to think that women are equal.

>> No.11623084

Hated the K-Pop late capitalism video

>> No.11623091

He is what he says he is: a philosopher. Not surprised he seems to think equality is a vague and useless political goal.

>> No.11623092

Exactly. I've just watched it and it was immensely entertaining and enlightening.

>> No.11623098

Yes. There’s a 100% chance he’s stopped by here before.

>> No.11623103

what if I told you that he's the OP shilling his own channel

>> No.11623111

The image says 'inscritos', Cuck Philosophy is American.

>> No.11623124

Only equality in an abstract, general, formalistic sense.

>> No.11623131

couldn't he simply change youtube's language or abuse paint.exe to swindle us?

>> No.11623137

devilish, almost tao lin-tier

>> No.11623142


>> No.11623154

He's only a slightly less cringy version of Existential Coms so hard pass

>> No.11623225

we are still waiting for /ourguy/

only an /ourguy/ can save us

>> No.11623260

He'll become our Fanthano if he starts reviewing fiction.

>> No.11623266

Presenting the struggle between Sonic and Shadow through the lens of Kant with 0 irony attached is pretty gay.

>> No.11623271

itt: buttmad /pol/ nazis

>> No.11623778

His channel is literally called "Cuck Philosophy", it's designed to be as gay as possible

>> No.11623828

The Milwaukee Minotaur is ourguy and you can't change my mind on this one

>> No.11623833

That would be awful. Melon almost singlehandedly ruined /mu/

>> No.11623860

Why does he call himself a cuck?

>> No.11623869

Was Fourier a cuck?

>> No.11623881

Some of his videos aren't bad but the name is really stupid.

>> No.11623899

held off on watchingthat video after seeing their shrek analysis that was pretty contrived, but the kpop one was p good

>> No.11624096

The definition of a sophist. He sets up his videos with a pre-achieved conclusion and just walks us to them through contrived usage of basic concepts of philosophers whose dogma he follows. Cuck Philosophy is just that, cuck philosophy, the philosophy of the regurgitator, the follower, he suckles semen out of Hegel's cockles (or whoever else) and records himself spitting it up onto whatever his current "subject" happens to be.

He is perfectly uncontroversial within polite, educated society. Everything he says reaffirms hegemonic discourse. Those who watch his videos either listen to him for the smug satisfaction of hearing "their" beliefs spoken into their ears, or because they are even lower and more cucked than he is and so they quickly leap in to lap up daddy's cummies off the floor after they've dribbled out the Cuck's mouth. Cuck Philosophy is a #niceguy and a #goodboy, he has all the right opinions in the right ways, please give him a pat on the head.

Should be named Cuck Credo, as philosophy is something very different from what he performs. The man is a disgrace, but it's not his fault—he is simply a mirror held up to the base discourse of the times. Validation-seeking cucks should be ignored.

So yeah, he is /ourguy/, given that most /lit/ posters and Cuck Philosophy share the same ignorance and drive for acceptance.

>> No.11624135


Damn dude don't cut yourself on that edge

>> No.11624164

Go make another video where no one learns anything but everyone gets to feel a communal sense of smug superiority

>> No.11624178
File: 240 KB, 591x591, peterhall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11624219

I kind of doubt that you have fans that care this much about your work, given they're made up entirely of people who would dispose of you in an instant should you slip up, and limp-wristed faggots who would most likely jump in to decry you should anyone slander your name.

You put yourself in the position of anonymously defending yourself. It is the only defense you will get. It's what happens when your audience is nothing but cucks learning to grovel and the neo-aristocracy in front of whom you grovel, like some kind of Catholic idol of cuckery.

>> No.11624242

Jesus is my nigga.

>> No.11624287

t. faggot

>> No.11624290

probably one of those "you can't own me if I own myself" kind of things

>> No.11624296
File: 382 KB, 1536x2048, F5141797-59E9-44A0-B113-4EA918065EC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*blocks your path*

>> No.11624303

His recent Hegel/Incel video was terrible. Just plain wrong.

>> No.11624364

It's pretty, well, cucked, to do that. Makes sense he'd make this thread.

>> No.11624421
File: 34 KB, 400x400, JayDyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this is /ourguy/

>> No.11624433

Of course he does, he is following a script. Do you even know how video recording works?

>> No.11624545
File: 155 KB, 671x600, fitlit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11624558

I just watched all of his videos
A lot of them are deeply interesting but a lot of what he says I disagree with and think is flawed
His whole incel video is arguing in bad faith essentially because of how he approaches the topic i.e. he tries to put them in the position of the master (since he is a Marxist this comes with some negative connotations) when it is much more likely that any given incel will feel they are the slave in the current dynamic, nor does he attempt to address social capital as an idea, one which incels are transitioning towards as their movement grows. Although I will admit, his overall premise of using the Hegelian model to show that incels' desires necessarily negate their anger and vice versa. Made me think but got a lot of details wrong in my opinion. Thinking about trying to clarify into my own thoughts.

>> No.11624583

The USA has literally the same shit.

>> No.11624598

Is it another one of those "hehe kiddos, I bet you never heard of leftist theory before, get read for some dangerous thinking"?