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/lit/ - Literature

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11622660 No.11622660 [Reply] [Original]

write what's on your mind

>> No.11622682

i had heard about the judith butler letter, but not until i saw the full write up of the context in the nytimes today did it really realize how rotten the humanities are, made me want to throw away all my literary theory texts and go full stem for the remainder of my life to be honest


>> No.11622696
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>he pays attention to the workings of contemporary """writers""" and """philosophers"""
never gonna make it

>> No.11622735

I want to fuck my neighbor.

>> No.11623151

Why are people so fascinated by the thought of engendering some sort of spiritual awakening in plebs? Is it too hard to accept that the mob will always be what it is, arrogant, ignorant, and selfish? Is it too hard to admit that you just can't order society aright, no matter how hard you try?

>> No.11623190

>the mob will always be what it is, arrogant, ignorant, and selfish
True, this was always the case but it is possible to change at least some of the individuals within that mob. To turn the hearts of the disobedient to the wisdom of the just.

>> No.11623207

I like to build myself up as a messiah figure of sorts. nowadays, people, even reasonably educated ones, are so confused and alienated at the shitty state of the world it honestly ain't that hard. Landian cyberpunk +DeleuzoGuattarian psychobabble+JudeoChristianNeonGenesisDiscountBin imagery and 70s pastoral nostalgia is a winning combination for any budding cult leader.

>> No.11623214
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>> No.11623221


>> No.11623245

This article is sickening. I know the "what if you switched roles" horse has been beaten to death but if that happened then the male professor would INSTANTLY be fired and anyone questioning the female victim's response would be labeled a misogynist. I've turned into a self-loathing liberal arts major because of shit like this.

Reminds me of how progressives are calling Judge Ellis of the Manafort trial an illegitimate, fake, biased judge because he's giving the prosecution a harder time than they expected. These are the same people who were hysterical when Trump attacked the judge ruling on the travel ban as a "so-called" judge and cheered when fucking Hawaii decided to derail Trump's travel ban over a year.

The modern world is too much for lots of people. I reckon many want to comfort themselves with simplified explanations/answers to all the
complexities and questions of politics, existence, etc. I don't have anything against Jordan Peterson but I think the rise in his popularity, which turned out to be a fad, was largely fueled by this.

>> No.11623254

by this point it is obvious metoo is just a devious ploy, a means for the managerial liberalism globalist leviathan establishment to eliminate potential dissidents and further consolidate hyperpanopticist power. foucault predicted this.

>> No.11623282
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i stopped paying attention to the whole trump-russia showtrialplex a long time ago. this is not law, this is not going anywhere, it's mind numbing baudrillardian pornography for #resistance wine moms. I can't wait for full drive mass psychosis and anarchy to kick in. it'll be like watching that one godard movie on cyberlsd.

>> No.11623297


>> No.11623301
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>> No.11623304

Just fuck my shit up. JUST fuck my shit up.

>> No.11623319

Books with a 21st century blows kind of feel? ie. the sickening emptiness of liberalism and technological society. something like Ballard's writings on pop culture meets houellebecq and post ironic japanophilia/phobia.

>> No.11623333
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>> No.11623355
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Worked my ass off to get into a T14 law school and now I realize it was a huge mistake. All that planning and hard work just so I can be miserable for 3 years and then work 50+ hour work weeks for countless more years to pay off student loans. And then, if I even manage to have a family, keep slaving away just to provide for others who'll get to use and enjoy my money more than I ever will.

If I could go back in time I would've done something else but by the time I started having major doubts about law it was too late to change my major and I'm too proud to be content with my current meme degree from a non-elite school. I guess this is what I get for being naive and chasing prestige above all else.

At least my Asian parents will be proud that I eventually went to an top school just like my siblings they always compare me to. I'll either grind it out and hope I die young or, if I don't have much to lose, do all I can to amass as much power as possible to fuck up the status quo in a way that at least I can be remembered by others as something other than a stereotypical "soulless" chink.

>> No.11623356

My oneitis stopped replying to my texts.

>> No.11623362
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I've been wondering what Kierkegaard would think of modern times, both in terms of the state of Christianity and the rise of atheism.

>> No.11623364
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Just looking forward to doing nothing but working out and creating horrifying YA fiction on my off days at my next job.

>> No.11623375

I've never claimed to be good at much of anything, or to ever have much respect for my own efforts, but it would be nice if criticism was substantive. The most aggravating thing is people treating glorified shitposts as if they represent my own taste and then not helping me to improve in any way.

>> No.11623382

We should nuke the plastic island in the Pacific and see what happens

>> No.11623392


I like the way you think.

>> No.11623399

I've never seen a chink with this much self awareness. Sure you aren't a jap?

>> No.11623403
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I am so inept with people that I don’t frequent. It’s painful. My body reveals my ineptitude: my face goes red, which only furthers my feeling of inadequacy because I know I’m going red. It fucking sucks. Makes me want to kms.

>> No.11623446

When people criticize me it's not even just that they're arguing in bad faith or assuming unreasonable things. It's that everything about their vapid, worthless "criticism" is wrong in such a convoluted and nested capacity that I can't even begin to analyze it, because the core of its rot goes down to the center of the soul of the person who wrote it.

>> No.11623451

Do you idiots know what words mean? Show me a person anywhere who knows the meaning of words.

>> No.11623452

read Two Ages, if you haven't already. I don't think his thoughts would be too different of any Christian from his era, at least on the state of Christianity.

>> No.11623461
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*blocks your path*

>> No.11623467


A living person

>> No.11623472

i can't touch my phone because i wipe it down with pesticides to kill all the germs

>> No.11623477
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>implying there are living authors to care about in the first place

>> No.11623478


>> No.11623482

i told a new acquaintance i would go out with her tomorrow and i really don't feel like it.

>> No.11623491

I have to study for IT certification. I'm not a complete moron but I'm terrified of taking it.

>> No.11623494

It comes with time anon. After a while you stop caring about such silly things. It is truly a wonderful thing when one can convey oneself without abandon; to friends and strangers alike.

>> No.11623506


>> No.11623510


>> No.11623511

Agreed, really glad someone else can see this Trump-Russia faux-scandal for what it really is -- a textbook case of Baudillard's "hyperreality"

>> No.11623513


>> No.11623514

Shit, meant to respond to >>11623282 in my last post

>> No.11623525

only two of them are attractive though (second from left top row and farthest left bottom row)

>> No.11623634

btw did u dudes know derrida wrote a similarly threatening letter to uc irvine when they planned to detenure one of his lit theory bros accused of sexual harassment? apparently butler wrote this in the derridian tradition, check it out


>> No.11623635

exactly, i gave up a long time ago, now i just plan to have a kid or two and hopefully teach them to not be dumbasses

>> No.11623646

Not sure what's the best move now. Unexpected turn of events.

>> No.11623649

I don’t think it does. I’m 23, 4th year of college. This shouldn’t be happening to me

>> No.11623660

dude i did a shitload of certs when i was like 19 or something and hadn't even gone to college, its so fucking easy, actually i should do some new ones, since i did a long ass bootcamp and got no jobs out of it, maybe if i pump some recent certs i can get back in the game... doubt it

>> No.11623677 [DELETED] 

when i was in college i was such an autistic fuckwit i actually had to resort to making it a goal to talk to someone for at least a few sentences every day, even if it was like some student watching the sign in sheet for the lab, or some guy at the store, anything, then i started going to all kinds of shitty clubs and crap, i really only enjoyed this far left marxist one, but i went to some globalist liberal sorosy shit too, and some geeky stuff like open source crap, and just some dumb student government shit, although i never held any titled positions, i wasnt trying to stuff my resume, just talk to people lol, i did end up curing my years long bout of yellow fever by sexing the hottest chinese chick in one of the groups, so i guess it sort of paid off, but man there was a while there were i was fucking autistic as shit, im still far from normie, but not nearly as retarded as i was in school

>> No.11623750

For me it was unironically reading classic literature that got me to see past most people's ironic and cynical outlooks. After realizing the frivolity of acting in such a manner, I stopped being so autistic around people. Along with the funny realization of ones impending doom, this assured me that life was too short for this behaviour. Once you come to this understanding it's just a matter of practice, which itself is not difficult, assuming you are surrounded with the opportunities for it.

>> No.11623760

I'm going to drink until it kills me or at least until I die.

>> No.11623779


>> No.11624845

my mummy thinks I'm a weird recluse for never having a gf or a job but I'm actually a meditative genius who no one can truly understand

>> No.11625081

I like houellebecq's take on the issue: The damage had already been done and the clock can't be turned backward. Better preach to those willing to listen, and have the ones who agree carve out their own isolated space when an opportunity arises.

>> No.11625113
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been listening to Sadler's AMA and this made me kek

>> No.11625166

Smartness is an absolute. The proper functioning of the intellectual faculties can not be denied, only confused. It is divided into understanding, rationality and analysis. Analysis produces a new understanding which is further refined and guided by rationality to new analysis.
But what of this miracle of intellect? A gift from God, none the less. It's purpose? To set itself upon the Will of God. The incomprehensible mystery? To the uninitiated, perhaps. God himself, even being omniscient, is still governed by certain rules... smartness included. Seeing a likeness of man in God, one can apprehend truth as God himself does.

It does not take long one to deduce that God is a wicked being. However, his wickedness is rational in that it is in service of the greater good. If his beauty can be restored through justice, then why should he not sin against us for a greater glory? After all, God's sole purpose is to make himself greater through the act of creation. Although, let's say God were to fail in his intentions... Then it seems that God's glory is not dependent upon his creation itself, but rather his moral fortitude or the fact that he is simply trying to produce the most glorious creation possible.

>> No.11625291

I think one of the most fascinating consequences of the Internet is the audience and space it gives to genuine insanity. At no previous time in history have the insane been given such open passage to spread their thoughts, to the point that we have memes like "gangstalking" that seem to spread from one schizophrenic to another.

>> No.11625437


>> No.11625447

I've been thinking about violence a lot, and it feels like empathy has been becoming more and more alien to me.

>> No.11625470


>> No.11625483


>> No.11625494

Dilbert 3

>> No.11625537

Jesus man, this is getting tiring. I'm also somewhat optimistic about the oppurtunity that is in front of me. Learning how to be an adult is Fucking tough when you missed out on so much in youth. All ways behind, struggling to do what comes second nature to your peers. Its hard not to give in to the feelings of failure and retardation that comes with this. I wanna resign and just Fucking stop this constant humiliation, but I know ill never progress and learn if I do. Blehhhh I'm tired.

>> No.11625575

Entered my mid 20s and i've absolutely wasted my life. I want to change but i don't know how.

>> No.11625913

Things are looking up. I was worried about my scholarship but it seems things are going to be alright. I've always been a frugal person but sometimes I wonder if I'd still be so stingy if I had a more stable income. With my scholarship or the temporary jobs I held, I always made sure to add to my savings instead of spending. Apart from giving me a good feeling in case an emergency comes up, what's the point in having money if I'm not using it for pleasure, though? I'm constantly torn between these two ideals.
I'm also thinking about going on vacation, but my last one seemed so...undetermined? I did a day trip and due to the train being two hours late, I couldn't go to a gallery I had wanted to hit up. So instead I wandered around the city, taking in its sights and entering little shops. Maybe I wasn't in the right mindset but I don't feel like it going on another trip soon will bring me much joy or experience. It's a shame really. I haven't seen much of the world and it feels ignorant and isolating.

>> No.11625941

Should I talk to her? We have never talked to eachother before. I can't get the times she's smiled at me off my mind. I can't help but feel like she was just being polite.

>> No.11625983

I always get what I want but it never turns out the way I expect, and often ends up hurting me more than anything. I feel like the universe is playing a joke on me.

>> No.11625990

I started going to bed at 09:00 pm and waking up at 05:00 am. Best thing I ever did (and I was never a morning person).

>> No.11626006

Do it. It doesnt matter either way. There a billions of women on this earth and you have a near infinite chance at finding a good one if you keep trying, if you don't try at all you'll never get anything you want. Even if you talk, and you ask her out, and she says no, it doesnt matter, just keep going.

>> No.11626020

redpill me on baudrillard

>> No.11626023

I have to drop out of my course but it doesnt matter anyway because I can still get into my dream course, in 2020 I'm probably moving state to go to college, my best friend said she'd come with me. I'm happy about that, but I'm sad too.

I've recently found a new girlfriend after breaking up with my girlfriend of 5 years at the beginning of this year, we met when we were 13 and I spent more than a quarter of my life with her, so even if you dont believe in relationships at that age, she was still a huge part of my life. I lost her and moved on, and I've found a new girl, shes amazing, there have been a few bumps and complications but things are going really well, but we're both going to have to move for our courses and honestly the longer I'm with her the more its going to hurt when we inevitably have to break up. Its haunting my every moment with her, and a whisper of pain lingers in my heart every time I see her, knowing its doomed from the start.

>> No.11626083

single most /lit/ post in the thread desu

>> No.11626092

do it anyway, dont bitch out you fuck

>> No.11626100

this is basically a /soc/ thread which is permissible because the OP contains the word 'write'

>> No.11626484

As a child he dreamed of nothing more than this. He thought he could be a writer yet he never dared to write. It was enough to wow the masses that existed only within his own head, millions of words dedicated to abstract concepts never fully realized in the material realm. Were these years wasted? Thirty years. Thirty years. While his contemporaries pursued dreams of business and politics he sat in his room distracted by video games, books, pornography. Countless articles on culture and personality typing only tangentially related to himself to categorize himself and frame himself within the context of things greater than he was. Unknown to his own neighbors. Unacknowledged by his literary heroes. What does his family think of him? Have they given up hope that he might ever become something greater than what he is, bring something remotely resembling the glimmer of pride in their own offspring, or do they merely wait patiently for the inevitable news that he has killed himself? At least then, relieved of the unthinkable burden of having to acknowledge that his lifestyle of indolence and self-destruction is ultimately the consequence of their rearing him, will their pain come to an end. Easier to look back on a failed child than to contemplate its future. In time they will even look back fondly on him, for their hearts will warm to his memory once they have realized that now dead he is unable to disappoint them any further.

>> No.11626524

its board culture fuck off kid

>> No.11626558

Lurching along in an air too thick to breathe. Baffled by sprinters and power-walkers breezing past him, fit and trim, glowing with life and ambition. How had he lost this? In the time it takes another man to do fifty push-ups he has done nothing more than put a paragraph of words on a computer screen, words which he will delete and forget for he cannot even impress himself with his own thoughts. Those fifty push-ups build the other man's muscles, strengthen his body and contribute to this end-goal of a sculpted and perfected human being. For what purpose, then, has he wasted his time constructing a paragraph he expects no one else to read or to acknowledge? He forces language out of himself as a constipated man might force shit. He contorts words into sad attempts at poetry like a lesser ape's attempts at architecture. He does not acknowledge but cannot ignore the lurking specter of doubt whose skeleton fingers grasp at his wrists as he types and whispers in his ear that his brain is flawed and defective. It tells him that he is a broken person who can only admire the constructions of more talented artists than himself. Its teeth scrape his skull when it speaks. It's hissing into his mind that all his attempts at creating something which other people will respect and cherish will come to nothing, and that in trying to prove himself before humanity he will only succeed in displaying his incompetence and stupidity, enshrining himself as the worst species of hack.

He does not listen to a single word the bone creature says, but cannot concentrate while it talks to him with frozen digits stroking his spine. He compromises by doing absolutely nothing, sitting at his computer as productively as a stick of butter.

>> No.11626597

I don´t understand this

>> No.11627465
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>> No.11627512
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>> No.11627515

I think I've honestly lost it. I have been so painfully isolated and bored that I just don't have the restraints that I used to. I think I've just become broken down from my own anxiety and loneliness. I just want my life to be something that could resemble a normal way of living. It makes me sad that the world that I was promised turned out to never really exist.

>> No.11627517

I'm tired of not knowing where I stand sexually.

>> No.11627523

that's okay I'll get the electric wires set up for you

you'll be quite SHOCKED when you realize how simple it all was

>> No.11627524

Kafka was correct.
Also, I have genital herpes.

>> No.11627536

thanks Mr.Vice President, sir. could I ask you a few more questions?

>> No.11627541

Just trying to collect myself after a panic attack. I’m starting to get a little tired of living like this. I’m always scared of dying of sickness, so why not just end it and be done with it.

>> No.11627560

um no, cheeto head needs me in the other room...

i was never here

>> No.11627577

I think I was born to be a STEMlord yet I've invested myself in literature, which is stupid because I have no feelings or values and my brain is autistically logical. I'm like a robot trying to become human I guess.

>> No.11627580

almost everyone has herpes but the genitals part sucks

>> No.11627634

I desire to craft myself into /fitlitbiz/ but the /v/ is strong.

>> No.11627636

>managerial liberalism globalist leviathan establishment
Word salad-tier

>> No.11627647

>Word salad-tier
t. liberalism globalist leviathan establishment manager

>> No.11627698

I lost my work badge and now I'm fucked for at least a week until i get a new one b/c slow ass administrative bs. Have to either work from home or get signed in by people I don't like. Why am I such a forgetful retard?

>> No.11628034
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>> No.11628463


Hits close to home, anon. This autobiographical/autofictional kind of shit is what i always tried to develop in my notebooks, never getting fully satisfied with them.
The fantasy of finding a expression of myself through a fictional story of my creation has been around my mind for a while. Sadly, i think the purpose is flawed. We probably should find a way to create histories by living them, not by originating them in our minds and then trying to materialize those reveries.
Writing is also good for orginizing one's own thoughts, so that could be a more satisfactory use on the long run. I am trying to do that right now, and it is hard to write everyday. I hope it pays off and i can finally feel better.

>> No.11628472

lel desu

>> No.11628544

i was participating in the board culture by writing what was on my mind how about you fuck off revered elder

>> No.11628553
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I just want a hot artsy european gf

>> No.11628570

>Wageslave 8 till 5
>Commute home for an hour get a little reading done
>Get home at like 7 tired, have to constantly stay in contact with gf so can't really read without interruptions.
>See her all weekend so no reading time than either

Why do I even bother with this hobby anymore. And why do I keep buying books thinking i'll ever have the time to read them. Fuckin 'ell

>> No.11628673
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I have a really loose idea for story that I've been trying to figure out how to write for 3.5 years now, and in all that time I've never succeeded

I want so badly to break the compulsion that's driving me to try to make something of it, but it's so deeply entrenched that no matter what I do it always comes back

Is there any way to fix this besides suicide?

>> No.11628700
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I am convinced that the vast majority of people have had at least one occurrence in their life that can only be explained by recourse to the supernatural, the miraculous, and the divine. I think a lot of modern people lie to themselves when these occurrences take place, and assume that there is a materialist explanation for them. There isn't. Materialism is as stupid as being a flat earther.

>> No.11628773

The Jews genocided tens of millions of Christians in Russia; Solzhenitsyn proves it in 200 Years Together and shows the results in Gulag Archipelago

>> No.11628797 [DELETED] 

What's on my mind? This. >>>/vg/224770610
Let's talk about historical idols here. Please visit us

>> No.11628809

Audibooks on your commute mate. Saved me in the same situation.

>> No.11628847
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>> No.11628865

not sure if i should get a phd in stem or stay at my stem cubicle job. i feel like at least i'd enjoy lecturing more than i do programming.

ideally, of course, i'd lecture in english literature since that's my passion, but since i'm in my 30s with a wife and a bunch of college debt attempting to get an english phd without even having an english bachelor's degree sounds like a bad plan. oh well, at least i can still write.

>> No.11628880

sad boy spilly splat tooth washes dishes in the sink with a dirty rag for a living ask himself why it gotta be this way sad boy spills splat tooth ain’t gonna amount to nothing spilly says he’s sick spilly spilly spilly spilyl spillspily spilly spilt. spilt. spilly.

>> No.11628953

live a little my man, you'll come back down to earth feeling better

>> No.11628981

u think u lost it but it was stolen by people hired to do corporate espionage for your competitors

>> No.11628988

anyone else in the mood to suicide it up? i'm not really that depressed just kind of tired of everything i have like no energy now im going to lay in bed listen to an audiobook

>> No.11629009


you're a fucking idiot dude... you can't write by constantly trying to force yourself to produce something... you have to live, to conjure, to find the forms and thoughts OUT THERE in living life to later recollect and carefully mold into literature... you are anemic and your writing will always be too if you are only stuck in your head, categorizing yourself according to whatever ideologies instead of cultivating wonder at the world around you... you can't keep trying to will in tiny drops what spreads over the vigorous literary man in enormous floods

you're thinking of art entirely incorrectly... stop obsessing about being an artist and go out and live a life and find out if you really are one

>> No.11629056

holy shit overdose deaths up 10% in 2017 in the unites states according to today's nytimes, i thought it had to have peaked by now but it keeps getting worse, mainly cuz evil doers are pumping fentanyl all over the country, someone's doing a stealthy opium war on us, come on trump get to the bottom of this shit

>> No.11629223
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Ever since truly understanding Marxism and becoming a Marxist I have had the best orgasms of my entire life. I am really into female domination, especially deep but subtle psychological dynamics, like everyday situations that are just subtly tinged with corruption, cruelty, and normalized exploitation. Marxist theory has allowed me to see modern consumer society as a dystopian nightmare in which my sexual fantasies are constantly taking place, in a form so unbearably actual that it almost overwhelms me.

Now that I see the dialectic of historical materialism inherent in everything, can connect every social gesture in its visible manifestation as erscheinungsform back to the actual concrete production relations undergirding it, I can instantly see how arbitrary is the capitalist ruling class' stranglehold over the ideological superstructure of society. No matter what sprawling labyrinthine interarticulations of class-justifying, proletariat-narcotizing ideology I am presented with, no matter how badly interpellated I even am myself in those articulations, I can immediately and intuitively trace them back to their source in the brute fact of capital accumulation, and in the sheer arbitrariness of the historic bloc's self-selection for pampered technocratic servitors and managerial functionaries.

At the level of political praxis, I hope this will make me an effective opponent of late-stage capitalism, but on a personal level, it really gives me a rock hard boner when I see ruling class white women implicitly dominating their pathetic grovelling third world serfs through a translucent sheen of paper-thin ideology. The Asian women who work at nail salons are literally Roman body slaves. Once you strip the structure of ideology away, it's just two people, two human beings free and equal before the eye of God, except one of them is relaxing serenely, while the other one tends to the lowest and filthiest parts of her body, and has to accept this dynamic with a smile. I wish I could masturbate into nail salon windows while waving a communist flag.

I can walk around with a solid rod in my pants just by contemplating the dialectic and observing women in public. There's a young woman wearing much nicer clothes, undoubtedly purchased by her rich tax-sheltering father, sitting right next to a shabbily dressed woman who will have to work every day of her life, get sicker more often, look old and weathered much sooner, and die 20 years earlier. There's a young spoiled woman who coasted at a fancy school despite having no considerable intellectual talents, practically stepping over a workman who is 70 and still can't retire from menial labor. There's a college girl who flies around the country or goes on vacation multiple times a year at leisure, because her father swindled money from the working class as a financial advisor.

It's endless. It's like I've tapped right into the source. Sometimes I can't take it and I curse myself for ever having read Marx.

>> No.11629232

>sad boy spilly splat tooth washes dishes in the sink with a dirty rag for a living ask himself why it gotta be this way sad boy spills splat tooth

are you a grunge singer

>> No.11629238

THIS! also I feel like my life is speed bump after speed bump, so to say wainting for arbutary bullshit. for example one day I boght a syth blade for 5dollars I was happy after I restored it but at the age of 15 my perents did not like the idia of me going to strangers houses to negotiate a price to cut thire lawn.

>> No.11629241

i use my background as a marxist shithead to inform my investing strategies always looking for industries and commercial entities with the highest rate of explotation

>> No.11629532

Should i apply for asset protection at best buy i want to interrogate people that try to steal overpriced electronics i don't care about

>> No.11629564

Chaste and breadpilled.

>> No.11629584

This is sexual drivel that pollutes and defiles the mind. I stopped reading after a few sentences.
Renounce the flesh. Temper your desires while lessening your appetite. Lessen your labors and remain in your cell. Do this and you will know peace.

>> No.11629609

I love fat girls so much. I had a fat girlfriend and it was heavenly, she had big tits that were great to squeeze and her belly was so soft and warm. We never really broke up, just sort of drifted apart, and sometimes I wonder if I should give her a text some time.

>> No.11629612

Renounce the flesh. Temper your desires while lessening your appetite. Lessen your labors and remain in your cell. Do this and you will know peace.

>> No.11629662

I wanna shout my thoughts into the void too. Seems fun and therapeutic(?).

Maaan I really like this chick. Think we got good chemistry. Too bad she's 10 hours away. Despite that, I'll do my best.
Wish me luck, /lit/

>> No.11629943

>Wish me luck, /lit/
I wish you luck that it does not turn out and instead you find something worthy of your calling. This is vanity.

>> No.11629956

All human interaction is worthless and terrible.

>> No.11630008


Anyone who thinks that legalized marijuana is somehow going to save the world or increase tax revenues are simply fools.

As someone who works in the drug rehabilitation industry, marijuana legalization isn't going to do a fucking thing. Booze was legalized and we still have alcoholics all over the place.

Marijuana is not "medicinal," it's not the "safe tobacco" or anything of the sort. If you're self-medicating, you're addicted. The end.

There will always be a War on Drugs because drugs is bad for society. It destroys people. It destroys families. It destroys careers and societies. It would be nice for the libtards who keep screaming at the top of their lungs about this shit if they could put down their lattes, get out of their ivory towers and deal with the shit that I have to deal with for even one shift.

I never vote Republican but, for the last two election cycles, I also don't vote for Democrats who advocate for legalized marijuana.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to work.

>> No.11630024

Is this in response to spending money or going travelling?

>> No.11630030

Foucalt was a smart guy with some interesting ideas but fucking your neighbor doesnt take away your strength. Prove me wrong.

>> No.11630036

it scares me that sudden anxiety can almost instantaneously transform me into a bumbling autist. how do i trust myself socially with a constant potentiality of becoming a glitched furby.

>> No.11630037

Ive given up porn entirely and avert my eyes to the images of thots posted by anons. Im going to learn how to cook some ketogenic meals this week and ill be intermittently going on and off of the diet to help regenerate my mind. Ive been reading more but expressing my thoughts verbally is challenging so id like to write them.

>> No.11630088

Disable thumbnails under settings.

>> No.11630097

I consulted with a nutritionist today who basically said keto is a meme. It's encouraging your body to break down glycogen stores, muscle tissues, and fats, in that order. It's effective as a method of fat loss if you're willing to risk relative well-being. From her explanation, cognition shouldn't be enhanced. It puts the body in a state of seeking alternative internal energy stores rather than getting it from regular and healthy long-acting carbs. It's optimal (according to this rdn) to simply take in a variety of nutrients via diverse diet, while keeping an eye on intake of excess sugar without fiber/fat/protein alongside.

>> No.11630107

She's the meme.

>> No.11630110


>> No.11630122

Nice bugman buzzword.
Nutritionists are a meme. They have an undergrad degree and thats it. Rarely they have an MS degree and even those are shit tier.
Unless she has a biomedical science PhD and can explain various metabolic pathways in precise detail and has published in food science journals, she's a meme and a fraud talking about concepts that are beyond her level of understanding.

>> No.11630131

From the comments

>I saw that Ronnell lists the following under Interests in her CV: “quantum physics and other discourses; knitting.” When I asked why not “knitting and other discourses; quantum physics,” I got the following reply:

>“I believe that to efface the discourse from the discourse of quantum physics, already a violent act of rape, itself effaces the solidarity of my identity by blending the intercourse of the liminal zones between my discourses to the point of negating the polarity of the multipoles that make up my identity’s peripheral metropole—and thus, following a post-marxian version of Hegel, its metropolitan periphery, itself so analogically akin to the socio-economic-geographic-institutional-professional-cultural point I occupy in n-dimensional identity-space, an ordered pair (or disordered père?) that solves the equation of my Being, Becoming, Unfolding, and something about Young Werther and some crazy plant, an equation which contains about seventeen times the epistemological value of all of modern science’s many incommensurable, hermetic, misogynistic, racist, imperialist, transphobic, and homophobic discourses of knowledge, and thus of power, and thus of power/knowledge, knowledge/power, knowledge(power), power(knowledge), knowledge to the powerth power, power the knowledgeth power, power to the powerth power, and, for all I know, also, cower/porridge times porridge/cower, multiplied by six Chairs plus two forms of tenure divided by seven deans raised to the power of me.”

>> No.11630149

damn what a perfect specimen

>> No.11630153

on reflection that's likely a shitpost. poe's law these days tho.

>> No.11631058


>> No.11631192

I think we all know this deep down but Jesus Christ stop being such an ass. People need jobs, even made up ones, don't take that away from them.

>> No.11631381

>cognition shouldnt be enhanced
Then why is it?

>> No.11631399

I stole a New Testament from my uncle ten minutes ago because I'm too ashamed to go to church and buy my own. I feel this is sort of a parable to me trying to be genuinely good to people but becoming more bitter as I do it. I'll give it back after I post this, the irony is too much.

>> No.11631720

nigga thats pythagoras

>> No.11631736
File: 25 KB, 641x530, 1508450820068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>becoming a Marxist
>I am really into female domination
Yep, checks out.

>> No.11631949

4chan and the internet encourage political edginess because there are no parameters to the debate, and no real life effects to it. Politics on the obscure fringes of the internet is a dick measuring contest where you're rewarded for making fun of generic liberals, conservatives, and libertarians by going over the top and displaying for the world to see how your ideology of choice makes theirs look tame and tepid in comparison.
Can all these online reactionaries with their blogs and forums have an impact on the world one day? Many of them seem sincere enough to pull off something crazy, but most seem too nerdy to take their acerbic brand of politics into the real world.

>> No.11632184

utterly based

>> No.11632314

normies are an enigma to me, i enjoy focusing far more on introverted creative interests than i do trying to mimic them so they will accept me into their groups

the only problem with being like this is that it's seemingly impossible to find fuck buddies

>> No.11632338

>to take their acerbic brand of politics into the real world.
This is actually one of the greatest arguments for free speech. By shutting down these "reactionaries", you push them underground and let them fester without any intellectual challenge. If people believe their views are seriously flawed, then surely they should be open for debate and thus be easy for picking apart, no?

>> No.11632341

>impossible to find fuck buddies
see >>11623214

>> No.11632344

This is why I think we should decriminalize (not legalize) the use of drugs and go full Duterte on the dealers

>> No.11632366

Eh, this is partly confirmation bias. I do agree on the bit that anonymity encourages all sorts of things (good and bad), especially the sharing of opinions one wouldn't otherwise. 4chan isn't as obscure as it used to be. The reason you see many "reactionary" opinions on websites like these is because most of these people legitimately have no one else to share those views with in real life. I have no doubt that some people are just edgy for (you)'s and such but there's no reason to not take at least most people's views at face value on here. Intellectually it's actually rather refreshing sometimes to come here when one has to hear and regurgitate the same things over and over in the real world; even if one has to deal with the incessant shitposting.

>> No.11632382
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I wish so desperately to die but my suicide would destroy my family.

>> No.11632386

I wish I was talented but I’m not and it’s not like I haven’t put the effort in because I have and I’m still not and I really think talented people are just born with it or maybe

>> No.11632395

This coffee is fucking horrible. God why does he have to take the first cup every time like a selfish douche.

Man I gotta take a shit. Ehh might as well wait for the install to be done just so I don't have to do it later. Man I'm so bored. I feel like I'm dying without my friends here. I really need to get drunk. Or actually finish college.

Why did I agree to go on vacation with him. I know it'll just end badly and he'll cock block me the whole time not even on purpose. He's just such a sperg.

Tobacco time

>> No.11632423

Been there. It came to pasd

>> No.11632589

thanks for the advice incel brother! i'll be sure to avoid w*men for life because of a picture i saw on 4chan!

>> No.11632635

>Intellectually it's actually rather refreshing sometimes to come here when one has to hear and regurgitate the same things over and over in the real world; even if one has to deal with the incessant shitposting
Yeah but at one point you just veer off into the absurd. In real life, no one would defend Stalin, and even those who do do so obliquely; on the internet, this is something you can freely do. In real life, people will think you're insane if you called for something as abstract as ordering society on the basis of spiritual hierarchies; on the internet, you could do so and rake thousands of views (check out treudiltom on youtube). This is all childish gobbledygook that doesn't amount to much, i know that, but it changes things in ways we might not be able to fully comprehend. Twenty years ago, there were like eight people who knew who julius evola was; today you see people recommending him to pewdiepie on Twitter. I'm not afraid of a fascist takeover by some nerds, it's never going to happen, but it'll be interesting to see how things work out in the future. We are certainly going to have a revival of radical politics, on both the left and the right.

>> No.11633475
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Sorry sweetie, I'm a volcel. Sex before marriage is a sin.

>> No.11633505

Yeah, I agree with some of what you say. I often flip on the question of anonymity on the internet and whether or not it's a good thing. It can really allow people to do nasty things they otherwise would never. Of course it can be equally good when used in a benevolent manner, to voice opinions that can get one in trouble for not being in the narrow mainstream of thought. In a perfect world, we wouldn't have anonymity because it would not be punishable to voice your views. Sadly, this is not the case though, which is why I still admire anonymity to an extent. I don't think all of it is "childish gobbledygook" though. There are individuals with well formed opinions and arguments who post on /lit/ all the time, despite being "extreme" (I hate that word as it is often used to discredit someone's views without any real argument, simply because they don't agree with you) or holding alternative views.

>> No.11633522

Why do I get the sense you're also a priest?

>> No.11633609

Increased stem-cell production because of fasting. Seems interesting. Maybe related to psychedelic mushrooms similar reaction. What does the stem-cell do again? Wait...where am I?

>> No.11633727

it's just too unnerving that they're this retarded. that's bordering on worse than my most hyperbolically excruciating posts.

>> No.11634074

because your adrenal glands and stress hormones are more active making your brain swerve more firmly into the moment. but is that a long-term solution?

>> No.11634136

I've been in a similar position. I recently had a breakthrough where I realized I was trying to write 'Experience' instead of writing to 'Evoke'. Made a huge difference in my writing mentality moving forward. Hope it pans out.

>> No.11634894

pretty based desu

>> No.11634982

it's too late for compliments, i've been told enough of my inadequacies to know that every compliment beforehand from people who knew no better was to the opinions of my heroes what a sweet dessert is to a salty meal.

>> No.11635003

I wouldn't metaphorically defend stalin irl because my irl context depends on other peoples opinions. If I was ever in a real life situation of power that did not depend on other people's opinions I would certainly defend stalin and implement his will. Note that "defending stalin" is a stand in here for any of my numerous extreme views. The point is that just because I wouldn't say it in front of other people, doesn't make it less of a core belief.

>> No.11635145
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Let me begin by saying that I'm not well-read. I'm a true skeptical, however, and I can smell ideology and propaganda when I see it.
The current left is not for me, neither is the new-right (even if I agree with some ideas from both sides). The question is, how do I get past ideology? How do I reach my own truth?

>> No.11635290

Ive spent so much time reading and thinking about politics, and I’ve been planning on majoring in poli sci, but the more I study the less sure I am of anything I believe. I genuinely switch between being a classical liberal, a center-leftist, and a fascist. I can’t stop doubting everything I believe, and it makes me wonder what the point of going into politics even is, when I have no confidence in what I’d even advocate for. I can feel the nihilism I thought I’d overcome bubbling up in my soul and I don’t know the antidote anymore.

I can elaborate more on what’s causing me to be so conflicted in politics if anyone is interested.

>> No.11635291

by that logic, we should criminalize alcohol because it produces the same effects. but we won't. y'know why? because the majority of people won't abuse it. same with marijuana. of course there'll be outliers, and they're the ones who'll, by and large, provide the industry's steadiest income. but that doesn't make the substance flat out destructive. not everyone who smokes is an addict, and your view is incredibly skewed because the vast majority of marijuana users you personally see are addicted. kinda invalidates part of your argument desu

>> No.11635300

do i just try to be smart becasuse I am no good at getting women? Am i trying to fake intelligence in order for what?
I try to dive into the real motivation of my actiosn but it truly is of no benefit! I wish only to be smart and help the world think and get away from the stupidity of the internet and the screens.
is spent like 10 hours in two days on my phone. And not even counting my computer t.v or anything else. The machines have me, i am apart of the system which is controlling everyone into a system of life...

They tell you, "you are free to do what you wish" and that is true I wish to live in the woods, but i also want to live, it would be idiotic to leave a place of saftey in order to rebel against a system it is against the grain of my basic man, who wishes only to live... The enemy is hate, and hate of hardwork. The hardwork is defeated wtih technology, and technology is meant to control our behaviors, as you do not HAVE to participate, but if you do not you are losing SO much it is basically like not being able to read or speak english.
Beware when new shiny objests come our, be afraid when medicine is publicly available, be very afraid of this. i leave you my brothers with love, and pray to god to help us through these hardships in which we are going to endure. I pray for love, and i worship the sacrifice Jesus Christ our lord made for us

>> No.11635315

go on big boi

i wish for marijuana to become legalized only for people to realize how wrong they were to wish for the legalization of only one drug.
I am an advocate for many drugs being legalized, but this one, is not going to cut it....

>> No.11635476

bro did u read recently released book "dopesick"? i listened to the audiobook last night, very compelling shit, didn't sleep, but also quite terrifying, opiates both legal and illegal are pure hell on earth, ironic since they are effective painkillers, too bad the side effect is being an addict and having your life destroyed

i think weed should be legal just to reduce the the government's control over our lives, on the other hand, weed fucking sucks, alcohol and weed ruined my life, luckily i left the drug scene just when heroin was coming in strong, the only drug i value doing is lsd, but that's not the kind of drug you do every weekend. weed made me so depressed and paranoid when i was younger, i think it's largely to blame for me spending a lot of my young life as an autistic paranoid. i'm actually a little worried if it becomes legal i will start smoking more regularly again, these days i only smoke if i find a bag on the ground (which happens every couple years in nyc) and that is quite enough for me, i don't want to end up smoking all the time

>> No.11635491

alcohol already was criminalized, but it just resulted in mexico level organized crime in our cities so they legalized it again

>> No.11635510

>t. faggot who can't handle substances and assumes that everyone is as retarded as he is
I'm the exact opposite of a liberal. I hate multiculturalism, I hate democracy, but you're opinion is shit, plain and simple. People will always self medicate. They need to self medicate because we don't live in a natural world, we live in the kaczynski-ite technological industrial system. We weren't meant to live this way and it shows in many ways, symptoms that require unnatural behaviors or substances to cope with. Straight edge People like yourself choose to cope through behaviors like shopping, tv, video games, soft drugs like sugar or caffeine, and other such faggotry. Other people use drugs, some of which can be more harmful than your eunuch lifestyle largely because they aren't properly matched with their psyche's needs. But by and large drugs are a better way to cope with the modern world than consumerism and other behavioral modifications. Better to be a slave to a substance than a way of life.

>> No.11635519

>t. faggot who can't handle the freedom of capitalism and longs for more authoritarian times
when the spanish got to the new world they found people in the jungle that were naked and starved just chewing on cocoa leaves, humans have always done drugs, it has nothing to do with your luddite whining about "muh technology"

>> No.11635524

bro fucking monkeys and bears develop alcohol problems, nature is extremely imperfect and full of suffering. Technological civilization soothes some pains and deepens others

>> No.11635537


Uh, me falta el aire.

>> No.11635615

Well it’s a long story, but I’ll do my best. I’m drawn to fascism because it seems to be the only modern political system which actually emphasizes maximizing human greatness and culture. As someone who agrees with Nietzsche on many things, this is of course appealing to me. Unlike Nietzsche, however, I am unwilling to dismiss the masses as completely worthless. I think all humans have some value. This leads me to be concerned with the way fascism tends to disregard the value of the lives of many people, and commit in my mind many immoral acts. I think they’re right that an ethnostate is ideal, if only for the sake of creating a sense of communal trust instead of animosity, but I think many fascists take this too far with policies that disregard the lives of minorities as worthless, either killing them or sending them to work camps. I think the moral way to move towards an ethnostate is restricting immigration except for high IQ (or perhaps highly educated) people willing to assimilate. Then also use incentives to promote high birth rates in the same types of people. Perhaps also provide financial incentives for sterilization of low IQ people, but that probably isn’t politically viable. I know such policies would also increase asian populations in the US, but I don’t really mind that. They tend to assimilate well enough, and as long as they’re a small minority I don’t mind it. But the problem with belonging to the alt right on these points is that it puts me in the same group as those who would commit acts of genocide to minorities. If in my life I promote these ideas, I’m concerned that that’s where it would lead, even if I don’t have those intentions personally. People seem to lose their minds when it comes to race, and I’m afraid of enabling that.

So in an ethnostate I would easily support social democratic policies like universal healthcare, but I’m not sure how well these work in countries with high minority populations, both due to low social cohesion/trust and higher number of chronically poor crime ridden communities. So does this mean I should become conservative on economics? I don’t want to, I don’t belong their at all, but in a multicultural society I’m not sure leftist economics really work.

I also have mixed feelings about democracy. Plato’s aristocracy in the Republic is the most appealing system to me, but in reality I’m not sure that an aristocracy focused on the good could be selected properly. Does anyone know if this has been tried, and if so was it successful? If not that leaves me with democracy, which I tend to dislike for Nietzschean reasons. Extreme egalitarianism destroys greatness and culture. But I’m not sure there is really a better option. With any other option there’s the question of how good leaders can be selected, and I haven’t heard a decent answer to that yet.

I could go on and on but I’m afraid most will not read something this long.

>> No.11635624


>> No.11635631 [DELETED] 

Holy fuck they had me for a second, that's hilarious

>> No.11635690


>> No.11635809

Could someone please give me some thoughts on this? I’m really stuck and if I can’t get past this I might have to switch majors to philosophy or something, which I don’t really want to do because I have no idea where I would work after that, since I don’t want to go to law school, and philosophy is so white and male right now that it would be extremely difficult to become a full time professor, since they’re trying to increase diversity (at least that’s what’s i heard). Meanwhile poli sci gives me a path into working in government which I’ve always wanted to do.

>> No.11635849

I want to kill myself

>> No.11635872

Words are a symbolic representation of reality as perceived by you, and also a framework with literal definitions that we use for understanding when communicating our experiences, ideas, needs, etc.

>> No.11635874

I think I'm having a mental breakdown.

For the past few weeks or months I have been feeling stupid on a regular basis. This alone is bad but for me it's several times worse for two reasons

>Literally every source of pride in my life – as well as my income – is tied up in my intelligence in one way or another
>My mind is incredibly goddamn susceptible to psychological feedback loops, to the point that on two separate occasions I've nearly died from psychosomatic illnesses

If I don't find a way to boost my self-image soon, my life could literally collapse because of it (again)

>> No.11635885

Are you me six years ago?
If so, kill yourself now faggot. Your entire existence is now the psychological feedback loop.

>> No.11635891

If you care about your intelligence and self image at all and you're not exercising you need to start there

>> No.11635937

Too bad the Pacific gyre is just a gyre, not an island :/
Nuking it may be satisfying but not very useful

>> No.11636628

I'm this guy >>11635145 and although I don't agree with the same stuff you do, I feel the same way about political ideas.
Why do you feel the need to find a system of beliefs that speak to you intead of creating one for yourself? Unlike me, it seems you have the tools to make that.
Also it seems to me that you think too highly of the consequences your personal ideas might have. I want to undertand politics to sort my own thoughts, I don't expect the society to change based on what I think about democracy or race... Microcosm I guess

>> No.11637096

I have no passion, no goal in life, I'm dumb, can't live in a society, because I'm a coward, whenever I face a slightest obstacle I give up immedietly. There is no way out

>> No.11637560

read 12 rules for life by peterson

>> No.11637782
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>no close friends
>work part time
>nothing to do all day except post on 4chan and lift heavy objects
>decide to go traveling
>fall for the /trv/ memes about life changing experiences
>make plans
>pretty hyped for a couple
>actually go
>feel largely apathetic
>coffee time is still highlight of day
>life is basically the same except now I browse 4chan from a remote foreign countryside location instead of a small American town
Is this depression? I seriously don't know what's wrong with me. Could it be that since everything is so new and different I don't have enough of a reference to get excited over it? Like I'm not unhappy or anything and it's nice to get out somewhere new and see new things and practice a new language, etc, but I'm not feeling the sheer encompassing bliss that normies seem to have whenever they post about going to Spain on instagram. My favorite moment so far was chatting with a coffee waitress, which is the same thing I do at home only with better scenery.

>> No.11637788

Do this but just a summary of the rules (which are decent if fairly obvious once extracted from the volume of pseudism they lie in)

>> No.11637954


Best advice: Seek professional therapy. An outside opinion, completely removed from any relationship that you have, will do wonders for whatever is ailing you.

Good luck.

>> No.11637979

Sounds like you need friends, my dude. I've noticed that, at least for me, things are much more pleasurable when you're with a person/people you're close to.

It also may just be some form of depression, or maybe the things you enjoy are on a much smaller/more intimate scale. Also also, don't forget that on social media people are constantly curating their self image, what you see is rarely how things are.

>> No.11638143

travel is a meme, its basically a kind of "tasteful" conspicuous consumption. i have a rich wasp friend who is too liberal to spend money on expensive clothes and cars and shit like that, and talks shit about people who "buy useless junk" etc. but she cannot go one conversation with bragging about her world travels all bankrolled by her wealthy family, and then looks down on anyone who hasn't travelled as much as she has, apparently, walking around in gucci is gauche, but belittling anyone who can't afford to go to europe every summer is perfectly great, fuck travel, that shit is a waste of money unless you actually have a reason to go there

>> No.11638159

'Relatable' humor is so incredibly boring and uncreative. It's the same as referential humor. Hopefully it may soon end up being derided in the same way as the latter is now.

>> No.11638172

>Literally every source of pride in my life – as well as my income – is tied up in my intelligence in one way or another
Ah, another guy who's lost in aesthetics. Read Either/Or and fall into despair, it's the only way out.

>> No.11638259

im an artist

>> No.11638264

sounds gay

>> No.11638303

When people say nice things about stuff that I write it makes me happy.

>> No.11638306

Either >>11637954 or kill yourself. Don't even joking.

>> No.11638309

ya...im bad at literature but I want to try to be a writer and reader

>> No.11638310
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if i marry my psychiatrist girlfriend will she turn out to be super nuts and depressive later in her career

>> No.11638320

Sooner more than later.

>> No.11638332

She will always think she's smarter than you and will always try to fix you
t. have psychiatrist relatives

>> No.11638334


Where I live analysis is a much smaller part of a psychiatrist's remit than it would be in the US. So that's maybe something

>> No.11638384
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More thoughts on travel, I'm wondering if people tend to idolize it because they lack the "artists vision" for lack of a less-pretentious phrase. Meaning that they for whatever reason don't experience the subliminal aspects of life, or at least only do fleetingly and without much comprehension. Traveling and the cultural traits attached to it may help bring out or act as a substitute for aesthetic attunement.

Yeah that's probably true. Fuck even watching movies is improved infinitely by making it a social occasion.

I thought I had somewhat avoided that by being self aware enough to avoid touristy shit, hanging out with locals, etc, but perhaps I'm just too mired in ideology to realize the nature of my actions.

>> No.11638807

Going into my second year of university and still terrified about where I'm going to be after my degree (doing Literature and History). I'd rather be doing this than transferring into something that I don't care about just for better job opportunities though. Also I spent the whole summer alone doing painful manual labor work while all my friends traveled around the world and had cool internships

>> No.11638940

Learn to program
Learn some maths
become a machine learning meme-guy

That or go all out and aim for a professorship.

>> No.11639521

After some time reading the expression "high/low verbal IQ" and not thinking much of it I've realized how fucking weird it is that 4chan autists use it. What is a verbal IQ even supposed to be? Can't they just use "high verbal intelligence" instead? Does a number called verbal IQ even exist and represent something or is it just a consequence of retards equating IQ with the word intelligence?

>> No.11639651

Asked a girl out and she said no. She looked flattered, though I'm too embarrassed to look her in the eye now. Fucking kill me.

>> No.11639665

there's no such thing as "verbal iq" probably what they're really talking about is the verbal portion of the sat test, which is kinda sorta an iq test but not really

>> No.11639681

I'll never meet you, but your art makes me feel like I'm less alone in a way that nothing else does. I know your career never worked out the way you wanted it to, but what you made was beautiful. I feel like I found pieces of me I didn't know I missed, dusted them off, and put them back in me.

What you did makes me, and people like me, feel whole. I don't even know if you're alive anymore, it's not like you'd be reading this here of all places, but I want you to know how grateful I am.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

>> No.11639697

I'm having recurring dreams about a porn website that has videos of every sexual fantasy I've ever had, and when I wake up in the morning I get confused and think I've finally remembered a great porn website that I forgot about, and then slowly figure out that the website never existed in the first place.

>> No.11639701

wow that was some faggy ass shit, i hope you're a chick at least

>> No.11639725

wow u suck ur dad's dick with those hands???

>> No.11640063

>when I have no confidence in what I’d even advocate for.
Sounds like every other politician. You sound literally perfect for the job.

>> No.11640084

you know what it means you goddamn autist. people use IQ as a stand in for "intelligence" because it's quicker to write. The usage may or may not connote quantifiable scores from IQ tests. Verbal intelligence is fluency at linguistic expression, and ability to use language to achieve one's goals. This is distinct from mathematical or spatial intelligence which is fluency at describing or visualizing objects or ideas, and transformations of such objects.

>> No.11640418
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is there a way to subjugate my emotions to my will? i feel so melancholic all the time and it hinders my ability to strive towards my goals. how do i live my life to experience the totality of the human condition? i want to experience the amor fati hedonistic lifestyle, depression and solitude, spartan asceticism. i want to die in a blaze of fatalistic glory at the end of such a life.i realise i come-off as a pseudo-intellectual edge-lord, but at least i'm self-aware.

>> No.11640437

Books for this feel?

>> No.11640461
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This book. It's on spotify

>> No.11640465

>navy SEAL

dropped, but he does seem to have a point, discipline frees you from mindless distractions and forgettable dopamine chasing

>> No.11640476


washed up roastie tries to justify being a childless maid at 40, nytimes loves it, meanwhile incels are a hate group

>> No.11640603


>> No.11640616

I want to marry a fat girl and pump her full of babies.

>> No.11640622

All sexual losses make take away strenght and impede motivation. The post orgasmic surge of prolactin ruins motivation. It's like a mini temporary lobotomy. Sex isn't a biological free lunch. It's absurd to think that release doesn't incur a physiological toll like every other activity we do. Major neurological and endocrinal processes accompany sexual activity and release.

>> No.11640698
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>> No.11640715

it makes me laugh to know that in like 400 years only people with phds in memetic studies will know what the fuck is even going on in the archives, unless of course memes and emoticons merge and we just start using hieroglyphics in the future

>> No.11640739

Just started studying philosophy. It has produced in my mind what i have long craved, clearer, deeper, and more precise thinking. A true intellectual stimulant.

>> No.11640752

ffft, in the future...like it ever stopped.

>> No.11640785

based and redpilled

cringy and bluepilled

>> No.11640824
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I matched with a nice seeming girl on Tinder, but part of me hopes that nothing will come of it because it could be the one thing tying me down to the states when I look into teaching abroad in Japan. Like most of the people on this god forsaken site I have never had a gf, and I know it will be infinitely more difficult to get one when there's a language barrier in the way (my current reading and speaking skills are only that of a well prepared tourist) but I firmly believe that some crazy paradigm shift shit is gonna go down in Asia over the next decade and I want a front row seat.

>> No.11640880

Are there any subjects that stimulate the mind as immensely as philosophy?

>> No.11640965
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>> No.11641229

Is there a recommended software/site to use for comverting epub to a pdf or mobi? Trying to move some stuff onto my kindle before a trip.

Some of these sites seem shady.

>> No.11641231


>> No.11641234

Many thanks kind anon.

>> No.11641241

Mathematics is for retards. Thinking that mathematics is majestic is a sure sign that you are retarded. Anyone with a real bulging philosophy brain (like me) instantly realizes the problem that mathematics does not connect back to reality and is in fact a nominalistic invented language. Newton himself said he did not concern himself with qualitates occultae, i.e., with the actual reality of things instead of mathematical descriptions of their outward behavior. The most exact mathematical laws circumscribing a harmony are still just circumscription and can tell us nothing about nature. All mathematicians should be killed.

>> No.11641269

does the privilege of a comfortable life make me unable to empathize with the less fortunate?

>> No.11641474

Hey that's too harsh anon, plenty of people enjoy mathematics for what it is and don't ascribe greater meaning to it. The
>math is like, beautiful man!
crowed is mostly undergrads who couldn't manage to prove that the square root of two is irrational, let alone participate in true advanced mathematics.

The closest thing to beauty in math imo is when you get a really simple result for what appeared at first to be a very complicated structure, e.g. the classification of finite simple groups.

>> No.11641809


I am tired of the following shit. While this rant pertains specifically to U.S. Politics, it probably has some applicability to other nations as well.

Listen up.

If you are an unaffiliated or "independent" voter who is not registered to a political party, do not complain that you can't vote in political primary election. Ever. Again.

You are unaffiliated with a political party. You are not a part of that group. So you don't get a say in how that group decides upon which candidate they choose for the general election.

If you want a say in which candidates are chosen for a general election, then join a political party of your choosing and vote in that party's primary election.

Otherwise, shut the fuck up. Thank you.

>> No.11641820


Mathematics is what allows you to express your dumbass opinion here, dumbass.

>> No.11641833

I recently tried to have sex with a fat girl who had a cute face from a dating app and it was disgusting.

>> No.11641882

Wondering on what changes now that the overton window has moved to the point where people can identify and name Jews. If crossing the former Iron Curtain was such a shock that many people - who knew they were lied to to begin with - ended up killing themselves, what will be the penalty of truth this time?

>> No.11641898

Never ever have sex with a fat girl dude. I'm still washing away the shame and disgust from two weeks ago when some fatty dragged me to her home. I was so drunk that I didn't even notice she was fat until I was looking at her disgusting fat pussy. Man it's hard to even write this

>> No.11641900

Happened to me once too. Being fat as a chick is such a tragedy. It's the ONE thing you have to do to guarantee infinite attention and a very high baseline of respect, way more than any man would get based on accomplishments or charisma alone, and you can't even do that?

>> No.11641974
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>mfw I was rubbing her pussy while we were lying in bed naked making out and I tried to slip my finger in but I couldn't find the entrance until she reached down and spread the fat folds at the entrance with two of her fingers to allow me access

>> No.11641986

Gates of Hell

>> No.11641990

Now imagine eating that out

>> No.11642007
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Harsh but true.

>> No.11642087


>> No.11642313

If only I had a few friends and stuff I don't think I'd bother pontificating about the terror of living out a bleak and meaningless existence in a godless universe and all that shit. People who lack the most basic shit like a social network, a meaningful occupation and hobby love to go on about how there's some fatal design flaw in life itself, but I suspect most of them just need like a hug and they'd forget all about that shit.

I think in most cases, life doesn't suck so much as individual humans are just failing at it.

>> No.11642339

Is naming your daughter Ophelia cruel?

>> No.11642399


>> No.11642442


>> No.11642446

>American and hate current state of the country
>Every time I consider leaving I remember the fact that I will never fit in in another country
>My cultureless self is uncurable
>I will never make as much money anywhere else
>Will never have a family in the country I go to

Where do I go?

>> No.11642492

Can't decide whether to pursue a lit degree or not

>> No.11642533

I wasnt able to read for the past 2 years because I had surgery on my eye.(Keratoconus fuckin sucks)

>> No.11642564

Life might not suck in general, but if my life sucks what's the difference?

>> No.11642570

Uk, its not that different though but easy to fit in for Yanks.

>> No.11642591

Yeah but why would you move to the US to UK? It's not much if any improvement

>> No.11642598

Because it means you can do something about it.

>> No.11642625

Did you listen to audiobooks?

>> No.11642647
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>utterly burnt out from so much reading
>still crave the pseud cred

What do I do /lit/? audiobooks?

>> No.11642676

It's a nice name and I like Ophelia as a character, but judging by my family's mental health history, it might not be a good idea.

>> No.11642688

Maybe as a second name then, but as a first name no.

>> No.11642768

people smile at me all the time and they hate me and I hate them and everyone hates everyone else

>> No.11642831

i went out with her. she hit on me a lot but shes overweight so im not interested. sad too, shes got a cute face.

>> No.11643327


Thinking of scotland for the rain tbqh

>> No.11643358

Not as long as you get her to a nunnery

>> No.11643374
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Traveling anon here, spent most of the day walking around thinking about the past few years and how all my friends drifted away and how just sort of aimless my life is at the moment. It's not a nice mood desu, not even one I want to use for writing inspiration like I usually do when I'm feeling down. Halfway through my trip now, honestly looking forward to going back home if only because I don't have any opportunities to affect real change in my life from here.

I took some good pictures though, so that was nice.

>> No.11643375

In a world where everyone needs to have something to say its radical just being silent.

Doing vodka is such a chore you get that husky voice after a while, maybe a little yellow tint on the skin too. Good bye fuckers.

>> No.11643386


What's the locale, anon?

Go home to your family and tell them that you love them.

>> No.11643393

What destination? Post pictures.

>> No.11643590

How did that eagle Zeus sent to torture Prometheus not die of acute poisoning? Was it a different eagle every day?

>> No.11643613

I'm just so fucking angry at everyone all the time for being so fucking stupid, how do I stay calm and lose my arrogance?

>> No.11643623


Read a book. Unironically.


He made a new one each day.

>> No.11643635

I'm in the Scandinavian countryside atm

That's part of the problem, I'm not very close to my family because my father has the individualist "working hard is the only thing that matters" mindset and they just can't or won't understand that I'm unhappy with my lack of companionship and useless job.

>> No.11643659

>That's part of the problem, I'm not very close to my family because my father has the individualist "working hard is the only thing that matters" mindset and they just can't or won't understand that I'm unhappy with my lack of companionship and useless job.

I'd be your friend but I don't live in scandinavia, anon. The best thing I can prescribe is going back to school, which I think might take a while, but will at least get you away from your uselessness.

>> No.11643667

it's saturday afternoon and all my roommates are out doing normie shit, convince me not to masturbate

>> No.11643675

Masturbate. Masturbate while thinking of the girl you never talked to.

>> No.11643697

I dont know if its long term but like with most things a cycle is always good so im doing keto on and off

>> No.11643700

the last time there was a girl i never talked to was years ago in undergrad, i was just gonna watch some amateur black tranny hooker videos to be honest

>> No.11643716

Reading more has made it worse

>> No.11643718

If you're already thinking about it, you're going to do it. You've already lost.
You need to realize this habit is of no benefit and wastes valuable time and energy and incurs a physiological response that impairs motivation (prolactin, anti dopamine hormone is released upon ejaculation).
Renounce the flesh. Temper your desire. Resolve not to do it again. Even arousal is failure.

>> No.11643746

i listened to the book "dopesick" this week, and it seems to me that opioids essentially create another almost irresistible drive close to sex, which is extremely scary, since think how hard it is to abstain from sex, but at least i don't have a chance of death every time i wack it, but heroin addicts will risk arrest and death to do it, on the other hand occasionally some ultrawillful mother fucker will get off the opioids for good, so if its possible for them, then quitting jackin it must also be attainable, but the main thing is think how hard it is to kick the fap habit, now just imagine if instead of every time u wanted browse porn and fap, u wanted to drive over to the hood and score dope

>> No.11643796

i was thirsty so i chugged one of those trader joe's glass bottles of unsweetened tea like it was water and now i'm not sure if i'm going to puke, not to self, tea is not water even if it has no flavor and is room temperature

>> No.11643881

I've used opiates and the psychological pull doesn't compare to the sexual urge.

>> No.11643913
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>> No.11643918

There must be a reason why I'm here. There must be a reason why everything that has happened in the past had let to the "me" that's here today. But I can't find any meaning, I can't understand it all. I just wish I could fit, wish I could belong. So maybe, one day, when I look back, I can see those blurry memories through a clear mirror.

>> No.11643953

Health science infodumps tagged with neo-Victorian moralizing: yasee, it was the style at the time....
Stop making hierarchical divisions of victumehood to make your point.

>> No.11644029

Why is writing so fucking hard? I've writen one and half pages of a short story in the last two hours and I feal exausted. Time to get drunk I guess.

>> No.11644044

I'm always hungry and thirsty.

>> No.11644047

/lit/ is entirely worthless

>> No.11644048

who said anything about "victims"?

>> No.11644050

this unironically

>> No.11644121

Realize this but I still refresh

>> No.11644128

the discussion is worthless but its a good place for book recommendations

>> No.11644142

i find better books in other places, some recs here are legit but a lot is viral marketing for trash, or weird rightwing shit that would be on a shelf in the background in "apt pupil" or something

>> No.11644157

what are some other good sites for book recommendations?

>> No.11644175

i just browse the latest torrents on a private audiobook tracker if i want to find random shit, has a good spread of history, business, literature, philosophy, etc. find good random stuff that way, or i just go and get the books people talk about in university lectures, i'd rather get a book name dropped by a yale professor than some shit an alt-right frogman spammed on 4chan

>> No.11644210

I literally only post here because I think I'm too intellectual and don't hate women enough for /r9k/.

>> No.11644220
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Today I will spend my time wisely by reading actually good literature

>> No.11644273


>> No.11644279
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>> No.11644290

i always want to switch to /g/ i'd rather talk about tech but its just idiotic linux dweebs and pc gamer fags

>> No.11644296

I have been using almost every form of escapism to run away from my responsabilities and real life. I've been doing this to a degree for a year now(the time I've been neeting). I truly am degenerate.
This thread is dead, may dog smite me.

>> No.11644308

What artist?

>> No.11644696

Nah. If numbers aren't beautiful, nothing is. Harmony arises from math, and if anything, reality is itself a circumscription of math.

>> No.11644699

I'm a completely uninteresting man, sitting alone in a casino bar drinking shit beers and posting on 4chan

>> No.11644724

I feel like social networks are against me.

>> No.11644745

I'm going to date an art hoe.

>> No.11644788

I really want to accept my mediocrity, viscerally. I know I'm not particularly smart or creative, that I could be fulfilled without being great, that many people are. But it hurts. Hurts a lot.

I think I'm going to volenteer in my free time. Anyone have any suggestions on that subject? The only thing that comes to my mind is working in a soup kitchen.

>> No.11644806

I spend most of my days off thinking about how I should read but instead I just listen to music and browse the internet on my phone. I think I just enjoy procrastinating.

>> No.11644817

fap diary: didn't wack it all week but on thursday had a normal fap, took friday off, went to fap today, but not that horny since i just fapped two days ago, resort to cock and ball torture to get off, careful not to do any serious damage, but still not a good development

i need to nofap resources that actually work

>> No.11644821

that's the problem with everyone being told they are special and better than everyone else, leads to low self-esteem when it turns out not everyone is special, on the other hand it stop the workers from organizing and forming unions and demanding control over the means of production, so there's that

>> No.11644941
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I want to violently kill every person who isn't some kind of white european. After that I would most likely kill everyone who I thought was too dumb to contribute to society. Then I would kill everyone who disagrees with me about anything. Then I would murder whoever is left out of sheer, blind hatred. Then I would go have a nice long nap and eat lamb chops.

>> No.11644996
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I was in a store and this mug struck me as odd.

>> No.11645045

Have a wonderful wife, a wonderful family, but still struggling with weltschmerz. Everything else about my life sucks. the realities of the world are grim. Have a Theistic perspective because i have experienced too much to deny higher powers but question why He would allow the world to be this way. All Abrahamic religions i find abhorrent but i believe in Hashem.

>> No.11645403

make a new one

>> No.11645776

I’m gay

>> No.11646511

You read Marcus Aurelius .