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/lit/ - Literature

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11622129 No.11622129 [Reply] [Original]

Should Russian lit be removed from schools?

I know the optics would be bad at first, but I'm unironically worried about the normalization of Russian influence on American society.

>> No.11622139

wtf I love Russia now

>> No.11622148

>only russian author americunts can probably name is dosto
>the american is worried their love of dosto will make them fit in in russia
i think you're safe from that particular future

>> No.11622151

The vast majority of Russian lit taught in American schools is either indifferent to or critical of the Russian state, be it the Tsar, Communism, or Putin and his predecessors. Further, Russian lit isn't exactly flattering to Russians in general, even relatively nationalist works, such as those of Dostoevsky, leave Russia looking pretty backward and unpleasant.

>> No.11622157

Люблю пpoмывaть мoзги бoгoбoязнeнным aмepикaнцaм

>> No.11622167

Are you fucking insane or just stupid?

>> No.11622170

This is retarded, nobody thinks this.

>> No.11622180

simple solution, destroy any and all foreign literature. that's the only way we can stop subversives from destroying our democracy.

>> No.11622185
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Лyчшaя мecть ... бeзpaзличиe

>> No.11622187

>america's worried it's reading too much

>> No.11622203

underrated post

>> No.11622207
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>Should Russian lit be removed from schools?

I dont thinkt that american shools have any books at all.

>> No.11622217

That's what happens when a country invents the internet and computers.

>> No.11622230

I never had to read any Russian lit in my k12 education anyway. Which is good because it allowed me to enjoy it outside of the shitty school curriculum.

>> No.11622258

>mfw in secondary school we needed to read a book dictated by teacher every month
>I read only one

>5 years after school, stear reading and have been reading 200+ pages a week ever since

>> No.11622672

>really like Russian literature, art, history, and culture, want to start speaking the language here soon
>this is an increasingly frowned upon predilection
Feels great to be in Cold War 2

>> No.11622679


Boomer detected

>> No.11622760

No one should read Anna Karenina, or maybe it will rig the next elections.

Logic level: America.

>> No.11622779

Weak bait. Everyone knows Americans don't read anything other than YA and self help books.

>> No.11622856

Weak bait

>> No.11622867
File: 36 KB, 300x200, paxo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>america invented the internet
>america invented computers

>> No.11622884

Back 2 /pol/, memer

>> No.11622903
File: 43 KB, 300x427, 1486773358197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may say that I'm a memer, but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us.

>> No.11622913

There can't be a cold war 2 if the 1st isn't over

>> No.11622914
File: 148 KB, 1024x683, 18385430568_157e8c67cc_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, America invented the Internet. You're probably thinking about the World Wide Web, which of course they did not.

>> No.11622946

It's called the ARPAnet and Apple II, disphit. Look it up.

>> No.11622967

>Plepple II is the first computer
>who is Konrad Zuse

>> No.11623020

>Should Russian lit be removed from schools?
Yes, but only because most of it is garbage.

>> No.11623025

>america invented the internet
We did.
>america invented computers
We might as well have.

>> No.11623041
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>identifies himself as part of an invention

>> No.11623053
File: 338 KB, 800x1067, 800px-Konrad_Zuse_Denkmal_im_Huenfelder_Stadtpark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lel at manlet idol

How about Zuse computes himself a pair of legs.

>> No.11623063

>has no arguments left
>"b-but look at his statue"

>> No.11623072

what's it like being 5'9" ?

>> No.11623139

>le ebin post-ironic strawman XD /pol/ is 4chan
Jesus fucking Christ kid, you have to fucking go back.

>> No.11623155

Use the metric system when you talk to someone other than an americuck.

>> No.11623215

>we support voter id laws
>except when illegals and the dead vote for the democratic party

>> No.11623341
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>but I'm unironically worried about the normalization of Russian influence on American society.
Fuck off.

>> No.11624445
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>I'm worried about the normalization of Russian influence on American society.
What is 'the Cold War'?

>> No.11624498
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Jewish literature first, faggot.

>> No.11624575
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There could have been an intresting thread here instead of this dumpster fire. cyкa блять

>> No.11624595

Anna Karenina does contradict the modern leftist narrative, so it actually can influence the next elections.

>> No.11624670

5'9" is a manlet? I'm shorter than that. What's wrong with being a manlet again, by the way? Genuine question. I never found the source of this meme.

>> No.11624760

Nice b8 m8, ruskie lit is pretty good