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/lit/ - Literature

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1162113 No.1162113 [Reply] [Original]

Which book perfectly encapsulates your outlook on life, /lit/?

I'll go first.

>> No.1162114
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>> No.1162116
File: 21 KB, 190x323, WaitingForGodot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More or less.

>> No.1162123

inb4 Catcher in the Rye



>> No.1162125

You already posted it.

>> No.1162133
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I know, but that thread is gone now.

>> No.1162134


>> No.1162140
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Zen in the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

>> No.1162147
File: 23 KB, 300x300, stephens_book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep your quasi-religious philosophical bullshit.

>> No.1162148


>> No.1162163
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Sorry I thought you were referring to a previous thread a couple of days ago where I posted this.

I'm glad you were enthralled by Sisyphus too.

Have you read the outsider?

>> No.1162354

"The Picture of Dorian Gray"
Basil, Dorian, and Harry each represent a portion of our own self image, Basil: our self-image, Dorian-what we aspire to be/idealize, and Harry: how we perceive the world sees us. In order to truly achieve autonomous identity, we must find a balance between the three. Otherwise, our lives can never be in balance. Wilde shows this in the novel with Dorian's eventual demise. When Dorian dies, the reader sees that if all three ideas war with each other, only one will survive. We mustn't let who we are outweigh what we aspire to be, what the world thinks of us outweigh who we are, and who we aspire to be outweigh how the world sees us.

[Edit] I think I'm going to put that into my Dorian Gray paper :)

>> No.1162366
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>We mustn't let who we are outweigh what we aspire to be

Try telling that to my sociology lecturer.

>> No.1162371

If your sociology professor suggests surpressing your aspirations in order to fit into a sociological model, tell him exactly where to stick his model. If everyone conformed to sociological norms, we would live in a Marxist society.

>> No.1162374

Unfortunately, gentlemen, I must get to class. I'll be back in about an hour. Until then, keep this in mind:
A man who does not think for himself does not think at all.

>> No.1162382
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>> No.1162472

And I'm back. So what's going on in the wide world of /lit/?