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/lit/ - Literature

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11620978 No.11620978[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>woke up at 8.45 am after not very good sleep
>read a history book
>went out to buy coffee and a mini junk food binge
>drank coffee and only had some of the junk food because I ate so much at burger king yesterday
>continued reading while feeling so fucking tired at 1 pm
>finished book and then somehow got a rush of energy to go to the gym and exercise for the first time in two or three days
>lifting all goes well, which was unexpected because I'm so tired
>have gone in to central London and have walked around and I'm not at the library
>will soon drink coffee and I feel like walking around or exercising again

I am running out of money because of the binges. I never save anything.

I didn't wear contact lenses to the gym which was lucky because there were two loud GigaStaceys.

I have finished the book so I will now leave reading for night time. It is a consumercuck activity and nothing more. Literary culture disgusts me. Not people who read for fun, I mean pseudo intellectuals who pretend that books are useful or who say that they are filled with "meaning and deep profound transcendental ideas, bro".

>> No.11621018

>I have finished the book so I will now leave reading for night time. It is a consumercuck activity and nothing more. Literary culture disgusts me. Not people who read for fun, I mean pseudo intellectuals who pretend that books are useful or who say that they are filled with "meaning and deep profound transcendental ideas, bro".
Why are you turning against us Londonfrog?

>> No.11621103

most uplifting post I've read by you londonfrog

>> No.11621127

Another day. Another based thread.

>> No.11621176

>Calls reading "consumercuck activity
>"I am running out of money because of binge eating"

Stupid frogposter. Go buy some more McDonalds goy!

>> No.11621206

How can anyone spend so much money on junk food that they go broke?

>> No.11621227

i hate frogs so fucking much

>> No.11621290

Hey, Londonfrog. This is the last thing I'm going to post on /lit/ for a while. Just want you to know that I believe in you. When I next go to London I'll be thinking of you.

God, I hate new /pol/tards.

>> No.11621362

I bet londonfrog has a soft supple ass

what I wouldn't give to get in those cheeks