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File: 162 KB, 1452x672, 1515776412594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11620840 No.11620840 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any reason why a publisher wouldn't let me design my own cover art?

It's a very big deal for me, and I keep hearing that its basically the norm for the publishers to fuck writers over in this case. My education is in the audiovisual field (which includes media as a whole, marketing, graphic design etc etc) so one would think that I can make one myself, right?

Pic obviously unrelated, apart from being cool artwork

>> No.11620854

cover art is expicitly chosen to move product. it needs to be okay'd by beancounters. look at Wordsworth Classics, shit on them all you want, they sell

>> No.11620874
File: 1.14 MB, 2287x3000, 1526526185106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not saying that "fuck you this is the cover", but I'm not willing to be fucked over by a committee of autists who have historically been proven to be incapable of designing actually good covers either. I'm willing to compromise and listen to feedback, not to bend over and allow them to sabotage something if I literally have the skillset to make a cover art on my own

>> No.11620889

Well, that's kind of a non-issue, since you'll never publish.

>> No.11620895

upvoted my fellow redditor

>> No.11620928
File: 184 KB, 1566x810, IMG_20180707_004039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't say never, but whites need to be cognizant of the fact that our publishing institutions are presently in the hands of nepotistic semites who hate us and are using them as propaganda outlets to promote nonwhites, trannies, general cultural poison, etc.

The chances are slim, and whites who wish to be writers are better off swimming against the current by using whatever artistic talents they have to attack those jews and the morose culture they're creating instead of pretending it's their own and that it will reward them for playing along.

We live in a new paradigm.

>> No.11620946

The entire outside design (cover art, summary at the back, etc.) is designed by their in-house marketing people. They're not likely to give that kind of thing up.

>> No.11621703

large publishers will generally not allow a writer to take part in the cover art selection. they will generally have a house style that they follow. there may be exceptions for massive selling authors but not many. also, international publishers will probably publish different editions in different countries with different cover art tailored to their markets. the author might protest but in the end the choice is like it or fuck off.
small publishers may allow some leeway in the design. i knew a writer who had a relative who was an artist and had a clear idea of what they wanted on their book, so they got their relative to design it and proposed it to the publisher, who accepted it.

>> No.11621795

Even big writers rarely get a say. Noam Chomsky has said he's got zero control over the blurbs of his books.

>> No.11621800

If I'm German with a German last name, how would they know I'm not Jewish? Most Jews have German last names anyway.

>> No.11621813

You're gonna have to play by their rules until you are big enough to make the rules yourself. This is the height of the "I deserve everything, even though I haven't proven anything yet" thought process that plagues our generation

>> No.11621819

Where is all this /pol/ bullshit coming from lately?

>> No.11621828


>> No.11621881

>artists wanting control over their art rather than allowing bureaucrats to call the shots is an exclusive characteristic of "our" generation
fuck off boomer, you mindset is exactly the reason why they're allowed to get away with shit like this in the first place.

>> No.11621884

German-iche. Most jew names are faux German/crypto names. I can tell the difference so I'm sure most jews can too.

>> No.11621993

>This is the height of the "I deserve everything, even though I haven't proven anything yet"

are you fucking retarded? Im literally saying "hey, I will also provide you with the cover art, I literally am the audience for this book and know exactly what the audience for this book will want to see, youre a retarded suit boomer who most likely has a retard with the exact same education as me designing the cover, but they are 20 years older and understand nothing about the contents of the work"

>> No.11622009

self publish

>> No.11622177


this desu

>> No.11623636

The first half of this post is correct.

>wordsworth sells because of their covers

they sell because they are the cheapest option.
I see college students at local bookstores ask for books for their classes and 100% of the time they choose the cheapest option over the pretty cover.
this also goes for bookstore bookbuyers.

>> No.11623679

Fuck off boomer the art industry is a fucking travesty thanks to people like you

>> No.11623695

These are artistically stupid covers and maybe I'm a tasteless hack but I still think I'm right

>> No.11624276

Okay this is epic

>> No.11624308

I'm not personally a fan of the beige but there's otherwise nothing wrong with the design of those covers. The character shapes give you a general idea of the main conflicting factions found in each movie with the inset silhouettes displaying a memorable moment from each film, not to mention the clever little details in using parts of the inset images as the eyes/visors of the larger character shapes. It's simple and classy.

>> No.11624328

>Is there any reason why a publisher wouldn't let me design my own cover art?

You being very bad at it would be one.

>> No.11624373

nigga if you do just a basic amount of research you can see how much blatant cherrypicked bullshit and straight up lies that list is

Tin House - lists editor Rob Spillman, who there's no information on whether or not he's jewish btw, instead of the founder and editor-in-chief Win McCormack

New England Review - Carolyn Kuebler, german surname, again listed as jewish with no corroborating evidence

Nearly all of the ones I checked were like this. No actual information on if the people were jewish, mostly just assumed jews based on what, names? Please do at least some research before you gobble the /pol/cock whole.

>> No.11624542

Tao Lin drew his own cover kinda for his latest book

>> No.11624555
File: 3 KB, 211x252, 3cae05e9998bba891541cfacf137765499a7f9d7a6119e2d465e30d832d7aa96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11624604

Maybe you just didn't look as hard as the person who arranged the data. All I see here is jewhining.

>> No.11624764
File: 45 KB, 313x500, 1525979756187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you went to school for 3 years to learn about digital media, marketing, shit like CMYK etc etc
>you know the content of the book and know what the characters look like, have already designed all these fantastical and complex things

>> No.11624786

>nepotistic semites
Stop with the lies. They aren't semitic, they are Jewish.

>> No.11624819

But tao lin is irredeemable trash

>> No.11625160

you are reaching for a company to publish your work, they can name the rules all they fucking want. Not happy? you are welcome to look for another publisher while there are hundreds of people trying to get published

>> No.11626194

Jews are semites.

>> No.11626444

I guess you're not getting published then lol

>> No.11626954

You're saying:
>the industry is the way it is because idiots like me exist and allow them to do whatever they want

I'm saying:
>you're exactly right and you should feel like an idiot for acting like an idiot and degrading the industry
Just so we're clear